2167va'I>1N�r�tC_, t,lv. 2167 01 OITIII'IANClE OF THE' CITY OF ANAH!W,IM AMENDING TITL. 18 OF THE AN«H°EI14. TM\?ICIPAL CODE RELAT- INCO TO ZONING. '( 7THE CITY COUNCIL OF THEE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES FIND r1dL sr1 ,?I:%vt,i,_1S,i�.e City larnitin� Commission of the City of =.iaheiril di5 _ieretofore duly pass and adopt a resolution in each of t e hereinafter numbered recla.ssificat.ions, recommending amendments to ^'itle 18 of the .:'.nareim Municipal Code and changes in tt).e bounc.ar -es of zones tiereinafter mentioned and de- scri )ec, after 7avLTa� ilelc public r"-acarLrigs thereon, in the manner an't as -ire said Title 18 of t1 e :-Anaheim Municipal Code, _o consider suci� i-)roposec c -ians,--es of zones, and after Navin received, evidlevice ancj. -_repor .s fror_l persons interested therein; ,.a sail,-', Cit; l lanninnCommission did maize finu- 1 -ins and sun�'?ta�•�.es c,f-.-Ls_s i-ie�ar%n =:s ai�c did. recommend changes of zc-ines as set fere 7 said. :resol it -ions; and T'Don receipt o:'F saiQ resolutions, reports of ii din,s, s,.trnmsari ;�s o. e :i.c ence �:.nd recommendations of the City t; i ! E isi.., 1i ti -).e Gt1 Clay OC .Ji1n' as ti.;' t :'., .., �, .> ;o� a,c r 1_ Chamber in -�;.e _ IJ. of t City L11 -i::2 CiLy of t s.>. 'n: as tL e place, Zor public hearings upon said proposed amenc.ra2nLs L.o Title 18 o_ the naiZeim Municipal Code and c am es of zones, a1c= Gid ; ive izotice ;Hereof in the manner an, -71 :is nrov dte(, i 2 saL(: T'LL-le 13 or the u'Vaheim Municipal Code; L, n - TH.sRlo,.AS, at the irne a,ic place fixed for said public hearin-s, k- e Cit_ _� Council l - U.. i alp and conduct s�; ch public hear - in s and r�ic C..ve all persons iriterested therein an opportunity to be hearj_) :arid: did: receive evidence and reports, and did there- upon consider tide recommendations of the City Planning Commis- sion, and Biu aCloTA a resolution: in each reclassification proceec:in-,--iil:iil-i anc' d _erminin that Title 18 of the ..,',,naheim I'unicipal Code si:oulu be amended and that chanes in the bounda- ir ries o� sa y. zones si o ilc e made- as set forth in said resolutions. ?0';.r, TH,reEFOi: Tei j CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ` R -D IN : ` S FCLLOFN'S : SECTION 1. Ti -.at Title 1 of thie Anaheim Municipal Code relating Lo zonin_, je, and dile same Ls _,ereb �, amended by changing the boundaries of LI -le zones sec fort;;. ire said: Title 18 by adopting a sect-Loiaca ,'Ori7_n,,; Nlip or i`iaps so-owin, s c]h c4anges as follows _ !_ Z o -i ._ T _ OT> "�f'"ty u"�: _ "e? situated in the City of 1a- �; Count1v o (1 a.i,�e, t.at c_ ca _ :✓a1.i fo: ri_ a, more particularly ;t -ei- -Ler 6escri?;f, ` Linder se ara'-e reclassification numbers, be c'� ani ec f-frovt 'v ie zones in whic i. "i L is now incorporated to c_.c zone i_ x< _ca Lee" =or s ociv .i_c area rx"��(_-er each. reclassifi- ca :ions . + ' opc r r is ciescril)e d an -6 diesignated as follows : - 1- 'ioun o; J.:�, as s� -1 a o i1J_sco-I J'--jjjeous 1,-jaly -)S, z'I-cor.'s 0 -j -i i L -6:4 On of Lot One lying .'� ortlh- oJ: --scy", '-"i U - 2- 0_ CI ine o s -I i LCi J-) s L 0 D`I 0 c s c r i ID e r7 -j—;0 --c—L L 1-0 !-0-1.7s line of sai:; Lot 2) JI S, 2 D 0.1lest 43 .15 0 at..- n course D LI ce! 1 2s t 3 2 7 . C, S� S n 3 1-� Z feeL' Lo a "S' °--na as Si -e.- ion 0 C C 2- D q azo an an -le 'Qu: - 1 1� - - %. L o-- sa.�L�� Lot 2; t';hep-CC, -3, L no L: -L 7.7-5 �'-cet -o a, i--)oint; -;--.,,iencc-. 2 C" s t i --o L -J-0 poin;.: O -L L.L A. I Lots -'rin c� J.0) Nort"heasterly a -:1 le r! ht of viaty of \7 "XIICULTUD'-L ar6 LICZ -it 41 F- -- be claan- I -ea to ant:,-, T--',-T�"TE, ZONE. Ciy T - A 2'-' : ly I T L ronin aL - L -OU' - i corny L!�VeSof e landescribed j) - L L 4 in Parcell z' i -n e ue eCI to gaster OLl. Inc.) a corpo ' , .1 �" 4-n �,00k 6792, -page fai---Lon, 0 v el, nfL) e r -4-7 -S 0; C 0 RC.,Cor,: Lq a I -,o :Iq! bein- on a line �i i araliel,4 Isla _t !ori 53.0-b ,) feet iron: ti -10 hi -T -c of Lc- -`alma lven,,le* tience alonS said - 1 I)arallc-1 line 1'-Iort:�'� C 0 j51 "Cst 74.32 feet to the -:Lnnin`' o a c aK� r t curve concave 0orthwesterly anti L - e- L L -j'101- theasterly alon,7-7 -iav,in.- a ra6J.us o��- 2 5, ---e TICC 1.,Ior i: s a -ral --je of 1040 57'1'40.', -LL� cur, C'en, ctL�"� �-) -o a -ooi-i-ir- on a line aa arc o -II - p a r a I e 1 -J-21--l.. ai-l(-, C'-.'-SJ--anL- 7.11e-sterl� 45.00 feet, as measured n cl-t-2 ce-n-L-er line of Harbor Boulevard. -is sa-i-C-1 Cei-ILel'. - - L in -- ',s on a I'la-I filed in Book c" 1) a 0 1 04.Tl�%Co-.C-' 0C -U-�-V_- I I -."s' t:ne office of the �-Ountv 71--co-c.-er o sai-C Count -i !--he-nce along saj-6 last -2' i '. Tlest, 50 0 00'' ' .ientione-] -Inaral-'-el J-J-n,�- i�o- L_: 1- 141. 10 m,o'--e or less) :-o a -, o i n-;- o1j. c, -e Northerly line of -2- _2w -L: a:L-'i co u xse ia, 's 0 OTI s J/6 2,w. b-17 7"' 'c 0 S0-1 ilo I: L 0 D`I 0 c s c r i ID e r7 -j—;0 --c—L L 1-0 !-0-1.7s line of sai:; Lot 2) JI S, 2 D 0.1lest 43 .15 0 at..- n course D LI ce! 1 2s t 3 2 7 . C, S� S n 3 1-� Z feeL' Lo a "S' °--na as Si -e.- ion 0 C C 2- D q azo an an -le 'Qu: - 1 1� - - %. L o-- sa.�L�� Lot 2; t';hep-CC, -3, L no L: -L 7.7-5 �'-cet -o a, i--)oint; -;--.,,iencc-. 2 C" s t i --o L -J-0 poin;.: O -L L.L A. I Lots -'rin c� J.0) Nort"heasterly a -:1 le r! ht of viaty of \7 "XIICULTUD'-L ar6 LICZ -it 41 F- -- be claan- I -ea to ant:,-, T--',-T�"TE, ZONE. Ciy T - A 2'-' : ly I T L ronin aL - L -OU' - i corny L!�VeSof e landescribed j) - L L 4 in Parcell z' i -n e ue eCI to gaster OLl. Inc.) a corpo ' , .1 �" 4-n �,00k 6792, -page fai---Lon, 0 v el, nfL) e r -4-7 -S 0; C 0 RC.,Cor,: Lq a I -,o :Iq! bein- on a line �i i araliel,4 Isla _t !ori 53.0-b ,) feet iron: ti -10 hi -T -c of Lc- -`alma lven,,le* tience alonS said - 1 I)arallc-1 line 1'-Iort:�'� C 0 j51 "Cst 74.32 feet to the -:Lnnin`' o a c aK� r t curve concave 0orthwesterly anti L - e- L L -j'101- theasterly alon,7-7 -iav,in.- a ra6J.us o��- 2 5, ---e TICC 1.,Ior i: s a -ral --je of 1040 57'1'40.', -LL� cur, C'en, ctL�"� �-) -o a -ooi-i-ir- on a line aa arc o -II - p a r a I e 1 -J-21--l.. ai-l(-, C'-.'-SJ--anL- 7.11e-sterl� 45.00 feet, as measured n cl-t-2 ce-n-L-er line of Harbor Boulevard. -is sa-i-C-1 Cei-ILel'. - - L in -- ',s on a I'la-I filed in Book c" 1) a 0 1 04.Tl�%Co-.C-' 0C -U-�-V_- I I -."s' t:ne office of the �-Ountv 71--co-c.-er o sai-C Count -i !--he-nce along saj-6 last -2' i '. Tlest, 50 0 00'' ' .ientione-] -Inaral-'-el J-J-n,�- i�o- L_: 1- 141. 10 m,o'--e or less) :-o a -, o i n-;- o1j. c, -e Northerly line of -2- said 1anV 0scribec in Tarccl 2" to Foster oil, Inc.; thence along said Northerly line, South 33' 23' 40" WestI, 62.15 feet to the Northwest corner of said "Parcel 2"; tLence South 00 00' 40 '.fest, 160.71 feet to the point of bei inninn. now is C-3, ZONE, and that it be changed to and incorporated in C-1, GENERAL COMMERCIAL zam, RECLASSIFICATION NO AQ -65-121: Ec;innint at the intersection of a line parallel with and Cistant Southerly 50.00 fees, as measurK at right angles, troi-ii Lite ccriLar line ol La 2alma Avenue, wida a line parallel witi and 6istant Nesterly 34.75 feet, as measured M right an6les, knom tin center line of Harbor soulevare formerly Palm Street, adjoining said land on the East; whenc; 5oucherly along said last mentioned parallel line, 140 feet, thence oesterly at right anSles to saiu narbor Boulevard center line, 14C feet; thence Northerly at right angles to a point on said first mentionec parallel line; nbence lasterly, parallel "ith sw6 La Palma Avenue center line, 145 feet to the point of beginninL. nou is C-15 GANKRAL COINERCIAL ZONE and,R-3, MULTIPLE -FAMILY RESIDZNTIAL ZONS, an! that it be changeo to and incorporated in C-1, 5,0 -_IE. RECLnSSIFICATION No. 64-65-122: Lots I and 2, Tract 374, in the of Orange, State of California, recor6ed in Back 15, page 28 of records of said Oran2e County. City of Anaheim, County as shown an a Map thereof Miscellaneous Maps, 3XCEPTING ThRZFRUM u nesterij 10,25 feet, as measured at right antles from the Pesterly line of saA lots. nova is C-3, HEAVY GG-11,111ERCIAL ZONI-], and that it be chan3ed to an(! incorporate6 in C-1, COMHUE-RCIAL ',ONE. 8ECTION 2. The City Zoning f4p shall be, and Cho same is hereby, amnaQK ant One property above describe6 shall be excluded from nhe zone in which it is aow situate&, and incorporated in and m0e a part of Lhe zone or zones as above set forth, and said City boninMap as amonQ6 is lereby a6apted and the City �vjjney; is ercb; Cirectot to prapare a sectional zoni, map is 5o au�K wo n 2 VALy Zoninn l shavin.-, the changes '1-erelby apnrovyc and KopLeo. Tam CiLy Clerk shall corLify to the passage of this ordinance aud sball Cause LM same to be printed once within Eifteen (15) lays after its adopLion, in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper K Lcaeral circulation, printed, published an,-'. circuin_ed in =0 City, and �;irty (30) 6ays from and after it, Vinal passaEp it spall take effect and be in full force. -3- THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE is approved and signed by me this 20th day of July , 19 65 ATTEST: ix CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ss. MAYOR.OF THE CITY OF NAHEIM I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Ana eim, eld on t e lath day of July 1965 and that the same was passed and adopted at a recular meeting of said City Council held on the �otn ay o Ju 19�,, by the following vote of the members thereof: y AYES: COUNCILMEN: pebley, Schutte and Krein NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Dutton and Chandler AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said ordinance on the 20th day of uiy , 19 65 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 20th day of J1,1 V 19 6 (SEAL) CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM — 1, GENE V. WILLIA,fS, CITY CLERK OFTHE CITY OF ANAHEIM, UO HcKEoY UtROFY THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE IS 1HV ORIGIN�t 0,iIANANCE NO. vfC� AND WAS PUSL!SHEU ONCE IN THE ANAHEN BULLETIN ON THE110 DAY OF �L.s.