Golf 2007/07/26COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: VALLEY CREST PRESENT: CALL TO ORDER GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES July 26, 2007 — 5:00 p.m. 4t" Floor Conference Room 1 Chairman John McCulloch Vice Chairman Bud Schultz Commissioner Kathy Wright Commissioner Patti Gaby Commissioner Skip Keys Michael Lautenbach, Dave Johansen, Bob Johns, and Linda Harrah Kevin Neal, Golf Course Superintendent Chairman McCulloch called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS — None APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Vice Chairman Schultz made a Motion to approve the Minutes of the June 28, 2007 meeting with the following addition under New Business, B. Golf Course Improvement Contingency Fund. "Vice Chairman Schultz requested a formal review of setting up contingency funds for capital improvements at both golf courses." Commissioner Wright seconded the Motion. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Superintendent Update Michael Lautenbach reported the specifications for the Dad Miller restroom renovation were received. The project will be bid in August with construction to begin in October. The bid for tree trimming at Dad Miller Golf Course will be issued in August. Michael Lautenbach stated the new Point -of -Sale (POS) system is up and running, and overall the system is working without problems. Michael Lautenbach stated he is developing an advertising sales agreement to sell local advertising on the GPS system at Anaheim Hills Golf Course. City staff is waiting for a response from Aqua-PhyD regarding the contract renewal. Michael reported there have been several problems with the golf car batteries at Anaheim Hills and as a result all batteries will be changed in six months. B. Golf Course Superintendent Dave Johansen presented his report. Commissioner Wright commented on the good course conditions at Dad Miller Golf Course. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES July 26, 2007 Page Two C. Director of Golf Bob Johns stated the transition of the new POS system went well and that there were fewer problems than expected. Bob Johns stated that the summer Junior Golf Academy, led by Director of Instruction Nick Kumpis, has been a tremendous success. Vice Chairman Schultz asked if there was an age limit for kids to be on the golf course with their fathers. There is no age limit to be a spectator. The age limit for a child driving a golf cart is 18. FINANCIAL REPORT Michael Lautenbach stated that June was a very successful month with increases in revenue and rounds at both courses. OLD BUSINESS Commissioner Wright inquired about the ball trajectory study at Dad Miller Golf Course. Michael Lautenbach replied that the consultant agreement will be mailed the next day. NEW BUSINESS Dad Miller Senior Rates Michael Lautenbach handed out copies of the current green fees at Dad Miller. A discussion followed regarding the differences in the senior standby rate and those for senior golfers making reservations. Bob Johns explained that the senior standby rate was put into place many years ago to fill open times. Vice Chairman Schultz and Commissioner Wright recommended implementing a senior rate for reserved tee times. Commissioner Gaby stated the directional sign near La Palma and the 91 freeway needed to be replaced. Michael Lautenbach stated it is under Caltrans jurisdiction, and he would try to have it changed out. Vice Chairman Schultz requested staff work on a life expectancy list for capital items at both golf courses. This list will provide information about the amount necessary for future contingency funds. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Gaby made a Motion, seconded by Vice Chairman Bud Schultz, to adjourn the meeting to August 23, 2007 at 5:00 p.m., at City Hall East. The Motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.