2788 E. Verde Ave. ....."- ...~\~ , ElM BUILDING DIVISION 200 S. ANAHEI.M BLVD. (714) 765: 5153 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714) 765- 4626 . CENSUS CODE: . '434 QUARTER SI'iCTION: 124 BUILDING PERMIT NO.' BI.'l2004-00686 TYPE OF PERMIT C Residential Addition ITV DATE: 6/3/2004 JOB ADDRESS: 2788 E VERDE AVE . . . LEGAL DESCRIPTION:N TR 3439 LOT 37 APPLICANT: STEVEM ILLER OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORWTION: Cecile D Leavell STEVEN M MILLeR 2788 E Veroe Ave. 33782 VIOLET LANTERN. Anaheim, CA. 9:2806. , '. DANA POINt, CA 92629o,ba JOB DESCRIPTIONMd 206m living room extension (HIH) f VALUATION:' . . 13,864.00 . ' ...;' . PROCESSED BY:' HRO . '., I ..' . ". .... . 'OWNER'BUlLDERbE.CLARATION '. .'. . ..". .... I .,1 h~re~:'Y~ffirm under penalty of perjl,lry that I am exempt from the contract():'~" licenSe Law for the fo_llowing r-=ason ($ec;703:1_1"5, Business an.d. .' Professions Code: any dty or county which requires a permit to construct, alt. r,_ improve, demolish or repair any structure, prio.r- to its issuance, also' , requires the applicant fo.( such permit to file a signed statement that he is lice:.: .sed i:)(.!rsljant)o the provisions Of the Contractor's license Law (Cha'pte-( " 9)(commencing-with Section,70CO of Division 3 of the Business'snd P(ofessk~,}s C606},or t~:.lt he is eX~lTIPtJheiefrom_and_the basi's fot" the alleged exemption. Any yiolation of SeGtion?031.5 by any applicant for a pefmitsut:.fds,the applicant to a dvn' penattyo~ r'!ot more.than'five h.undred dollars' . ($500). . . .' , .,..... .' .' '. o . I, sS,9wner of p-roperty, or my employee$ witn wages as their: sole comp~nsation. will do'_-the yvork, and the struc~ure is not in,tended .'or off~red for sale (Sec. 7044 Business and P~ofessions Code.: Th:e Contractor:s License Lp'.l does n~t apply to an owner of prop~rty .wtlO .b!:ii1~s Qr improves thereon, and who,does such work himself or herself or through his or her o~,i>~~ployees,provided that such irnprovementsarenot intendeci.or" . offered for sale. If, however, the bl!ild ing. or 'improvement .is sold with one yeP of completion, "the.owr:er-blJilder wnl have_the, burden 6fprov'ing tha.t h.s didnqtbunctorimprove.forthepl,JrPoS80f-sale);.. .. .t.::::;. . i ' _,-". '. ,',- :.:_....','- :.- '.01, as th?, o~ner-R:f.thE:!_ prop~r1'/.ain exdusively contracting with:lice!1se,~ i~?ritrc1ctors to'const~.uctthe:project (S~c. 7044 ~sin~s.and)~foressions_ Code: The C0rltr&C~c;rS license Law does not apply to an owner of prop~rtr~':vh') bUi!ds_ or improlles thereon, and- who oontracts, for such projects with a contfactor(~}licefi..~ed pUrsuant to the COl1tra::::tor'sLlcense 13w). 1,\ '. .. 01 am exe'mpturide/Sec."., . . ,,,- ' ,:8 & P.C. forthi~ reaSon: ._....:.~.r.' '.' Date: . - Owner: . .. . - '.' j WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION .~f~' ."1 he~~by affirm under penalty of p~rjury ope of the ,following declarations": . (t. 0' ".:Lhave an~ .will maintain a certifidate of !:Cns_ent to ,self-insure fpr worker;~:bompensation;'. a~ .proVid~~ f~r by Sect1cn,3700 of the Labor Coae, for the performan,C?- of thr :-'/orldor which thIS permit :,.,',scued. '. _ ' '-r, ' " . .00 . '.have' a."~(; wili rnail1tain worker's compensation insurance. as reqUiredb~l::,SectiOn 370,0 O;f ~ Code, for,the performance-of the work for which this permit is issu;}j. iV1yworker's Compensation' inSurance ~'rrler' and pqliey are: - . . _ . ..:l . Carrier: .EXE~PT . . . . Policy Number. EXE~p';'ri . . This section.ne~ not be eompl,etedif the pennit"is for-one hUQdred' dollarS ($19~!,'~ less. o ' cer:tifythat in theperfonnanceofthe work forwhic!1this permjtlS)sS-~.>~itshall not employ any person inany mannerso.as to become s '. ctto.thework~r' .c,;V~pensation laws of Califomla, and agree that if I should became. toihe"worker's c mpert$ation ", provisi.ons .of .Section 3700 of the Labor-Cod I: forthwith comply' .1h< ~~ ptovision,s. , . :~~. l . Dale:. 6/312004 Applicant'[~ .:' WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE. 'S COMPI;NSATION cOVijt',@E IS .. UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN eMPLOYER TO CRIM INAL PEi'c!f\PIES .AND CIVIL .FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,090), INAOp"~Of':J TO THE . COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES ASPROViDED FOR IN SEC,IOl>l :l{06.,OF THE LABOR CODE; INTEREST AND ATTORNEY'S FEES, <<,;t' "," I CONSTRUCTION. LENDING AGENCY,. \. ." :,:l }'" , __ _ll:lere:by_ AffirQi under !)ena!ty of p'Jrjurv tnat there ls a construction lendr.~Yi";~i.~V fnLthe..;.,,-;~..' performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec.3097.Civ .C): lender's Information: . . . ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: /' I 6/3/2004 Date: NUMBER 526709 TYPI;,' B EXP1RATION DATE . 3/31/2006 -'M~"" ConstruCion Tvpes, VN, , Occupancy' Groups: R3; " , Fire Sprinklered? OwelliOQ Units: LivinQ Atea: .NO 1 206 I certify that I have read this application and stat at the aboVe in-fC?rmatil?n.isc.orrect I agree'to comply with 1 ordinances and state I ws relating to bu'Uding construction, and hereby authorize p ives of t\1i.s citY to enter, upbn the above mentioned property for !nspection purpo Date: 6/312004 Fees pa.id for Permit: 'Total:' . 1.39 . Signature of Applicant or Agent . The. permitshall expire by Iimiti\tion and become null,andvoid if the building or . work has nol' passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance. A 'new permit is requirj!d to commence or continue work. . INSPECTION RECORD' I~SPE(:T1oN . .... . 'DATE' . INSPECTOR, . . Temporary Power Pole. .... ". Plumbing (DrainiWaSle PiPe) '. ". . . Electrical GrOund EkH:trQCJelUfer "'" ,r . SetbacklForr!'\SlTrenChes (Footings) . .;t;(j~",., g- -,.",-... .! . , 00 not install subfloor or pour (Ioor slab until!he .6-> .' followingapplicabJe items .havebeen signed." . . . Plumbing (Water f'ipe.$prinkler Valves) . . . 1 Mechanical (GroundWol'k)' .' .... . . :' .. !:!ectr<<;al (Underground Conduit) . . .' .'.J'\ ,. . '. pre-slab'(C~actionlMembrane.Reinr" "{, c . (j;'''''{,''-'7 '. . . Underpin!ling (Roo. Joist/Glrders) , j\ . .!J<> not <;bver or~nceal tne""ork pelow until the. ...- . fallowing applicable items h~ve been signed;': .' . '., .1 1 st. Floor. Shear' . . . . '. " '. 0 1f/ii1;}'; . :.. ArespriokJer(Rough) . ' , . . 2nc:! Floor Shear' .... . " .....-; j;' .. .ROof (SIle.hlng/Diaphragnv'Frame)'. ;. >-U-c.;r 'jp. 'r-l MasonrY (ReinfJBond Beam/Pre-Grout) . . ~ . II R!llighPlumbing (Top Out) . . '. ." 1./.' " . . Rough Mechanical . .' '. . - . - . --..''''''.... 1& I Rough Electrical... V j . Framing. (Only aner Plbg ,Elee r.:eeh and FJre~ .... Insul.ion (SoundlEnergy) . . . D4 . Do not tape or .plaster !Antil tne followil'g afmhcable ..' items have been signed:' '. '. - -. . '. . ...;. '. '. DrYwall . . . . . ~'4/.""; r~rA. . Penetrall~ (Fire Rated) Electrical .. 1/ .Penetr.ionS (Fire R.ed).Mechanical.... .'-"" . . Penetr.ions (Fife R.ed) Plumbing . .'. . '. . Interior Lath . -.. . I, C7 . ..' Exterior Lath'. . .' . . I'I'-</DY '.-,.- . '. -. '.' . . GENERAL ITEMS . . - -n .' !ElCterfoj Plaster (Bl'QIWn Coat) . IJ~./J.fJt. ,. .' .T -Bar Electrical -. .- (JIJ T-l3ar Mechanical' . ." .:. . I. . T-8ar Structural :. .' 1 Sewer - '. '. . '. . ' . . Water Engineering Backflow . .'. . .. .' . .' . Water Service'. . . .,< . \ FINAUN$PECnONS . .. .. Dale lnspei: r .'-...".^ Electrical. Final . Plumbil)gFinal ' Mechanical Final . Gas Test Engineering/Grading FjnaI765-6126. Fir. Dept.. Final 765-4040 Wate, Engineering 76$-;;268 . Sub List/Business' License 765-5,19 Zoning 765.5139 .: Bu. i1dirig Final :ILasi Inspection: Only . . ~ ~A ""'. . ,,- -.' AflerAbov,eComplete) 1"'","V'f . . PARTIA1.INSPECTIONS Buildinlilnspectlons . . ., Mechanical Inspections Plumbina InsDections . '. Electrical Inspections' ";)