19 (175) Public Comment From:Kerry Mahoney < Sent:Monday, October 5, 2020 1:43 PM To:Public Comment Cc:info@srbmanagement.com Subject:Support for Stadium Development Plan Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Members of the Anaheim City Council, I do not support the Council’s decision last Tuesday to move forward with selling the Stadium property. I along with so many others are agaisnt this sale. You are giving away the stadium and land to Arte who is a billionaire. Anaheim has really made some poor choices and decisions but this is the biggest. Such a disappointment. Its shocking what you are giving him. I'm so surprised that you as a Mayor Mr. Sidhu, and many of you on the Council want this!! Why!! Curt Pringle started this years ago and now you are voting for it. Beyond Crazy! The Platinum Triangle should have been a decision we Anaheim'ers, the CommUnity should be involved in & allowed to vote on. I'm sure if we were allowed to, this project would not be moving forward this way. Arte is dishonest & I'm thinking many of you are too or are getting some silent money & kickbacks. This whole project is fishy. Anaheim should be selling bonds and investing Disney money into this venture and doing it on their own. You owe the City of Anaheim affordable housing by 2021. This plan is promising affordable housing many years from now. Your giving him a loan that he can take 20 years to pay back. Completely insane. That alone makes the city liars, out of compliance and cheating the people. The land can be sold be Arte months later and he'll make a huge profit. He's laughing at you all! This land is worth more per acre than the whole deal in the long run. Shame on You All for doing this. None of you up for reelection have my vote!! Many in the Community are not voting for you that are up for reelection and recalls are going to be made. In fact, I hope the Homeless Task wins in court against you and you get your Karma. As it is, if you didn't let go or remove two council members earlier this year who are against this project, than (1) you'd be saving money as your paying them a 6 figure salary still and they are not on the council cause you removed them. (2) that money could have went to building the Plantium Triangle by the City of Anaheim which is what should be happening. Or to thecafforable housing that was promised by 2021. Who makes bad decisions like this? Anaheim is going down the drain quick. Wrong people are making bad decisions. City of Kindness I think not! The so called park that is in the plans is in front of the Stadium. What a joke! So Arte makes money of those sales too. Affordable housing. Nothing is really affordable. And the units promised are not much by any means. The housing list is way longer than what is promised. I see greed written all over this and you as the majority on our council. A Recall is what many of us want. You did this behind closed doors during COVID and that itself is shady and speaks volumes about the majority of you. Who on the board was born and raised in Anaheim besides Ament? Shaking my head in disbelief! Not for this at all. Other ways this can be done and should. Your sending out this email with false words, twisting things around, broken promises and you know it. Arte and Mayor Sidhu your best friends right, so selling to him is all wrong, unprofessional and illegal. What's in it for you? 1 Arte can move the Angels to any County. It says that exactly in your documents on this deal. He does not have to keep his Los Angeles Angles in Anaheim. Bring back the soccer team the California Waves. Get a new Baseball team. The Ducks have a new home at the Great Park. Years from now what is Anaheim going to own and be known for? Think about the mistakes your making!! Don't make this city a disgrace! Hopeful to win in court against you and this deal. Thank You, 52 years in Anaheim 2