01 (3)
Jennifer L. Hall
From:Loretta Day
Sent:Tuesday, November 10, 2020 8:30 AM
To:Theresa Bass
Cc:Jennifer L. Hall; Lauren Torres
Subject:FW: Proposed sale of Cultural Arts Center and adjacent park
From: Lis Sos <
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2020 7:37 PM
To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>; sfaessel@anahaiem.net;
Jordan Brandman <JBrandman@anaheim.net>; Denise Barnes <DBarnes@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil
<TONeil@anaheim.net>; lring@anaheim.net; Loretta Day <LDay@anaheim.net>
Subject: Proposed sale of Cultural Arts Center and adjacent park
To: City Council Members:
This email is to make known my opposition of selling the Cultural Arts Center and adjacent park space to an
affordable housing developer. I believe that tearing down a historical arts space for housing developing
purposes is not the direction we want to go in as a city. In addition, placing 100 residential units in a space of
1.15 acres is creating density issues that are not needed within our downtown area.
I know we want to attract more walking pedestrian traffic, but how about letting Anaheim residents know about
the events that are happening to attract pedestrian traffic first? I have been in Anaheim for 5 years now and
knowing what is going on within downtown is a hit and miss where I have to purposefully hunt down
information. I have lived in Long Beach and Fullerton that have revived various areas within their limits and
their coordination was seamless in letting residents know what is going on. I do not know what is happening
within Anaheim where someone cannot coordinate this aspect to let people know what is happening in this
area? When things are flop because a lack of know how in this aspect it looks as if all was done to attract to
events, and that there is no interest. Let's tighten the ship and get to working with what we have so far, and see
what has worked in similar cities around us.
As a mother of an avid artist and supporter of the arts and community programs I believe the use of
this building is better suited for youth activities, senior programs, and attracting artists within the area.This
project is not something we need more of.
Thank you for your attention and I hope you make a decision that benefits the residents of our city by rejecting
this proposal.
Lisette Sosa
Anaheim, CA 92805