AA 05 27 2020_Audio.pdf Anaheim Planning Commission Action Agenda May 27, 2020 Anaheim City Hall, Council Chambers 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 Commissioners Present via Teleconferencing: Chairperson Pro-Tempore: Kimberly Keys Natalie Meeks, Rosa Mulleady, Dave Vadodaria, Steve White Commissioners Absent: Chairperson: Michelle Lieberman John Armstrong Staff Present via Teleconferencing: Ted White, Planning and Building Director Mike Eskander, Development Services Manager Leonie Mulvihill, Assistant City Attorney Rafael Cobian, City Traffic Engineer Susan Kim, Principal Planner Keith Linker, Acting Development Services Manager David See, Principal Planner Shawn Azarhoosh, Principal Engineer Irma Huitron, Principal Planner Scott Koehm, Senior Planner Nick Taylor, Associate Planner Alex Ingoglia, Assistant Engineer Peter Lange, Contract Planner Aram Eftekhari, Associate Engineer Esperanza Rios, Associate Engineer David Kennedy, Associate Transportation Planner Christine Nguyen, Associate Planner Bianca Alcock, Code Enforcement Supervisor Eleanor Morris, Secretary Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chamber and in the outside display kiosk. Published: Anaheim Bulletin Newspaper on Thursday, May 14, 2020 • Call to Order – 5:00 p.m. Chairperson Pro-Tempore Keys presented the 10-day appeal rights for all public hearing items. The appeal period for the public hearing items end on Monday, June 8, 2020. • Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Vadodaria • Public Hearing Items • Commission Updates • Discussion • Adjournment MAY 27, 2020 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 05-27-2020 Page 2 of 4 Public Hearing Items: ITEM NO. 2 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2019-149 (DEV2019-00033) Location: 201 South Walnut Street Request: The applicant requests approval of a Tentative Parcel Map to establish a 2-lot single family residential subdivision. Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will consider whether the proposed action is Categorically Exempt from the requirements to prepare additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15315, Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions). Resolution No. PC2020-022 (Meeks / Vadodaria) Approved VOTE: 5-0 Chairperson Pro-Tempore Keys and Commissioners Meeks, Mulleady, Vadodaria and White voted yes. Chairperson Lieberman and Commissioner Armstrong were absent. Project Planner: Peter Lange PLange@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: None IN GENERAL: A piece of written correspondence was received expressing some concerns related to the subject request. DISCUSSION TIME: 17 minutes (5:19 to 5:36 p.m.) MAY 27, 2020 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 05-27-2020 Page 3 of 4 ITEM NO. 3 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3640C ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2020-00445 (DEV2020-00037) Location: 1731 West Medical Center Drive Request: The applicant requests approval of the following zoning entitlements: (i) an amendment to a conditional use permit to permit the conversion of eleven assisted living units to sixteen memory care units at an existing assisted living facility; and (ii) an administrative adjustment to permit less parking spaces than required by the Anaheim Municipal Code. Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will consider whether the proposed action is Categorically Exempt from the requirements to prepare additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15301, Class 1 (Existing Facilities). Resolution No. PC2020-023 (Meeks / White) Approved VOTE: 5-0 Chairperson Pro-Tempore Keys and Commissioners Meeks, Mulleady, Vadodaria and White voted yes. Chairperson Lieberman and Commissioner Armstrong were absent. Project Planner: Peter Lange PLange@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: None DISCUSSION TIME: 16 minutes (5:37 to 5:53 p.m.) MAY 27, 2020 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA 05-27-2020 Page 4 of 4 ITEM NO. 4 ZONING CODE AMENDMENT NO. 2019-00166 (DEV2019-00110) Location: Citywide Request: A City-initiated amendment to Title 18 (Zoning) of the Anaheim Municipal Code modifying Chapters 18.42 (Parking and Loading) to modify residential parking standards, and 18.92 (Definitions) to modify the definition of a “Bedroom.” Environmental Determination: The Planning Commission will consider whether the proposed action is exempt from the requirements to prepare additional environmental documentation per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Section 15061(b)(3). Approved continuance of the item to June 8, 2020, as requested by staff to allow for time to respond to correspondence received today. (White / Mulleady) VOTE: 5-0 Chairperson Pro-Tempore Keys and Commissioners Meeks, Mulleady, Vadodaria and White voted yes. Chairperson Lieberman and Commissioner Armstrong were absent. Project Planner: Nick Taylor njtaylor@anaheim.net OPPOSITION: A piece of written correspondence was received expressing opposition to the subject request. DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:00 P.M. TO MONDAY, JUNE 8, 2020 AT 5:00 P.M.