Sister City 2019/10/28
October 28, 2019
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Paul Anderson, Kevin Barrot, Taline Cole,
James Dinwiddie II, Lori Dinwiddie, Emily Fuentes,
Elizabeth Jabaz, Steven Kleine, Larry L. Larsen,
Germaine Neumann and Brian O’Neal
COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Kevin T. Brown, LaShé Rodriguez and Anna Piercy
(One vacant seat)
STAFF PRESENT: Greg Garcia, City Manager’s Office
Kimberly Kelemen, Community Services
Maggie Solorio, City Manager’s Office
Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Anaheim Sister City Commission Agenda was posted
on Thursday, October 25, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at Anaheim City Hall.
Public Input: Vice Chair Lori Dinwiddie explained that members of the public are invited to
address the Anaheim Sister City Commission and will be called upon under Agenda Item
No. IX. Public Comment.
Vice Chair Lori Dinwiddie called the meeting of the Anaheim Sister City
Commission (ASCC) to order at 4:09 p.m. on Monday, October 28, 2019 at the
Anaheim City Manager’s Office, City Hall, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Seventh Floor,
Anaheim, California.
Commissioner James Dinwiddie led the Flag Solute.
Anaheim Sister City Commission
October 28, 2019
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Greg Garcia administered the Oath of Office to the newest member of the
Commission, Steven Kleine who was appointed by the City Council on
September 24, 2019 to serve on the Sister City Commission with term expiring on
June 30, 2022.
MOTION: Commissioner Paul Anderson offered a Motion, seconded by
Commissioner James Dinwiddie AND MOTION CARRIED (Vote: 8-0;
Abstained: Elizabeth Jabaz, Brian O’Neal and Steven Kleine; Absent:
Kevin Brown, LaShé Rodriguez and Anna Piercy; and, one vacant seat) that the
Anaheim Sister City Commission does hereby approve the minutes from the
ASCC meeting held on September 23, 2019 as presented.
Treasurer James Dinwiddie presented the Treasurer’s Report dated
October 22, 2019 with a balance of $13,174.25 and noted there were no changes
from last month and it is exactly the same as the report approved on
September 23.
Greg Garcia reported that the Mito’s delegation visit went really well. The
delegation was Anaheim from October 21 through October 23 and they were very
pleased with all of the things that they saw. Mito, Japan is the City’s longest sister
city partner. Greg thanked all of the commissioners who participated and
attended some of the meetings and or the luncheon. The White House did an
outstanding job of putting together a very nice meal. The delegation exchanged
the new dolls in the display case and the gentleman who designed the dolls was
here with his son and daughter to help present them to Anaheim.
On Monday, October 21, the delegation visited Disneyland. On Tuesday, they
had a presentation by the Anaheim Ballet, they toured the water-recycling center
next to City hall, they attended the Council meeting where the City presented
them with a proclamation and they took a picture with the City Council,
something they had not done in a long time. On Wednesday, they toured Betsy
Ross Elementary and Loara High School. After visiting the schools, they had a
tour of Angel stadium and then they toured the Muzeo Exhibit, I am an American.
After that, they toured the Convention Center. The delegation was all very
complimentary of Anaheim’s hospitality.
Anaheim Sister City Commission
October 28, 2019
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The delegation invited the Mayor to Mito and Mayor Sidhu committed to going
there. At some point, the Commission is going to organize the trip within the next
year or two.
Chair Taline stated the Commission needs a person to head up the Outbound
Student Exchange and someone to head up the Inbound Student Exchange. She is
open to breaking that down even more. For the Outbound Exchange they can
have a person responsible for getting travel insurance and purchasing the plane
tickets; and, a person to collect applications, schedule interviews, and schedule
the classes. For the Inbound Exchange they can have a person to put the schedule
together; a person to take care of transportation and reserving rooms at the
downtown community center; and, a person to take care of host families.
Commissioner Paul Anderson volunteered to find host families.
Commissioner Steven Kleine volunteered to take care of the application process.
Commissioner Kevin Barrot volunteered to put a schedule together for the
inbound students.
Commissioner Germaine Neumann volunteered to purchase the plane tickets and
obtaining travel insurance.
Commissioner Larry Larsen volunteered to arrange the Sayonara Dinner.
Vice Chair Lori Dinwiddie volunteered to be the Chair for the Outbound Student
Exchange and to arrange the welcome dinner for the inbound students.
Chair Taline Cole volunteered to be the Chair for the Inbound Student Exchange.
Vice Chair Dinwiddie posed the idea of having the inbound students visit
Anaheim during a time when Anaheim schools are in session and that way they
can visit an American school when they are here. Commissioner Jim Dinwiddie
is going to propose that to Mito and report back.
Commissioner Larry Larsen would like to be considered as a chaperone for the
outbound students in the summer of 2020.
Chair Taline Cole thanked Commissioners Emily Fuentes and Lori Dinwiddie for
meeting to discuss fundraising. Chair Cole reached out to Anaheim Brewery and
they are willing do another fundraiser for the Commission on December 9,
starting at 6pm. The committee is also thinking of doing a second fundraiser
during the spring at the Convention Center and do a wine tasting.
Anaheim Sister City Commission
October 28, 2019
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Commissioner Emily Fuentes stated their goal is to keep the fundraiser very
similar to what they did the previous time with just a few additional things that
might help increase funds. Their goal is to try to raise $5,000 that night. To do
that they are asking each Commission member to sell five tickets to the event and
to secure one auction item. The tickets are going to be $40 and it includes food
and a drink ticket. They are going to have a bake sale and a sponsor student wall
and it is going to be holiday theme. They are thinking of having either a wreath
or a tree or something with the holiday season where you get to pick a student that
you can help sponsor to go to Japan. They are also going to offer premiums for
gifts over $40. They also plan to have holiday sales.
The event is for all ages and kids will pay $20, 3 and under free.
Commissioner Lori Dinwiddie is going to lead the baking and anyone interested
to help can contact her.
They are going to use K&A Catering for the food service.
Commissioners Kevin Barrot and Emily Fuentes are going to create the save the
date and the online invitation.
Steven Kleine introduced himself. He moved to Anaheim in 1971 and this is the
first time he serves on a Commission. He works as an operations director for a
large company in the UK.
Greg Garcia advised that though the City of Anaheim signed an MOU with
Pudong with the intent to become a sister city, Pudong explained to him after their
visit that their process is a little bit more complicated. They told him that
although they signed the MOU, that it takes a lot longer for it to be official on
their end. So while they still want to invite Anaheim to Pudong and entertain the
connection and the friendship, it is not a guaranteed sister city on their side.
Everything needs to be approved by their government for any kind of relationship
like this. Greg advised before they start etching their name as a sister city into our
facilities, we need to slow the rollout on that. As he understands it we have taken
the first step to go through that process, but apparently it is very complicated on
the Chinese side of things and they did not give a timeframe of when something
like this can be completed.
Anaheim Sister City Commission
October 28, 2019
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Chair Taline Cole suggested having a member of the Commission be a contact
person with the person at the Pudong general counsel’s office to talk about next
steps and keep that communication because we do not want a situation where they
lose the connection.
Greg Garcia also reported there have been people reaching out to him with ideas
of establishing sister city relationships. Just recently, a council member
forwarded him an inquiry from a city in Mexico that is starting to connect with
Anaheim because there is a large population of residents that are from a certain
state in Mexico and so the council member put him in touch with somebody from
that government. Greg lets interested parties know we have a commission that
reviews this and we are approached often by cities that would like to connect, but
ultimately it is the decision of the ASCC and after that the decision of the Council
whether there is an interest to establish a formal relationship. Anyone is welcome
to the meeting and pitch to them a sister city relationship.
After discussion took place among the Commission regarding different city
relationship options, it was decided that sister city relationships be placed on a
future agenda and that everyone come prepared with their ideas and the
Commission can decide on how to move forward.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:04 p.m. to Monday,
November 25, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the Anaheim City Hall, City Manager’s Office
Large Conference Room.