07 (14)
Jennifer L. Hall
From:Annie Mezzacappa
Sent:Monday, September 28, 2020 5:21 PM
To:Jennifer L. Hall
Cc:Theresa Bass
Subject:Fw: Anaheim Angel Stadium CCM 8/29 item 7
Forwarding - FYI
Annie Mezzacappa
Chief of Staff
to Anaheim Mayor Harry S. Sidhu, P.E.
From: Jeanette Saldivar <
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 5:19 PM
To: Council <council@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; sfaessel@anahiem.net
<sfaessel@anahiem.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net>; lkring@anahiem.net <lkring@anahiem.net>; Jose
Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>; jbradman@anaheim.net <jbradman@anaheim.net>; Denise Barnes
Subject: Anaheim Angel Stadium CCM 8/29 item 7
Dear Mayor and Council
As a resident of Anaheim, all I care about the Angels deal is this...as long as the entire cost of remodeling the Stadium or building a
Thank goodness Anaheim is
new one DOES NOT fall on the shoulders of Anaheim's local taxpayers then this is a great deal!
doing the right thing! And the Angels are staying! M
any other cities have sided with the sport team/organizations and built
a stadium for the team by taxing and putting the burden on their residents/taxpayers. I say again - thank goodness Anaheim is doing
the right thing!!
Isn't it hypocritical for Councilmember Moreno to point fingers at this Angel deal?? Wake up Anaheim residents!! Take a long look
countless bonds
at our Anaheim school districts and the that Anaheim property owners must suffer when ALL of Anaheim
Elementary, Junior and High Schools are the worst of the worst of All of Orange County! Anaheim schools have the lowest scores in
Orange County. Yet...Councilmember Moreno looks the other way. Councilmember Moreno's version of transparency is to protect
his friends and allies on the school boards and ALLOW Anaheim students to suffer academically! So why do
Anaheim have to pay for the lawsuit that AESD chose to use to fight against parents who wanted better results in
education for their kids? Funny how Councilmember Moreno doesn't say a word about that INJUSTICE FOR ANAHEIM
TAXPAYERS. Oh, that's right...because those are his circle of friends and allies who he needs to protect.
So, with that, I express my appreciation that Mayor Sidhu, MPT Faessel, CMs Kring, O'Neil, and Brandman are looking out for
Anaheim. Thank you for NOT doing what Anaheim School Boards are doing to us!!! I am not the only one that thinks like this.
Jeanette O. Saldivar