Public Comment
From:Federico Sigala <
Sent:Tuesday, December 15, 2020 1:24 AM
To:Public Comment
Subject:Comment for Council Consideration, 12/15/2020
Dear Council,
These comments and requests are in regards to Item #6 on today's agenda:
I pray the proposed appropriations for Homeless Shelter Services are enough to cover the Administrative needs
of the city in this area as the darkest days of this deadly winter seem upon us. Our District 2, has seen many difficulties
this year not unlike the other districts also experiencing the need for these services along with the medical needs for
protecting everyone during this terrible pandemic. Now that the weather's gotten colder, the shelters will undoubtedly
fill even more than they have the rest of the year, but I'm sure you are all aware, just as we have seen here in our district
since the inception of the shelter program, that during the warmer months, many of the homeless people in our
neighborhoods have chosen to refuse these services either altogether, or in part, as they have a right to, for varying
personal reasons. I ask that you please not lose sight of this fact because the New Year will soon be upon us with its
promise of better weather, and hope in the form of a vaccine for our residents with a long-awaited return to normal. I
ask that you please consider the aspect of “normal” in our district that appeared to include individuals who based on
results documented by the Homeless Outreach and Shelter Teams, did not experience more than a temporary benefit
from services offered to them, as illustrated by their individual choices to instead repeatedly return to, and continue
living, along our freeways, in our shopping centers, at our bus stops, and outside our homes and businesses. Let us
please ask ourselves why this has been the case. Also, for the sake of the residents who have been so patient,
compassionate, and understanding of these individuals, their rights, and this situation, ask each other for an earnest
discussion with Homeless Advocates along with Shelter Services and the Homeless Outreach teams about their
experiences providing these services, so that we can all attempt to gain further insight on the individual perspectives
and motivations of the homeless people making these choices. In so doing, I believe we can help to evolve the process
in any way possible that may lead to more people accepting, or continuing to accept these services in the future. We
would like to see that all departments are adequately funded, including those doing the outreach and especially any
who currently, or may be formed to provide mental health services for the many who need them. Though the cold
weather may motivate many homeless to the shelters now who wouldn't choose to go other times of the year, I believe
that the city faces a dilemma of whether or not to continue pursuing the shelter system in lieu of endeavoring to
determine more permanent solutions for our homeless crisis that also provide our homeless a means by which to find a
purpose for themselves, and a path forward in their lives. Many whom I've spoken to in our district also wish to hear
more at the council meetings in in the coming year regarding the long-term plans for helping the homeless as part of the
development of an overall Revitalization Plan that will help businesses thrive and for all the residents who wish to see
more businesses come to West Anaheim. Thank you all for your time and kind consideration of these comments and
requests. Best Wishes to you all this Holiday Season.
Federico (Fred) Sigala Jr (District 2)