Golf 2008/06/26GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES June 26, 2008 — 5:00 p.m. City Hall East, 4th Floor, Conference Room 1 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: VALLEY CREST PRESENT: CALL TO ORDER Chairman John McCulloch Vice Chairman Bud Schultz Commissioner Patty Gaby Commissioner Skip Keys Commissioner Kathy Wright Michael Lautenbach, Dave Johansen, Bob Johns and Eleanor Granflor Kevin Neal, Regional Golf Course Superintendent Chairman McCulloch called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS — None APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Vice Chairman Schultz made a Motion to approve the May 22, 2008 Minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Keys. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Superintendent Michael Lautenbach presented his report and answered questions. Vice Chairman Schultz questioned the increase of green fees considering the decline in rounds. Michael Lautenbach stated green fee increases are necessary, especially due to the increase in other costs. Michael Lautenbach stated the City Council is in favor of starting a reserve fund for the golf courses. Michael Lautenbach stated the pace -of -play card program is in place and will take a while to take effect. Vice Chairman Schultz stated staff should be able to push play along on the golf courses even if the course is too difficult. Michael stated golf marshals can only do so much to improve pace -of -play. Michael Lautenbach stated a better course design would help improve pace -of -play. Vice Chairman Schultz stated a GPS system tool is available to help with pace -of -play. Michael Lautenbach stated he would look into this. Commissioner Gaby questioned if employees could be used at strategic places to push players. Michael Lautenbach stated this would be extremely costly. Golf Commission Minutes June 26, 2008 Page Two Vice Chairman Schultz questioned the status of the POS systems installed at the golf courses. Michael Lautenbach stated there are issues with the POS system. Michael stated he contacted another company who made a presentation online, but did not meet our needs. Michael Lautenbach stated he would continue to look into different options. Commissioner Gaby questioned how courses deal with players signed up to play at a certain time if tournaments run late. Bob Johns stated these situations unfortunately occur and the courses try to work out a deal if customers do not want to play that day. B. Golf Course Superintendent Dave Johansen presented his report and stated the golf courses have handled the heat very well. C. Director of Golf Bob Johns presented his report. Bob stated residents need to renew their rewards card starting July 1, 2008. FINANCIAL REPORT Michael Lautenbach stated May was a tough month, as both rounds and revenues decreased. Michael stated only merchandise sales increased. Extremely hot weather and economic factors are the most likely reasons for the decline. OLD BUSINESS A. Golf Course Improvement Update Michael Lautenbach stated the bid for the Dad Miller Clubhouse restroom renovations was approved by the City Council. Michael Lautenbach stated five (5) golf course architects were interviewed for the Anaheim Hills Master Plan project. Michael stated interviews went well and is awaiting evaluations completed by the interview panel members. Commissioner Keys questioned if the architect will be selected by lowest bid. Michael stated the architect will be chosen based on several criteria, including cost but also relevant project experience, past projects, references, presentation, etc. Vice Chairman Schultz questioned how the Golf Commission will be involved with the Master Plan project. Michael Lautenbach stated once the architect is selected, drafts of the plans will be discussed and up to two public meetings will be held. Michael Lautenbach stated the cart path addition by the 15th green, the structure to cover the new pump station, and the additional landscaping by the driving range at Dad Miller Golf Course are all complete. Golf Commission Minutes June 26, 2008 Page Three Michael Lautenbach stated the Aqua-PhyD systems were removed at both golf courses. Michael stated the systems did not produce the desired results. Michael stated no cost was incurred to install and remove the systems. Michael Lautenbach stated Valley Crest completed the renovation of the greenside bunker on the 3rd hole at Anaheim Hills Golf Course, at a cost of $7,000. Michael Lautenbach stated fiber-optic cable installation for Dad Miler Golf Course is scheduled in July. NEW BUSINESS A. Meeting Calendar for remainder of 2008 Michael Lautenbach stated due to the remodel of the fourth floor in City Hall East, the Commission meetings will be held at Anaheim Hills Golf Course for the remainder of the year, except for the scheduled meeting at Dad Miller Golf Course in September. ADJOURNMENT Chairman McCulloch made a Motion, seconded by Vice Chairman Schultz, to adjourn the meeting to July 24, 2008 at 5 p.m., at Anaheim Hills Golf Course, Clubhouse Board Room. The Motion passed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m.