14 (2)Public Comment From: KATHY CHANCE < Sent: Sunday, March 7, 2021 4:24 AM To: Public Comment; Council; Jose Diaz Subject: OPPOSED Agenda Item 14: 3/9/2021 Anaheim City Council Meeting Anaheim City Council and City Councilperson for District 1, Jose Diaz: I am OPPOSED to Agenda Item #14 on your Anaheim city council agenda for Tuesday, March 9, 2021. have to live with all of the over -packed and unregulated amounts of people being jam-packed into one and two bedroom apartments at Knott and Ball with their overflow traffic coming into my tract. Many of these apartment dwellers are even from Buena Park, since we are on the border. Buena Park went to permitted parking a year or two ago, so now these apartment dwellers J -walk across busy Ball Rd to get to our tract to retrieve their vehicles. The situation is SO BAD over here, that a couple of vehicles drive most of apartment dwellers in on weekday mornings to pick up their work trucks and extra vehicles. These vehicles line our streets; it is so bad, residents are having to leave their trash cans out all week to save themselves some parking in front of their own home!! These cars and work trucks remain here ALL WEEKEND, even blocking the ADA ramp: at each corner!! And let's talk about TRASH! Yes, trash all over our streets, not to mention oil seeping out of their eye -sore vehicles in front of our homes! I have discussed this AT LENGTH with the APD Traffic Division, who states it's ok for them to J -Walk, and even had a meeting with the Traffic Engineer for the City of Anaheim. And their response is: "Raise $500 and submit an application to go to permitted parking!" YES, this is the BS that the city and APD hand us: "There is nothing we can do!" At one point APD had the city errect NO J -WALKING signs; but when there is no APD to enforce, what is the use? They expect US to canvas our area to speak with residents and raise $500 just to get an opportunity to vote for permitted parking. Then the city wants US to self -monitor the permitted parking and call APD when there are violators! Yeah, right, we can't even get APD to respond when something REAL NOTEWORTHY TO APD is happening around here! Oh, and then the City of Anaheim wants us to pay a yearly permitted parking fee to do THEIR JOB FOR THEM! It's a SCAM!!! We are PRISIONERS in our own homes!!! The apartment dwellers, as well as criminal transients, have taken over our streets and community, and the city does NOTHING! There is not enough room in these apartment complexes to house the 13 cars and work vehicles per one bedroom apartment buildings!!! There are NO REGULATIONS on how many people these apartment dwellers are packing into one small apartment! The city and police offer us long-time residents NO SUPPORT ON THIS ISSUE! If you want to see the aftermath of what this will look like if apartments go up, contact me and I will take you on a Field Walk of my neighborhood!!!! Oh, I know, you are all too busy for that, right? urge you to vote against item 14 so that the residential tracts surrounding BALLIWESTERN, doesn't become another BALLIKNOTT! N If the Tatarian family wants to build apartments on a small lot to make a quick buck, let them do it in Cypress where THEY LIVE!! 14. MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2016-00510 RECLASSIFICATION NO. 2016-00297 ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2020-00444 (DEV2016- 00074 OWNER: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2016-00510 RECLASSIFICATION NO. 2016-00297 ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2020-00444 (DEV2016- 00074 OWNER: Vasken Tatarian, 8469 Beach Circle, Cypress, CA 90630 APPLICANT: Sarkis Tatarian, 8469 Beach Circle, Cypress, CA 90630 PROJECT LOCATION: 0.36 -acre property located at 3175 West Ball Road at the northeast corner of Ball Road and Western Avenue. REQUEST: The applicant requests approval of the following land use entitlements to allow construction of an 11 -unit, three-story, multiple -family residential development: (i) a General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from General Commercial to Medium Density Residential; (ii) a Zoning Reclassification from the General Commercial (C -G) to the Multiple - Family Residential (RM -4) zone; and (iii) an Administrative Adjustment to allow reduced street and ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: interior setbacks. The City Council will consider whether a Mitigated Negative Declaration is the appropriate environmental determination for this request under the California Environmental Quality Act. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: 3 Approved and recommended City Council approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration (PC2021-003), General Plan Amendment No. 2016-00510 (PC -2021-004), Reclassification No. 2016-00297 (PC2021-005), and Administrative Adjustment No. 2020-00444 with an added condition of approval to state all lease agreements between the property owner/manager and tenants shall include a provision stating that all parking spaces shall remain open and available for the parking of vehicles at all times. This provision shall be overseen by an on-site resident manager (PC2021- 006). VOTE: 5-2 (Chairperson Keys and Commissioners Armstrong, Lieberman, Mulleady and Vadodaria voted yes; Commissioners Meeks and White voted no). (Planning Commission meeting of January 20, 2021). RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for proposed General Plan Amendment No. 2016-00510, Reclassification No. 2016-00297, and Administrative Adjustment No. 2020-00444 (DEV2016-00074) (3175 West Ball Road . RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending the General Plan of the City of Anaheim (General Plan Amendment No. 2016-00510) (DEV2016-00074) (3175 West Ball Road) (amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan to change the property's land use designation from General Commercial to Medium Density Residentiall. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving and adopting proposed Administrative Adjustment No. 2020-00444 (DEV2016-00074) (3175 West Ball Road) [to allow a reduced street landscape and structural setback, and a reduced interior structural setback for the projectl. ORDINANCE NO. (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending the Zoning Map referred to in Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to Zoning (Reclassification No. 2016-00297)(DEV2016-00074) [reclassify the property from the C -G (General Commercial) zone to the RM -4 (Multiple -Family Residential) zonel. Kathy Chance 31 -year resident, W Anaheim Knott/Ball