19 (347)
Public Comment
From:Pat D <
Sent:Tuesday, October 6, 2020 1:52 PM
To:Public Comment; Denise Barnes; Jose Moreno; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Stephen Faessel;
Lucille Kring; Trevor O'Neil; Jordan Brandman
Subject:Angel stadium sale and public access
The majority of you are on such a crash course in racing to complete the illegal and ill advised sale of the
Stadium and land so very valuable to your citizenry. The community should benefit from this sale - not just
your cronies and contributors.
Staff appear to be complicit though trying to do their job. Unfortunately it is at your guidance they represent
you with misinformation and incomplete details. Having a job in the time of COVID-19 is so valuable. I don't
begrudge them working but must wonder at what time their conscience and any honorable principles they hold
dear might kick in and challenge their actions and behavior.
I urge you to stop this deal and open the negotiations and details to the public. Unfortunately we are not allowed
in the room nor are our comments read into the record. That plus not at least seeing and hearing you on Zoom
during this shutdown period only increases my belief you have so much to hide and are deeply dishonest.
Hopefully you who are lining your pockets with this and many prior "deals" will be removed from office in the
near future. The legalities of your actions will be handled in other settings.
Pat Davis
Sent from my phone. Please excuse brevity and typos.