Golf 2007/03/22COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: VALLEY CREST PRESENT: CALL TO ORDER GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES March 22, 2007 — 5:00 p.m. 4th Floor Conference Room 1 Chairman John McCulloch Vice Chairman Bud Schultz Commissioner Patty Gaby Commissioner Kathy Wright Commissioner Skip Keys Michael Lautenbach, Dave Johansen, Bob Johns, and Eleanor Granflor Kevin Neal, Golf Course Superintendent Chairman McCulloch called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS — None APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES A. Commissioner Wright made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Gaby, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of January 25, 2007. Motion passed. B. Commissioner Wright made a Motion, seconded by Vice Chairman Schultz, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of February 22, 2007. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Superintendent Update Michael Lautenbach presented his report and answered questions. Michael discussed the new Point -of -Sale system. He stated a new server will be installed at Anaheim Hills Golf Course, and a fiber optic connection will be installed in the Clubhouse at Anaheim Hills Golf Course and eventually at Dad Miller Golf Course later this year. In the interim, Dad Miller will be connected to City Hall with a T1 connection. Michael discussed the purchase of touch screens in addition to the equipment that is currently in use. He also stated a maintenance call center for the new system will be open from 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Eastern Time, with a pager system in effect after hours. References have been checked on the new Point -of -Sale system and many positive reviews have been received. Residents will be able to activate their 07/08 Resident Rewards Card directly at the golf courses. Letters will be mailed by the end of March to current card holders with information on the new system. Once the system is completely installed, detailed information will also be mailed to the card holders. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT CITY STAFF PRESENT: VALLEY CREST PRESENT: CALL TO ORDER GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES March 22, 2007 — 5:00 p.m. 4th Floor Conference Room 1 Chairman John McCulloch Vice Chairman Bud Schultz Commissioner Patty Gaby Commissioner Kathy Wright Commissioner Skip Keys Michael Lautenbach, Dave Johansen, Bob Johns, and Eleanor Granflor Kevin Neal, Golf Course Superintendent Chairman McCulloch called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS — None APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES A. Commissioner Wright made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Gaby, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of January 25, 2007. Motion passed. B. Commissioner Wright made a Motion, seconded by Vice Chairman Schultz, to accept the Golf Commission Meeting Minutes of February 22, 2007. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Superintendent Update Michael Lautenbach presented his report and answered questions. Michael discussed the new Point -of -Sale system. He stated a new server will be installed at Anaheim Hills Golf Course, and a fiber optic connection will be installed in the Clubhouse at Anaheim Hills Golf Course and eventually at Dad Miller Golf Course later this year. In the interim, Dad Miller will be connected to City Hall with a T1 connection. Michael discussed the purchase of touch screens in addition to the equipment that is currently in use. He also stated a maintenance call center for the new system will be open from 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Eastern Time, with a pager system in effect after hours. References have been checked on the new Point -of -Sale system and many positive reviews have been received. Residents will be able to activate their 07/08 Resident Rewards Card directly at the golf courses. Letters will be mailed by the end of March to current card holders with information on the new system. Once the system is completely installed, detailed information will also be mailed to the card holders. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES March 22, 2007 Page Two B. Golf Course Superintendent Dave Johansen presented his report and answered questions. He stated the greens at both golf courses were successfully aerified. Commissioner Wright questioned if the courses will be affected if we have a dry summer and a water shortage. Dave discussed that water availability should not be an issue. C. Director of Golf Bob Johns stated the new spring clothing line will be coming soon. FINANCIAL REPORT Michael Lautenbach reported February was a better month. He reported the number of rounds, in comparison to the prior year, increased at Dad Miller Golf Course, but decreased slightly at Anaheim Hills Golf Course. Michael stated restaurant revenues have significantly gone up at Anaheim Hills. OLD BUSINESS Michael Lautenbach reported a new golf cart shuttle for Anaheim Hills Golf Course has arrived. The wireless communication system still needs to be installed at the range so customers will be able to call for a shuttle pick-up. Michael stated the consultant is finishing up the specifications for the improvements at the Dad Miller restrooms. The flooring in the men's restroom will be replaced with the same material already in place. The breezeway floor covering will be one material, in order to look uniform. Michael stated the architect designing the Anaheim Hills short game facilities will have the final color drawings completed with the cost estimate within the next two weeks. NEW BUSINESS A. Valley Crest Presentation — Tee Construction at Anaheim Hills Golf Course The Tee Construction at Anaheim Hills Golf Course was presented by Kevin Neal, Valley Crest. He discussed the work completed on tees #5, #7, #9, #15, and #17; and presented before and after pictures of these tees. B. Anaheim Hills Course Conditions Michael Lautenbach reported the weather has helped the course conditions improve and look better. Vice Chairman Schultz disagreed and stated course conditions at Anaheim Hills are very poor. He stated there are clumps of grass everywhere, the fairways have holes all over them, and the greens are very bumpy which make it tough to play on the course. Michael stated the course has changed over the years, and many positive comments have been received in regards to the course conditions. GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES March 22, 2007 Page Three C. Anaheim Hills Tournament Packages Michael Lautenbach provided to the Commissioners information on tournament packages at other golf courses as compared to those at Anaheim Hills. ADJOURNMENT Chairman McCulloch made a Motion, seconded by Vice Chairman Schultz, to adjourn the meeting to April 26, 2007 at 5:00 p.m., City Hall East, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 4" Floor Conference Room #1. The Motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:59 p.m.