01 (2) Jennifer L. Hall From:Loretta Day Sent:Monday, November 9, 2020 6:58 PM To:Theresa Bass Cc:Jennifer L. Hall; Lauren Torres Subject:Fwd: Housing Authority Item Council Agenda 11/10/2020 FYI Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Keith Olesen < Date: November 9, 2020 at 6:25:28 PM PST To: "Harry Sidhu (Mayor)" <HSidhu@anaheim.net>, Stephen Faessel <sfaessel@anaheim.net>, Lucille Kring <LKring@anaheim.net>, Trevor O'Neil <toneil@anaheim.net>, Jordan Brandman <jbrandman@anaheim.net>, Denise Barnes <dbarnes@anaheim.net>, Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net> Cc: Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net>, Council <council@anaheim.net> Subject:Housing Authority Item Council Agenda 11/10/2020 Dear Mayor and City Council I’m writing to urge you to oppose the item on your agenda under the Anaheim Housing Authority. This involves the agreement to sell city owned property located and 113 and 119 N. Philadelphia and 280 E Lincoln (Cultural Arts Building). There are several reasons to oppose this proposal. The building itself is one of the very, very few remaining buildings left from old Anaheim. As such it should be treasured, not destroyed. The historic nature of the building is not, however, the only reason this project should not go forward. The proposal is far too dense (100 units on 1.15 acres or 87 dwelling units per acre) and is in a part of the city that is already burdened by decades of high density housing. The aging infrastructure cannot handle the increase in residential density and there is no stated plan to improve it in the near future. In addition the parcel is within close proximity to already existing affordable housing projects and is located in a part of the city that is already home to the lowest income levels in the city. These neighborhoods and the rental properties within them need attention, not more high density rental housing. The property has served the community as a senior center, a community meeting facility, and currently as home to the Anaheim Ballet. It should continue with this and/or similar uses and not converted to housing. Thank you for your consideration. Keith Olesen Anaheim 92805 1