Golf 2008/02/28GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES February 28, 2008 — 5 p.m. City Hall East, Conference Room 1 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: VALLEY CREST PRESENT: CALL TO ORDER Chairman John McCulloch Vice Chairman Bud Schultz Commissioner Kathy Wright Commissioner Skip Keys Commissioner Patty Gaby Commissioner Skip Keys Michael Lautenbach, Dave Johansen, Bob Johns and Eleanor Granflor Kevin Neal, Regional Golf Course Superintendent Chairman McCulloch called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS — None APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Chairman McCulloch made a Motion to approve the January 24, 2008 Minutes. Vice Chairman Schultz stated revisions need to be made to include his comments regarding slow play at the golf course and customer services. Michael Lautenbach stated the necessary adjustments will be made to the Minutes. The Motion was not seconded. Approval of the amended January 24, 2008 Minutes will be added to March Golf Commission Agenda. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Superintendent Michael Lautenbach presented his report and answered questions. Vice Chairman Schultz questioned the status of the restroom repair at Dad Miller Golf Course. Michael Lautenbach stated specifications are almost complete. Vice Chairman Schultz stated he called Score Cast regarding technical assistance with integrating reports with other systems and did not receive a return call yet. Michael Lautenbach stated he will help getting a response. B. Golf Course Superintendent Dave Johansen presented his report and answered questions. Dave Johansen stated greens will be aerified at Dad Miller Golf Course on Monday, March 3, 2008 and at Anaheim Hills Golf Course on Tuesday, March 18, 2008. Golf Commission Minutes February 28, 2008 Page Two C. Director of Golf Bob Johns presented his report and answered questions. Vice Chairman Schultz questioned the status on the new teaching professional, Mr. Kim, at Dad Miller Golf Course. Bob Johns stated everything has been very positive so far. JI.L1k'LIUA d:I 1SI31 Michael Lautenbach reported January was not a good month. Michael stated 15 days of the month had rain or rain forecasted. Michael Lautenbach stated business should pick up in February, but not enough to make up for January losses. Commissioner Wright questioned if the rainy season affects restaurant revenue. Michael Lautenbach stated restaurant revenue is affected during rainy season. Ay"1:11II19*1 +� A. Golf Course Improvement Update Michael Lautenbach stated the Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Master Plan at Anaheim Hills Golf Course will be mailed to selected golf course architects within the next two weeks. Vice Chairman Schultz questioned if Golf Commission will be able to review the RFP before it is sent out. Michael Lautenbach stated he will email the RFP to Commissioners. Michael Lautenbach stated tree trimming at Dad Miller Golf course is almost complete. Dave Johansen stated tree trimming is on schedule. Vice Chairman Schultz stated the new furniture at Anaheim Hills Golf Course looks good. Michael Lautenbach stated some chairs had scratches but the company will replace all frames. Michael Lautenbach stated banquet chairs will be dyed a darker color. Vice Chairman Schultz questioned if golf carts run better since new batteries were installed. Michael Lautenbach stated it is too early to tell. Michael Lautenbach stated the outcome should be similar since the new batteries are the same batteries that the golf carts came with. Michael Lautenbach stated EZ GO has come out with a new golf cart that has a new motor which puts power back into the battery every time you brake. Michael stated the new motor supposedly extends the life of the battery. Michael Lautenbach stated this new cart may be considered for the next fleet when renewal comes up in July 2009. Golf Commission Minutes February 28, 2008 Page Three B. Pace-of-Play/Customer Service Vice Chairman Schultz stated slow play is a problem with all players. Vice Chairman stated problems should be solved in a more constructive manner. Vice Chairman Schultz stated the slow play issue is not being addressed by the player assistants correctly. Commissioner Wright stated there is a big need for improvement in customer service. Commissioner Gaby questioned how employees are trained. Michael Lautenbach stated quarterly meetings are held with player assistants and pace -of -play is an issue at every meeting. Michael Lautenbach stated player assistants are to help make a player's experience as positive as possible. Michael Lautenbach stated employees are not to get into arguments with players, and are told to report problems to golf shop staff. Michael stated employees are encouraged to approach groups and talk to them in order to better pace -of -play. Michael Lautenbach stated a new `Keep Pace Program' form is being designed to aid player assistants with this issue. Michael stated the starter will place these forms in every golf cart and remind players about pace program. Michael Lautenbach stated this form will help player assistants talk to every group at least once every 9 holes. Michael stated this form will show how far players are ahead or behind. Commissioner Wright questioned if the player assistants can enforce the rules stated on this form. Michael Lautenbach stated the player assistants will enforce the rules when necessary. Vice Chairman Schultz questioned if players have been asked to skip a hole within the last year. Bob Johns stated a few groups have been asked, and some of these groups have fought their right to play. Bob Johns stated when groups are approached the correct way, groups are more cooperative. NEW BUSINESS — None ADJOURNMENT Chairman John McCulloch made a Motion, seconded by Vice Chairman Schultz, to adjourn the meeting to March 27, 2008 at 5 p.m., at City Hall East, Conference Room #1. The Motion passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:47 p.m.