16 (7)Public Comment
From: Ken Fujiyama <
Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 11:20 AM
To: Public Comment
Honorable Mayor Sidhu and Anaheim Council Members,
My name is Ken Fujiyama, the purpose of my comment is to request you
join me in urging Anaheim activist Vern Nelson AKA "The Drunk Man On
Anna Drive" to get treatment for his alcoholism.
As you know Vern is a chronic alcoholic, having been convicted FIVE times
of Drunk Driving! The latest in the Disneyland parking garage on a day
when the park sold over 10,000 CHILDRENS PASSES. His blood alcohol
level was more than 2.5 times the legal limit. Vern sensibly checked into the
Salvation Army shelter and spent six months rehabilitating and sorting used
clothing. Sadly, Vern has recently relapsed.
His relapse can be evidenced by his unkept appearance, foul odor,
unpredictable behavior and frankly delusion. Vern's degradation continues,
in an example as outlined by members of the Orange County Progressive
movement in the expose: "The Worst Kept Secret In Liberal Orange
County" (SEE LINK BELOW) in which an intoxicated Nelson sent sexually
explicit messages to women he had NEVER MET! Subsequently Vern and
his wife posted this woman's (a wife and Mother) picture on social media for
the world to see. As if that was not bad enough, they posted a caption that
Vern was locked in the Bathroom DRUNK masturbating to her picture! This
is ALL Documented and Audio tapes of Vern forcing his wife to apologize is
I understand that some of you do not always agree with Vern politically and
that he often stoops low in his personal attacks on you. But, as community
members and as leaders I implore you to join me in PUBLICALLY
convincing Vern to get the help he needs before he hurts himself or others.
https:Hdocs.google.com/document/d/1 mwwRKE64mOYSiRHoApT5AwpAJv
fkgVUxxCPkDR1 sP2U/edit?fbclid=lwAR22G3wu0yic8KggD9ybvOYZsoOFE