07 & 08 (13)
Jennifer L. Hall
From:Tanya Bilezikjian <
Sent:Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:44 PM
To:Public Comment
Subject:Anaheim Stadium
City Council,
I cannot understand the reasoning or logic behind the plan to sell the Anaheim Stadium, and I strongly you to
provide a defensible, transparent rationale for your approach and your intent. Knowing that there can be no such
thing, you must immediately stop this process.. So far, your actions on this matter have shown that you feel you
have no accountability or responsibility to the citizens of the great City of Anaheim. Your behavior causes me
to wonder why this is being done under cover of COVID and without following the normal financial
transactional process. What do you stand to gain by throwing the City under the bus? I look forward to finding
out, and to stopping the planned sale.
Remember, we elected you. We can unelect you too.
Tanya Bilezikjian
Resident and Homeowner, City of Anaheim