RES-2020-060 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-060
2018-00316, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2018-05979,
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim (the "City Council") did receive a
verified petition for General Plan Amendment No. 2018-00523, Reclassification No. 2018-
00316, Conditional Use Permit No. 2018-05979, and Development Agreement No. 2019-00001
to demolish existing buildings and construct a mixed-use development consisting of 315
residential units(apartment)with 2,031 square-foot leasing office, 3,413 square-foot retail space
and a parking structure, with modified development standards (the "Proposed Project"), on that
certain real property located at the southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Loara Street and
commonly referred to as 1600 West Lincoln Avenue in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange,
State of California, as generally depicted on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A and
incorporated herein by this reference(the "Property"); and
WHEREAS, the Property is approximately 5.25 acres in size. The project site is located
in the"C-G" General Commercial zone, and is designated for General Commercial land uses by
the General Plan. The development standards and regulations of Chapter 18.32 (Mixed-Use
Overlay Zone)of the Anaheim Municipal Code(the"Code")shall apply to the Proposed Project;
WHEREAS,the Proposed Project is to construct a mixed-use development consisting of
315 residential units (apartment) with 2,031 square-foot leasing office, 3,413 square-foot retail
space and a parking structure with modified development standards subject to approval of
Conditional Use Permit No. 2018-05979 by the Planning Commission pursuant to Sections
18.32.030 (Uses), of Chapter 18.32-(Multiple-Family Residential Zones) of the Code; and
WHEREAS, General Plan Amendment No. 2018-00523 is to amend the General Plan
Land Use designation from General Commercial to Mixed-Use High; and
WHEREAS,Reclassification No.2018-00316 is to reclassify the property to apply"MU"
Mixed-Use Overlay Zone over the existing"C-G" General Commercial Base Zone; and
WHEREAS, Development Agreement No. 2019-00001 proposes to provide the
developer a vested right to develop the Proposed Project in accordance with General Plan
Amendment No.2018-00523,Reclassification No.2018-00316,and Conditional Use Permit No.
2018-05979 for the term of the Development Agreement, and in return the developer would
provide funding for City's affordable housing programs and projects; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the California
Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.; herein referred to as
"CEQA"), the State of California Guidelines for the Implementation of the California
Environmental Quality Act(commencing with Section 15000 of Title 14 of the California Code
of Regulations; herein referred to as the "CEQA Guidelines"), and the City's Local CEQA
Procedure Manual, the City is the "lead agency" for the preparation and consideration of
environmental documents for the Proposed Project; and
WHEREAS, in conformance with CEQA, the CEQA Guidelines and the City's Local
CEQA Procedure Manual, a draft Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared to evaluate the
physical environmental impacts of the Proposed Project. The Mitigated Negative Declaration
was circulated for a 20-day public/responsible agency review on March 26, 2020, and was also
made available for review on the City's website at On March 16, 2020, the
Anaheim City Council approved a resolution proclaiming the existence of a local emergency
regarding Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), and in conjunction with this action closed the City
Hall and the Public Libraries to public access. Therefore the IS/MND was not available in these
locations,but was made available for purchase; and
WHEREAS, in conformance with CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, a Mitigation
Monitoring Plan has been prepared for the Proposed Project and includes mitigation measures
that are specific to the Proposed Project (herein referred to as "MMP No. 366"). A complete
copy of MMP No. 366 is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference;
WHEREAS,the City gave notice of its intent to adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration
to(a)the public pursuant to Section 15072(b)of the CEQA Guidelines, (b)those individuals and
organizations, if any, that previously submitted written requests for notice pursuant to Section
15072(b) of the CEQA Guidelines, (c) responsible and trustee and other agencies with
jurisdiction over resources that will be affected by the Proposed Project pursuant to Section
15073(c)of the CEQA Guidelines,and(d)the Clerk of the County of Orange pursuant to Section
15072(a) of the CEQA Guidelines; and
WHEREAS, the City intends and desires to use the Mitigated Negative Declaration as
the environmental documentation required by CEQA,the CEQA Guidelines and the City's Local
CEQA Procedure Manual for the Proposed Project; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Anaheim Civic
Center,Council Chamber,200 South Anaheim Boulevard,on April 27,2020,at 5:00 p.m.,notice
of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter 18.60 of the Code, to hear consider the Mitigated Negative Declaration
and to hear and consider evidence for and against the Proposed Project and related actions, and
to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and
WHEREAS, by its motion, but prior in time to, the adoption of its Resolution No.
PC2020-017 and pursuant to the provisions of CEQA, the CEQA Guidelines, and the City's
Local CEQA Procedure Manual, the Planning Commission found and determined that the
Proposed Project will have a less than significant impact upon the environment with the
implementation of the conditions of approval and the mitigation measures attached to that
concurrent Resolution and contained in MMP No. 366, and recommended that the City Council
approve and adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and MMP No. 366; and
WHEREAS, upon receipt of the Planning Commission's recommendation the City
Council did fix the 9th day of June,2020, as the time, and the City Council Chamber in the Civic
Center, as the place, for a public hearing on the Proposed Project and the Mitigated Negative
Declaration and for the purpose of considering evidence for and against the Proposed Project
and the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and did give notice thereof in the manner and as
provided by law; and
WHEREAS, based upon a thorough review of the Proposed Project and the Mitigated
Negative Declaration, including MMP No. 366 and the comments received to date and the
responses prepared, the City Council does find and determine as follows:
1. That the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in compliance with the
requirements of CEQA, the CEQA Guidelines, and the City's Local CEQA Procedure Manual
and, together with MMP No. 366, serves as the appropriate environmental documentation for
the Proposed Project;
2. That it has carefully reviewed and considered the information contained in the
Mitigated Negative Declaration (including the Initial Study and any comments received during
the public review period) prior to acting upon the Proposed Project;
3. Based upon the record before it (including the Initial Study and any comments
received), the Proposed Project will have a less than significant impacts upon the environment
with the implementation of the mitigation measures contained in MMP No. 366 and that the
Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the City
Council; and
WHEREAS, this City Council determines that the evidence in the record constitutes
substantial evidence to support the actions taken and the findings made in this Resolution, that
the facts stated in this Resolution are supported by substantial evidence in the record, including
testimony received at the public hearing,the staff presentations,the staff report and all materials
in the project files. There is no substantial evidence, nor are there other facts, that detract from
the findings made in this Resolution. This City Council expressly declares that it considered all
evidence presented and reached these findings after due consideration of all evidence presented
to it.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this City Council, pursuant to the above
findings and based upon a thorough review of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and the
evidence received to date, does hereby adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration (including the
Initial Study and any comments received during the public review period)based on the findings
and determinations as follows:
1. That the Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in compliance with the
requirements of CEQA, the CEQA Guidelines, and the City's Local CEQA Procedure Manual
and, together with MMP No. 366, serves as the appropriate environmental documentation for
the Proposed Project;
2. Based upon the record before it (including the Initial Study and any comments
received),that the Proposed Project will have a less than significant impact upon the environment
with the implementation of the mitigation measures contained in MMP No. 366 and that the
Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the City
3. That the City Council hereby approves and adopts Mitigated Negative Declaration
and MMP No. 366; and
4. That the City Council authorizes and directs City staff to file with the Clerk of the
County of Orange a Notice of Determination in accordance with Section 15075(a) of the State
CEQA Guidelines.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted by the City Council of the City of
Anaheim this 9th day of June , 2020,by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Barnes, Brandman,
Kring, and O'Neil
NOES: Council Member Moreno
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DEV NO. 2017-00128
APN: 250-091-10 +v� �,
250-091-09 CNEsr_ er
250-091-11 '
471 • 4
u io 2.0a Source:Recorded Trail Maps andror City GIS.
Please note the accuracy is+1-Mc to five feet.
Project Name: 1600 W Lincoln Avenue Mixed-Use Development(DEV2017-00128)
Project Location: The Proposed Project is located at 1600 West Lincoln Avenue(APNs 250-091-
09, 250-09110 and 250-091-11), in the north western portion of Anaheim,
approximately 25 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles. The Proposed
Project encompasses approximately 5.25 acres.The Proposed Project is located
south of Lincoln Avenue,west of South Loara Street,north of West Broadway,
and east of Euclid Street in the City of Anaheim.
Address: 1600 West Lincoln Avenue
CEQA Action: Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (The Initial Study/Mitigated
Negative was prepared to identify any potentially significant impacts associated
with the Proposed Project and incorporate mitigation measures into the Proposed
Project as necessary to eliminate the potentially significant effects of the
Proposed Project or to reduce the effects to a level of less than significant.)
Entitlement Requests: A General Plan Amendment (GPA2018-00523) to re-designate the Project Site
from General Commercial to Mixed-Use High;
A zoning reclassification (RCL2018-00316) to apply Mixed-Use Overlay over
the existing General Commercial base zone;
A Conditional Use Permit (CUP2018-05979) to allow a mixed-use project and
reduced interior structural and landscape setbacks adjacent to residential use;and
A Development Agreement (DAG2019-00001) for the proposed voluntary
financial contribution to support the City's affordable housing programs (i.e.
Senior Safety Net Program).
Project Description: KNT I Enterprises, LLC (Applicant) proposes to demolish existing auto related
facilities, including an auto dealership with auto/recreational vehicle storage,
sales lot, and repair facility, and construct a mixed-use development consisting
of a 381,525 square foot(SF)mixed-use building,which wraps around a 239,072
SF parking structure.Uses within the proposed building includes 315 residential
apartment(rental)units, a 2,031 sq. ft. leasing office for the apartment units and
3,413 sq. ft.of retail space(Proposed Project).The Proposed Project would have
639 on-site parking spaces; 636 spaces in the parking structure and three (3)
surface spaces.The Proposed Project is located on 5.25-acres of land consisting
of three parcels, Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APNs) 250-091-09, 250-091-10
and 250-091-11 located at 1600 W.Lincoln Avenue(Project Site).
Terms and Definitions:
1. Property Owner/Developer — Owner or developer of 1600 4. Responsibility for Monitoring— Shall mean that compliance
West Lincoln Avenue Mixed-Use Development Project. with the subject mitigation measure(s) shall be reviewed and
2. Environmental Equivalent/Timing —Any mitigation measure determined adequate by all departments listed for each mitigation
and timing thereof, subject to the approval of the City, which measure.Outside public agency review is limited to those public
will have the same or superior result and will have the same or agencies specified in the Mitigation Monitoring Plan which have
superior effect on the environment. The Planning Department,in permit authority in conjunction with the mitigation measure.
conjunction with any appropriate agencies or City departments, 5. Ongoing Mitigation Measures — The mitigation measures
shall determine the adequacy of any proposed "environmental that are designated to occur on an ongoing basis as part of this
equivalent/timing"and, if determined necessary, may refer said Mitigation Monitoring Plan will be monitored in the form of an
determination to the Planning Commission. Any costs annual letter from the property owner/developer in January of
associated with information required in order to make a each year demonstrating how compliance with the subject
determination of environmental equivalency/timing shall be measure(s)has been achieved.When compliance with a measure
done by the property owner/developer. Staff time for reviews has been demonstrated for a period of one year, monitoring of
will be charged on a time and materials basis at the rate in the the measure will be deemed to be satisfied and no further
City's adopted Fee Schedule. monitoring will occur. For measures that are to be monitored
3. Timing—This is the point where a mitigation measure must be "Ongoing During Construction", the annual letter will review
monitored for compliance. In the case where multiple action those measures only while construction is occurring; monitoring
items are indicated, it is the first point where compliance will be discontinued after construction is complete.A fmal annual
associated with the mitigation measure must be monitored.Once letter will be provided at the close of construction.
the initial action item has been complied with, no additional 6. Building Permit — For purposes of this Mitigation Monitoring
monitoring pursuant to the Mitigation Monitoring Plan will Plan,, a building permit shall be defined as any permit issued for
occur, as routine City practices and procedures will ensure that construction of a new building or structural expansion or
the intent of the measure has been complied with. For example, modification of any existing building, but shall not include any
if the timing is "to be shown on approved building plans" permits required for interior tenant improvements or minor
subsequent to issuance of the building permit consistent with additions to an existing structure or building.
the approved plans will be final building and zoning inspections
pursuant to the building permit to ensure compliance.
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Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Property Owner/Developer
shall include a note on the building plans and require that the painting
contractor for the interior areas of the residential portion of Proposed
Prior to the Project shall utilize"Super-Compliant"VOC paints,which are defined Planning and
issuance of a in SCAQMD's Rule 1113 and contain 10 grams per liter of VOC or Building
MM AIR-1 building less, and shall ensure compliance during construction activities. Department/Building
permit. A list of"Super-Compliant"paints are provided at: Division
coatings .
Prior to the issuance of a grading permit,the Property Owner/Developer
shall include a note on the grading and building plans and require that
Prior to the off-road diesel-powered construction equipment greater than 50 Planning and
issuance of a Building
MM AIR-2 grading horsepower shall meet the Tier 4 Final emissions standards and shall be Department/Building
permit. registered with CARB and labelled detailing that the equipment meets Division
Tier 4 emissions standards, and shall ensure compliance during
construction activities.
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Prior to issuance of Grading or Building Permits, the Property
Owner/Developer shall provide a note on plans indicating and require,
Prior to that in the event that any evidence of cultural resources is discovered Planning and
issuance of during ground-disturbing activities, all work within the vicinity of the Building
MM CUL-1 Grading or find shall stop until a qualified archaeological consultant'can assess the Department/Building
Building find and make recommendations. Project Applicant shall not attempt Division
Permits. excavation of potential cultural resources. The qualified archaeologist
shall ensure that the Proposed Project complies with the following
• Prior to any ground disturbance,the qualified archaeologist,or their
designee, shall provide a worker environmental awareness
protection (WEAP) training to construction personnel regarding
regulatory requirements for the protection of cultural (prehistoric
and historic) resources. As part of this training, construction
personnel shall receive proper procedures to follow if unanticipated
cultural resources are discovered during construction.Workers will
have contact information and protocols to follow in the event of any
inadvertent discoveries. The WEAP training can be in the form of
a video or PowerPoint presentation. Printed literature (handouts)
can accompany the training and given to new workers and
contractors to avoid continuous training over the course of the
• If unanticipated cultural material is encountered during any phase
of project construction, all construction work within 50 feet (15
meters)of the find shall cease and the qualified archaeologist shall
• assess the find for importance.Construction activities may continue
in other areas. If, in consultation with the City, the discovery is
determined not to be important,work will be permitted to continue
in the area.
• If the qualified archaeologist determines a resource to constitute a
"historical resource" pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section
15064.5(a) or has a "unique archaeological resource" pursuant to
Public Resources Code Section 21083.2(g), the qualified
archaeologist shall coordinate with the Property Owner/Developer
and the City to develop a formal treatment plan. The plan should
serve to reduce impacts to the resources and allow construction to
proceed. The treatment plan established for the resources shall be
in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5(f) for
historical resources and Public Resources Code Section 21083.2(b)
for unique archaeological resources. Preservation in place (i.e.,
avoidance)is the preferred manner of treatment.
• If preservation in place is not feasible, treatment may include
implementation of archaeological data recovery excavations to
remove the resource along with subsequent laboratory processing
and analysis.
• The Property Owner/Developer shall provide any historic
archaeological material that is not Native American in origin for
curation at a public,nonprofit institution with a research interest in
the materials,such as the South-Central Coastal Information Center
at California State University, Fullerton. If no institution accepts
the archaeological material, the Property Owner/Developer shall
donate the archaeological material to a local school or historical
society in the area for educational purposes, as determined to be
appropriate by the City of Anaheim.
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Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the Property Owner/Developer
shall retain a qualified paleontologist to observe ground disturbing
activities and recover fossil resources as necessary when construction
activities will impact the older Quaternary Alluvium. The
paleontologist shall attend the pre-grading conference and establish
Prior to procedures and protocols for paleontological monitoring and to Planning and
MM GEO-1 issuance of a temporarily halt ground disturbing activities to permit sampling, Building
grading evaluation, and recovery of any discovery. Substantial excavations Department/Building
permit. below the uppermost layers (below 3 feet below surface) should be Division
monitored.Sediment samples should also be recovered to determine the
small-fossil potential of the site. If a discovery is determined to be
significant, additional excavations and salvage of the fossil may be
necessary to ensure that any impacts to it are mitigated to a less than
significant level.
Prior to the issuance of a grading permit,the Property Owner/Developer
shall perform one of the following actions to reduce the construction-
related noise impacts to Loara Elementary School, located adjacent to
the south side of the Project Site:
• Restrict all demolition and grading equipment from operating
Prior to within 50 feet of the shared south property line with Loara planning and
Elementary School,while Loara Elementary School is in session;
issuance of aBuilding
MM NOI-1 • Prior to the start of demolition or grading activities, construct a
grading temporary 8-foot high wall along the shared property line with Department/Building
permit. Loara Elementary School. The temporary wall shall be constructed Division
with minimum 5/8-inch plywood or oriented strand board (OSB)
and shall be maintained until completion of the grading phase; or
• Prior to the start of demolition or grading activities, construct the
proposed 8-foot high CMU wall along the shared property line with
Loara Elementary School that is detailed in Project Design Feature
Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the Property
Owner/Developer shall submit to the Public Works Department for
Prior to review and approval of the street improvement plans for the following
issuance of improvements: Public Works
MM TRAF-1 the first • Extend the westbound left-turn storage length an additional 45 feet
building east of the railroad crossing to provide 105 feet of total storage; and Transportation
permit • Add striping to designate the additional storage length for the Division
westbound left-turn lane;
• Relocate the railroad crossing arm onto the remaining median strip.
Such improvements shall be constructed prior to issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy.
Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the Property
Owner/Developer shall submit to the Public Works Department for
review and approval of the street improvement plans for the following
• Extend the northbound left-turn storage lane by restriping an
additional 85 feet of lane to the south to provide 200 feet total
• Restrict on-street parking along the eastern and western sides of
Loara Street from Lincoln Avenue to the southern boundary of the
Project Site by adding additional red curb striping and/or "no
Prior to • Restripe Loara Street with a two-way left-turn lane(TWLTL)from Public Works
issuance of the end of the extended 200 foot northbound left turn lane to at least Department/Traffic
MM TRAF-2 the first 100 feet south of its intersection with Embassy Street(the existing
building "KEEP CLEAR" pavement markings .at Loara Street/Embassy and Transportation
permit Street intersection shall remain). Transitional striping shall be Division
provided from the end of the TWLTL to the existing center lane
striping beyond the southern boundary of the Project Site, and the
exact lengths of striping will be determined through the street
Improvement Plans;
• Extend the eastbound right turn lane striping (current striping is
approximately 90 feet in length) an additional 155 feet west of the
driveway to provide 245 feet total storage (based on General Plan
Amendment queuing).
• Retain and extend existing red curb striping or"no parking" signs
along the southern side of Lincoln Avenue for the 245-foot
approach to the intersection.
Such improvements shall be constructed prior to issuance •of a
Certificate of Occupancy.
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Prior to the issuance of a grading permit,the Property Owner/Developer I
shall retain a Native American Monitor/Consultant and a copy of the
executed contract shall be submitted to the City of Anaheim Planning
and Building Department. The Project Applicant shall be required to
retain and compensate for the services of a Tribal monitor/consultant
who is both approved by the Gabrielefio Band of Mission Indians-Kizh
Nation Tribal Government and is listed under the NAHC's Tribal
Contact list for the Project area.This list is provided by the NAHC.The
Tribal monitor/consultant will only be present on-site during the planning and
Prior to construction phases that involve ground-disturbing activities. Ground Building
MM TCR-1 issuance of a disturbing activities are defined by the Gabrieleno Band of Mission
grading permit Indians-Kizh Nation as activities that may include, but are not limited Division
to, pavement removal, potholing or auguring, grubbing, tree removals,
boring, grading, excavation, drilling, and trenching, within the project
area. The Tribal Monitor/consultant will complete daily monitoring
logs that will provide descriptions of the day's activities, including
construction activities, locations, soil, and any cultural materials
identified. The onsite monitoring shall end when the Project Site
grading and excavation activities are completed, or when the Tribal
Representatives and monitor/consultant have indicated that the Project
Site has a low potential for impacting Tribal Cultural Resources.
Upon Unanticipated Discovery of Tribal Cultural and Archaeological
discovery of Resources: Upon discovery of any archaeological resources, Planning and
MM TCR-2 any construction activities shall be ceased in the immediate vicinity of the Building
find until the find can be assessed. All archaeological resources DepartmentBuilding
archaeological g Division
resources. unearthed by project construction activities shall be evaluated by the
qualified archaeologist and Tribal monitor/consultant approved by the
Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians-Kizh Nation. If the resources are
Native American in origin, the Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians-
Kizh Nation shall coordinate with the Property Owner/Developer
regarding treatment and curation of these resources. Typically, the
Tribe will request reburial or preservation for educational purposes.
Work may continue on other parts of the Project Site while evaluation
and, if necessary, mitigation takes place (CEQA Guidelines Section
15064.5[f]). If a resource is determined by the qualified archaeologist
to constitute a "historical resource" or "unique archaeological
resource," time allotment and funding sufficient to allow for
implementation of avoidance measures,or appropriate mitigation,must
be available. The treatment plan established for the resources shall be
in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5(f) for historical
resources and PRC Sections 21083.2(b) for unique archaeological
resources.Preservation in place(i.e.,avoidance)is the preferred manner
of treatment. If preservation in place is not feasible, treatment may
include implementation of archaeological data recovery excavations to
remove the resource along with subsequent laboratory processing and
analysis. Any historic archaeological material that is not Native
American in origin shall be curated at a public, non-profit institution
with a research interest in the materials, such as the Natural History
Museum of Los Angeles County or the Fowler Museum, if such an
institution agrees to accept the material. If no institution accepts the
archaeological material, they shall .be offered to a local school or
historical society in the area for educational purposes.
I, THERESA BASS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the
original Resolution No. 2020-060 adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the Anaheim
City Council held on the 9th day of June, 2020 by the following vote of the members thereof:
AYES: Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Faessel, Barnes, Brandman, Kring-and O'Neil
NOES: Council Member Moreno
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of June, 2020.