2018_Q1;WHITTINGHAM_PUBLIC_AFFAIRS_ADVISORS;WHITTINGHAM,PETERCity ofAnaheim O節ce ofthe Cfty Clerk Please submit compieted form(S) to: Maiiorin pe「son: O冊ce ofthe atv Clerk 200S. Anaheim Bivd. Ste. 217, Anaheim, CA 92805; Or Email: tbass@anaheim.net; Or Fax: (714) 76与-41O与 LOBBYIST’s QUARTERLY REPORT OF A⊂「lVITY CHECK APPしICABしE REPORTtNG PERIOD: 巨]Ql: Due Apri1 30 (」anuary l - March 31) □Q2: DueJuIγ31 (Ap「ii l-」une30) PART l - LOBBYIST INFORMA丁ION NAME OFしOBBYIS’「 (Last, Fi「st, M工) Whjttingham, Peter G Peter@whittinghampaa,COm BUSINESS ADDRESS □Q3: Due October 31 (」uly l -September30) □Q4: Due」anuarγ 31 (October l - December31) NAME OFしOBBYiNG FIRM 〈if applicable) Whjttingham Public Affairs Advjsors BUSINE簿PHONE (XXX) XXX-XXXX 949 280-9181 CIIY ST灯「E ZIP CODE 31441 Santa Ma「ga「ita Pa「kway, #A181 RanchoSantaMargarita CA 92688 PART = - REPORTING SCHEDUしES Note: Check訓appIicabIe. □           田           口 No Lobbying Activity Lobbying Activitv/Client DiscIosure Campaign Contribution Report Repo「t I dld not participate o「 engage in any Schedule C: Repo「t anyform of Scheduie D: Repo「t anycont「ibutions form oflobb所ng during the reporting Iobbying by the Iobbving firm/  made during the reporting period to Period.      lobbyist ofthe City ofAnaheim orany the Mayor orany City Councii 「egional agency in which Anahe而has Member bvthe lobbying a voting role during this reporting firm/Iobbvist. Period.何ででoch 5chedu/c CJ       /Attoch 5chedu/e D) Ve「胴cation I certifythat出ave reviewed O「dinance No, 6417, made avaiIable onthe CitYOfAnaheim’swebsite and reviewed a∥ app"cabIe lobbying p「ovisions. 1 decIa「e under penaItvof perjurv underthe [aws ofthe State ofCa=fomia that the info「mation contained herein is t「ue and accu「ate to the best of mv knowledge. SiGNA「UR王 NAME OFしOBBYING FIRM (if app PR!N「 NAME OFしOBBYIST Pete「 Whittingham DA丁巨 Whittingham PubIic Affairs Adviso「s May 30, 2O18 Lobbvist’s Qu∂「terly Report of ActivItV (REV O9/13/2017)page」of2_ RECEIVED 05/29/2018 Citv of Anaheim  (Firm)Name: O情ce of the Cfty Cle「k Wh輔ngham Pubiic Affairs Advisors CLIENT D看SCLOSURE -SCHEDULE C 回Ql‥ Due Ap「iI 30 (」anuary l - Ma,。h 31)   □Q3: Due October 31 (」uly l -Sept。mb。.30) □Q2: Due 」uiy 31 (Apr旧-」une 30)     □Q4: Due 」anuary 31 (Octobe「 l - December31) Note: Complete this form for each client in which five hundred doilars (;与00〉 or more was 「eceived in a calendar month. This form maY be duplicated for additionaI entries. PART i - CLIENT INFORMATION 丁。劇∞m時制。n此bY-韓 S7,500 Rece千ved from CI↑ent: NAME OF Cu削T (Last, FirSt, M工〉              BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS PHONE (XXX) XXX-XXXX Robert Wheatley Law Offiees of Robert Wheatley (71 4) 665-4861 BUSINESS ADDRESS C「TY STATE ZIP CODE 14661 Frank=n Ave., Suite lOO Tustin CA  92780 PART = - CL肥NT DISCLOSURE SE⊂門ON A. Describe the loca=egisiative o「 administ「ative action(s) that the lobbying fi「m/Iobbvist supported or opposed d面ng the repo巾ng Period. 1nvestigate opportunities to provide contract IegaI assistance re: WOrker’s compensation, SE⊂「ION B. DiscIose anyform ofcommunication by the lobbyIng fi「m/lobbYist du「ing the 「eporting period. Use a separate entrv for each new contact. 1. DATE OF CONTACT NAME & T町LE OF C町Y OFFICIAしOR SIAFF CONTA⊂rED NAME OFしOBBYIST Feb 27, 2018  Tom丁ait, Mayor Peter Whittingham DESCRIBE PURPOSE OF MEETiNG: lntroduction to Robe巾Wheatley 2, DA丁E OF CONIAC「  NAME & T汀LE OF CmI OFFICIAしOR SIAFF CONTACl旺D NAME OFしOBBYiST DESCRIBE PURPOSE OF ME珊NG: 3. DA「E OF CONTACT NAME & T町LE OF C叶Y OFFICIAL OR SIAFF CON鵬tTED NAME OFしOBBYiST DESCRIBE PURPOSE OF ME帥NG: 4. DATE OF CONTACT NAME & T町LE OF CmI OF用CIAしOR SIAFF CONTAC’「ED NAME OFしOBBYIST DESCRIBE PURPOSE OF ME帥NG: lf more spa∝ is needed for P活=, Section B. - Client Disdosu「e, Check bQX and attach additionaI pages. C“ent DiSCIosu「e - Scheduie C (REV O9/11/2017)page 2_ Of呈_