APFA2019/06/18 ANAHEIM PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 18, 2019 The Anaheim Public Financing Authority regular meeting was called to order at 5:25 P.M. in the Council Chamber in Anaheim City Hall, located at 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., in joint session with the Anaheim City Council, Anaheim Housing and Public Improvements Authority, and Anaheim Housing Authority. The meeting notice, agenda, and related materials were duly posted on June 13, 2019. PRESENT: Chairman Harry Sidhu and Authority Members Lucille Kring, Jordan Brandman, Jose F. Moreno, Stephen Faessel, and Trevor O'Neil. Authority Member Denise Barnes joined the meeting at 8:56 P.M. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Chris Zapata, City Attorney Robert Fabela, and Secretary Theresa Bass. Senior Assistant City Attorney Kristin Pelletier participated in the Public Comment portion of the meeting. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: No public comments offered related to the Public Financing Authority agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR: At 9:55 P.M., Authority Member Kring moved to approve the consent calendar as presented, seconded by Authority Member Moreno. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 7: (Chairman Sidhu and Authority Members Kring, Barnes, Brandman, Moreno, Faessel, and O'Neil). NOES — 0. Motion carried. R100 1. RESOLUTION NO. APFA-2019-003 A RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY amending Resolution No. APFA 2018-004 which establishes the days and times of regular meetings of the Public Financing Authority for the 2019 calendar year (rescheduling the October 8, 2019 meeting to October 22, 2019). PFA187 2. Approve minutes of Public Financing Authority meeting of January 29, 2019. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, without objection, Chairman Sidhu adjourned the meeting of the Anaheim Public Financing Authority at 9:56 P.M. Respectf ubmitted, Theresa Ba , CMC Secretary, Anaheim Public Financing Authority