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Public Comment
From:Cassandra Lewis <
Sent:Sunday, January 10, 2021 9:23 PM
To:Public Comment
Subject:CUP 2020-06074
I'm writing to briefly state my support for this item. I live less than a mile from this property, and I believe that
communities should do their part in welcoming people who are working to change their lives for the better. I
also believe that communities are stronger and better off for being good neighbors to people in need, in part
because it means fewer people on the street. The evidence is very clear that when folks are housed, they are
much better able to get a handle on their sobriety, mental health, and other life challenges.
I believe that housing is a basic human right, and I am proud that a program as fine as Grandma's House of
Hope is right here in my neighborhood. I am a parent of a 6 yr old girl, and I am teaching her to have an open
heart toward people in need. I hope that my community will be an example for her of what it looks like to do the
right thing for people who are doing the hard work to change their lives (which is a requirement for everyone at
this program, so it's a very safe bet!).
Your neighbor,
Cassandra Lewis
"Every morning I awake torn between a desire to save the world and an inclination to savor it. This makes it
hard to plan the day." --E.B. White