General (2)
Public Comment
From:Annemarie Randle-Trejo <
Sent:Tuesday, October 6, 2020 1:11 PM
To:Public Comment
Subject:open meetings
Mayor Sidhu and Council,
I and several people now have tried to impress upon you to hold open meetings or to use a zoom type platform. We
have tried to impress upon you the important significance of not only allowing your constituents to address you on the
phone or to read the several correspondences aloud you receive at each meeting. This allows voices to be heard. This
allows for the democratic process of government to occur. Instead we are left to make up our own minds about what
you think of the residents. We cannot see your faces when you speak nor are you truly allowing others to know where
people stand. When you make these significant decisions without input from the whole community it says you do not
care. You are not in touch with the residents and other entities are more important.
We are in a crisis right now and I cannot think of a better time to conduct business differently. I a way that draws the
public closer not further away. We are looking to you for leadership and you are saying we are conducting business the
way we want. -Not what is right.
Many local government agencies are doing the zoom type meetings and allow people to give one-minute responses
toward items on or off the agenda. We at AUHSD hold our meetings on zoom and we have our district counsel read our
items put forth.
People want to see your faces and to be able to look at you while casting your vote. This could work in an incredibly
positive way for you. As of now many are very suspicious and are making claims which could be false or true. Put it this
way. You want to be able to say you have done all you could to gain the trust of folks.
Please correct this as soon as possible. Conduct meetings in a more inclusive manner.
Annemarie Randle-Trejo
AUHSD Board President/Constituent/Candidate for Council District 4