Euclid Branch Library - 1340 South Euclid Street - October 18, 1978, 3:30 P.M.
The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned
regular session.
COUNCIL MEMBERS: Overholt, Kaywood, Roth and Seymour
LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS: Stanton, Schultz, Pickler, Dahl
and McClain
CITY MANAGER: William O. Talley
CITY ATTORNEY: William P. Hopkins
CITY CLERK: Linda D. Roberts
LIBRARY DIRECTOR: William Griffith
M~yor Seymour and Mr. Pickler called their respective
Boards to order, a quorum of each being present at 3:30 p.m.
140: REVIEW OF CURRENT LIBRARY BUDGET SITUATION: Discussion centered upon the
request received by the Library Director from the Cost Control Committee that he
submit to the City Manager recommendations relative to further budgetary cuts
for fiscal year 1978-1979. There seemed to be some dissatisfaction or concern
over the fact that this matter was referred to the Library Board and that with
their recommendation that no additional cuts be made, the Library Director did
not submit further recommendations for reductions to the City Manager.
During discussion, Mr. griffith pointed out that he has always assumed that
matters involving Library policy, and in particular withdrawal of any Library
service previously provided by the City, should be reviewed by the Library
Board to get as much citizen input as possible. Mr. Pickler was also of the
opinion that the Library Board should have this opportunity for input as the
Charter provides for them to "consider the annual budget for Library purposes
during the process of its preparation and make recommendations with respect
thereto to the City Council and the City Manager.
Mr. Talley explained that in his position as City Manager, he is charged with
the responsibility of developing a budget and consequently if he directs any
department head to prepare programs, personnel reductions, user fee recom-
mendations or any other administrative tasks normally performed by the depart-
ment head towards completion of the budget, these should be accomplished and
sent to him as requested~
Mr. Talley further explained that one of the reasons he requested the reports
on budget reductions from the department heads was that he felt'that the
Library and other departments should look at what policies are being developed
throughout the County regarding service levels. He stated that he strongly
feels that if the City of Anaheim provides a higher level of Library services
than surrounding communities, they will be attracting patronage from these
neighboring areas. He stated that he felt the Council is entitled to know
what these community policies are and how they would affect the Anaheim Library
programs in order to be able to make informed judgments.
Euclid Branch Library - 1340 South Euclid Street - October 18, 1978, 3:30 P.M.
Council Members Roth, Overholt and Kaywood all indicated that they believed the
Library Board served in an advisory capacity to the City Council and as such
could not overrule the professional recommendations forwarded by the Library
Director to the City Manager. The Board would howeveg by all mean~ have the
right to discuss and make recon~nendations on what is submitted to the Council,
but the forum for that would be in a dialogue with the City Council.
Mayor Seymour was of the opinion that the Charter allows for the Library
Director to receive input from the Board prior to making his recommendations
to the City Manager and to submit a report which puts together his thinking
and theirs.
Several members of the Library Board also indicated that the matter of budget
cuts is very difficult to deal with when they have not been given an absolute
number of dollars to cut or even any idea of how much of a cut they would be
required to make. Mrs. Stanton suggested even an optimum and minimum figure
would be helpful in that this would suggest the range which they should be
working towards in their reduction efforts. Mrs. Schultz pointed out that
the Board needs some idea of a budget figure so that they might review the
entire Library program.
In response to these requests Councilman Roth responded that this budget year
presents a rather unique situation in that the Proposition 13 legislation
went into effect very shortly after the electiom, and there are law suits re-
garding the state "bail out" funds and therefore no one can be quite sure of
what will happen.
Mr. Talley stated that he is of the opinion that the Council should review,
instead of arbitrary dollar amounts of cuts, the entire program so as to be
able to judge the overall effect of budgetary cuts.
At the conclusion of discussion Mr. Dahl and Mrs. Schultz advised that they
are aware theirs is not an administrative board but an advisory commission
which has no authority to stop decisions made by City officials, but whose
role is to provide input, good judgment and community representation by
forwarding to the City Council information on the conditions of the libraries
in the community.
Mayor Seymour advised that the services provided by the Library Board are
valued by the City Council; that the Board provides not only a buffer for the
Council with the public, but acts as the eyes and ears of the City Council
and provides them with some technical expertise in the ~peration of Library
programs. He summarized that at the conclusion of discussion, it appears
that the Council and Library Board are of one mind, i.e., that the Board
is not an administrative board and consequently does not have the authority
to make final decisions, but does, however, make recommendations to the City
Council. In considering the example discussed this date, i.e., the City
Manager receiving recommendations from the Library Director on budget cuts,
the request goes to the Library Director, he may get his head together with
Euclid Branch Library - 1340 South Euclid Street - October 18, 1978, 3:30 P.M.
the Library Board, but he makes his recommendations and he reports to the
City Manager in response to the request submitted. Together with
this the Library Director would also convey the feelings of the Board as to
how they think these recommendations should be modified or whether or not they
agree or disagree with them.
During the discussion Councilman Overholt had related his experiences from the
perspective of being a member of the Park and Recreation Commission and commented
that he had found it extremely helpful and conducive to better communications be-
tween the Council and that advisory commission to have a Council Member act as
a liaison person. He suggested that this situation may prove helpful to the
Library Board.
After obtaining favorable reaction from the Library Board regarding the placing
of one Council Member as a permanent liaison to attend each of the Library
Board meetings, Mayor Seymour assured the Library Board members the Council
would undertake to appoint one of their members to this responsibility in lieu
of the previous liaison team approach.
Mr. Griffith introduced the subject of forwarding copies of certain communica-
tions to the Library Board and noted that in the past his distribution of this
type of information has been limited, in particular he referred to communications
between the City Manager and himself. Mr. Pickler voiced the opinion that any
communication which relates to Library business in which the Board is involved
would be beneficial information for the Board; that the more input they receive
the better job they are able to do.
Mayor Seymour concurred that the Board does need that information which would
in any way, shape or form affect the Library Board's recommending responsibil-
ities, but of course should also be at the discretion of the Library Director.
In response to further questions from the Library Board regarding the budget for
the coming fiscal year, Mr. Talley reported that the budget guidelines for 1979-1980
will be put out some time during the month of November, but if the Board is seeking
a budget number, he doubts that they will be able to get it from him. He pointed
out that with the 1979-1980 budget, unless the City Council wants to undertake the
exercise of establishing numbers, the various departments will not receive a number
to work with next year either. Rather it is his intent to gather the department
heads, show them about what the magnitude of the budget is going to be, and have
everyone submit their budget proposals for further discussion and revision. He
voiced the opinion that the Proposition 13 effects will be worse in the coming
year. The Charter amendment approved in the November 1978 election will require
that the budget schedule be amended so that initially the development of this
document will begin in January, February and March, and it will have to be
assembled during April. He stressed that when budget cuts are required, he would
most likely use the same approach as during the past summer, whe£eby each depart-
ment head would be required to submit a list of recommended budget cuts in order
of their priority to his programs.
Euclid Branch Library - 1340 South Euclid Street - October 18, 1978, 3:30 P.M.
With respect to budget cuts, Councilwoman Kmywood stated that she wished to make
it clear that the Council action eliminating funds for the architect on the new
Canyon Branch Library was 5-0, and that certainly it would not be appropriate
to comsider construction of a multi-million dollar library when the City is
struggling to keep the branches already built open.
Mayor Seymour disagreed with Councilwoman Kaywood indicating that it was
actually the approval of the 1978-1979 budget which removed the funds for the
architect, and recalled that this was a 3-2 vote.
Regarding the necessity to communicate with the public regarding changes in
levels of Library service, Councilman Overholt pointed out that the organization
which is already functioning, known as "Friends of the Anaheim Public Library"
is going to be extremely important to the Board and the City in the future, as
they are sensitive to what the public feels, and will be able to interpret Library
policy back to the public.
Mrs. Schultz advised that there are currently 150 members of the "Friends" and
that they are getting many new members from the Canyon area which has formed a
branch. She explained that the "Friends" main program is to support the Library
and make the public aware of the various Library serives. They also maise
funds to finance programs and services which cannot be supported by tax funds.
There being no further business before the Library Board, Mr. Dahl moved to
adjourn. Mrs. Schultz seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
RECESS - EXECUTIVE SESSION: On motion by Councilman Roth, seconded by Council-
woman Kaywood, the City Council recessed into Executive Session. Councilman Kott
was absent. MOTION CARRIED. (5:20 P.M.)
AFTER RECESS: Mayor Seymour called the meeting to order, all Council Members being
present with the exception of Councilman Kott. (6:50 P.M.)
Adjournment: Councilman Roth moved to adjourn. Councilman Overholt seconded the
motion. Councilman Kott was absent. MOTION CARRIED.
Adjourned: 6:50 P.M.
Added paragraph: Councilwoman Kaywood reiterated that both Mayor Seymour's and
Councilman Kott's recommended budget cuts also eliminated the architects fees.
See Minutes of February 6, 1979.