14 (13)Public Comment From: Lauren Torres Sent: Monday, March 8, 2021 9:02 AM To: Public Comment Subject: FW: Western and Ball Road - Item 14 From: Judy Fletcher < Sent: Sunday, March 07, 20216:45 PM To: Council <council@anaheim.net>; Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Jennifer Diaz <JDiaz@anaheim.net> Subject: Western and Ball Road - Item 14 I respectfully submit that the proposed project is too dense for this small corner. It will add many cars to parking that is already hard to fine —forcing people to park in our neighborhoods. Tandem parking is NOT an answer. My son experienced tandem parking first hand at his complex and PEOPLE ONLY USE ONE PARKING PLACE. Tandem parking is too inconvenient— requires shuffling of cars. People won't do it. Instead of rezoning — how about cleaning up West Anaheim? We are over run with homeless individuals setting up camp wherever they want, leaving enormous amounts of trash. We have tweakers and prostitutes. I regularly find condoms on the street entering into my neighborhood (Halliday and Ball Road). I have found a needle. Is this acceptable to you? I know that this would not be acceptable in other parts of Anaheim. We pay taxes just like they do. Clean up before you build up. Judy and Allan Fletcher West Anaheim residents/voters since 1987 Sent from Mail for Windows 10