19 (7) Public Comment From:Nicholas Gumina < Sent:Thursday, October 1, 2020 10:56 AM To:Public Comment Cc:info@srbmanagement.com Subject:Renegotiate the Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I fully oppose the City selling the Stadium property at an extremely undervalued price, while keeping the Angels in Anaheim would be nice, robbing the residents of Anaheim to do this is wrong. I hope you will also realize this, and put the appropriate value on the land. As our leaders, I hope you will look closely at what this proposed agreement and plan has to offer and what a reasonable offer would actually include. Your support of this giveaway will destroy any faith Anaheim residents have in the city leadership. Thank you for your leadership, this is a great deal for the buyer and a huge mistake for the City of Anaheim. 1