Golf 2008/03/27GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES March 27, 2008 — 5 p.m. City Hall East, 4t" Floor, Conference Room COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: CITY STAFF ABSENT: VALLEY CREST PRESENT: CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairman Bud Schultz Commissioner Kathy Wright Commissioner Patty Gaby Chairman John McCulloch Commissioner Skip Keys Michael Lautenbach, Bob Johns and Eleanor Granflor Dave Johansen Kevin Neal, Regional Golf Course Superintendent Vice Chairman Schultz called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS — None APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Commissioner Wright made a motion to approve the January 24, 2008 Minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gaby. Motion passed. Commissioner Wright made a motion to approve the February 28, 2008 Minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gaby. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. Golf Superintendent Michael Lautenbach stated there is a meeting scheduled with Anaheim Union High School District to discuss the proposals for the Dad Miller Golf Course 10th hole project. Michael stated the total cost for the project is approximately $100,000. Vice Chairman Schultz questioned where the tee box will be moved. Michael Lautenbach stated the 10th tee box will be moved to the left edge of the cart path. Vice Chairman Schultz questioned if the golf course or the school was established first. Michael Lautenbach stated the golf course was established first. Michael Lautenbach stated the Garden Grove Sheraton Hotel will be opening this summer and offered to promote a golf package for the Anaheim Hills Golf Course at the regular pay rate. Michael Lautenbach stated the 2008 Anaheim Golf City Championship registration has begun. Commissioner Gaby questioned the date of the championship. Michael Lautenbach stated the City Championship will be held on April 26-27, 2008. Golf Commission Minutes March 27, 2008 Page Two Vice Chairman Schultz questioned the status of the club member program. Michael Lautenbach stated the program is functioning. Vice Chairman Schultz questioned the collection of all fees for club membership. Michael Lautenbach stated it is much easier to collect membership fees from the club than to collect from each member. Commissioner Wright questioned the status of the Pace -of -Play forms that were created. Michael Lautenbach stated the form was introduced to the Player Assistants and will be sent to printing. B. Golf Course Superintendent Michael Lautenbach presented the report and answered questions. Michael stated both golf coursed have been aerified. C. Director of Golf Bob Johns presented his report and answered questions. Bob Johns stated the Director of Golf Instruction, Nick Kumpis, will resign April 1, 2008. Bob Johns stated Nick has taken over the position of Teaching Professional at Pelican Hill Golf Club. Vice Chairman Schultz questioned the status of the Golf Shop. Bob Johns stated new canopies were installed. FINANCIAL REPORT Michael Lautenbach stated February was a better month than January, but still not a good month. Michael stated rounds were down and revenues also decreased slightly. Commissioner Gaby questioned the outcome of Easter brunch. Michael Lautenbach stated the brunch was very successful. Vice Chairman Schultz stated the Anaheim Hills clubhouse is still short staffed on the weekends. Michael Lautenbach stated he will look into it and remind staff of tournaments days. OLD BUSINESS A. Golf Course Improvement Update Michael Lautenbach stated the final revisions of the specifications for the Dad Miller Clubhouse restrooms are complete and awaiting approval from Purchasing. Michael stated this project will go out to bid once approved. Michael Lautenbach stated the exterior of the restrooms on the golf course at Dad Miller will be painted; and fixtures, floor mats and doors will be replaced. Michael Lautenbach stated tree trimming at Dad Miller Golf Course is complete. Golf Commission Minutes March 27, 2008 Page Three Michael Lautenbach stated the Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Master Plan at Anaheim Hills Golf Course has been mailed out to ten golf course architects. Michael stated the proposals are due back to the City by May 2, 2008. Michael Lautenbach stated the cart path addition by the 15th green at Dad Miller Golf Course is complete. Michael Lautenbach stated new quotes have been received for the structure to cover the new pump station at Dad Miller Golf Course. Michael stated the new quotes are for a chain link fence around the pump with a gate and a chain link top. NEW BUSINESS A. 2008 Golf Commission Meeting Calendar Michael Lautenbach presented the 2008 meeting calendar. Commissioner Gaby made a Motion to approve the 2008 Golf Commission Meeting Calendar. The Motion was seconded by Commissioner Wright. Motion passed. Vice Chairman requested the golf outing dates be added to the Golf Commission April Agenda. Michael Lautenbach stated the Outing dates will be added to the April Agenda. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Wright made a Motion, seconded by Commissioner Gaby, to adjourn the meeting to April 24, 2008 at 5 p.m., at City Hall East, 4th Floor, Conference Room #1. The Motion passed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:29 p.m.