General (7) Jennifer L. Hall From:Taylor Crouse <taylor@heliosenergyca.com> Sent:Friday, September 25, 2020 1:47 PM To:Public Comment Cc:president@stcatherinesacademy.org Subject:Anaheim NEM 1.0 Extension Dear Anaheim City Council, As you know, we've lost AT LEAST 6+ months of this year's business due to COVID-19. * 2020 was the 'proposed' final year of Anaheim Public Utilities NEM 1.0, which maintains an equal cost kWh exchange of 1:1 for all new Solar installations. January 1st, 2021 is the current set date for NEM 2.0. There are multiple Anaheim businesses, schools, and churches that were in process of getting approved & installed for solar this year, but due to COVID-19 had to SHUTDOWN. Now as they start to come back online, it's too late to finish before year's end, as NEM 2.0 essentially renders Solar no longer financially advantageous. NEM 1.0 should be extended an additional 12 months to give businesses the chance to finish what they started. California mandated a shutdown for many months, granted extensions on taxes, eviction relief, business payroll relief, etc. in response to the global pandemic. If everything else was frozen in time, would it not make sense for NEM 1.0 too? * We know you care about your community and Anaheim businesses. If you decide to grant this 12-month NEM 1.0 extension it will allow businesses and homeowners alike to flourish after struggling through one of the most difficult times I personally have ever experienced. Thank you all sincerely for everything you do for our community. We appreciate you. Sincerely, Taylor Crouse Helios Energy *NEM Explanation: Anaheim Public Utilities (along w/ SCE, LADWP, SDG&E, etc.) provides a service known as Net Energy Metering (NEM). NEM occurs as commercial or residential Solar system's create excess electricity during the day, they SEND/SELL that electricity back to the grid, and then at night when the sun's not out, they RECEIVE/BUY that power back. NEM 1.0 $1.00 When YOU RECEIVE/BUY Anaheim Public Utilities 1 kWh, you pay $1.00 When YOU SEND/SELL Anaheim Public Utilities 1 kWh, they'll pay you NEM 2.0 $1.00 When YOU RECEIVE/BUY Anaheim Public Utilities 1 kWh, you pay $0.33 When YOU SEND/SELL Anaheim Public Utilities 1 kWh, they'll pay you Best Regards, 1 Taylor Crouse Energy Consultant Helios Energy, Inc. (mobile) www.HeliosEnergyCA.com 2