AHA2002/12/17ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA- ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY MEETING DECEMBER 17, 2002 123 The Anaheim Housing Authority met in regular session. Present: Chairman Curt Pringle and Authority Members Tom Tait, Shidey McCracken, Bob Hemandez and Richard Chavez. Staff Present: City Manager David Morgan, City Attorney Jack White, Secretary Sheryll Schroeder, Executive Director of Community Development, Elisa Stipkovich. A copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority was posted on December 13, 2002 at the City Hall inside and outside bulletin boards. Chairman Pdngle called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority to order at 5:50 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Anaheim City Hall, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. PUBLIC COMMENTS: James Robert Reade indicated that a property owner was selling mobile homes under contracts where the payments were applied to the interest only. He said a $40,000 mobile home would cost $200,000. He and his attorney had found discrepancies in the contracts, he noted. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 1 - 3: Authority Member Hernandez moved approval of Housing Consent Calendar Items 1 through 3, seconded by Housing Authority Member McCracken. Roll call vote: Ayes - 5, Chairman Pringle, Authority Members McCracken, Tait, Hernandez and Chavez. Noes-0. Motion carried. Approve and authorize the Executive Director to execute an agreement with the Housing Authorities of Garden Grove, Orange County and Santa Ana for the implementation of inter-jurisdictional mobility in the administration of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Council Member Hernandez asked if there was an equality that existed among the Section 8 housing that was common through the agencies mentioned in the staff report. Executive Director Stipkovich answered that all the Housing Authorities in Orange County had the same fair market rents and the same administrative costs and fees. Council Member Hernandez asked if the payment from Section 8 was same throughout all cities and she responded yes, in Orange County it was based on a certain fair market rent level. Council Member Hernandez asked City Attorney White if it would be considered a conflict of interest since he owned property in Garden Grove. City Attorney White answered that based on the fact that a Council Member owned property in Garden Grove would not mean that they would be treated differently if the action passed, than other members of the general public. Unless there were other specific concerns regarding conflicts, he did not see it as being a reason to declare a conflict. ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES DECEMBER 17, 2002 PAGE 2 177 177 RESOLUTION NO. AHA2002-2 RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY establishing the days for regular meetings of the Authority for the 2003 calendar year. Authority Member McCracken moved, seconded by Authority Member Hemandez, to add the following meeting dates to the proposed calendar: February 11,2003, March 25, 2003, May 13, 2003, July 15, 2003 and December 9, 2003 and that September 2, 2003 be moved to September 23, 2003. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve minutes of the Housing Authority meeting held September 24, 2002. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chairman Pringle adjourned the Anaheim Housing Authority. The regular meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority adjourned at 5:59 P.M. Sheryll Schroeder, CMC Secretary, Housing Authority