Library 2019/07/08ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATION DATE/TIME Central Library July 8, 2019 500 W. Broadway 5:00 p.m. Anaheim, CA 92805 CALL TO ORDER — The agenda having been posted on July 3, 2019, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Chair Laviguer at 5:15 p.m. PRESENT: David Laviguer, Linda Newby, Stan Oftelie ABSENT: Dr. Roberto Baeza, Rose Chen STAFF: Audrey Lujan, City Librarian; Jennifer Foxx, PT Management Assistant; Joe Purtell, Supervising Librarian; Keely Hall, Principal Librarian GUESTS: Ginny Gardner, Anaheim Public Library Foundation; Kris Lasher, Friends of the Canyon Hills Library I. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: A. FRIENDS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT: None. B. FRIENDS OF THE CANYON HILLS LIBRARY: Canyon Hills Library opened their new Reading Garden on the East side of the building last month. Development of this community area has been a team effort. It is the result of support from City of Anaheim, private donors, and FOCAL. FOCAL and Library staff appreciate the library's teen volunteers. This year, FOCAL is proud to have awarded two scholarships to dedicated volunteers graduating from high school and planning to attend college. They also offer textbook scholarships to library employees pursing an education in library sciences. Audrey extended her appreciation to FOCAL for these scholarships. Their next book sale is July 15th -20th, 2019. C. ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION REPORT: Ginny thanked the Board for the Certificate of Recognition for receiving a "Women of the Year" Award from Congressman Correa in recognition of everything she does for the Foundation and the Anaheim community. The Foundation revised the amount raised at the Mystery Authors Luncheon to over $33,000 thanks to some last minute donations. Library staff presented their wish list at the Foundation's May meeting and the Foundation is happy to report that they were able to grant all of their wishes and a little more totaling over $55,000 in support, which includes a new program for Developmentally Disabled Adults and the "I am an American, Japanese Incarceration in a Time of Fear" Exhibit. They are also working hard on the next Mystery Authors Luncheon which will be April 19, 2020, when they will be celebrating their Silver, 25th Anniversary. The membership drive is in full gear. D. UNSCHEDULED ORAL COMMUNICATION: Audrey introduced new full-time Teen Librarian, Monica Sanchez. Iiii/:7111 006101618ilMMUCO:r_Y_[OW00 10188[6Ili.`�1= II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE MAY 13, 2019 MEETING: The minutes were approved as presented. III. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. BOOKMOBILE BUDGET: Keely Hall outlined the Bookmobile's budget for the replacement Mobile Library in Fiscal Year 2018/19, including the use of the donation money and the operating budget for Fiscal Year 2019/20. ITEM # 01 Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting July 8, 2019 Page 2 IV. NEW BUSINESS: A. ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL ON THE CONDITION OF THE LIBRARIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018/19 PER ARTICLE IX. APPOINTIVE BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS, Section 908: The Board discussed the content of the letter should include emphasis on the need for full-time staffing for the safety and security of library patrons and staff. Additions to the letter will include thanking the City Council for the additional funding for library materials and security gates as well as a request for further funding for library materials. The draft letter will be included in the August Library Board Packet. V. INFORMATION A. ANAHE'IM FIRST: Linda shared that the district recruitment is complete and they now have 100 members. Linda requested information on items that the Library would like to have funded. B. CITY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: • Audrey thanked Stan and Linda from the Library Board and Ginny Gardner and Joan Pettite from the Anaheim Public Library Foundation for attending the Canyon Hills Reading Garden Opening Celebration. • Anaheim Public Library received the CLA PreExcellence Award in the electronic category (social media) for the Good Book, Great Burger, Awesome Combo campaign. In September 2018, we partnered with Carl's Jr. for Library Card Sign-up Month and developed a campaign that focused on the benefits of having an Anaheim Public Library Card. • The AESD/Altrusa/Anaheim Public Library Creative Writing Contest will be expanded to all 23 schools in Anaheim. C. BUDGET: The Budget was approved as presented. VI. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. STATISTICS: Stan continues to be concerned with the decline and believes that more library materials would increase library patron count and circulation. Reasons for declines such as library gate counters being down, a local school being closed for refurbishment, and declining school enrollment overall were discussed. B. ACTIVITY REPORTS: None. C. MONTHLY RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT/CERTIFICATE BY BOARD MEMBERS: None. VII. BOARD ITEMS MEMBER LINDA NEWBY: Was happy to be offered the option to have a recycled library card to replace her lost card. Linda recognized the Library Board Members that attended the Brown Act Training. VICE CHAIR STAN OFTELIE: The Poet Laureate Committee will be selecting the next Anaheim Poet Laureate in the next couple of months. CHAIR DAVID LAVIGUER: None. Anaheim Public Library Board Meeting July 8, 2019 Page 3 VIII. MISCELLANEOUS A. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be August 12, 2019, at the East Anaheim Library. B. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Laviguer adjourned the meeting at 6:52 p.m.