AA 06 24 2019 Anaheim Planning Commission Action Agenda June 24, 2019 Anaheim City Hall, Council Chambers 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 Commissioners Present: Chairperson: Michelle Lieberman Chairperson Pro-Tempore: Kimberly Keys John Armstrong, Natalie Meeks, Dave Vadodaria Commissioners Absent: Rosa Mulleady, Steve White Staff Present: Leonie Mulvihill, Deputy City Attorney IV Rafael Cobian, Principal Traffic Engineer David See, Principal Planner Shawn Azarhoosh, Associate Engineer Irma Huitron, Principal Planner Sylvia Frias, Code Enforcement Supervisor Joanne Hwang, Associate Planner Eleanor Morris, Secretary Wayne Carvalho, Contract Planner Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 19, 2019, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chamber and in the outside display kiosk.  Call to Order – 5:00 p.m. Chairperson Lieberman presented the 10-day appeal rights for all public hearing items. The appeal period for the public hearing items end on Friday, July 5, 2019.  Audience Attendance: 5  Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Vadodaria  Public Comments: None  Consent Calendar  Public Hearing Item  Commission Updates  Discussion  Adjournment JUNE 24, 2019 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 06-24-2019 Page 2 of 3 Consent Calendar: Commissioner Meeks offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Keys and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioners Mulleady and White were absent) for approval of the Consent Calendar as recommended by staff. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED Reports and Recommendations ITEM NO. 1A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2018-05962 VARIANCE NO. 2018-05107 (DEV2018-00032) Location: 280 North Wilshire Avenue Request: For a substantial conformance review of the proposed operations plan for a new recuperative care facility (Blue Sky Manor). Approved the request to receive and file the substantial conformance determination for the Conditional Use Permit and Variance. (Meeks / Keys) VOTE: 5-0 Chairperson Lieberman and Commissioners Armstrong, Keys, Meeks and Vadodaria voted yes. Commissioners Mulleady and White were absent. Project Planner: Wayne Carvalho wcarvalho@anaheim.net JUNE 24, 2019 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 06-24-2019 Page 3 of 3 Public Hearing Item: ITEM NO. 2 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2018-05994 (DEV2018-00143) Location: 2078 East Lincoln Avenue Request: To allow an indoor recreational facility for children within an existing shopping center (Kids Empire). Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will consider whether the proposed action is Categorically Exempt from the requirements to prepare additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15301, Class 1 (Existing Facilities). Resolution No. PC2019-030 (Armstrong / Vadodaria) Approved VOTE: 5-0 Chairperson Lieberman and Commissioners Armstrong, Keys, Meeks and Vadodaria voted yes. Commissioners Mulleady and White were absent. Project Planner: Joanne Hwang jhwang@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: None DISCUSSION TIME: 7 minutes (5:04 to 5:11 p.m.) MEETING ADJOURNED AT 5:13 P.M. TO MONDAY, JULY 8, 2019 AT 5:00 P.M.