AHA-1988-003 RESOLUTION NO. 88AHA-3. A RESOLUTION OF THE AHAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT FOR EMERGENCY SHELTERS AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT PERTAINING THERETO . WHEREAS, the State of California, Department of Housing and Community Development , Division of Community Affairs , (the STATE) has heretofore issued a Notice of Request for Proposal under the Emergency Shelter Program; and WHEREAS, the Anaheim Housing Authority did apply for a grant under the program; and WHEREAS, the STATE has determined to award a grant to the Anaheim Housing Authority under the program; and WHEREAS, the Anaheim Housing Authority is willing to accept the grant; and WHEREAS, should the Anaheim Housing Authority accept the grant, the Anaheim Housing Authority hereby certifies that all grant funds will be used in compliance with the Emergency Shelter Program Guidelines . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Anaheim Housing Authority does hereby agree to accept a grant in the amount of Two '--,- Hundred-Three Thousand Four Hundred Six Dollars ($203 ,406 .00) from the.:-Emergency Shelter Program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Honorable Ben Bay, Chairman of the Anaheim Housing Authority be, ,and he is hereby, authorized and directed to execute , on behalf of the Anaheim Housing Authority, that certain agreement with the STATE governing the expenditures of the grant funds and the operation of the Emergency Shelter Program. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the Anaheim Housing Authority this 19thday of January, 1988 . ICb211A/ 1-2:)-Z CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY ATTES . _ r ,u24TX SECRETARY - ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY MES/jb 2207L 011288 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LEONORA N. SOHL, Secretary of the Anaheim Housing Authority, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. AHA88-3 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Anaheim Housing:'Author.ity held ;on;the; 19th day of January, 1988, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Ehrle, Hunter, Kaywood and Bay NOES: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Pickier AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Chairman of the Anaheim Housing Authority signed said Resolution on the 19th day of January, 1988. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th day of January, 1988. SECRETARY OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHMIT'Y (SEAL)