01 & 14 (73)Public Comment
From: Lori Zucchino <
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 8:09 PM
To: Public Comment
Cc: Anaheim Ballet
Subject: Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet
Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members,
The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and
presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational
training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and
internationally as a point of pride to the City.
As an adult dance student who regularly attends classes at Anaheim Ballet, I have personally witnessed the joyful participation
of 100's of young, diverse students. Their enthusiasm fills the classes with talent and energy. These young people are spending
time building their physical strength, mental acumen, and ability to work in groups. It's critical to keep this healthy choice
available in the community!
The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new
Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be
removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the
community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location!
Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration.
Lori Zucchino
Lori Zucchino
Executive Director
Leadership Development Associates
"The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but reveal to them their own." - Disraeli