RA1999/11/16ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOVEMBER 16, 1999 PRESENT: PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: CHAIRMAN: Tom Daly AGENCY MEMBERS: Frank Feldhaus, Lucille Kring, Tom Tait AGENCY MEMBERS: Shirley McCracken CITY MANAGER: James Ruth CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White SECRETARY: Sheryll Schroeder EXEC. DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF COMM. DEVELOPMENT: Lisa Stipkovich A complete copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency was posted at 4:12 p.m. on November 15, 1999, at the City Hall Bulletin Board, (both outside and inside the entrance to City Hall) containing all items as shown herein. Chairman Daly called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 6:01 p.m. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of $113,189.30 for period ending November 8, 1999 and in the amount of November 15, 1999 $819,743.24 in accordance with the 1999-2000 Budget, were approved. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: There were no additions to agenda items. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: No items of public interest were addressed. PUBLIC COMMENTS - AGENDA ITEMS: PUBLIC COMMENTS - AGENDA ITEMS: Several people addressed Agency Agenda Item 2. See discussion under that item. Mayor/Chairman Daly asked for clarification relative to the handling of Item 2 on the Agency's agenda. The same item appears on the City Council agenda and the Agency/Council would like to handle both items under the Agency. City Attorney White. He recommended that they proceed as the Redevelopment Agency and consider Consent Calendar Items 1 and 3, remove Item 2, and after the Consent Calendar is approved, reconvene jointly - Redevelopment Agency/Council - to consider Item 2 plus the two items also relating to Gotcha Glacier on the Council agenda, Item A2.3 and B9, and take all three items at one time. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 1 and 3: On motion by Chairman Daly, seconded by Agency Member Kring the following actions were authorized in accordance with the reports and recommendations furnished each Agency Member and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenda. 161: Approve the use of Redevelopment 20% Iow and moderate income housing funds and the program Guidelines for the Property Rehabilitation Loan Program and authorize the Executive Director to execute all necessary documents for implementation. 171: Approve the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes dated October 19, 1999, October 26, 1999 and November 2, 1999. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR. Council Member McCracken was absent. MOTIONS CARRIED. 2. 161: Approve Phase I Gotcha Glacier Design Development Drawings subject to conditions. ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOVEMBER 16, 1999 Mayor/Chairman Daly reconvened the City Council Meeting for the purpose of a joint meeting - Redevelopment Agency/Council - to consider Item 2 under the Redevelopment Agency and also Items A23 and B9 under the Council agenda all relating to the Gotcha Glacier Project. (Item B9 on the Council Agenda requires no action unless the Council wishes to set it for a further Public Hearing - for information only.) Public Comments: The following people spoke relative to the Gotcha Glacier project. Their comments are summarized: Janet Jones, speaking on behalf of H.E.R.E. (Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union), Local 681, representing employees at the Hilton, Disneyland Park, Disney Pacific, Disneyland Hotel, Edison Field (the Stadium) and the Arrowhead Pond. It is their understanding that Gotcha Glacier has contracted with Ogden Management to manage their operation at Gotcha. She then explained the impasse in present contract negotiations with Ogden relative to wages and medical benefits. In concluding she asked that the Council send a message to their residents and businesses in Anaheim that the City is not only a good place to live but also a just place to work by postponing their approval until Ogden proves they deserve to be an employee in Anaheim. Marjorie Strike, Business Representative, Local 681 (Arrowhead Pond). The Union makes it clear that substandard working conditions are inappropriate for any worker. This is why the City Council's association with Ogden not only at the Pond and the Stadium is questionable but they should also reconsider associating with the Gotcha Glacier developers if they believe Ogden to be a responsible employer. Corliss Werske, an employee at the Stadium for 17 years (Anaheim resident, 28 years). Ogden has cut their wages. In the last contract, they do not want anyone to work enough hours (anything over five hours) so that they will not be entitled to benefits - no medical and no dental. They want to treat Stadium employees like Pond employees. They are hoping the Council will listen to them and not permit Gotcha Glaceir to treat them the same way. Delberta White, resident of Anaheim for 10 years and Ogden employee for five years at the Stadium (a Stand Leader). She is concerned about Ogden as a responsible employer and about the City permitting a major attraction to build on City land without concern for whether they will be responsible employers. Health benefits and wages are a priority and should be actively encouraged in Anaheim. At the conclusion of public comments, Mayor/Chairman Daly asked to hear from staff. Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development. Staff is happy to present for design review the Gotcha Glacier project. As both the Agency and Council, there is an item on the Agency Consent Calendar, Item A2 and the City Council Agenda, Item A23 and also B9. The Agency/Council will be considering all three at this time. She then introduced Brian Myers, Spectrum Group, who is the representative from the Gotcha Glacier Development Team to make a brief presentation. (Also see staff report of November 16, 1999 recommending approval of the Phase I Gotcha Glacier Design Development Drawings subject to certain conditions). Mr. Brian Myers, Spectrum Group. He first introduced Brad Kinney, Gotcha Glacier and other principals involved in the project who were present. Mr. Myer's presentation, supplemented by Power Pointe slides and a model of the building displayed before the dais, briefed the 450,000 square foot sports and entertainment experience that is Gotcha Glacier providing snow boarding, skate boarding, ice skating, surfing, rock climbing, sky diving, restaurants, retail, etc. (Also submitted was a set of design Development Drawings for Gotcha Glacier Phase I which contained hard copies of the drawings/site plans contained in the Power Pointed presentation --previously made a part of the record - see The Gotcha Glacier Design Development Package under submittal memorandum dated November 16, 1999). He further briefed the drawings which covered floor plans for each level, building elevations, views into the ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOVEMBER 16, 1999 entrances, vistas within the building, renderings of the venues within the building, the outdoor surf park, etc. Relative to the facility itself, they have discussed various alternatives for the design at the Planning Commission. One of the issues was that of the roof-mounted sign at the front and back of the building as shown on the model. Their architect has presented for information purposes only the alternative that the Planning Commission suggested that they look at. They would like to follow that recommendation. The drawings (see F& A Architects Drawings, Sign Exhibit (SE) "A", "B" and "C", October 6, 1999 - made a part of the record) show the differences between the roof-mounted sign and a sign that would be below the lip of the entry to the building. The Planning Commission recommended if they were to propose the sign at roof level, that they go back and revisit the Commission with that single issue. They want to present this to the Council because they think it is a very important item to the design of the building, treatment of the roof, and how it is perceived by the public. They feel confident they have had very thorough staff review, total review at the Commission level and now at the Council as well. They are excited in being able to present this project and it is his hope and request that the Agency/Council approve the Gotcha Glacier Design Development Drawings tonight and agree with the staff recommendations that with receipt of the information that they have just provided not yet viewed by the Planning Commission on the roof-mounted sign, that it be brought back to the Planning Commission. Mr. Myers then clarified for the Chairman/Mayor that currently both signs are mounted on the roof. The renderings provided are the alternatives that the Planning Commission suggested be considered (see Sign Exhibit drawings SE "A", "B" and "C"). Joel Fick, Planning Director. The Planning Commission did talk about that particular point. They did not have the benefit of having the alternative drawings available but did have the model to review. Consequently, their recommendation was that the sign be lowered to below the roof height but alternatively could be brought back to the Commission upon further study. Staff's recommendation is consistent with the recommendation that the sign be lowered but is open for further study at the Commission level with these added drawings. Mayor/Chairman Daly. He surmised that staff is recommending that they go back to the Planning Commission for final resolution; Joel Fick answered that was correct. The recommendation is that the Planning Commission would consider that item and, as with all items, it would appear on the Council's agenda where the Council could either choose to review it or get information should they wish to do so. Mr. Mayer explained for the Mayor that they have to go back to the Planning Commission with the signage package. The recommendation would be consistent with that. Lisa Stipkovich. Staff is recommending approval of all the design drawings with the three exceptions or conditions listed in the staff report (see page 2 of the staff report of November 16, 1999 the staff- recommended conditions relating to the number of Activity Exhibits on the building, the roof signage as presently discussed, and that all final images on the graphic panels be approved by the City Manager's office along with the requirement to submit an overall sign plan for the site for Agency/City approval). Mayor/Chairman Daly. Speaking to the City Manager, he stated he wanted to make sure the designs submitted have been shown to the neighbors to the south, the Edison Field operators and the Disney Sports Company, as called for in the contract; City Manager Ruth answered, yes, and there was no negative feedback at all. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - MOTION: Chairman Daly moved to approve Phase I Gotcha Glacier Design Development Drawings subject to the three conditions as listed on Page 2 of staff report of November 16, 1999 from the Community Development Department. Agency Member Tait seconded the motion. Agency Member McCracken was absent. MOTION CARRIED. ANAHEIM CIVIC CENTER, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOVEMBER 16, 1999 CITY COUNCIL - MOTION: Mayor Daly moved to approve Phase I Gotcha Glacier Design Development Drawings subject to the three conditions as listed on Page 2 of joint staff report of November 16, 1999 from the City Manager's Office/Community Development Department/Planning Department. Council Member Tait seconded the motion. Council Member McCracken was absent. MOTION CARRIED. City Attorney White. He assumes the Council did not want to take any action with regard to setting Item B9 on the Council Agenda for a further hearing; the Council did not take any action on Item B9. RECESS - CITY COUNCIL MEETING: On motion by Mayor Daly seconded by Council Member Kring, the City Council Meeting was recessed until after the Redevelopment Agency and Housing Authority Meeting. Council Member McCracken was absent. MOTION CARRIED. (6:26 p.m.) ADJOURNMENT: On motion by Chairman Redevelopment Agency Meeting was adjourned. CARRIED. (6:27 p.m.) Daly, seconded by Agency Member Kring, the Agency Member McCracken was absent. MOTION SHERYLLSCHROEDER SECRETARY 4