Library 2018/08/20_report500 West Broadway Anaheim, California 92605 TEL (714) 765-1860 FAX (714) 765-1731 City of Anaheim COMMUNITY SERVICES DERAR7MEN ' Anaheim Public Library August 20, 2018 HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Per ARTICLE IX. APPOINTIVE BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS, Section 908, of the Anaheim City Charter - The Anaheim Public Library Board shall have the power and duty to: "Within sixty days after the close of each fiscal year, report to the City Council on the condition of the libraries for the preceding fiscal year and on such other matters deemed expedient by the Library Board." The Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees is pleased to have the opportunity to present comments regarding the condition of the Anaheim Public Library System for Fiscal Year 2017118. Anaheim Public Library (APL) promotes literacy, lifelong learning, and a love of reading through traditional print materials as well as virtual services. Anaheim Public Libraries are community -gathering places that foster a more informed and connected community. In FY 2017118, our ten -outlet Library system had 1,460,551 visitors through our physical door and virtually, 207,724 customer service interactions at the Public Service desks and 1,030,101 check out of physical and electronic materials. In addition, they had 4,770 programs, serving 144,660 children, teens and adults. Patrons searched in the mobile app 301,838 times, visited the webpages 187,232 times. CURRENT YEAR ACHIEVEMENTS Bookmobile Last year, a new Bookmobile was noted as an area of concern. The Library Board wants to thank the City of Anaheim for its pursuit of a new 38 -foot RV gasoline Bookmobile. Funding was provided with a $200,000 Community Development Block grant and $26,000 of the City's Fleet replacement funds. In addition to the ongoing support of the Anaheim Public Library Foundation and the Friends of the Library, the Orange County Community Foundation and Kiwanis Club of Greater Anaheim each provided $5,000 for materials and programming. Fleet is expected to take delivery of the vehicle in mid-October. After Fleet's preparation of the vehicle is done, it will be handed off to Library staff for driver training and loading of materials. A soft launch is expected in December with a ribbon cutting in January 2019. On February 14, 2018, Bookmobile celebrated 60 years of service to the City of Anaheim. This special www.anaheim.net ITEM NO. 01 Report to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries August 20, 2018 Page 2 milestone received US Congressional, State, and City Council proclamations. The Bookmobile was featured in newspaper, television, and other media outlets. Library System Library staff from Anaheim and Placentia, along with the City's Project Management Office and City Information Technology staff, worked together on a request for proposal on a new Integrated Library System. Implementation of the new system will take place during FY 18/19. The new system will be hosted in an off-site location and accessed remotely. This relieves the Library Automation Team the responsibility for maintaining the hardware and for disaster recovery. The new system will also incorporate new capabilities with a new public catalog, and new ways of handling historical and electronic resources. Video Conferencing System The Libraries Illuminated grant was awarded by the State of California to libraries looking to capitalize on their broadband Internet connections. Anaheim was awarded a grant for a video conferencing system that was installed in June 2018 in the Central Library's multipurpose rooms. This will be used for public programs including author talks and networking with NASA on science programs. Awarded over $85,000 in grant funds. The Library was awarded a variety of grants from various organizations dedicated to enhancing literacy. Grant funding was awarded for a Learning Lab, Makerspace, the NEA Big Read, Video Conference System, Meet Me at the Library programs for the Bookmobile, California Immigration Alliance Project to purchase bilingual books for children and various other programs and materials. Programs • Continuation of Project ACES — A Card for Every Student This partnership has been extended to the Anaheim Elementary School District. Combined with Anaheim Union High School District and Servile High School, there are now 52,068 students from K-12 that have access to the Library's online resources using their school IDs. Report to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries August 20, 2018 Page 3 Continue to Expand Services to Youth Our focus is on providing hands-on teen opportunities through STEAM programs, DIY workshops, and volunteer programs; promoting literacy and learning with summer reading programs, Teen Read Week, author visits, and Money Smart Week; and building community through events like AnaCon, ZineFest, Transgender Day of Visibility, and game days. For younger children, we are offering an expanding set of age-appropriate programming and literacy engagement opportunities like year-round reading incentive programs, Reading with Buddies, Story Time and STEAM kits for 0-4 year olds, and book clubs. NASA @ My Library For the past two years, the Anaheim Public Library has participated in the NASA @ My Library program. Starting November 1, the Library will be extending this opportunity further. In this upcoming year, the Library will showcase special exhibits and displays, borrow moon rocks and meteorites for the public to see, and host dozens of interactive programs and engaging speakers of interest to all ages. TOP PRIORITY FOR THE NEW FISCAL YEAR Rebranding The Anaheim Public Library's ongoing efforts to increase social media presence has effectively improved visibility of our services and resources. This success is largely due to the funding and support received from the Anaheim Public Library Foundation as it allows us to continue our campaigns across social media advertising platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Social media builds relationships with our community and patrons in a way no other platform can offer. The advantages of using social media marketing is instant reachability to a large amount of users. In addition, social media platforms provide valuable data that can be measured, which gives us a better understanding of our users online. One program that benefited from social media marketing is the Summer Reading Program, which has shown marked improvement in both categories of attendance and participation compared to the year prior. As a result, Anaheim Public Library has decided to use these same social media platforms for the rebranding of the library and its visual materials. This will include a contemporary logo with a design that encapsulates Anaheim Public Library as a system -wide entity. Our goal is to present our services and resources with the same coherence as our mission and values Report to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries August 20, 2018 Page 4 to current and prospective users of the library. The rebranding will be targeted to our services, resources and facilities, including our website, social media profiles, print materials and more! PLANNED PROJECTS Central Library Green Space The Central Library Outdoor Space is a capital project funded by CDBG to develop a flexible programming space that will be used to help develop early literacy skills, gross motor skill and social skills through interactive, dramatic play and arts programs. This outdoor space will also be used for teen and adult programming and events. Features will include a trike path, planters, benches, a performance stage, a sandbox and water table, a science table with water and electricity. It is projected to be completed by June 2019. Canyon Reading Garden The East Lawn area of the Canyon Branch Library will become a useable programming space and relaxing outdoor reading space with the addition of outdoor chairs and tables surrounded by a split rail fence. Sod lawn was installed on June 19, 2018 after the irrigation system was repaired. The fencing was funded by a local resident, and he is interested in underwriting the plants and furniture. Parks Division is developing a plan for the native plants to attract birds and butterflies, and a local Girl Scout troop will assist in the planting once selected and delivered. A local Eagle Scout candidate is developing his project to create in -slope natural seating for programs. Expected completion date will be fall/winter 2018. Euclid Library Outdoor Space Enhancements CDBG funding will provide the Euclid Library a renovated outdoor space. This will include a handicap -accessible space for outdoor programming for all ages. Amenities will include proper grading, a cement slab, installation of grass sod, sprinklers, a wrought iron fence to separate the area from the drainage ditch, seating, and trash receptacles. • Founders Park Renovations at Founders Park are designed to improve the structural integrity and security of the Mother Colony House and will provide for a new shaded outdoor seating area. The work consists of seismic upgrades to the existing structural members and connections of the historical Mother Report to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries August 20, 2018 Page 5 Colony House, construction of a new shade structure, and installation of a video surveillance system to combat vandalism. "NEA Big Read: A Lesson Before Dying" For the third year in a row, APL has been awarded an NEA Big Read grant in the amount of $15,000. The NEA Big Read grant funds a month of programming based around the book "A Lesson Before Dying" by Ernest Gaines. We are partnering with Altrusa, Orange County Heritage Council, Thurgood Marshall Bar Association, the City of Anaheim's Neighborhood Services, as well as nonprofit programming groups during Black History Month — February 2019. AREAS OF CONCERN Hours of Operation The Library Board would like to see Saturday hours restored at the Euclid and Sunkist Libraries. These locations were open to the public in FY 2007/2008, but were closed on Saturdays the following fiscal year due to Citywide budget reductions. To ensure the safety of staff and patrons this would require additional full-time staff members be restored to the Anaheim Public Library as well additional part-time staffing hours. A complete cost analysis can be provided to the City Council by the City Librarian upon request. Support for Library materials In the past four years, donations from support groups have been used to start and develop new collections, such as e -Books and downloadable audiobooks, as well as supplement the book budget. However, there is an expectation among Anaheim community support groups, such as the Kiwanis of Greater Anaheim, Anaheim Arts Council, Anaheim Public Library Foundation, Friends of the Anaheim Public Library, and Friends of the Canyon Hills Library that the City provide continuing support for these integral services for Anaheim residents. Library eBooks provide 24/7 accessibility on any device - used by all ages. The e -book collection now includes Spanish language, children's titles and audio e -books. Use of library eBooks has increased by 12.7% over the past year. Cost for eBooks for one year is $55,000. The Library also needs stable City funding to replace aging books, promote literacy, and support local school systems. Over the last decade, the collection size has shrunk by 14%. Report to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries August 20, 2018 Page 6 Fiscal Year Collection Size Collection (item) per capita 2008/09 670,546 1.9 2010/11 651,316 1.9 2012/13 577,570 1.7 2016/17 560,978 1.6 2017/18 555,500 1.6 Stable Library Workforce Recruitment and retention of part-time employees With 87% of our staff being part time, 38% of part time employees hired do not stay beyond 18 months as many of these new hires seek full time employment. The library incurs significant costs through testing, interviewing, qualifying, hiring, training, and mentoring new staff. We need to ensure a stable, well trained, and experienced Library staff. Part time staff do not gain the experience for dealing with complex patron situations, and have to rely on full time staff to intervene in these situations. As a large urban library system, it is important to maintain a safe and welcoming atmosphere for the 1 million people who come through our doors annually. At the Central Library alone last year, there were 59 disruptive incidents, several of which required Police or Fire dispatch (including 2 assaults). The City's liability risk increases if any of these emergencies or accidents are mismanaged. The City needs to stabilize the staffing so staff can be properly trained to manage accidents, behavioral interventions with disruptive patrons, building evacuations, communication with Anaheim Police Department, Fire Department, Facility Maintenance, Risk Management; document and input work orders, accident reports, and incident reports. Staff also have initiated a meeting with HRD to streamline and accelerate the recruitment process. All of these concerns are amplified by the fact that there is no full time staff at Ponderosa Joint - Use Library and split full time Librarian staff at Euclid and Sunkist Libraries. Fiscal Year Staff — FT Staff - PTE Total FTE Staff Per Capita 2008/09 60 68.21 128.21 .037 2017/18 33 50.05 83.05 .024 Report to the City Council on the Condition of the Libraries August 20, 2018 Page 7 The Library Board is very proud of the many accomplishments of the Anaheim Public Library for Fiscal Year 2017/18, particularly the partnerships they have established to benefit the community. We look forward to the exciting programs and services that are planned in Fiscal Year 2018/19. Respectfully submitted: ,\J David Laviguer, Chair