AHA-2021/04/27ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 27, 2021 The Anaheim Housing Authority regular meeting of April 27, 2021 was called to order in-person and telephonically at 3:30 P.M. in joint session with the Anaheim City Council, pursuant to Brown Act related provisions of Governor Newsom's Executive Order N-29-20 in response to COVID-19 (superseding the related provisions stated in Executive Order N-25-20), The meeting notice, agenda, and related materials were duly posted on April 22, 2021. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Harry Sidhu and Authority Members Stephen Faessel and Jose Diaz (in-person). Authority Member Jordan Brandman (via teleconference). Authority Members Jose F. Moreno, Avelino Valencia, and Trevor O'Neil joined the meeting during Closed Session (in-person). STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Jim Vanderpool, City Attorney Robert Fabela, and Secretary Theresa Bass ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO CLOSED SESSION: None PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS: None CLOSED SESSION: At 3:33 P.M., Chairman Sidhu recessed to closed session for consideration of the following: Anaheim City Council CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — INITIATION OF LITIGATION (Subdivision (d)(4) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code) Name of Case: Hernandez v. Anaheim Convention Center, et. al., Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2020-01146573 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (d)(1) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code) Name of Case: Michelle Hadley v. City of Anaheim et al., USDC Case No. SACV- 01831 DOC 3. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Subdivision (a) of Section 54957.6 of the California Government Code) Agency Designated Representative: Linda Andal, Human Resources Director Name of Employee Organization: Teamsters, Local 952 Anaheim Housing Authority 4. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — INITIATION OF LITIGATION (Subdivision (d)(4) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code): Seven potential cases Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of April 27, 2021 Page 2 of 5 Chairman Sidhu reconvened the Anaheim Housing Authority in joint session with the City Council at 5:35 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Harry Sidhu and Authority Members Stephen Faessel, Jose Diaz, Jose F. Moreno, Avelino Valencia, and Trevor O'Neil (in-person). Authority Member Jordan Brandman (via teleconference). ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: Wes Jones stated the Authority would vote on a choice between the Anaheim Ballet and more housing. He believed the City was already dense enough and more programs like Anaheim Ballet were needed. Dr. Jeffrey Putter, Navy physician and veteran, explained how Larry Rosenberg and dance helped him with his multiple sclerosis and described the dreams and feelings that would disappear if the Anaheim Ballet and Cultural Arts Center were removed for affordable housing. He asked the Authority to weight the benefits of housing versus the disadvantaged youth of the City and the benefits provided by the Ballet at its current facility. Larry Rosenberg, Anaheim Ballet Executive Director, thanked the Authority and staff for supporting the arts, especially during COVID, and shared how classes were conducted via Zoom and outside to keep the youth engaged. He shared how the Anaheim Ballet residency began in the City 24 years ago and the impacts and benefits the program has had on many dancers. He asked the Authority to continue their partnership for arts and culture. Kathleen Jenkins, Orange County School of the Arts faculty member, thanked the Authority for their service and read her letter urging the Authority to continue the partnership with the Anaheim Ballet and allow them to remain in the Cultural Arts Center. She shared her observations of the Rosenbergs and their contributions to the City through her experience as a former Anaheim Ballet faculty member and a parent of a student She asked the Authority to vote in favor of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet to save a needed and valued resource in the City. Kaitlyn Jenkins credited her training and experience at the Anaheim Ballet for her obtaining the lead role in the ABC Family television show, Bunheads. She shared her current work experience with under -privileged children in Downey and how they travel to Anaheim to experience the Anaheim Ballet, as well as how the Anaheim Ballet serves as a home to the many students who attend classes there, specifically through the Step -Up! Program. She urged the Authority to not take the building or program away. Donna Acevedo -Nelson recommended investing money from the partnership between the Anaheim Police Department and Orange County Mental Health into the Anaheim Ballet instead. Gail Anderson, Historic Preservation Commission member, addressed the previous loss of historic buildings in downtown and surrounding neighborhoods. She recognized that the Cultural Arts Building is not eligible for the Mills Act, as it was not built prior to 1949, but stated it is a beautiful, mid-century historic building on a prominent street that should not be considered for demolition. She stated the importance of the program to Anaheim's youth and noted that, at an Anaheim First meeting, all participants wanted to preserve the Cultural Arts Center and the Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of April 27, 2021 Page 3 of 5 Anaheim Ballet. She thanked the Authority for their service, noted the community depends on them making decisions that benefit them, and urged them to extend the agreement with Anaheim Ballet and keep the building in place. Carlos Alfonso commended the work of Larry Rosenberg and the Anaheim Ballet and asked for the building to remain. Two -hundred thirty-eight (238) electronically submitted public comments related to the Housing Authority agenda. — See Appendix. CITY MANAGER'S UPDATE: City Manager Jim Vanderpool announced that the California Parks and Recreation Society awarded a 2020 Award of Excellence in Design to the Manzanita Park Skate Park. He noted the design was a collaboration of local skaters, youth participants of the Boys and Girls Club, City staff, and a professional skate park design firm. He noted the skate park transformed an under-utilized park area into a safe, after-school haven for the City's youth. He also announced the Community Policing Team held a virtual Coffee with a Cop on April 14 to recognize National Telecommunications Week, which was available for viewing on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. He thanked all those who staff the 911 center. CONSENT CALENDAR: At 7:00 P.M., Authority Member Diaz moved to adopt the consent calendar as presented, seconded by Authority Member Valencia. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 7: (Chairman Sidhu and Authority Members Faessel, Diaz, Brandman, Moreno, Valencia, and O'Neil); NOES — 0. Motion carried. AGR- 1. Approve the Cooperative Agreement with the City of Anaheim and the Anaheim Ballet 12647 to allow the parties to cooperatively identify and evaluate potential relocation sites and/or the feasibility of acquisition of the existing Cultural Arts building by the Anaheim Ballet, for a one year term with two three-month optional extensions; and authorize the Executive Director of the Housing Authority, or designee, to execute and administer the Agreement on behalf of the Housing Authority (Related to Council Item No. 14). AHA177 2. Approve minutes of the Housing Authority meeting of March 23, 2021. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR: B130 3. RESOLUTION NO. AHA -2021-001 RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY regarding its intention to issue tax-exempt obligations for the Center of Hope Permanent Supportive Housing Apartments (in an amount not to exceed $24,000,000; 72 -unit apartment community, 1340 S. Lewis Street and 1455 S. Salvation Place; related to City Council Public Hearing Item No. 27). Interim Housing Authority Director Grace Stepter stated staff was requesting the Governing Board of the Anaheim Housing Authority adopt a resolution stating its intent to issue tax-exempt obligations in an amount not to exceed $24,000,000 for the Center of Hope Permanent Supporting Housing apartments. She noted that The Salvation Army has been a partner in the Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of April 27, 2021 Page 4 of 5 attempt to address homelessness on a continuum from shelters to housing, with this project consisting of 72 units at 1340 S. Lewis St. and 1455 S. Salvation Place. She explained the project was taking a multitude of financing options are taking a multitude of financing, including No Place Like Home funding, a $2,000,000 award from the Orange County Housing Finance Trust, tax credits, and this issuance of bonds. She provided background that the Authority approved a Preliminary Funding Award on July 30, 2019 to assist with the development of the project, including $2,000,000 from the Low Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund and 50 Section 8 Project Based Vouchers. She noted the project has also applied to the State for No Place Like Home funds in the amount of $8,000,000 and is awaiting the outcome. She stated staff continues to be highly supportive of this project, as The Salvation Army is a partner in in the fight to get people off the streets and into permanent housing. If authorized, the bonds will be repaid by the developer through project revenues, there would be a positive impact to the Community, Economic Development Department's budget as the Housing Authority will receive annual administrative bond fee revenue for monitoring, and there would be not impact to the General Fund. DISCUSSION: Chairman Sidhu stated these bonds would assist the Center of Hope to help with homeless issues for a long time. Authority Member Faessel thanked Deputy City Manager David Belmer for his work on this project, as well as many others in the City, and wished him well in his retirement. Authority Member Faessel applauded The Salvation Army for their service to the community and partnership with Anaheim and supported the item. Authority Member Moreno thanked Ms. Stepter for bringing the item forward, clarified that it does not impact the General Fund, and thanked Mr. Belmer, Mayor Sidhu, and former Mayor Tait for working to bring this project together. He noted that the project has increasingly gotten more expensive and that he met with Benjamin Hurst from The Salvation Army and discussed ways the State could possibly help facilitate and accelerate the project through financing and regulations. From this, he stated, Assembly member Sharon Quirk-Silva's staff is working on proposals to make the project eligible for increased tax credits and accelerate their ability to receive funding. Authority Member Moreno thanked staff and Mr. Hurst for their efforts with this project. Authority Member Diaz reported he met with The Salvation Army a few months ago to discuss the Center of Hope and stated his support for the project as another tool to address homelessness. Authority Member Brandman thanked staff for their great work and thanked The Salvation Army for once again stepping up to address community needs, just as they had by adding more shelter beds in the past. Chairman Sidhu noted Anaheim has been leading the way on homelessness for some time and this was another example of ongoing efforts including creating more shelter beds than any other Orange County city and implementing the community response team. He supported the item to have permanent supportive housing to continue the transition of people moving out of shelters and into lasting housing options. Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of April 27, 2021 Page 5 of 5 MOTION: Chairman Sidhu moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. AHA -2021-001 RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY regarding its intention to issue tax-exempt obligations for the Center of Hope Permanent Supportive Housing Apartments, seconded by Authority Member Faessel. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES — 7 (Chairman Sidhu and Authority Members Faessel, Diaz, Brandman, Moreno, Valencia, and O'Neil); NOES — 0. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to conduct, Chairman Sidhu adjourned the meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority at 7:13 P.M. apa�tfully submitted, - Theresa Bass, CMC Secretary, Anaheim Housing Authority Public Comment From; Victoria Dancing Belle Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021 6:29 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. if the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Victoria Robles, dedicated student of AB (ShelHer/Hers) Public Comment From: Shaunna S. Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021 7:47 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Anaheim ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community., and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the communityy, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Gratefully, Shauna Public Comment From: Rena Kamariotakis Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021 9:25 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Rena Kamariotakis Public Comment From: Alexia Rojas Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2021 12:26 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: SAVE ANAHEIM BALLET Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. if the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Alexia (Lexi) Rojas Ps. Anaheim ballet/The Anaheim cultural arts center, is beyond a dance studio, it was my safe space, escape and second home growing up. Without this space my teen years would've not been the same. "1 feel that the essence of dance is the expression of man — the landscape of his soul. I hope that every dance I do reveals something of myself or some wonderful thing a human can be." Martha Graham Public Comment From: home LA <info@homela.org> Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2021 6:40 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Support for Anaheim Ballet ]tear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an importantpart of'any community, andfor more than 20years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as apoint ofpride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you foryour consideration. Sincerely, Chloe Flores Executive Director + Curator homeLA 11 Nomadic Performance Project Los Angeles, CA Public Comment From: Chad Van Ramshorst Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2021 11:43 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized bath locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Best Regards, Dr. Chad Van Ramshorst PT, DPT Physical Therapist, Dance Prehab Adjunct Professor, Chapman University Department of Physical Therapy BASI Certified Pilates Instructor Public Comment From: Van Ramshorst, Chad Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2021 11:44 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized bath locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Best Regards, Dr. Chad Van Ramshorst PT, DPT Physical Therapist, Dance Prehab Adjunct Professor, Chapman University Department of Physical Therapy BASI Certified Pilates Instructor Public Comment From: Eliza S. Tollett Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2021 12:45 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Regarding Anaheim Ballet & Cultural Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 24 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Eliza Tollett Elizabeth Sherlock -Lewis Tollett Professional Ballet Dancer & Business Owner The Ballet Spot Founder - Owner - Master Instructor www.TheBalletSpot.com www.ElizaSTollett.com All of the workout, none of the judgment. Follow us on Instagram rr7theballetspot Public Comment From: Lauren M Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2021 3:32 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Please Keep Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, As a dancer and performer for more than 14 years, I understand the value of Anaheim Ballet and its positive contribution to the community. The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valuable and treasured arts center in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet offers a world-class training facility and a professional performance company for the community to enjoy. Anaheim Ballet is a safe, positive outlet for the youth in our community, and program participants demonstrate improved performance in school and acquire valuable work skills. Many of the underserved youth who benefit from the daily STEP -UN outreach program live near the facility and Anaheim Ballet is a positive, healthy outlet for them. Ballet requires dedication, hard work and is excellent physical activity. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's precious arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Lauren Mack Sent from Windows Mail Public Comment From: canal latham Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2021 4:42 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org; carol_latham Subject: Support for Anaheim Ballet - Agenda April 27, 2021 Attachments: Letter to City Council re Anaheim Ballet 2021.pdf (APDL LA ! HAA Anaheim. CA 92804 April 17, 24121 Dear Mayor 5idhu and Council Members, It has come to my attention that on April 27", the City Council will vote on the agreement between the City and Anaheim Ballet regarding the house of the Ballet and the continued partnership. For over 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has lin a tremendously valuable arts farce and presence in the city, as well as, being recognized internationally. Anaheim Ballet provides world-class training and a professional performance company known for its excellence. This provides signifirAnt benefits to Anaheim and Orange County. 'Their location at the central site in the Cultural Arts Building maws them to reach out throughout the community that is ,Anaheim, especially within the Downtown area. Anaheim Ballet provides a safe haven for the youth in the community, and their program participants demonstrate unproved performance in school, acquire workforce skills and recreational training, Through the free daily STEP-UP [after-school] program, the local youth who livelin the area benefit from powerful anti -gang opportuni#aes. The arts are important components to every thriving community and the presence of a world-renowned ballet company, tike Anaheim Ballet, with millions of podcast viewers, keeps us on the intenmtional map. We are more than a sports city! The Cultural Arts Center is a beautiful historic building that is one of the last of its kind in the city. Yes, it needs some work but there are already enough half empty housing projects in the downtown area. Please vote to keep the arts alive in Anaheim. Vote to retain Anaheim Ballet in Anaheim and at the Cultural Arts Center. 1 appreciate your consideration, c Carol Latham, Arts Advocate Public Comment From: DAVID S RAMOS Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2021 5:23 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Larry and Sarma Rosenberg Subject: About Anaheim ballet I'm writing in regards to the Anaheim Ballet. Please don't tear down and change one other thing from vintage beautiful Anaheim. As we know it is all gone only to be replaced with a jack in the box and Vons. Please keep what little culture we have. The Anaheim Ballet is an asset to our community. It represents a true art form of the past and future. And will continue to be passed on to the generations. kids in our community take advantage of their wonderful programs. Anaheim ballet is known throughout the world for their expertise in teaching ballet. Without this we don't have much in the way of the arts to pass on in our community and its future. Everything else has been torn down and replaced with apartments and concrete. Downtown Promenade is turning into a very nice place, but can you imagine if we only had the old charming vintage buildings we once had? Anaheim would be bustling with Business like old town Orange and old town Fullerton. It's too late for that. It's sickens my family when we talk about it. Please do hear our plea. And keep Anaheim Ballet in the lovely historical building on Lincoln. And please don't tear it down, and replace it with low rent housing like everything else. My family would like to be proud to stay in Anaheim as a fourth generation family. Thank you ,David and Linda Ramos Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Kareema Suleiman Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2021 7:12 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Support Dear Mayer Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Kareema Suleiman Public Comment From: Emma Statton Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2021 7:48 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Save Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. I started dancing with Anaheim Ballet when l was just 4 years old. It was a place for me to express myself, enjoy time with my friends, and participate in many ballet productions. Anaheim Ballet has always been there for me and many others and I would love for it to continue to be there. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. if the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Emma Statton, MBA Dancer and Faculty member of Anaheim Ballet Public Comment From; Sam Fazel Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2021 8:20 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. 1 myself attended classes and believe the arts are what kept my spirit alive during school and helped propel my studies forward, while keeping me fit and happy to study after a great class! The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. if the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Dr. Sam Fazel, D.C, F.M, Ayu.M Sent from my Whone Public Comment From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Dear Sirs, Kenneth Eells Sunday, April 18, 2021 12:18 PM Public Comment Appeal for Anaheim Ballet Organization Appeal for .Anaheim Ballet.docx Attached you ►mill find a Word File to be distributed to Mayor Sid hu and the Council Members regarding the upcoming disposition of the Anaheim Ballet property. Thank you for your assistance, Kenny Eells Cypress, CA 90630 1 April 17, 2021 Dear Anaheim City Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Anaheim Ballet has well proven to have been excellent stewards of the youth community here in the City of Anaheim and even beyond. They have a superb history as an acclaimed community based performing arts center. The level of ballet technique that Anaheim Ballet teaches to its students rises to the highest levels of the craft. This professional staff nurtures each of their student's mental as well as their physical acuity which is critical to building character and confidence in our treasured youth. Students are trained quite thoroughly in music theory which also aids in building their communication skills. Anaheim Ballet dance students carry critical life skills with them that were hard learned on these iconic hardwood floors for their whole life to come. The level of excellence that this dance center possesses makes it a premiere training facility within the greater Southern California region. Anaheim Ballet is a rare commodity that can only benefit in the most positive manner possible. To destroy the ability for Anaheim Ballet to exist would be an egregious injury to this community. The young as well as the experienced Ballet students of the area rely heavily on this wonderful place as their very necessary artistic outlet. Please join me in making certain that this iconic Anaheim structure can stand and continue to perform its critical role molding our youth for a much brighter tomorrow. Thank you for taking your time reflecting on this profoundly serious matter. Your kind regards, Kenny Eells — Cypress, CA 90630 — Public Comment From: Carol Andersen Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2021 2:2S PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor 5idhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 24 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the city. Our son enjoyed six years of training with Anaheim Ballet which led to a career with the Royal Danish Ballet. Anaheim Ballet has been instrumental in forming the talents of many students who have enjoyed their dream jobs as professional dancers. During the six years of association with Anaheim Ballet, we saw that the company was run with integrity and professionalism. There were many opportunities to support the city of Anaheim and there was a feeling of doing whatever they could to maintain their standing in the community. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim 'Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Allen and Carol Andersen Public Comment From: Jorge Rojas Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2021 5:09 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: SAVE ANAHEIM BALLET Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jorge Rojas Sent from my T -Mobile 4G LTE Device Get Outlook for Android Public Comment From: Katherine Asovia Sent: Monday, April 19, 2021 7:59 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaldet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Katherine Asovia Public Comment From: Bruce Solari Sent: Monday, April 19, 2021 11:24 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Council Members: For nearly 25 years the Anaheim Ballet has provided a unique benefit to Anaheim culturally and especially to many of our youth. The Step Up program has enriched the lives of young people and given them an opportunity to grow in self- confidence and self-esteem. This is an opportunity that would be impossible without the Anaheim Ballet. The Anaheim Ballet has earned our support through their steadfast commitment to Anaheim, the arts and our youth, Therefore I ask for your support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. It would be a shame if Anaheim were to lose such a valuable and trusted partner. Sincerely, Bruce Solari Public Comment From: gunman elizabeth Sent: Monday, April 19, 2021 12:39 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: In Support of Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I have rare occasion to write emails, however, this is very heartfelt to me, mainly because I have seen young people go through Anaheim Ballet that would not have otherwise have had a chance to start careers in the Arts. To my knowledge Anaheim Ballet is the only institution in North Orange County that offers services such as STEP-UP and many other services to the community. I have seen young people/families be especially resilient, coming by bike or public transportation to utilize services offered. It would be a distinct loss to diversity in the Arts, especially, if this institution would disappear. Please vote in support of the Cooperative agreement with Anaheim Ballet, at the very least finding a new venue for the institution or another solution. Perhaps would it be possible to create a inixed-use architecture, with studios on the ground floor and dwelling on the secondlthirdlfourtli floors. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Elizabeth Guzman -Williams Public Comment From: Laura Dart Sent: Monday, April 13, 2021 12:43 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Partnership & Location for Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu & Council Members, I was very disappointed to learn that the city of Anaheim is asking the Anaheim Ballet to leave their current location in the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center so that the building can be repurposed for affordable housing without any plans for a new home for the Anaheim Ballet. The Anaheim Ballet has been vital to the community in Anaheim for well over 20 years now. The Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances that enhance the pride of the city locally and internationally. The city needs to be more creative in meeting the need for affordable housing. There is no need to displace the Anaheim Ballet to achieve this goal. Underserved youth in the city are dependent upon the Anaheim Ballet in its current location. Are you truly going to choose affordable housing over our underserved youth? You cannot toss one vital need aside in order to satisfy another. That is weak leadership at best. I truly hope you will reconsider this course of action. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Mayor Sidhu's profile on the Anaheim city website states that he "understands the value of honest, hard work". The Anaheim Ballet has put in honest, hard work for over 20 years, and that deserves recognition and appreciation for how it's impacted the Anaheim community for the better. His profile also shares his involvement with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Anaheim and the YMCA, so showing support for the Anaheim Ballet should ft in well with his publicly stated values as "a supporter of the arts and arts education". Source: https://www.anaheim.net/5174/Mayor-Harry-Sidhu. Thank you for your time and consideration of this crucial matter! Sincerely, Laura Dart Resident Placentia, California 1 Public Comment From: Trevor Dart Sent: Monday, April 19, 2021 1:33 PM To: Public Comment; info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Partnership & Location for Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu & Council Members, I was very disappointed to learn that the city of Anaheim is asking the Anaheim Ballet to leave their current location in the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center so that the building can be repurposed for affordable housing without any plans for a new home for the Anaheim Ballet. The Anaheim Ballet has been vital to the community in Anaheim for well over 20 years now. The Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances that enhance the pride of the city locally and internationally. The city needs to be more creative in meeting the need for affordable housing. There is no need to displace the Anaheim Ballet to achieve this goal. Underserved youth in the city are dependent upon the Anaheim Ballet in its current location. Are you truly going to choose affordable housing over our underserved youth? You cannot toss one vital need aside in order to satisfy another. That is weak leadership at best. I truly hope you will reconsider this course of action. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Mayor Sidhu's profile on the Anaheim city website states that he "understands the value of honest, hard work". The Anaheim Ballet has put in honest, hard work for over 20 years, and that deserves recognition and appreciation for how it's impacted the Anaheim community for the better. His profile also shares his involvement with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Anaheim and the YMCA, so showing support for the Anaheim Ballet should ft in well with his publicly stated values as "a supporter of the arts and arts education". Source: https://www.anaheim.net/5174/Mayor-Harry-Sidhu. Thank you for your time and consideration of this crucial matter! Sincerely, Trevor Dart 1 Public Comment From: Jamie Scott Sent: Monday, April 19, 2021 2:44 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a pant of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. if the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jamie Nalbandyan Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone Public Comment From: O'Brien, Julianne Sent: Monday, April 19, 2021 2:55 PM Cc: Public Comment; infor@anaheimballet.org; Larry Rosenberg Subject: Statement of support for Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor 5idhu and Council Members, I write to express my support for the Anaheim Ballet. This premier organization with a more than 20 year history of serving Anaheim is a unique gem that has been recognized for its world class training, free community classes and outreach activities, professionalism, and rousing performances. The pandemic has been brutal on the arts, and Anaheim as a city would benefit from this revenue generating organization as much as its people benefit from the inspiration of a vital art form. Please consider these benefits as you think creatively about better solutions for Anaheim, the underserved youth that take dance classes, the famous artists brought to Anaheim, and the importance of the arts for community. The prestigious Anaheim Ballet has a deeply committed history of creating a better place to work and live and should be secure in knowing that this will continue. Thank you, Julianne O'Brien Chair, Chapman University Department of Dance I Public Comment From: Peggy Sent: Monday, April 19, 2021 3:01 PM To: Public Comment Subject: ]SAVE ANAHEIM BALLET TO: publiccomment(o),anaheim.net CC: info _,anaheimballet.org Subject: The Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu & Council Members, I was very disappointed to learn that the city of Anaheim is asking the Anaheim Ballet to leave their current location in the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center so that the building can be repurposed for affordable housing without any plans for a new home for the Anaheim Ballet. The Anaheim Ballet has been vital to the community in Anaheim for well over 20 years now. The Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances that enhance the pride of the city locally and internationally. The city needs to be more creative in meeting the need for affordable housing. There is no need to displace the Anaheim Ballet to achieve this goal. Underserved youth in the city are dependent upon the Anaheim Ballet in its current location. Are you truly going to choose affordable housing over our underserved youth? You cannot toss one vital need aside in order to satisfy another. That is weak leadership at best. I truly hope you will reconsider this course of action. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Mayor Sidhu's profile on the Anaheim city website states that he "understands the value of honest, hard work". The Anaheim Ballet has put in honest, hard work for over 20 years, and that deserves recognition and appreciation for how it's impacted the Anaheim community for the better. His profile also shares his involvement with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Anaheim and the YMCA, so showing support for the Anaheim Ballet should fit in well with his publicly stated values as "a supporter of the arts and arts education". Source: https://www.anaheim.net/5174/Mayor-Harry-Sidhu. Thank you for your time and consideration of this crucial matter! Sincerely, David & Peggy Carson 60+ years in So Cal We do NOT need any more low income housing!!!!! Sent from Peggy"s ]phone Public Comment From: Vikki Lee Sent: Monday, April 13, 2021 3:27 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Please vote in Support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Nikki Lee Public Comment From: Eileen Daniher Sent: Monday, April 19, 2021 3:59 PM To: Public Comment Subject: letter of support for Anaheim Ballet Attachments: Anaheim Ballet -Letter of 5upport.pdf Attached please find my heartfelt support of Anaheim Ballet and allowing them to continue in their home of 20 years! Regards, Eileen Daniher Director of Program Festival of Children Foundation Alifth, April 19, 2021 1�1111t `l Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I write in strong support of allowing Anaheim Ballet to continue their residence at The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center. I have known Larry Rosenberg and Sarma Lapenieks Rosenberg for 20 years through my work with Sandy Segerstrom Daniels Festival of Children Foundation. Festival of Children Foundation has worked tirelessly to raise the visibility of the nonprofits in our Grange County communities that serve the needs of the most vulnerable amongst us. It is our strong belief that arts organizations are the glue that give children a vision of what is possible in their future, especially when their day to day situations are challenging. Anaheim Ballet is one such institution. The heart, dedication and passion that Larry and Sarma bring to the children of Anaheim they have served through the years has doubtless changed more lives, in more ways than we will ever know. To displace such highly regarded organizations does a tremendous disservice to the constituents you serve. With the glut of commercial real estate that will hit the market due to the change of working patterns in the past year, I have little doubt another site can be found for the housing you wish to develop. Again, to displace such a highly regarded and admired organization would, in my opinion, be short sighted. Anaheim Ballet is a treasure in your city, as well as an international Ambassador due to the talent they have developed and shared with ballet companies around the world. speak loud and strong when I ask that you reconsider any plans you might have to disrupt their home, and the valuable work they do to make Anaheim a stronger and better community. With respectful regards, *Eileenniher Director of Programs Festival of Children Foundation 3315 Fairview Road Costa Mesa, CA 92626 3315 Fairview Road Costa Mesa, CA 92626 PHONE (714) 438.3285 TOLL FREE 1(877) 492 -KIDS FACSIMILE (714) 549.4598 www.festiva chiIdren,erg Public Comment From: nicoiesims Sent: Monday, April 19, 2021 S:26 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu & Council Members, I was very disappointed to learn that the city of Anaheim is asking the Anaheim Ballet to leave their current location in the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center so that the building can be repurposed for affordable housing without any plans for a new home for the Anaheim Ballet. The Anaheim Ballet has been vital to the community in Anaheim for well over 20 years now. The Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances that enhance the pride of the city locally and internationally. The city needs to be more creative in meeting the need for affordable housing. There is no need to displace the Anaheim Ballet to achieve this goal. Underserved youth in the city are dependent upon the Anaheim Ballet in its current location. Are you truly going to choose affordable housing over our underserved youth? You cannot toss one vital need aside in order to satisfy another. That is weak leadership at best. I truly hope you will reconsider this course of action. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Mayor Sidhu's profile on the Anaheim city website states that he "understands the value of honest, hard work". The Anaheim Ballet has put in honest, hard work for over 20 years, and that deserves recognition and appreciation for how it's impacted the Anaheim community for the better. His profile also shares his involvement with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Anaheim and the YMCA, so showing support for the Anaheim Ballet should fit in well with his publicly stated values as "a supporter of the arts and arts education". Source: hitps://wvww.anaheim.net/5174/Mayor-Harry-Sidhu. Thank you for your time and consideration of this crucial matter! Sincerely, Nicole Carman Public Comment From: Deborah Cree on behalf of Deborah C ree Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2021 12:16 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu & Council Members, I was very disappointed to learn that the city of Anaheim is asking the Anaheim Ballet to leave their current location in the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center so that the building can be repurposed for affordable housing without any plans for a new home for the Anaheim Ballet. The Anaheim Ballet has been vital to the community in Anaheim for well over 20 years now. The Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances that enhance the pride of the city locally and internationally. The city needs to be more creative in meeting the need for affordable housing. There is no need to displace the Anaheim Ballet to achieve this goal. Underserved youth in the city are dependent upon the Anaheim Ballet in its current location. Are you truly going to choose affordable housing over our underserved youth? You cannot toss one vital need aside in order to satisfy another. That is weak leadership at best. I truly hope you will reconsider this course of action. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Mayor Sidhu"s profile on the Anaheim city website states that he "understands the value of honest, hard work". The Anaheim Ballet has put in honest, hard work for over 20 years, and that deserves recognition and appreciation for how it's impacted the Anaheim community for the better. His profile also shares his involvement with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Anaheim and the YMCA, so showing support for the Anaheim Ballet should fit in well with his publicly stated values as "a supporter of the arts and arts education Source: https://www.anaheim.net/5174/Mayor-Harv-Sidhu. Thank you for your time and consideration of this crucial matter! Sincerely, Deborah Cree Sent from my i Phone Public Comment From: Deborah Cree on behalf of Deborah C ree Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2021 12:16 PM To: Public Comment TO: publiccomment(a)anaheim.net CC: info(a)anaheimballet.org Subject: The Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu & Council Members, I was very disappointed to learn that the city of Anaheim is asking the Anaheim Ballet to leave their current location in the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center so that the building can be repurposed for affordable housing without any plans for a new home for the Anaheim Ballet. The Anaheim Ballet has been vital to the community in Anaheim for well over 20 years now. The Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances that enhance the pride of the city locally and internationally. The city needs to be more creative in meeting the need for affordable housing. There is no need to displace the Anaheim Ballet to achieve this goal. Underserved youth in the city are dependent upon the Anaheim Ballet in its current location. Are you truly going to choose affordable housing over our underserved youth? You cannot toss one vital need aside in order to satisfy another. That is weak leadership at best. I truly hope you will reconsider this course of action. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Mayor Sidhu's profile on the Anaheim city website states that he "understands the value of honest, hard work". The Anaheim Ballet has put in honest, hard work for over 20 years, and that deserves recognition and appreciation for how it's impacted the Anaheim community for the better. His profile also shares his involvement with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Anaheim and the YMCA, so showing support for the Anaheim Ballet should fit in well with his publicly stated values as "a supporter of the arts and arts education". Source: https:ffwvww.anaheim.net/5174/Mayor-Harry-Sidhu. Thank you for your time and consideration of this crucial matter! Sincerely, Deborah Cree Sent from my iPh4ne Public Comment From: Deborah Cree on behalf of Deborah C ree Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2021 12:18 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu & Council Members, I was very disappointed to learn that the city of Anaheim is asking the Anaheim Ballet to leave their current location in the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center so that the building can be repurposed for affordable housing without any plans for a new home for the Anaheim Ballet. The Anaheim Ballet has been vital to the community in Anaheim for well over 20 years now. The Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances that enhance the pride of the city locally and internationally. The city needs to be more creative in meeting the need for affordable housing. There is no need to displace the Anaheim Ballet to achieve this goal. Underserved youth in the city are dependent upon the Anaheim Ballet in its current location. Are you truly going to choose affordable housing over our underserved youth? You cannot toss one vital need aside in order to satisfy another. That is weak leadership at best. I truly hope you will reconsider this course of action. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Mayor Sidhu's profile on the Anaheim city website states that he "understands the value of honest, hard work". The Anaheim Ballet has put in honest, hard work for over 20 years, and that deserves recognition and appreciation for how it's impacted the Anaheim community for the better. His profile also shares his involvement with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Anaheim and the YMCA, so showing support for the Anaheim Ballet should fit in well with his publicly stated values as "a supporter of the arts and arts education". Source: https://www.anaheim.net/5174/Mayor-Harry-Sidhu. Thank you for your time and consideration of this crucial matter! Sincerely, Deborah Cree Public Comment From: elizabeth' rudinica Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 9:13 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members, I am writing to you all in support of the Anaheim Ballet and the bounty of services it offers free to the community! It has been a long standing fixture providing valuable Arts, Education and Resource help to the community for over 20 years!! Not only to mention the buildings historical and cultural significance for the city of Anaheim! Sadly the building that Anaheim Ballet proudly calls home, is set to be demolished with no replacement! With this said, I Urge you to vote on support of the Cooperative agreement with the Anaheim Ballet and keep this gem for the good of the City, people and the underserved youth!!! Most Sincerely, Elizabeth Rudinica Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Jennifer Hill Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 9:34 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Support of Anaheim Ballet To whom it may concern: May this letter impress upon you the importance of maintaining Anaheim Ballet. They provide the community w/ artistic culture along wl providing youth development to explore the passion of dance art and culture. My daughter was a student of Sharma and Larry who assisted in developing her love of the arts and dance, beyond that disciple in pursuing her passion. The teenage years are impressionable Anaheim Ballet provides an avenue to be creative, positive image and growth in a healthy environment. In these stressful years the youth deserve to see what can be, work on the beauty of art and dance which currently they are surrounded by fear and anger. May you consider this studio to be an essential not to be closed over political advancements. I urge to take a closer look at the decisions that affect growth for our youth and the love of the arts which are being drowned out. if we cannot dance you steal moments of happiness accomplishment and a time to grow. Thank you for your time and consideration on a very important step. Sincerely Lynne Hill Public Comment From: Cindy Carpino Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 9:55 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: Save the Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, ,bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Cindy Carpino Public Comment From: Amy Peters Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 11:55 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Please Save Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City'.s treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Amy .Peters Public Comment From: Daina Sher Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 1:36 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anahiem Ballet at the Anahiem Cultural Arts Center Good afternoon Mayor Sidhu, City Council Members, It is my understanding the Anahiem Cultural Art Center, home of the distinguished worldwide Anahiem Ballet which serves the Southern California community by instructing artistic development to all ages thru it's professional dance company, and Step Up programs (for the underserved youth outreach) is being repurposed for affordable housing. Can the City Council tell the community where the hundreds of underprivileged youth are going to spend their days, evenings should the facility of Anahiem Ballet's Anahiem Cultural Art Center be repurposed? Whom at 6 days a week is going to impart acceptance, equality, equity, confidence, comraderie, belonging and that their Iife has purpose? Since 1983, I have been a volunteer serving Anahiem Ballet students in the area of editorial and performance needs by donating hair care, style services services. I was introduced to Anahiem by Toni Basil a well known recording artist and since been amazed at the legacy of Anahiem Ballet. My industry is specific to Film, Television, Livestream, Editorial, Live Performance and Advanced Cosmetology Education. I have been honored and priveleged to work with the best of talent in the industry and that talent too has been fortunate to work with Anahiem Ballet. Aside from Anahiem Ballet's world wide sought after dance technique and More Than Dance internet series, directors Sar-na and Larry Rosenberg at the Anahiem Cultural Arts Center is home to fostering every individual with no less than the following. 1.) Meaningful Instruction, Direction 2.) Special Spoken Words of Acceptance, Positive Encouragement 3.) Valuing the Intrinsic Worth of a Child, Young Adult, Adult 4.) Isolate the Students Gift and Show Them You Know Who/What They Are 5.) Commit to Stay in Their Lives Forever, Always BE THEREr r r These 5 impartations are directly impowering the Anahiem students, citizens, community and the state of California. One occasion, I witnessed not one person could attend an Anahiem Ballet students high school graduation, the Anahiem Ballet Directors attended. Every life deserves at least one person to support, believe and be there for them. The capacity of Anahiem Cultural Art Center building as a dance facility is appropriate for social distancing while in attendance and while parents or guardians watch sibblings comfortably do homework as they await. For most, Anahiem Ballet is the heartbeat for the dance arts in Southern California, and for viewers worldwide whom view on internet leaving online commets, and far more importantly, the home to the underserved youth in Anahiem when there is no home to go home too. The square footage of the Anahiem Cultural Arts Center as it currently stands Housing the City's Resident Anahiem Ballet Company serves far more underprivileged youth year after year (students return home to Anahiem Ballet for more impartation) than the idea of repurposing the building for low income housing project. Thank you for your careful consideration to serve the needs of the city of Anahiem by preserving the home of Anahiem Ballet at the Anahiem Cultural Arts Center and vote for a Cooperative Agreement with Anahiem Ballet thus endlessly serving the community directly and worldwide. Public Comment From: Cammy Suder Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 3:15 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Tear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. Anaheim's resident ballet company has been around since 1997 that includes a professional performing company, a school and a youth outreach program :TEF -U' It is hest for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location? Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Cammy Suder Public Comment From: Samantha Harper Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 5:09 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I have been a fan of the Anaheim Ballet for many years. Although I live across the country, I have seen their great work through their pioneering YouTubc accounts and podeasts. Their material inspired me a young dancer and so many others. Affordable housing is an admirable goal, but I struggle to believe you are supporting anyone if you can only provide by taking away a cultural support system. This isn't support for low-income citizens, it's an attack on therm. Do you not think the people living in this new housing deserve free access to the arts? The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Samantha Harper Public Comment From: Caroline Garcia Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 5:39 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet & Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of anv community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point o f pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the .Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Caroline Garcia Long-standing student of Anaheim Ballet Employed by Kaman Distribution Grouo I Anaheim, Ca Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Anabelle Gunderson Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 6:04 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 24 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce, and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations, and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! I personally have been at Anaheim Ballet for 15 years and I can say with all honesty, it made me the person I am today. I started in the youth outreach program, Step -Up!, and have gone on from there to dance around the country in the name of this city. Without Anaheim Ballet, I wouldn't have the confidence, goals, or motivation I have now, and I am not the only young person in this city who has experienced the positive impact of this program. The things that Anaheim Ballet does for the Anaheim youth cannot be overlooked. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Anabelle Gunderson Public Comment From: Elijah Richardson Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 6:1 S PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: SAVE ANAHEIM BALLET/ Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building., you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Elijah Richardson *Guest Artist of Anaheim Ballet's beloved "Nutcracker" & more (2015-2018)- Elijah 2015-2018)* Eli ah Richardson Company Member I DancefVorks Chicago Pw-tl olioI yiineo.com/elijahrichardson 1 Public Comment From; jasperpeakpilates Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 6:24 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Re: approve an agreement stating the city and Anaheim Ballet have one year to negotiate a home and continued partnership. To Whom It may Concern: Although I now live in Colorado and teach at a similarly dedicated ballet school (Colorado Conservatory of Dance), my relationship with Anaheim Ballet goes back to the the late 1990's and early 2000's. I have a strong artistic and heartfelt relationship with Anaheim Ballet, Larry Rosenberg and Sarma Lapenienks. From 1984 until 2000, 1 was the Dance Department Chair at Orange Coast College. I was also an adult dancer who continued my own ballet study with Larry Rosenberg at their studio that preceded Anaheim Ballet. As a professional educator and dancer, I recognized the quality of training Anaheim Ballet provided to Orange County and areas beyond. When Anaheim Ballet School got settled in, was invited to teach Pilates mat classes at the studio which I did for about a year before moving from Southern California. A strong partnership began with the city when Anaheim Ballet moved into the facilities that were provided. Anaheim Ballet made improvements in the facilities in order to provide safe and adequate spaces needed for the dance program. Through the 20 or so years, the City/Anaheim Ballet relationship has grown in strength, breadth. Their reputation has grown by providing training in a variety of dances styles, out reach programs, training for diverse populations. Dance and all arts are vital to a culturally strong and balanced society. Anaheim Ballet is a highly respected training facility and performing company, known nationally and even internationally. Renowned guest artists come to teach and coach dancers, thus putting the city of Anaheim and Anaheim Ballet in the spotlight. I encourage the members of the City Council to find a positive solution to this situation; at best a rescinding of the mandate for affordable housing at this site. And if that is not possible, to provide a relocation site and continuation of the partnership with the city. Thank you for attention to my letter. Karen Shanley Lafayette, CO, 800126 Instructor at Colorado Conservatory of Dance I Public Comment From: ava c Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 6:26 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce, and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations, and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! am the mother of a wonderful girl who has been dancing at Anaheim Ballet for 15 years. My daughter started in the youth outreach program, Step -Up!, and has gone on from there to become both a beautiful dancer and an upstanding young woman. When we were strapped for cash, we always knew that she would have a place to dance, and I could be self-assured, knowing that she was safe and taken care of after school. Additionally, being at Anaheim Ballet taught her great character traits like confidence, determination, and resilience that she has kept with her all her life. Without Anaheim Ballet, she wouldn't be the person she is today. Anaheim Ballet is a great institution that cares so much for the youth of Anaheim and has made me very grateful to live in this city. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Ava Colella I Public Comment From: The Gundersons Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 6:38 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce, and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations, and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Anaheim Ballet is a wonderful, family -friendly organization, one that I have felt comfortable and proud to send my daughter to for the past 15 years. The support and care that they put into teaching Anaheim's youth is admirable, and I know how special Anaheim Ballet is to my family and to the Anaheim community. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Albert Gunderson 1 Public Comment From: Roan Zaragoza Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 6:48 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Save Anaheim Ballet. Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, acrd far more than 20 years, .Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point o f pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the .Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Moan 7.aragoza Public Comment From: 011in "Yuboo" Zaragoza Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 8:03 PM To: Public Comment Subject: AB Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, acrd for more than 20 years, .Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized froth locally and internationally as a point o f pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the .Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the .Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Cerner in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location' Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. T honk you for your consideration. Sincerely, 011in 7aragoza Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Hector Z Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 8:05 PM To: Public Comment Subject: AB Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, acrd for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point ofpride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location' Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Hector Zaragoza Public Comment From: Haley Michelle . Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 9:08 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Haley (26 y/o) and I moved to southern California in September of 2020 when my boyfriend's job relocated us. I have a temporary work -from -home job due to Covid so I don't get out of the house much, but I commute several days a week from Newport to Anaheim to take class at Anaheim Ballet. I participate in adult classes as well as level 415 classes and Anaheim Ballet has become my reason for being in California after I was forced to move here. I've begun to build a camaraderie with both the adults and the high school/middle school students I take class with. I get a first hand view of how hard these kids work, how dedicated they are to their work, and how valuable Anaheim Ballet is to their growth. Dara is 12 years old, she often takes class with much older and more advanced students, and she is absolutely fearless. I am inspired by the way this little girl jumps into advanced ballet classes and tackles everything as best she can, and I know she is so lucky to have the opportunity to do so. I grew up in Connecticut, where I went to ballet classes or rehearsals every day and spent all of my free time watching ballet videos on Youtube. I remember being about Dara's age, laying on my bed watching the Anaheim Ballet dancer profile videos for hours. Those videos were filmed in studio A and every single time I walk into that studio I think about how my 12 year old self would hysterically cry if she could have known that in 14 years she would get to take ballet class in that exact space with the directors of Anaheim Ballet. The first time I told all of my ballet friends back home where I take class, they all said. "WOW I used to LOVE watching their videos on Youtube!" - and I know Anaheim Ballet has inspired many more generations of ballet dancers in many more states and countries. I could go on for pages about how invaluable Anaheim Ballet is to me and my life, but I can't ask for that much of your time. I can only hope that other members of the community can share with you the ways Anaheim Ballet benefits the city as a whole. Please consider that the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center, home of Anaheim Ballet, is so much more than an old building. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Regards, Haley Altman-Cipot 1 Public Comment From; aulce Silva Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 9:19 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim ballet. Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Dulce Silva Public Comment From: Samson Collins Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 10:43 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organisation. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location? Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Samson Collins Mahalo, Samson Collins 1 Public Comment From: Austin Eder Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 5:44 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Please Vote in Support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet — Harvard College/Anaheim Ballet Alumna Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of Anaheim Ballet, located at 280 E Lincoln Ave, Anaheim, CA 92805) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location. Anaheim Ballet and its faculty and staff provide a crucial mechanism of social uplift in our community; without their programming and support, I would not be where I am today: a recent graduate of Harvard College and contributing member of my community. Anaheim Ballet, and particularly the building in which it resides, served — and continues to serve — as a second home to me and countless others during times of domestic insecurity and educational and environmental stress. If not for the immeasurable benefit the organization provides to the City each year in terms of cultural enrichment, save the building for the City's youth. I support the City's interest in developing affordable housing for its residents but I state resolutely: this is not the place to look. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Austin Eder Austin Eder Harvard College, B.A. in Government and Art, Film, & Visual Studies 1 Public Comment From: Kayleigh Reed Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 12:28 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Please Save Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, acrd far more than 20 years, .Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point o f pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the .Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Anaheim Ballet has been my home studio for 8 years now and it has changed my life. It became a safe space far me during some of the most trying points in my life. I beg you to please save my home studio. It has touched the lives of so many, not just including the dancers there. I have seen first hand the affect that the outreach programs have on people's lives and it breaks my heart to see what may happen to it. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Kayleigh Reed (student at Anaheim Ballet for 8+ years) Public Comment From: ashley rhee Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 12:46 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Save Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, .Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point o f pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the .Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Cerner in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location, Please irate in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Ashley Rhee Public Comment From: Janet Frumhoff Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 1:03 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim ballet I am writing in support of keeping the Anaheim ballet an act of organization in the city of Anaheim. As a retired Elementary School teacher, who taught in an underprivileged area of Orange County for more than 37 years, I know that ballet is an important aspect for young students. The Anaheim ballet has served an important role for the community and has given scholarships to many students who wouldn't otherwise be able to participate in this special activity. I am also an active member of the Anaheim Hills Assistance League, and want to help improve the lives of students in that community. 1 want to encourage the city council members to do all they can to keep the Anaheim ballet going strong by providing a building they can use. As well as writing this email, I plan to attend the city council meeting this Tuesday evening for my support of the Anaheim ballet. Thank you for your consideration of support of the Anaheim ballet. Sincerely, Janet Frumhoff Public Comment From: DeBlaquiere, Mikayla Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 1:20 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Save Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheino. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point ofpride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Than& you for your consideration. Sincerely, Mikayla DeBlaquiere Creative Producer at Chapman University Public Comment From: Jessie Mays Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 1:33 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Vote in support of the Cooperative agreement with Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecturefdemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location? 1 had the great opportunity of training with Anaheim Ballet and performing in their Nutcracker. As a professional dancer, l really benefited from this performance opportunity. It is a wonderful place for dancers of all ages to be able to keep up their ballet training whether professional or not. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jessie Mays Public Comment From: Erica Sharp Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 1:43 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: Please Consider Preserving the Anaheim Ballet for All Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce, and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! On a personal level, the Anaheim Ballet holds a special place in my heart and my family's because it has become our Christmastime tradition to watch all the talented troupe for their magical The Nutcracker performance. I would be devastated to see this tradition ended not only for me but for all the other audience members who have made it their own way to celebrate the holidays but also for the young and world-class ballerinas who won't have a chance to perform their art! The Anaheim Ballet brings so much joy to so many people and truly a place for everyone to feel welcome and support the performing arts! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Erica Sharp Public Comment From: Stephanie Graves Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 1:44 PM To: Public Comment; info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Please Save Anaheim Ballet To whom it may concern: I have heard the news to repurpose the current location of Anaheim Ballet for affordable housing by 2022. I ask that you please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet taking place on April 27. Though affordable housing is important to the community so is access to an arts education which research shows is vital to community and child development. Anaheim Ballet needs to remain affordable and accessible to the current population of Anaheim or we will not be helping the residents protect and raise their youth. Ballet has shaped me from my early days and I would not be currently an Entertainment Manager at The Disneyland Resort without access to affordable access to ballet during my developmental years. It has changed the course of my life and still allows me to be a strong well rounded adult that contributes to my community. In all my years I have yet to see a school such as Anaheim strike such a perfect balance between good teaching and access to the community as a whole. There is no elitism. And we need to protect it. Thank you for your time. Stephanie E Graves C.- E: :E: Public Comment From: johana gonzalez Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 1:48 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Anaheim Ballet has been an important part of the city for more than 20 years. The ballet studio is currently located in The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center, which is to be demolished soon. There are no plans for relocation of The Cultural Arts Center or Anaheim Ballet. This building can not be destroyed, because with it you would take opportunities, memories, dance and dreams. Anaheim Ballet provides free community- based, after- school programs that help many people in the community. I have been part of their programs for over six years and it has changed my life. When I was little the dance studio I attended also canceled the ballet program and it wasn't until years later that I found Anaheim Ballet. Thanks to Anaheim Ballet I have accomplished so much more than I ever thought I could and I would love to continue my goals of dancing there at anaheim ballet. Dancing has influenced my confidence and Ieadership skills. Tearing down the Cultural Arts building would tear apart all of us who call Anaheim Ballet a second home. I ask you to please consider to vote in support of the cooperative agreement with Anaheim Ballet to keep their doors open for many more years to come. l don't even want to imagine passing by and remembering that the studio `used to be there.' Many people have grown up here and I always thought I would take my own kids there one day. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Johana Gonzalez Public Comment From: Itzel Zaragoza Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 1:S4 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Save A6 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, acrd for more than 20 years, .Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point o f pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the .Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Cerner in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location, Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. T honk you for your consideration. Sincerely, Itzel Zaragoza. Public Comment From: Yesenia Gonzalez Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 2:49 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear mayor Sidhu and council Members, I have been going to anaheim ballet since I was 8 years old. I still remember going to watch my sister and I knew that it was something I wanted to do in the future so I signed up when I was 5, and the day I turned S I went and asked and 4 days later I was in the class. That studio has been around since I can remember and it would be really sad to see it get torn down. During these hard times, when the pandemic hit, they still found ways to keep in touch. We had zoom classes and then we had class outside socially distanced. Even though it's only 45 minutes it really helps to calm me down. It relaxes me and I think it has helped me a lot to keep calm and controlled. It's one of the few times during the day that I can be in a relaxing environment and it helps me get through the rest of the day. Ballet is important to me because it helps me with my emotional and physical health. Not only does it help me but I have fun. The staff and teachers are friendly and welcoming. I'm not afraid to ask questions or talk to them. They always ask how our day is going and make us Iaugh. We are a dance family. COVID-19 has taken enough from us please don't take another of the things we love. Thank you for your time. I hope you will consider voting in support of the cooperative agreement with Anaheim ballet. Sincerely Yesema Gonzalez Public Comment From: Deborah Brothers Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 3:33 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidleu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Deborah and Donald Brothers Anaheim, Ca 92804 We absolutely support the sentiments expressed in this letter. And have valued the unique opportunities and specialized arts training the Anaheim Ballet offers to the children and families of our community. Public Comment From; Erin Longhofer Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 3:42 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a Valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school progranuning, workforce and recreational training, buts -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Analicitn Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Erin and Brian Longhofer Anaheim, Ca 92801 The Anaheim Ballet provides exceptional arts training in a safe and centrally positioned location for the children and families of the City of Anaheim. We agree with the above fetter and voice our support of the Cooperative Agreement with the Anaheim Ballet. Erin Longhofer Public Comment From: Natalie Shirota Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 4:57 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Save the Anaheim Ballet and Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Hello, My name is Natalie Shirota and I'm a high school student at the Anaheim Ballet School. I ask you to please approve the agreement during the April 27th meeting! You're decision not only affects me and the dancers who for years have attended this school in hopes of following our passion, but the entire dance community_ As a hub for dance in Southern California, Anaheim Ballet and the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center has provided countless numbers of dancers with opportunities for growth and development. To replace such a beautiful, communal sanctuary of growth would be a tragedy to the entire artistic community. And so I urge you, please save the Anaheim Ballet and Anaheim Cultural Arts Center by approving the agreement on April 27th. Thank you, Natalie Shirota Public Comment From: Charles Andersen Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 5:19 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, My name is Charles Andersen and I am a proud alumnus from The Anaheim Ballet. The arts have an enormous impact on every community. The Anaheim Ballet has impacted my life more than any other organisation offering me education for a lifelong career. I joined The Anaheim Ballet as a young teenager and was immediately welcomed into this wonderful dance family. The Anaheim Ballet offered me a scholarship so I was able to attend classes daily. This generous gift and support allowed me the amount of training necessary to become a professional dancer. Upon graduating High School I was awarded a full scholarship to The Royal Ballet School and was then offered a contract with the renowned Royal Danish Ballet where I danced professionally for 11 years. I now work with critically acclaimed choreographer Christopher Wheeldon staging his ballets for companies around the world. This has allowed me to work for some of the largest international ballet companies such as the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow. I am proud to name The Anaheim Ballet in my biography in Playbills around the world. I recently accepted a position working with the education department of The Australian Ballet company. The outreach work The Anaheim Ballet offers was a huge part of my education and I am eager to use the experience I gained from The Anaheim Ballet in this new role for The Australian Ballet. The Anaheim Ballet's free community based after school programming, bus in presentations, lecture demonstrations and concert performances are a point of pride for the city of Anaheim. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center, the home of The Anaheim Ballet, is an architecturally unique building to the city and perfectly designed for a ballet studio. Removing this building would be removing culture and heritage from the city of Anaheim. World class companies strive for studios with the same standards. The large rooms and high ceilings are truly a treasure and offer students and professional artists alike the required environment to execute proper ballet partnering and the freedom to dance past their limits. I credit my career to the start I received from The Anaheim Ballet. I urge you to vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with The Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration and for your support to educating the next generation of artists. Kind regards, Charles Andersen Public Comment From: Talia Earl Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 5:34 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Saving Anahiems Charished Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Anaheim Ballet's mission statement is "More then Dance". Understanding the value of the art to the health and well being of your community is key to making a choice that will best help your community. What is art to you? it more importantly look at what it means to those who you care for. People need more then shelter. Dance is about developing whole people and bringing pride and joy in community. Many in the dance community look up to Anaheim Ballet. They care for your people. They inspire the youth to work hard and trust each other for a safer Future. Please keep the legacy your community's art center holds. As a student at BYUI, a dancer major, and someone who sees the immeasurable good this company has done, I ask you to consider the impact of your vote. Best Wishes Talia Earl 1 Public Comment From: Katie Sevacherian Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 5:00 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an extremely important part of society because it affects the fundamental sense of self. Art whether it is writing, painting, dancing or singing, is where imagination meets knowledge and becomes something extraordinarily beautiful. Si nee I was a little girl and I first started dancing I went to Anaheim ballet and it has become like a second home. I vividly remember growing up in the studio and learning not only how to dance from their talented directors and world-class training, but I also learned how to grow intellectually. This studio has taught me responsibility, intellectual and critical thinking, how to work with a group and much more basically shaping me into the person I am today. Not only has Anaheim Ballet helped me but this organization has impacted so many others in the community with their Step Up program and performances open to the community. These programs Anaheim Ballet offers inspires the minds of others, promotes healthy physical activity as well as giving kids the opportunity to experience such a beautiful and special art form. After hearing this news about the possible fate of Anaheim Ballet my heart sunk to my stomach because it is a home and safe haven to so many of their students including myself. So many of my memories growing up are from this studio and seeing it go is like losing a piece of you. Anaheim Ballet is a place where I would recommend anyone to train, watch their performances, and support their organization because they care so much about how they not only train their students but how they impact their students and community in a positive and inspiring way. From the bottom of my heart I hope this letter strikes a chord in all of your hearts and you decide to let Anaheim Ballet thrive and continue to be a home for all of their students and the future generations to come. Sincerely, Katie Sevacherian Public Comment From: Kaitlin Gibson Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 5:13 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Save Anaheim Ballet To Whom it May Concern, I grew up dancing with 5arma & Larry Rosenberg. We started in a small studio in San Clemente, until they had the wonderful opportunity to become Anaheim's resident ballet company. The move made it difficult for my family to commute, but we loved their teaching and desire to educate local communities in the arts; so we became dedicated to the drive. They have done incredible things for the community including free classes to local residents. Their outreach program reached tons of kids who never would have had the opportunity or funds to be a part of the ballet community. I was part of the program where we visited schools to perform at assemblies. In these performances we engaged kids to become educated in the importance of the arts. The engagement and excitement from kids at schools was humbling and in quite frankly, magical. The arts as a whole have greatly suffered from the pandemic. Not only did live performances have to seize, but the continued education of kids in the arts took a back burner to basic education necessities. These activities have been proven to benefit kids and adults in ways that add to their character and help develop not only a sense of community, but also a desire to communicate through movement. It is essential to the human life to have a way to artfully express our happiness, sadness, empathy and celebration of life. Without companies like Anaheim Ballet, our youth and communities will fail to evolve into warm, welcoming and supportive environments. And isn't that what we all want for each other? I strongly urge the city council to find Anaheim Ballet a place to call home. After all, the studio was my home for 15+ years as I rehearsed for The Nutcracker, and 100's of other shows that were highlighted on numerous stages in the community. Do not throw out a large piece of Anaheim's community that continually has offered so many amazing programs, classes, and outreach through free events. Warm Regards, Kaitlin Gibson A ballet dancer & teacher for Anaheim Ballet for 20 years Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Aliya Kim Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 6:22 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim ballet Dear Mayor Sidbu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and,for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts farce andpresence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community• based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. ,The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans far a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially, for our underserved JVuth, that Anaheim ,ballet remains in its current accessible location! I live in Anaheim and both of my daughters enjoy coming to ABS_ Please, consider for the benefit of the community and vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Aliya Kim. Public Comment From: Dulce Silva Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 6:38 PM To: Public Comment; Anaheim Ballet School Subject: Anaheim Ballet Goo afternoon it brought to our attention that you guys are planing to close the school. To do some. Housing or something else. But i want to ask you you guys are planing to do more housing maybe more parks but I see that you guys forgot about the kids that are in the Ballet school some of them its a place to learn how to express and place where parents know that the child its learning something beautiful and they are not in trouble because some them want to dance instead of playing soccer. young adults learning to be a better person learning about someone else that came from far away to learn with them to learn that they can dream and make a difference. To see young ladies dancing a prepare them to become a better person not to be with some numbers and find out they are becoming mothers or fathers. I will ask you ? What are tou planing to do with the students that missing summers birthday parties been with friends at rhe mall. This students go to school and after school they go to ballet classes monday thru Saturday. If they have to perform they go and Iearn new dances. They learn from different teachers around the world to never give up and keep dreaming. Some of them are waiting to get a change to be able to dance in font of a audience. I will ask you do you want to be a city that do not offer anything for the teenagers and kids that wants to express themselves thru the arts? What will happen to the kids that just lime my daughter are dancing there since she was 4 yrs old and now she its 1+6 years. Can you answer that ? What we will tell our kids? Kids that in the studio they know each other since little kids. This dancers that they my not have a brother or sister or family members in the studio they feel they have family they have each other. The teacher will help them to be a better person. They become more responsible. Can you please answer us to the Dance studio community. Please do not be a city with out a center for the arts Public Comment From: aulce Silva Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 7:01 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Re: Public Comment Received If you like to reach out to me Dulce Silva. On Thu, Apr 22, 2421, 6:38 PM Public Comment <publiccomment .anaheim.net> wrote: The City is in receipt of your public comment. Your comment will be distributed to the City Council for their consideration and made part of the public record of the City Council meeting. Public Comment From: Michele Scott Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 7:22 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet - Cultural Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an integral part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anahelm Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus In presentations, lecture%demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the Cl" treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Michele Montford--Scott Former Anaheim Ballet Dancer & Supporter of the Arts in our communities 1 Public Comment From: Lori Zucchino Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 8:09 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based aflcr-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. As an adult dance student who regularly attends classes at Anaheim Ballet, I have personally witnessed the joyful participation of loo's of young, diverse students. Their enthusiasm fills the classes with talent and energy. These young people are spending time building their physical strength, mental acumen, and ability to work in groups. It's critical to keep this healthy choice available in the community! The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center [the current home of the Anaheim Ballet] is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Lori Zucchino Lori Zucchino Executive Director Leadership Development Associates "The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but reveal to them their own." - Disraeli Public Comment From: Tara S Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 10AS PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet/Cultural Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I am saddened to hearthat the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center and current home of the Anaheim Ballet, who has served our community for over 20 years, is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. We need culture and arts in our community, not more apartments. This building, and Anaheim Ballet are special to so many people in Anaheim and surrounding areas. It is here where so many students young and old learn the art of movement, build confidence, learn discipline, and experience the sheerjoy of dance in a positive and supportive environment. The kids that have learned to dance here move on to be successful and productive members of our society, the life lessons that dance teaches us carries on whether one chooses to pursue a career in dance, or another field. During this pandemic, Anaheim Ballet has been a beacon of hope for me and countless others in our community by offering online classes, and later, outdoor classes in the park next to the center. Students were thrilled to be able to continue to dance during this challenging and stressful time, and those out for a walk got to stop and enjoy watching the beautiful movement that is ballet, bringing some hope and happiness to their day as well. I have been dancing at Anaheim Ballet for almost three years and words cannot describe how much focus, confidence, wonder, and enrichment it brings to my life. Our young students get to experience this same thing but twice as early as I do as an adult dancer, what a gift to our future! Having a creative outlet for the community to gather in a positive environment and express themselves through dance is vital! We cannot continuously take from the arts, it is not an afterthought and is so important to our society. The arks are bursts of color and rays of hope in the drabness of everyday life, we need it now more than ever. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Tara Steven Public Comment From: Lauren Elie K Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 11:00 PM To: Public Comment Subject: ANAHEIM BALLET Dear Mayor Sidhu acrd Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, .Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community -Lased after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized froth locally and internationally as a point o f pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the .Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location' Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. T honk you for your consideration. Sincerely Soo Kang Public Comment From: Alessandria Reder Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 11:48 PM To: info@anaheimballet.org; Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballets Future Dear Anaheim City Council, As the news spread about the announcement to repurpose the building known as Anaheim Ballet, you must understand how devastating it was to hear. My name is Alessandria Reder, I am 15 years old and I have been dancing for 13 years. I started dancing at Anaheim ballet this past year and could not tell you the impact it has made on my ability as a dancer. I started taking Anaheim's classes at the beginning of the pandemic through their Instagram lives. This then lead to a interest in their virtual classes. I continued to take virtual classes and then decided to take in person classes when we were permitted. I live in Apple Valley California, which is approximately 60 miles from Anaheim Ballet, to drive to Anaheim it is a hour and a half commute. When in person classes began again a group of us advanced dancers decided to go in person to see all the great things were about as we beard from a friend who went their frequently. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we instantly fell in love. Sarma and Larry are some of the most intricate and passionate teachers I have ever met. I can see a dramatic growth from when I had started dancing at Anaheim Ballet to now. That building has been the home of Anaheim for the longest time and to see it be torn down for living spaces is a devastating thought. The amount of dancers that have worked in the studios to get to where they are today, to watch them grow up to be principal dancers from little children running around the halls will be lost as the building is demolished. We ask you as a council to please leave the lovely home of Anaheim Ballet and Anaheim Ballet Company at their sanctioned place to continue the legacy of inspiring dancers to strive for the best versions of ourselves. Thank you Alessandria Reder Public Comment From: Ellie Grace Kay Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 1:00 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of anv community, and for more than 20 years, .Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim .Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized froth locally and internationally as a point o f pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the .Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Cerner in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location' Please irate in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. T honk you for your consideration. Sincerely, Ellie Grace Kay Public Comment From: Susan Jang Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 7:57 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet must stay Dear Mayer and the Anaheim city Counsel members, I have been the resident of Fullerton, but have been taking my daughter to Anaheim Ballet since she was 7 years old. It's been 7 year of my daughter's life spent on weekends, being inspired with classic ballet. Unfortunately a great city like Fullerton doesn't have a city ballet such as yours, and I envy that Anaheim does. On top, Director Gary and his family devoted their lives to love and support Ballet and art. Please keep Anaheim Ballet stay at the current facility. I understand housing is a very important issue, but to Anaheim Ballet staffs, students and parents, we'd be stripped away their dreams. Classical Art, such as Ballet must stay strong within the community. Anaheim is known for amusement parks and conventions of all sort. Please keep the city's support to Anaheim Ballet. Sincerely Sue Jang Fullerton Love to Live, Live to Love Z Public Comment From: Imkamp, Natalie A Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 8:58 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! In the sprit of TRUE civil service take a step back and truly look at the bigger picture here. All too frequently resources and tools put in place to support our communities are slowly stripped away by our local governments to make room for things that create revenue for them. This one thing is the fundamental flaw in governments across the country including this one. Anaheim has some of the largest money making businesses located within its borders so choosing to partner with Anaheim Ballet and support the efforts made by this organization to bring arts and culture to the underserved youth of Orange County is monumental regardless of the cost. Each of the city councilmembers has a responsibility and a duty to preserve this invaluable resource for he community of Anaheim. I put it upon each of you to do the right thing and ensure that ALL of our Anaheim youth has a safe place to go and not just the children of the council members, upper and middle class citizens. Your decision not only impacts the city of Anaheim and the Anaheim Ballet it also impacts the hardworking parents of the children who come to AB after school because it is one of the few safe places offered to our kids after school while they are working. Taking this away from these families has the potential to impact their lives in a negative way forever. So I urge you Anaheim city council, do the right thing, take this opportunity to set the Civil Service bar higher and do what is truly right for the community in which you serve. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Natalie Imkamp U.S. BA,NCORP made the following annotations Electronic Privacy Notice. This e-mail, and any attachments, contains information that is, or may be, covered by electronic communications privacy laws, and is also confidential and proprietary in nature. If you are not the intended recipient, please be advised that you are legally prohibited from retaining, using, copying, distributing, or otherwise disclosing this information in any manner. Instead, please reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error, and then immediately delete it. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Public Comment From: Victoria Viren Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 9:32 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Upcoming vote. Support for Anaheim Ballet Dear Anaheim City Council, My name is Victoria - I'm currently a resident of the East Bay Area, but I was born and raised in Anaheim and will always call it home. I'm emailing this morning in response to the upcoming April 27th City Council vote pertaining to Anaheim Ballet's home and partnership with the city. The Anaheim Ballet is a staple for the city and I wholeheartedly urge you to support the agreement allowing the studio and the city to continue its partnership and negotiate a home. This studio not only provides a place to experience and absorb arts education and culture, which sadly continually loses funding despite being essential for life skills, but this studio has always been a place that fosters accessible community engagement and well being for all walks of life - despite age, race, and economic status. The programs and scholarships offered through the studio provide so much for kids who need a space for self expression, or even just a place to engage positively with others. This studio was my home, and the relationships I made there are relationships to last a lifetime. This studio helped me persist through some of the most difficult chapters of life. The skills learned from Anaheim Ballet have, without doubt, shaped me to be a stronger, better individual, and I truly believe everyone I've met through the Anaheim Ballet have all shaped into positive individuals who step up for their communities, families and friends. I think most everyone agrees that affordable housing is essential for basic living, but taking away one essential piece of the pyramid doesn't make up for the other essential piece you took from. Please consider prolonging a partnership with this rare treasure of Anaheim. The next generation needs continued exposure to everything Anaheim Ballet has to offer - In not just the arts, but in leadership, not-for-profit work and the importance of volunteering, and essentials for the human experience. Thank you for your considerations. Sincerely, Victoria Viren Former resident of Anaheim and dancer with the Anaheim Ballet Public Comment From: Scott Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 9:45 AM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Moreno; sfaessel@ahaheim.net; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Public Comment; info@anaheimbai#et.org Subject: Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet Dcar Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I have spent my entire life in Anaheim. It's always given me a sense of pride driving by the Anaheim Ballet knowing that the city cares about culture. In addition to providing the community invaluable lessons, it's symbolic to the integrity of a city that cares about its history and values the arts. To hear that the city is even considering demolishing this historic landmark is both alarming and disappointing. We don't need to destroy a historic building for more housing? There's plenty of room for affordable housing out in Anaheim Hills where many of the council members reside. I am asking you to vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with the Anaheim Ballet. Scott La Counte Public Comment From: Alejandra Cancino Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 9:50 AM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Moreno; sfaessel@ahaheim.net; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil; Public Comment Subject: Support Anaheim Ballet To all it may concern, City council needs to acknowledge both saving the building and supporting the Anaheim Ballet is a big deal. We need the city to support bath this building and this organization. Plus these items allow for discussion and the investigation of options that include saving and preserving the building. Thank you, Alejandra McWilliams (long time Anaheim resident) Public Comment From: ELE Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 9:54 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, acrd for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best far the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible locationl Personally, Anaheim Ballet has served as a second home for me, as I'm .sure it has for many others. It's given me so many role models, friends, andpeople to look up to. My time there has also taught me important life lessons that I know will benefit me outside of the studio. While dancing with them, I've had amazing opportunities to go into the community and share our love of dance with countless people and have hopefully inspired kids to follow their own dreams, Loosing Anaheim Ballet would mean loosing a huge positive force in Orange County. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration Sincerely, Elva Escoffery Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Public Comment From: Jeff Nath Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 10:00 AM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Moreno; sfaessel@ahaheim.net; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil; Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet and Cultural Arts building Good morning, I am writing today to encourage the support of approving Items 1 and 14 on today's City Council Agenda. These two items ask the city council to follow the staff's recommendation that the city enter into a 1 year agreement with the Anaheim Ballet and preserve the Cultural Arts building, and these items allow for discussion and the investigation of options that include saving and preserving the building. As a life long resident of Anaheim, raising 4th generation Anaheim kids, I ask you to please approve these 2 agenda items. Thank you. Jeff Nath Nath Property Solutions Anaheim, CA 92805 PH) FX) DRE# Public Comment From: Mary Kraemer Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 10:10 AM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Moreno; Stephen Faessel; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil; Public Comment Subject: Support for keeping the Anaheim Cultural Arts Building --build senior housing elsewhere! We need arts 'sand* senior housing ... we do not have to sacrifice one for the other. Please refocus the plans for senior housing to a different location and keep the cultural arts building as a community resource. Thanks! ***************** Mary Kraemer Masterpiece Travels Public Comment From: George Gilliam Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 10:49 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Letter of Support to approve site -for -service agreement with the Anaheim Ballet Hello, This letter is in support of approving the site -far -service agreement with the Anaheim Ballet. Please deliver our public comment to Mayro Sidhu and Council Members for the April 27, 2021 City Council meeting. Thank you in advance. Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, My name is Dr. Cynthia Smith, and I am a board-certified music therapist and the Program Director of Creative Identity, a non-profit therapeutic music and expressive arts program which has been serving the fine arts and prevocational education needs of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Anaheim since 1996. 1 am writing in support of continuing the Anaheim Ballet's "site -for - service" agreement with the City of Anaheim, and to voice our support for the cultural enrichment and community service provided by the Anaheim Ballet. For more than two decades, the Anaheim Ballet has provided unique opportunities to under -served youth, by providing a safe environment for education and world-class ballet training, exposing them to invaluable cultural perspectives and enrichment, cultivating interpersonal and professional growth, personal and social responsibility, and bringing world recognition to Anaheim as a focal point of fine arts excellence. To the larger community, the Anaheim Ballet provides access to world-class cultural enrichment, expansion of musical and cultural heritage appreciation, and inspiring and uplifting our minds and hearts through the amazing and beautiful expression of the human form in dance. More than ever, all these things are crucially needed to heal from the pandemic, experience the power of music and aesthetic beauty to make new neural connections in the brain thereby changing lives for the good, and very importantly, to help relieve stress and give us hope for the future. All of us at Creative Identity ask you to please consider keeping the Anaheim Ballet in the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center by requesting the state rescind the mandate for affordable housing at this historic site. Most essentially, we sincerely ask that you approve the agreement between the City of Anaheim and the Anaheim Ballet to have one year to negotiate a relocation home and continue the "site -for - service" partnership. The Anaheim Ballet is a great gift to our community that uplifts the lives of their participants and their audiences, making Anaheim, it's surrounding communities and the world a better place. I thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, Dr. Cynthia Smith, MT -BC I Program Director Creative Identity 200 N Harbor Blvd Suite 210 Anaheim, CA 92805 phone www.creativeidentity-oc.org Public Comment From: Erika Miller Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 11:03 AM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: In support of Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. We understand that the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! As a member of Anaheim's arts community for over 20 years we understand the value of community support for arts organizations in order for them to endure and survive. On behalf of our entire organization, we ask that you vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Erika Miller Erika C Miller She 1 Her/ Hers Founding Artist Chance Theater @ Bette Aitken theater arts Center (657) 549-0499 direct cell (888) 455-4212 box office crika(dchancetbeatcr.com www.ChanceTheater.com A not -far -profit organization dedicated to contributing to a more compassionate, connected, and creative community In these uncertain times, please consider supporting our Make Them Hear You Fund today Stay Lip -To -Date with the Chance! l- � Y0i Public Comment From: Keith Olesen Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 11:27 AM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Moreno; Stephen Faessel; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Public Comment Subject: Housing Authority/Council Agenda Item Good morning Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members. I'm sending this email to urge you to support and approve Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda item 14 that will be before you on Tuesday, April 27. The Cultural Arts building is a valuable community asset and should be preserved and protected. Yes it doesn't appear on any lists or historic resources, but it is none the less a valuable and loved facility. 10 years ago no one considered mid century homes "historic". Now they are widely considered among the most precious and revered resources in a city's housing stock. So to with the Cultural Arts building. As is pointed out in the staff report this building has served multiple uses and has served the community of Anaheim for over half a century. It is now home to the Anaheim Ballet, an organization that has provided a much needed service to youth of our community for over 20 years. Let me acknowledge that we do need senior housing, no one is denying that fact. However, we also need space for non-profit service providers and community groups to engage the community in general and the youth of Anaheim in particular. The Cultural Arts building and the Anaheim Ballet do just that. Surely there must be a way to accomplish both goals: provide affordable senior housing and preserve this valuable city asset while continuing to provide a home to the Anaheim Ballet so they can continue their much needed and widely support programs engaging Anaheim's youth. The 2 items on your agenda covering this issue would give staff and city leadership time to consider options and allow the Anaheim Ballet to continue their programs. The community has already shown widespread support for both the preservation of the Cultural Arts Building and for the Anaheim Ballet. With Covid-1'9 restrictions being lifted and activities opening up again after a very long hiatus we need this program and programs Iike it more than ever. And we need assets like the Cultural Arts building which provide homes for these services. With a concerted effort and cooperation between city staff, elected officials, non-profit providers, and the community there's no doubt a "best case scenario" can be achieved. Please support Housing Authority Agenda Item I and City Council Agenda Item 14 and buy us the time to do just that. I am available individually or as part of a group to discuss this issue anytime, anyplace. Thank you, Keith Olesen District 3 Resident Public Comment From: Sharon Jewell Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 11:57 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Save Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration Sincerely, Sharon Jewell Public Comment From: Devon Beeves Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 11:57 AM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Moreno; Stephen Faessel; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Public Comment; info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Public Comment Submission City Council Meeting Agenda Items 1 and 14 - Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and City Councilmembers, Thank you for considering the future of Anaheim Ballet this coming Tuesday at Anaheim's City Council's meeting. I wanted to urge you to please vote yes to approve Items 1 and 14 on Tuesday's City Council Agenda. These two items ask the city council to follow the staff's recommendation that the city enter into a 1 year agreement with the Anaheim Ballet and preserve the Cultural Arts building. I am joining the Anaheim community and Anaheim Ballet supporters to share with you how crucial cultural and arts centers are for the success and growth of our youth, which positively impacts the strength of our communities. I experienced firsthand how arts and creative outlet spaces helped keep me occupied and prevented me from getting into trouble as an adolescent teenager. One of those critical centers of positive influence included classes and workshops from the Anaheim Ballet. Larry, Sarma and the Anaheim Ballet faculty instilled in me discipline, creative expression and a deep appreciation for dance, which has carried over to my later professional accomplishments. As a youth, Anaheim Ballet's STEP-UP program afforded my family to provide me with the beauty of ballet as well as the rare opportunity to be exposed to incredible internationally recognized dancers. My hope is that future generations will have the same opportunity. More recently, I received the wonderful opportunity to mentor a young girl through the OC Family Justice Center. I was able to share with her my love of ballet through a complimentary class at Anaheim Ballet. It was so incredible to see her joy, and the intrinsic value of how the experience motivated her to continue pursuing dance and return to her former passion of gymnastics. Thank you for your time and attention. Hoping for your vote to preserve and support this important long-standing community amenity. Sincerely, Devon Reeves Community & Tenant Relations Anaheim Packing District THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL, AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE CINDER APPLICABLE LAWS. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, forwarding, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by e- mail or telephone, and delete the original message immediately. Thank you. Public Comment From: Linda Stevenson Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 11:59 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Ballet The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural .Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Please do not demolish this cultural building considering the fact that nothing is planned to replace it. Sincerely, Linda J. Stevenson Public Comment From: Rayell Brokaw Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 12:13 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Support the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet April 23, 2021 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, My family and I have an extensive history of philanthropy and patronage to the arts within the surrounding community. Anaheim. Ballet is an invaluable arts organization and resource to the community and underserved youth in the City of Anaheim. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing Anaheim's resident ballet company. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location. The arts are an important part of any community. For more that 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances. Anaheim Ballet has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride for the City of Anaheim. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Sincerely, Ms. Rayell Segerstrom Public Comment From: Montiel, Marlene Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 12:32 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Home of Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! To remove Anaheim Ballet, with no alternative location or temporary building in mind, would be a loss, not only to the community, but also to the youth that take classes there. Their participation at Anaheim Ballet is a source of stability in their lives, especially at a time when school closures and opportunities for physical activities have already been taken away. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Marlene Montiel, M. A. Instructor, ROPIKatella High School Careers with Children/Child Development Apply for Free and Reduced Price Meals at http:llbit.ly/Lunch20 o � R 'il . L 11%0 Anaheim Union High School District E-mail Confidentiality Notice This e-mail communication and any attachments, including documents, files, or previous e-mail messages, constitute electronic communications within the scope of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. § 2510 et seq. This e-mail communication may contain non-public, confidential or legally privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated recipient(s). The unauthorized and intentional interception, use, copy or disclosure of such information, or attempt to do so, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful under applicable laws. 18 U.S.C. § 2511. If you have received this e-mail communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail and delete the original e-mail from your system. Public Comment From: Marissa Ortega Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 12:52 PM To: Public Comment Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. I would like to add a personal note, my only child has been apart of this company for 7 years. We come from the next county over because there is no school in Los Angeles compared to the education she received here. She has competed in national competitions and placed with awards. She has learned way more than an artform. She learned balance, determination, hoer, to set goals, teamwork and respect for those in authority and her peers. She could have learned these things nowhere like she learned them here. Al this point she is looking at ballet as a career and what a heaut ful gift to the world is art? Nothing more precious is the gift q{ beauty to a lost or distressed soul. I hope and pray that you would take deep consideration of keeping this company placed in your city's plans and support of this beautiful art that helps so so many children that went through so much turmoil during the pandemic. This company went above and beyond to care for children and adults who were deeply depressed and had no where to go and feel any sort of jay. Please consider our plea, thank you so much far your time and consideration 777e Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a neva Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. "Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Marissa Ortega Public Comment From: Marissa Ortega Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 12:54 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Cultural Center I would like to make a personal plea, my only child has been apart of this company for 7 years. We come from the next county over because there is no school in Los Angeles compared to the education she received here. She has competed in national competitions and placed with awards. She has learned way more than an artform. She learned balance, determination, how to set goals, teamwork and respect for those in authority and her peers. She could have learned these things nowhere, like she learned them here. Al this point she is looking at ballet as a career and what a beautiful gift to the world is art? Nothing more precious is the gift of beauty to a lost or distressed soul. I hope and pray that you would take deep consideration ofkeeping this company placed in your city's plans and support of this beautiful art that helps so .so many children that went through so much turmoil during the pandemic. This company went above and beyond to care for children and adults who were deeply depressed and had no where to go and, feel any sort of joy. Please consider our plea, thank you so much for your time and consideration to keep Anaheim Ballet in their current building and location. Thank you so much, Marissa Ortega Public Comment From: Tina Wachs Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 1:33 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Approve the Anaheim Ballet Agreement Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheirn. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point ofpride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Cerner (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Than& you for your consideration. Sincerely, Tina Wachs Public Comment From: Samantha Bell Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 1:59 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: The Arts are Essential -Vote in Support of the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center! Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I am writing with regards to Anaheim Ballet losing their long-time home without any plans for a new building. The arts are an essential part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. I am a proud alumni of Anaheim Ballet, growing up in their scholarship program, joining their professional company and eventually, joining the faculty teaching in the StepUp! program and school. Anaheim Ballet assisted me financially when my family couldn't afford lessons and ultimately, was my second home for 10 years of my life. Anaheim Ballet provides a sanctuary for local, underserved students and offers them a space to feel safe, explore their creativity and encourage their dreams. The StepUp! program is invaluable and many of these scholarship students have gone on to dance for prestigious ballet companies. Additionally, being a part of the professional company, I had the honor of performing in many outreach shows all throughout Orange County. Bottom line is Anaheim Cultural Arts Center is a sanctuary for local Anaheim residents and truly, serves their community. The arts are ESSENTIAL± It would be devastating to demolish the building and not continue to support the wonderful work that Anaheim Ballet has provided for the past two decades. Many of students would lose their second home of the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center, where they are safe and furthering their education through hard work and discipline. The arts HEAL, the arts inspire us to see our humanity, the arts provide a beacon of hope to all, and the arts are crucial to creating safer communities. Not only would the loss of the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center have a devastating impact on the community it serves, but also the City of Anaheim would suffer greatly as being a major hub city without any professional dance organization. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet±!!! Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Samantha Bell p e: Public Comment From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Dear .Anaheim Cite Council: 1 Iv name is Dr. John Viren Ph.D. john viren Friday, April 23, 2021 3:03 PM Public Comment info@anaheimballet.org Anaheim Performing arts Center My daughter and I are alumni of Anaheim Ballet. When raising my daughter in .Anaheim I had the good fortune of signing her up for dance lessons at Anaheim Bailer. She was G years old. She danced with the company and took lessons for over ten tears. Those formative years at Anaheim Ballet taught her "More than Dance". She learned what it meant to give back to the community-, what hard work and dedication can accomplish. She learned what it meant to he part of something bigger than yourself. She learned that life can he difficult at times, with challenges that seem insurmountable, but through perseverance and creative thinking there's always alternatives. Anaheim Cultural Arts Center and Anaheim Ballet is a community of hard working, dedicated artists. I strongly urge the Cit.• Council ask the state to rescind the mandate for affordable housing at this site or, at the very least, the City- should provide a relocation site and continue the original site for services partnership. Sincerely, Dr, john Viren Ph.D. Public Comment From: Brooklyn Ratliff Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 3:06 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim ballet/City Council Agreement April 4/27/21 To whom it may concern, Anaheim ballet has an incomparable positive impact on the community far beyond what can even be imagined. I was a student with anaheim ballet for 7 years, and they not only changed my life, I watched as all of my peers` lives were influenced for the better. Young underprivileged children are given the opportunity to get educated in the art form of ballet. Anaheim ballet offered world class ballet training to those who would not otherwise be able to afford high priced privately owned dance classes. Anaheim ballet's mato, "More than dance" sums up for what they stand for: inclusivity and equal opportunity for success no matter your background. I witnessed firsthand, how ballet helped young kids escape the realities of their home situations, and enter into a world where they can be anything and achieve anything. That kind of inspiration lifts a community and makes the citizens' quality of life better. I beg you please approve the agreement with Anaheim ballet to have a home to educate young dancers. These students are the future! It is hard to find ballet educators who truly care about the art form verses making a profit. Larry and Sarma Rosenberg have the highest expertise in ballet, and they trained many years to get that kind of knowledgeable and they have a passion for passing that on to the future artists of the world. Not only are they experts at what they do, Larry and Sarma also have the largest hearts I have ever experienced. They do not take influencing the students and community lightly. They stand up for everyone and give young dancers hope. Please do not take hope away from the community! Please take great caution in dealing with this issue, an entire community of artist/art appreciators/dreamers, is directly watching to see how this is handled. Thank you, Brooklyn Ratliff (Anaheim ballet student) Public Comment From: Razo, Danielle Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 3:11 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Please save the Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lectureldemonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point o f pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! As a mother of a little girl in OC, this institution has not only brought my family members andfriends aplace to discover themselves as individuals, but gives hope and joy to our youth. We have lost too much this year for the underprivileged to loose more. Culture and arts raises a community and brings equity and inclusion to our society. Please dont let only the privileged who can afford art and dance access. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Danielle Murray Razo, LEED AP Regional Vice President Steelcase Inc. M. Public Comment From: Kenneth Chinn Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 5:20 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Morena; sfaessel@ahaheim.net; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Public Comment Subject: Support for 2 items on the council agenda related to the Cultural Arts Center Dear Councilmembers, I happen to be in Asia right now, but word travels fast. I understand that there are 2 items on your agenda for Tuesday related to a city treasure - the Cultural Arts Center. I strongly support both items - one on the consent calendar and the other on your regular agenda. I urge everyone to vete in support of each of these items. Yes, we need more senior housing, but this should never be an either/or question when it comes to a treasure like the Cultural Arts Center. I was able to visit the Center many years ago and see the marvelous opportunities it offered our youth through ballet. It is an incredible and irreplaceable resource for our future generation. Ken Chinn Anaheim, CA 92805 Public Comment From: Chelsea Sanders Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 11:15 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Save Anaheim Ballet Hello, I understand the city of Anaheim wants to develop more affordable housing, but I believe removing Anaheim Ballet is diminishing the very community you're trying to build. I have lived in Anaheim for 29 years and have danced with Anaheim Ballet since I was 2 years old, at everything from recitals to community events and even the Anaheim tree lighting. Please let Anaheim ballet continue to do their work in the building they have been with for so long. Chelsea Sanders Public Comment From: Michael Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 3:37 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Keep Anaheim Ballet at the Cultural Arts Center I am writing to express support for keeping Anaheim Ballet at the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center. Anaheim Ballet is an extremely important part of the community and provides exceptional opportunities for youth, including at -risk youth in Anaheim. My family has had wonderful experiences with Anaheim Ballet, and both of my daughters have gone there for years. The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Michael Tusken Michael L. Tusken Law Offices of Michael L. Tusken 1510 W. Whittier Blvd., #42 La Habra, CA 90631 Tel: 562-365-9465 Fax: 562-252-8529 Email: This communication may contain non-public,confidential or legally privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use of, or disclosure of such information is strictly prohibited under 18 USCA 2511 and any applicable laws. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this email or by telephone at 562-365-9465 and delete all copies of this communication, including attachments, without reading them or saving them to disk. Thank you. Public Comment From: Missy Hunter Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 3:47 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Anaheim Ballet has been a tremendous influence in the community and in the art of dance. They have been preserving fine arts in Anaheim and should be supported to continue their work . They have not only served the local community and California but have been an attraction for students around the world. Anaheim Ballet has been a pillar in the arts community for the area. Please consider supporting their endeavors bringing the arts to many communities and to continue the tradition of the high standard of the performing arts that represent Anaheim in a celebrated light. Sincerely, Missy Hunter Public Comment From: Rev. Chineta Goodjoin Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 3:51 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Support Anaheim Ballet To Whom it May Concern Cultural Arts is vital to the city of Anaheim and provides opportunity and promise to youth who may otherwise go without. I stand in support of Anaheim Ballet as a mainstay in the city of Anaheim for the advancement of dance, music, arts and culture. Anaheim Ballet is a part of the landscape of excellence in this city and it needs to continue to flourish as an entity that continues to enrich the lives of young aspiring artists. As a pastor in Anaheim (New Hope Presbyterian Church) and a parent of a child enrolled at Anaheim Ballet, I strongly believe that this organization needs to be supported and should remain at the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center. Sincerely, Rev. Chineta Goodjoin New Hope Presbyterian Church 2580 W. Orange Avenue Anaheim, CA 92804 MyNewHopePres.org 1 Public Comment From: Valerie Vichikov Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 4:00 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Anaheim City council, How many landmark buildings are left in Anaheim? That are currently used? That support the arts? That offer opportunities to all levels of ability and capability? I bet there aren't many. Probablyjust one -Anaheim Cultural Arts Center. This building should be deemed historically significantly and protected. Please write to the state and ask them to reconsider their decision to allocate this significant historical building for low income housing. There is a place for low income housing. This is not one of those places. Preserve the goodness of Anaheim by preserving your home of the arts and ensure my children and many others can continue to be educated here. Thank you, Valerie Vichikov Public Comment From: Esther Kim Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 4:36 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet needs your help Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Esther Kim Sent from my Whone Public Comment From: Johnny Ramos Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 4:53 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Save The Anaheim Ballet Company And Its Home Dear City Council, To hear this not only deeply concerns me but it fills me with a morose sorrow. My great grandparents came from Mexico and Italy and by chance wound up in beautiful Anaheim in the 1930s. Or at least it was beautiful then. I am only 21, but I've heard magical stories from my parents of how lively and Electric downtown Anaheim was in the 60s, with its own mom and pop shops, and specialty stores that have since been replaced by an obtuse and grossly designed grocery store and the ever so grand "Anaheim Towne Center" with it's very own Jack in the Box. When you tell people you're from Anaheim you get laughed at, first of all for the crime, and secondly because our city has no culture other than Disneyland which only a small minority of its citizens can even afford to enjoy. The Anaheim Ballet is renowned in Anaheim, Orange County, California, and all over the world. It's an institute that has encouraged the arts in our community and enriched the lives of many young people with talent and dreams to better their lives through the arts, something this beautiful city is lacking greatly. I have never seen any people doing drugs or living outside of the Anaheim Ballet Company unlike a lot of establishments I have seen in Anaheim. It is also one of the only older historical buildings in the downtown area left over with the art -deco architecture style that was prevalent and groundbreaking in the early 20th century, which was a pivotal time in Anaheim's history when Hollywood stars like Gene Autry and innovative geniuses like Walt Disney were fascinated with the city of Anaheim and wanted to contribute to its business. I ask that the city reconsiders all of the mistakes they have made thus far, and that they don't make another one in tearing down and running out the Anaheim Ballet Company. Anaheim Ballet was named the resident ballet company of the city by Anaheim's City Council in 1997. It's home lies in the heart of Anaheim, in the downtown area, ever since I was a little kid. Don't take away the Anaheim Ballet's home. Thank you. -Johnny Ramos Public Comment From: Helene Trudeau Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 5:01 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: Support Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, It is with the strong conviction that Anaheim Ballet is an extraordinary asset to its community that I am writing this letter of support. With its exceptional artistry, professionalism, strong ethics, and a philosophy rooted in a sense of equality, equity, and inclusiveness, Anaheim Ballet provides valuable services to various constituencies. It infuses its city with outstanding works of art that shine locally and internationally. It attracts talented artists who can count on Anaheim Ballet for a professional Dance experience. It provides a home and a purpose to underserved youth with after-school programs. It offers dance classes to community members interested in it for recreational purposes. Through its bus -in presentations and lecture/demonstrations, Anaheim Ballet has inspired thousands of young people to be their best selves with the message that self-discipline and hard work matter, and that everyone can cultivate their inner nobility. Through the unprecedented restrictions imposed by COVID 19, Anaheim Ballet continued to provide beauty and hope to its community and beyond through virtual programs, and creative outdoor set-ups for in-person demonstrations and performances. I have managed arts education programs for more than twenty-five years for performing arts centers including The Music Center of Los Angeles County, Segerstrom Center for the Arts, and Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts. I currently oversee Visual and Performing Arts programs in three school districts. I started my career as a dancer, choreographer, and dance educator. My work experience has given me the opportunity to meet some of the finest artists and arts educators from throughout the world. I can objectively say that Anaheim Ballet is unique and deserving of a home such as the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center. The distinctive architecture of the building and its convenient location are critical to the important purposes that the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center serves. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Helene Trudeau Arts Education Consultant Public Comment From: Marina Reed Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 5:07 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Anaheim Ballet and the community Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I thank you in advance to faking your time to read this letter. The arts are an important part of my family's life and/or any community, especially in today's unprecedented time. I wanted to speak on behalf of Anahaim Ballet, which has been home for my family for many years (both my daughters have grown up there). I cannot express enough what an amazing influence this center has been for my girls. And I'm very grateful that they had and hopefully still will have this amazing place to call their second home. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! It a safe location where our kids can come and be taught not only the amazing art of dance but engage in healthy friendships and feel safe as well as be involved in the arts that inspire them to be a valuable addition to the society. Our kids need more centers like these that they can come to after school and learn how to put their energy for good of the community. My older daughter learned to serve the community in variety different ways through art as well as through just making herself available for community events, as result she grew up as a valuable member of the society. For more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides FREE community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. This center is irreplaceable, in my opinion. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, The Reed family Public Comment From: Katrina Soto Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 5:54 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I am not a resident of Anaheim but I am concerned about the possible loss of the building that houses Anaheim Ballet. As you know, the arts are a vital part of the community, and for 20 years Anaheim Ballet has vigorously supported the arts in the fine city of Anaheim. They have extended service to the underserved in the community as well as presenting programs to those who may never otherwise be exposed to the grace, beauty, and teamwork that is dance. My now adult daughters were students of the studio when they were located in South County. It was an essential part of their lives. I was involved as the property mistress for many years and saw up close the positive effect that dance training has on young minds and bodies. My daughters did not go on to dance careers but they both credit their years at the studio with the discipline and sense of collaboration that they applied to their studies and eventual careers. Both are college graduates. One is a teacher and the other is a research scientist with a PhD. I thank Anaheim Ballet for the profound influence they had on my daughters and I was proud to be involved with the various performances that were produced for school assemblies as well as for audiences far and wide. It was heart warming to see the students mature and make wise decisions. Many students benefitted from scholarships that enabled them to participate in something positive that they otherwise would not have had access to. Without a place in which to provide all of this, Anaheim will lose a vital part of its heart. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you. Katrina Soto Dana Point, CA 92629 Public Comment From: danimontalbano Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 6:16 PM To: Public Comment; info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of anv community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point o f pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the .Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building; you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Danielle Montalbano-Brezina Sent from my ]Phone Public Comment From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Dear Members of the City Council, Laura Tanimoto Saturday, April 24, 2021 6:16 PM Public Comment City Council Letter for Anaheim Ballet - April 24, 2021 City Council Letter -Anaheim Ballet_2021_04_24.pdf I hope this email finds everyone safe and well. Attached to this email you will find a letter in support of Anaheim Ballet and its long standing partnership with the City of Anaheim, due to be discussed at the upcoming City Council meeting on April 27. Should you have any questions about its contents, please let me know. Thank you! Sincerely, Laura Tanimoto City of Anaheim, City Council 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard, 7th Floor Anaheim, CA 92805 Apri124, 2021 Dear Mayor Harry S. Sidhu and Members of the City Council, Thank you for the opportunity to share my story and for opening up the floor to the voices of the community. I write to you in support of Anaheim Ballet and its continued partnership with the City of Anaheim. My name is Laura Tammoto, I was born and raised in Anaheim. My dance career spans over 20 years and it still continues on my kitchen floor where 1 dance indoors as we pull through this current state of affairs. It is my understanding the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center—the home of the Anaheim Ballet—is set to be repurposed for affordable housing. While the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center is an intensely nostalgic space and Anaheim Ballet's removal would be painful, seeing the city move forward with repurposing and potentially with no comparable relocation site or continued partnership with Anaheim Ballet concerns me the most. I would like to share this rather personal story with the members of the City Council in the hopes it will give further depth to my perspective. My family was one of the many who experienced the loss of our home due to the financial difficulties presented to us in 2008. I understand what it feels like to not know where you are going next and also how much it would have helped my family if we ever got to the top of the list for affordable housing. Yet during this difficult time, dance became essential. Despite having to quit my intense 18 hour per week schedule with Anaheim Ballet, they continued to support me and I was able to join my public high school's songleading dance team with the skills they had nurtured. After 4 years on the varsity songleading team, I successfully auditioned for a collegiate NCAA Division 1 dance team. I completed 4 seasons in college, nationally competed, and spent the final year serving as team captain. Through those years, Anaheim Ballet always had its doors open to me whenever I could partake in additional training. None of this would have been possible without Anaheim Ballet. By giving the community affordable homes, I believe we are yes, giving homes, but also by demolishing the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center and not guaranteeing a relocation site for Anaheim Ballet, we are taking away a home from the thousands of dancers who benefit from Anaheim Ballet's community programs. Not only as an Anaheim Ballet dancer, but also as a former Recreation Leader for the City of Anaheim, I experienced firsthand what it means to give service. Anaheim Ballet's programs such as STEP-UP after school dance, summer intensives, year-round dance classes, annual performances and The Nutcracker, dance lessons compliant with CDC guidelines, audition venue hosting, and floor length list of dance education and community outreach are the embodiment of service to this community. I hope a solution can be brought to life where Anaheim Ballet may stay in the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center or at least have its livelihood preserved and I fully trust the leaders of our community to achieve the best possible outcome. Please support the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your kindness in reading this letter. I wish for everyone's good health and safety. Sincerely, Laura Tanimoto Public Comment From: kerryk Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 6:25 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor S'idhu and Council Members, The arts erre an important part of any community, crud for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force andpresence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-schoolprogramming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lec/ure/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point ofpride to the City. The Anaheim Cul/ural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cul/ural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architec/urally unique building, you will be removing the only Cul/ural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thankyou foryour consideration Sincerely, Kerry Barnes Thomas Anaheim Homeowner 92806 Seip( ftom my SI)rini Samswig Galaxy S9. Public Comment From: Guest Account Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 6:41 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: Please Preserve Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Julya Kenna Public Comment From: Yolanda Leon Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 7:04 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Our Beloved Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Anaheim Ballet is a very valued presence in our city and, as such, they should not be uprooted. As a community member, I REJECT the idea that every time resources are needed, that we must TAKE from OTHER very valuable resources in the community. This makes no sense. Anaheim Ballet has been recognized both locally and internationally. When I was first acquainted with Anaheim Ballet 13 years ago, I was shocked to find out that such a professional, multi -faceted, and truly world class organization existed within our city. When my children were younger, they participated in ballet classes for many years and even though they are no longer participants, we still enjoy attending the Ballet's amazing performances as a family. Anaheim Ballet is unique in that it brings both community betterment and prestige to the city. Instead of destabilizing it, our city leaders can and should instead be providing additional support to this wonderful organization that serves our community. Anaheim would not be the same without the Anaheim Ballet's presence at the Cultural Arts Center Building! Yolanda Leon, M.A. Public Comment From: alecia campos Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 7:21 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim ballet Hello there Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I could have just copied the entire sample writing provided to me but what good would that do knowing you're getting vote after vote with the saem words, well I would like you to know one thing: I don't live in your district but you know why I am writing because my sister who aspires to be a dancer reached out to me. I live 4 hours away from you, but that doesn't mean I can not voice my concerns, I'm pleading with the many who have written to you to see what the community adores. The arts are a big part of your community, and I know this first hand due to the enjoyment I see on my sister's face when she comes back from ballet and tells me her training and how it feels. Anaheim Ballet has stood tall for 20 years, why would it come down? All that history wasted, all those dancers who have walked in and out, all the shows performed for the many who aspire one to do exactly that. The cultural arts center deserves to stand for another 20 more years and even further because the arts in your community flourishes and still seizes to stop. As long as people aspire then you will have more and more fulfillment being done. If the demolition goes into effect you are not only costing the only center that proves time and time again that activities like this bring out beauty and amazement but you are removing a center people need. For those who have nowhere to go to, who find nothing in life find creativity, love, passion as this center is the token to that. As someone who also admires the arts I wish I had had a center such as this in my town that cared not only of its community in the center but everyone else. 20 years is a very long time to stand so why take it away? Why take it for granted? It breaks my heart when I see hearts poured out in honor and consideration for something they treasure, the arts are the most creative thing in the world not only to me but the many who walked through the doors. Whether it be dancing, singing, writing, painting everyone has their specialty to pursue a beautiful artform. Anaheim Ballet deserves to stay, deserves it's years, and deserves more dancers walking in and out of it's doors. Don't you agree? For a community in armoured by the arts, I'd see it as a big loss to have it vanish when it has many years ahead of it. Please vote in support of the cooperative agreement with anaheim ballet. Sincerely Alecia (a lover of the arts, 4 hours away) Public Comment From: Elizabeth Mariscal Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 7:33 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim School Subject: Anaheim ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Elizabeth Mariscal Sent from my Whone Public Comment From: CRUZ MURILLO Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 7:58 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Agreement Hello, Please approve an agreement stating the city and Anaheim Ballet have one year to negotiate a home and continued partnership. This has been a home to my niece in the Step Up program it helped her gain confidence and boosted her self esteem. The arts is a form of activity for children/teens to express themselves freely. There are many locations in Anaheim where affordable housing can be built. We have to protect our kids and support the programs/organizations that nourish them. Please reconsider your decision and support Anaheim Ballet. Sincerely, Araceli Almaguer Anaheim, CA 92806 Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Katie Reynolds Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 8:02 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: SAVE ANAHEIM BALLET This city needs Anaheim Ballet. I have trained with Larry since college and it's the only place I can dance and exercise as a professionally trained adult in Orange County. This place is historic and the community that Larry and Sarma have built outweighs any urban planning the city has dreamt up. You have built SO many hotels, condos, apartments, etc within the last few years in anaheim... you DO NOT need to take over this beautiful safe haven. Maybe look elsewhere to remodel, like the Vons parking lot (hello homeless) or anything North of Anaheim x Lincoln. I can think of multiple unused businesses there that could be focused on before you disrupt this community. As a 6+ year resident of Anaheim, and an orange county native, I urge you to support the arts. Rethink this plan. -Katie Public Comment From: Karlayren Rojo Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 9:06 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Support of Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Anaheim Ballet has been part of the Anaheim community and our lives for more than 20 years. The community that Larry and Sarma create through the Anaheim Ballet facility provides a safe haven for many Anaheim children and adolescents, including ourselves. Without Anaheim Ballet's Step -Up! Program, we truly believe that we would not have met our personal, academic, and overall accomplishments. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center provides a professional, safe, and welcoming facility at the heart of Anaheim for local and international students. Anaheim Ballet fosters resiliency through physical and mental guidance, and continues to do so in the past year amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. Unlike affordable housing plans, Larry and Sarma's dedication to their students and community is self -less and genuine. As a current educator I have witnessed first-hand how the arts are the first to be eliminated from a child's public education and life. Anaheim Ballet provides community performances and professional training to the underserved youth of Anaheim that those students need which is missing from their life, free of charge. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building that has attracted world-class athletes, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. "Before a child talks they sing. Before they write they draw. As soon as they stand they dance. Art is fundamental to human expression." -Phylicia Rashad Sincerely, Anaheim Ballet Step -Up! Outreach Scholarship Alumni Karlayren Rojo, Elizabeth Rojo, Raul De Jesus Rojo, Jean Paul Rojo Public Comment From: Julia Sumera Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 9:15 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet and Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Dear Anaheim City Council, Please consider rescinding the mandate for affordable housing at the Anaheim Cultural Arte Center where Anaheim Ballet is located. Anaheim Ballet is a huge part of the arts community in the city. Growing up, Anaheim Ballet gave me a home where I danced ballet for over 10 years. Anaheim Ballet also has the STEP-UP program, where ballet classes are provided for free for Anaheim residents, no matter their income level. This is extremely important to preserving and sharing the art of classical ballet to every child. From the STEP-UP program to the Summer Intensive performances at Pearson Park, to yearly Nutcracker performances, Anaheim Ballet has gifted the city of Anaheim with its choreography and talent for years. At the very least, the City needs to provide a relocation site, if the mandate cannot be rescinded, and continue the original site for services partnership. Best, Julia 1 Public Comment From: Lori Westbrook Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 6:34 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Lori A. Westbrook Public Comment From: Teresa Olvera Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 9:29 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: Apoyo a Anaheim Ballet Estimados Mayor Sidhu y Council miembros, Anaheim Ballet ha sido parte de la comunidad de Anaheim y de nuestras vidas durante mas de 20 anos. La comunidad que Larry y Sarnia crean a traves de las instalaciones del Anaheim Ballet proporciona un lugar seguro para muchos ninos y adolescentes de Anaheim, incluidos nuestros ninos. Sin el Programa Step -Up! del Anaheim Ballet y su locacion accesible, nuestros ninos no habrian hecho realidad sus suenos. La filosofia del programa de Larry y Sarnia es "more than dance...". De las instalaciones profesionales hemos visto a sus estudiantes ser reconocidos en el mundo del ballet, pero tambien hemos visto que han alcanzado increibles metas academicas y/o profesionales. Cada nitro que ha entrado en el Centro de Artes Culturales de Anaheim, o ha visto una actuacion del Anaheim Ballet, obtiene una experiencia valiosa. El Centro de Artes Culturales de Anaheim (el hogar actual de Anaheim Ballet) esta programado para ser demolido sin planes para un nuevo Centro de Artes Culturales o hogar para Anaheim Ballet. Si la ciudad demuele este edificio de arquitectura Unica que ha atraido a atletas de talla mundial, eliminara el unico Centro de Artes Culturales de la ciudad y desplazara a la preciada organizacion artistica de la ciudad. iEs mejor para la comunidad, y especialmente para nuestros jovenes desatendidos, que Anaheim Ballet permanezca en su ubicacion accesible actual! Vote en apoyo del Acuerdo de Cooperacion con Anaheim Ballet. Gracias por su consideracion. Sinceramente, Teresa Olvera y Raul S Rojo Public Comment From: Suraj Chand Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 10:02 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Support of Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Anaheim Ballet is such an important facility to my family and many others. Viewing their many performances over the past 15 years has become longstanding tradition to support our friends in the program and as an opportunity for community connection. As an audience member, I have grown to learn and appreciate the articulate depictions of the arts. Growing up I was not offered access to such artistic opportunities through my schooling. As a downtown Anaheim community member, I have been presented with Anaheim Ballet's free performances which led to long lasting friendships. To destroy this cultural icon for the lamentable purpose of creating 'affordable housing' would be a travesty to the people of Anaheim. I expect you will make the correct decision promptly to provide Anaheim Ballet proper facilities for their art programs or maintain the cultural art center at its current location. It would be sacrilegious to neglect Anaheim Ballet and the local and international community that it has established. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Suraj Chand Public Comment From: Celeste Oronoz Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 10:33 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Urgent! Approve Agreement with Anaheim Ballet!!! Dear Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members, I write today to very strongly urge you to keep the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center where the Anaheim Ballet Company and School are located. I write not only as a concerned parent of a young dancer, but also as a citizen who cares deeply for the positive, nurturing and life-giving impact the arts bring to a community. I strongly believe it is essential that residents be able to look to a designated place for the arts. Consequently, this beloved old building is not only historic, but unique, making it recognizable to the community. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center is a sweet building to house the Anaheim Ballet. I would also like to share briefly about my daughter, Chloe. She began training at Anaheim Ballet when she was 9 years old.. She is now 16 and on her way to becoming a professional ballet dancer thanks to the exceptional training she has received from Larry and Sarma Rosenberg. Chloe has won many awards and scholarships from top Ballet schools and internationally known competitions over the years, and I strongly believe much of the credit can be given to the excellent training, care and nurture she has received at Anaheim Ballet. The studio has become a second family not only to us, but to many students and families that have belonged to the studio over the decades. Time does not permit me to list the many more reasons why not to demolish the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center or displace Anaheim Ballet, but I hope my testimony causes you to think more deeply and carefully over this urgent matter. I respectfully implore you to vote to continue your support of the Arts in Anaheim and here specifically for the Anaheim Ballet. Sincerely, Celeste Oronoz Fullerton, CA 92835 Public Comment From: Yuko Graham Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 10:50 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Please save Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! I have been taking ballet classes that Anaheim Ballet provides for the last 15 years, it's just like air, or blood to me, I need it!! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Yuko Graham This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://gcc02.safeI i nks. protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A/ 2F% 2Fwww.avast.com/ 2Fantivi rus&amp;data=04%7C0 1%7Cpubl iccomment%40anaheim. net%7C8f35ee85db7b4ee5431e08d907adf012%7C74c3739c502a49c68d212bbc30f56 f22%7C0%7C0%7C637549265915208141%7CU nknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWljoi MC4wLjAwMDAi LCJQljoiV2luMzl i LCJ BTi 161 klhaWwi LCJXVC16Mn0%3D%7C2000&amp;sdata=Zaw2SP4VouszmiladWMKblg5ob0OI%2BC5KLru8AgFr28%3D&a m p; rese rved=0 Public Comment From: Vanessa Sah Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 1:29 AM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Anaheim Ballet's Impact on Me and the Community - My Plea for A Cooperative Agreement Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The city of Anaheim is known for making magic and joy accessible to 25 million people a year, of all ages, backgrounds, and countries. For more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has influenced the community who would bring that magical world to life, by being "More Than Dance" and teaching valuable lessons that go further than knowing the difference between a plie and a tendu. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. The goal of this message is to ask you to vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet, by providing examples of how it has positively impacted my life and this community. Here's are some of the values Anaheim Ballet embodies: Relentlessly High Standards and Honest Encouragement Leads to True Confidence • I started ballet as an adult. In the ballet world, there are two philosophies to this type of student: 1) adult students will never be able to learn ballet and blend in with the professionals... "it's just too late," so classes are closed to those over a certain age, or 2) the adults are allowed to dabble in the "hobby," given an uninterested pat on the back for each effort, and not truly held accountable to learning the skills and techniques. Adults either abandon their ideas to learn ballet when they see a closed door, or they continue with watered-down lessons, half -learning the technique with a soluble self-confidence that dissolves into insecurity with first drop of sweat. • Larry and Sarma did not take either approach to me as a beginning adult student. They did not care about the age in which I started and allowed me to take the same intense classes as the kids, and held me to the same high standard, day -after -day, tendu-after-tendu. Larry was my college teacher at CSUF and after taking hours and hours of classes, I received a `B" in beginning ballet. I asked him why, when I tried "so hard" and he said "You haven't learned how to do it right yet. But it'll get there and when you do, you'll get the A." This is the same standard at the Anaheim Ballet school.No one gets buy on effort alone, but you're also not lacking in the tools and support needed to achieve true learning. Decades later, I've been able to take classes laced with professional dancers in New York, Paris, San Francisco, Florida, Utah, London. The instructors have always assumed I've had a strong career as a professional ballerina, and I can fit in with some of the best teachers in the industry, always able to improve my skills. These dance organizations have no idea that I'm actually a professional business person in the travel industry, not a ballerina or ex -ballerina. What it comes down to is: I have the knowledge that I truly AM capable of doing anything I want in this life, if I'm willing to try, and if I find the right teachers. This true, real confidence, has evolved to having the courage to learn a new language as an adult, interview and win a professional job in Paris managing french -speaking clients overseeing the luxury hotels down the Champs Elysees. Without the effects of the lessons they taught me at Anaheim Ballet, I would never have had the courage to do what no one in my family has ever done and break the social and economic patterns I grew up with. Anaheim Ballet's impact goes far beyond teaching simple tendus from 4pm - 7pm. The lessons learned here are long-lasting, and they teach them to anyone willing to learn. It's never too late. Dignity despite Hardship • Anaheim Ballet is located in a part of town afflicted by challenges of all kinds: poverty, gang violence, social inequity. With their Step -Up! program, they offer free ballet and hip-hop classes to kids right after school. At the barre, these kids spend their free time learning how to stand tall with grace and regain their balance whenever life/their teacher challenges them with a difficult combination. They stay out of trouble and learn the lessons for building their confidence to become productive members of society. Inclusion & Diversity • If you look at the symbol for Anaheim Ballet, you'll see the dancers are made up of many different colors, with shape and definition. This was intentional. Anaheim Ballet has always welcomed people from any background, of all shapes and sizes, and strives to teach anyone who has a desire to learn. Their dancers have "made it" all around the world for many different types of dance companies: Copenhagan, Harlem Dance Theater, Houston Ballet, Tokyo... the list goes on and on. Perseverance & Tenacity • Ballet does not come naturally to the human body. It takes years of work, dedication, focused attention, constant refinement, and a clear vision of what the goal is. Plus, learning ballet comes with its bumps. In the multi -decade process of trying to learn elegance with Anaheim Ballet, I've been anything but. I've: tripped, wobbled, plowed head-on into members of the cast when blinded by stage lights, slipped and fallen on "snow" while running onstage, dropped props, fallen flat on my face due to a miscalculation in front of thousands of people, and more. Each time, I was taught to take those mistakes in stride, solve the problem and maintain my dignity at all costs. At the end of every show, no one ever even noticed my momentary blips. The audience members would talk about how inspired they were to see people do things they didn't think were possible, or how beautiful they found the show. The lesson? The little 2 -second mistakes we think are the end of the world... aren't. The bumps and errors are going to happen, no matter what. It's how we recover that matters, and that's what people remember. Confidence & Courage • You think it's magical to see a child see Disneyland for the first time, surrounded by parades, fairies, and cartoon characters? That's nice, but it pales in compared to the expression of surprised joy that comes when a child finally accomplishes an artistic goal and they realize, in that moment, they are not the sum of their limitations or fears. What they were wearing, where they came from, their age, whatever home life they escaped, the language they speak ... it doesn't matter in that instant they execute a simple movement in a way that let's them see themselves as capable of anything. That's what is truly magical. Because of Anaheim ballet and the guidance of their dedicated teachers, kids have a chance to practice & demonstrate excellence every single day. These values stay with these kids long into adulthood. That's what Anaheim Ballet means by "more than dance. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Vanessa Sah Public Comment From: Bart Ziegler Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 1:29 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: Please Preserve Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu, and esteemed Anaheim City Council Members, The arts play a most vital, valued and magnificent role in any community. For more than 20 years your Anaheim Ballet has been a powerful arts force with a priceless presence in Anaheim. The Artistic Director is renowned across America for his training and adherence to excellence. He is sought after for his Master Classes around the world. His wife's choreography has a global reputation. Your Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances for the entire community. Anaheim Ballet continues without compromise to level of excellence rarely achieved, and is recognized both locally and internationally, which must be a point of pride to the City of Anaheim. One Anaheim Ballet XCJ_u .T.u_ .e yV.d.e..o. has well over five million views. Even during the current influenza pandemic Anaheim Ballet have appeared in local papers with continued mentoring of students, training the youth of tomorrow despite challenging circumstances. What a proud city you must be to continue to host such promise. Anaheim Cultural Arts Center, the current home of the Anaheim Ballet, is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for your Anaheim Ballet. To demolish this stunning Deco architecturally significant building, you would remove to rubble the only Cultural Arts Center in Anaheim and displace your own City's treasured arts organization. Mayor, most certainly that wasn't your intention! Please insure Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location, or another. We urge you vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet, and thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Bart Ziegler Bart Ziegler PhD, Community and Environmental Medicine President, Sarnuel Lawrence Foundation ...................................................................................................................................................... P.O. Box F, Del Mar, CA 92014 USA Office 858.481.1673 1 Mobile Website I Instagram I Twitter I Facebook I Linkedln Read about SLF's impact in our 2019 Annual Report Samuel Lawrence Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization, Tax I® 27-1030462 Public Comment From: Debora Ramirez Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 7:52 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbsllet.org Subject: Ballet Program I am emailing our city as a concerned and grateful parent for this program. Please pass the agreement for the ballet program since it has helped many young individuals and the kids are the future. Please have it in your heart to realize the immense impact this program has had especially for kids who don't live in the best influential area. Public Comment From: Julia Munchel Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 8:45 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center building Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Julia Munchel Public Comment From: Andrea Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:17 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Architecturally Significant Building - Cultural Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu, I am a 39 year old born and raised resident of Anaheim. I consistently mourn the demolition of downtown Anaheim. PLEASE PLEASE be on the right side of Anaheim history and do not demolish one of our city's cultural bright spots- the cultural arts center home to Anaheim Ballet. This culturally unique building should be treasured the same way as the Packing House! Treasuring our culturally significant buildings will allow the community to celebrate Anaheim's history! Allow this building to stand and be part of our thriving historical district! Historic buildings like this one and the packing house are cornerstones of any community! In addition, Please allow the world class Anaheim Ballet to continue serving our underserved youth in this elegant historic building! So much of downtown Anaheim was demolished and our history wiped away- please be on the right side of history and designate a different location for your project. The Anaheim community needs historic buildings and preservation. Kindly, Andrea Anaheim Resident Public Comment From: Slauka Ladewig Senkowski Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 11:51 AM To: Public Comment; Anaheim Ballet Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, As current Ballet Mistress of one of Mexico's top 3 professional ballet companies and former international principal dancer, I have heard the disheartening news that that iconic Anaheim Ballet is at risk of losing its current architecturally unique site at the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center. This move could cause irreparable harm to this valued arts force which for over 20 years, has placed Anaheim on the map of the national and international dance scene. Anaheim Ballet has had a tremendous positive influence on its community thanks to its strong outreach program and is known for the unbeaten dance training it offers, resulting in alumni that win prizes at important dance competitions and are hired by top professional companies. Anaheim Ballet instructors are renowned for their excellent teaching skills and often invited to teach at other schools and professional companies locally and internationally. It would be a shame to lose this point of pride to the City. It is imperative that you vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet and keep it in its current central and accessible location for the benefit of the community and current and future generations of young dancers. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Slauka Ladewig Senkowski Ballet de Jalisco Piensa en el medic ambiente antes de imprimir, Think about the environment before printing. Public Comment From: caroline Doody Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 9:25 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: Vote In Support of the Cooperative Agreement With Anaheim Ballet Dear May Sidhu Council Members, The arts nourish any community and Anaheim Ballet has been that vitalizing force in Anaheim for more than 20 years. Anaheim Ballet has been recognized locally and internationally as an exemplary organization because of the many ways it gives back to the community such as providing free community-based after- school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances. In this way, Anaheim Ballet has served as a stellar ambassador for the city of Anaheim. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center, a distinct and architecturally important building, is slated to be demolished without a plan to replace it. If the city proceeds with this demolition, Anaheim will be left without a Cultural Arts Center and will displace its treasured arts organization. It is in Anaheim's highest and best interest to retain the exceptional Anaheim Ballet in its current location so that it can continue to enrich us all but especially the underserved youth of this community for many, many years to come. I urge you to vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet and thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Christy C. Kurzeja Public Comment From: Stephen DiSchiavi Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 12:28 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor S'idhu and Council Members, My name is Stephen Di S'chiavi and I am a long time dancer, choreographer and supporter of the arts. The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. As a student I attended Anaheim Ballet under the excellent teachings of Larry and S'arrna Rosenburg. As a teacher, I would recommend parents enroll their sons or daughters at Anaheim Ballet so they would receive the best ballet training in Orange County. As a choreographer, I have taught Master Classes for Anaheim Ballet's Summer Intensive Programs which reach children of all ages and levels. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lec/ure/demonsirations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point ofpride to the City. The Anaheim Cul/ural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cud/ural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architec/urally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially far our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location.' Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thankyou for your consideration. Sincerely, Stephen Di S'chiavi Public Comment From: Elizabeth Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 12:32 PM To: Public Comment Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Elizabeth De La Cruz Sent from my Whone Public Comment From: David Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 2:41 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, David De La Cruz Sent from my Whone Public Comment From: Jeanette Stevens Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 2:51 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: ANAHEIM BALLET April 25, 2021 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, thatAnaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jeanette Stevens Performing Arts Workshop/Encinitas, CA Public Comment From: Ballet de Jalisco Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 3:43 PM To: Public Comment; info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, For the past 7+ years, Ballet de Jalisco, one of Mexico's top 3, state funded professional dance companies, has greatly benefited from its close collaboration with Anaheim Ballet. We first reached out to Anaheim Ballet to invite its directors and teachers to share their expertise with our dancers and instructors, which they generously did with amazing results for our company. We now know that Anaheim Ballet in addition to its skillful teaching, does brilliant work to help its community, with after-school programs, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances. Anaheim Ballet's is recognized both locally and internationally and is a role model for dance schools and companies worldwide, bringing much needed art and creativity to its community, especially to underserved youth. We have heard with great concern that the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished, without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. We find it hard to believe that the City is planning to remove its only Cultural Arts Center and displace this treasured arts organization, because so much is at stake and so much will be lost if the plans move forward. In consideration of not only its best interests, but also those of its residents, the City needs to reconsider its decision, preserve the Cultural Arts Center and continue the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you. Sincerely, Ballet de Jalisco Artistic Staff. Coordinacion Ballet de Jalisco sci Tel. Public Comment From: Nadia Senkowski Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 3:54 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, As a dance enthusiast, I have followed the work of Anaheim Ballet for many years and seen how it has transformed the lives of many of its students and its families with its generous and gifted work. The arts are an essential part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus - in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally for its outstanding work. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (Anaheim Ballet's current home) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City moves forward with these plans, it will remove only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displace the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for its underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Nadia Senkowski Public Comment From: Alexandra Blajer Ladewig Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 4:07 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, My name is Alexandra and I am 9 years old. I really love to go to dance performances and participate in shows like the Nutcracker, which have really helped me to be more self confident and make friends. I was inspired when I was very little by a dancer from Anaheim Ballet, Aria Alekzander. My mother told me that Anaheim Ballet's studios may be chopped down by the City to build houses. Why would you want to do that? It's such a great place to learn dance and the teachers there are wonderful. It's a very important part of the city of Anaheim and many kids lifes. They do so much for the community.! They have presentations where professional dancers and children participate and also help kids that need it get free lessons. I would love to come to Anaheim not only to visit Disneyland, but also to study at Anaheim Ballet and hopefully dance in their shows. Please don't tear down Anaheim Ballet's studios. Alexandra Blajer Ladewig. Public Comment From: Maria Meza Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 5:56 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Estimado Alcalde de la ciudad de Anaheim, Las artes son algo muy importante para nuestra comunidad y todas las comunidades, Anaheim Ballet a sido parte de nuestra comunidad por mas de 20 anos, su trabajo a sido muy impactante en nuestros ninos yjovenes a to largo de sus vidas , ya que para varios , este edificio es su segundo hogar y esto los a mantenido fuera del alcanze de cosas negativas; como madre de 2 adolescentes me siento con la necesidad de pedirles que consideren que es algo muy valioso para nosotros y nuestros hijos y dejen que ellos sigan manteniendo su segundo hogar aqui. EI programa de Step Up en Anaheim Ballet ha ayudado a mis hijas en varios aspectos de su vida y las ha motivado a tomar buenas desisiones, Ustedes saben el impacto negativo que esto podria tener en ellos si pierden su segundo. hogar. De antemano mil gracias por escuchar mi peticion. Atte. Mrs. Meza Public Comment From: Cindi Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 6:48 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I'm writing to encourage you to support keeping Anaheim Ballet in its current home in the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center. Arts programs are a vital part of this community and should take priority for its members. Anaheim Ballet offers wonderful dance programs for all levels and ages. I am in my 60's and benefit greatly from the excellent and compassionate teaching and classes offered at Anaheim Ballet. In addition, they offer programs for children, teens and pre -professional dancers and also an amazing program for underserved youth in the community with their "STEP-UP" program. It would be a shame to let all this go along with this incredible historical building, just to put up more housing. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (current home of Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. Many dance programs around the country folded under the weight of the financial burdens brought on by the challenges of the past year with Covid. It's heartbreaking after living through those struggles, to think of losing this great Center to redevelopment. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the participants, the staff and all of those who benefit from their programs. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location!! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration.. Sincerely, Cindi Hubbard Sent from my Wad Public Comment From: Sonia Santana Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 8:14 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, As you are aware, the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. It has been recognized locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City and it serves the community. We started attending the Anaheim Ballet last year as many of the extracurricular activities were shut down due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We heard about the facility on an article about the center on the OC Register and wondered why we had not known of its existence. Not only are the classes affordable, the location is accessible and provides programs for our underserved youth. If we had known about the center long ago, perhaps my oldest daughter would have been a part of it; my six year old daughter currently attends Saturday classes. As homeowners in the City of Anaheim for nearly 15 years, we believe that its good for our community to expand arts programs and facilities that engage youth and provide training programs, not shut them down, especially not now when many schools offer only virtual classes. Our children are the future and they need local and affordable opportunities to learn outside a classroom, especially about the arts. We care about the future of the Cultural Arts Center and of the wellbeing of the City's residents. Please continue the long-standing partnership with the Cultural Arts Center and vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Sincerely, Sonia Santana Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Public Comment From: Julie Rocz Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 10:43 PM To: Public Comment Subject: AB Dear Mayor S'idhu and Council Members, The arts erre an important part of any community, crud for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, declure/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as apoint ofpride to the City. The Anaheim Cul/ural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cud/ural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architec/urally unique building, you will be removing the only Cudlurad Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thankyou for your consideration. Sincerely, Judieta Rocha Sent from my Whone 1 Public Comment From: Michael Hanna Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 8:32 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Company Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Furthermore, I would like to offer my most sincere intercessions for the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center, and specifically for the Anaheim Ballet Company. I have been very enriched and blessed by the work and outreach of the Anaheim Ballet Company over the years. I have attended a number of their performances throughout even given year and have always been inspired by the professional and creative genius of the productions. Their motto, "More than Dance," becomes a reality when a person experiences the uniqueness of the company and their sacred trust of the classical form of ballet. Having spoken with and interacted with Lawrence and Sarma Rosenberg has allowed me to understand what makes the Anaheim Ballet Company truly a city "treasure." Their respect and acclaim in the world of ballet is very prominent in the national and international scene over many decades as numerous ballet master teachers and prodigy ballet students and famous ballet dancers have graced their halls and performed in their shows. And then there is the outreach to the underserved youth of our city which gives this generation an unprecedented opportunity to see their incredible value and realize their dreams. For the sake of the beloved city of Anaheim, and even our precious nation, if there is ever a time to stand up for what is right and virtuous, please allow the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center, and especially the Anaheim Ballet Company, to remain in its historic setting and continue to inspire all peoples. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Dr. Michael Hanna Public Comment From: connie lee Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 8:32 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. I have personally been training with Anaheim Ballet for over ten years, and I truly believe that Anaheim Ballet is a special place that has brought growth and a positive impact in my life. I strongly believe it has the same effect on the students there today. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Connie Lee Public Comment From: Jalene Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 8:53 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Supports for Anaheim ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jalene Olalia Public Comment From: Kathryn Hokom Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 9:29 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet continued partnership Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an importantpart of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point ofpride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underservedyouth, that Anaheim Ballet refrains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Kathryn Hokom Anaheim resident Public Comment From: Rie Takahama Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2021 11:31 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: Suggestion for Expressing your Support of the Organization Dear Mayor S'idhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Rie Takahama Public Comment From: Katherine Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 12:11 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I am writing to you today from a unique perspective. I lived in Anaheim until the early 1990's and then moved to Riverside County and finally to the high desert area/Victorville/Apple Valley. Still spent a lot of time traveling to Anaheim after that since both of my parents and in- laws lived in Anaheim and now for the past three years have driven down weekly so my son can take dance class at Anaheim Ballet. When I was growing up in Anaheim I started taking dance from a local dance studio. This then sparked a love for dance and for the arts in which has not stopped some 50 years later. I was very fortunate since my parents were able to afford to send me but had many friends that were unable to do so because there were not programs available to help with underserved youth. This is where Anaheim Ballet has stepped in to serve the community for over 20 years. Not only does it provide outstanding and professional training for its students but it also provides free community based after school programs, workforce and recreational training, as well as bus- in presentations, lectures and demonstrations, and concert performances which are well known to not just Anaheim but internationally as well, which should be something that Anaheim is proud of. I can tell you as a dance teacher for 40 years that children who take dance are not only learning technique but life skills such as discipline, work ethic, how to handle disappointment, as well as achievement, how to work towards a goal, things take time and not overnight, how to handle stress, and so much more. It translates to children doing better in school and life in general. During the present Covid crisis that hit everyone in 2020 and is still effecting all of us, dance was a lifeline for many kids and adults. Anaheim Ballet was able to utilize Zoom to hold virtual dance classes for its students. This was not only a way for them to relieve some stress by moving their bodies, but also mental stress. For quite some time, children were not attending school and did not have any social interaction with kids their own age. Anaheim Ballet provided familiar faces and friends for these kids. Again, dance is not just about the body, it is also about the mind and the mental health of the students, which is important to Anaheim Ballet. I drive almost a hundred miles one way to take my son to Anaheim Ballet. The local studio I teach at provides great all around training but he needed more to attain his goal of becoming a professional dancer as well as preparing him for college. I drive past several ballet studios on my way to Anaheim, but I have chosen Anaheim Ballet as the place to take him. Larry Rosenberg was my ballet professor at Chapman College now called Chapman University. Little did I know that some 30 years later my son would be taking class from him. This is the right place for him and that's why I drive back to my home town of Anaheim every week as well as taking several other students from my local studio with me to take class. Both Larry and Sarma, want to give the best dance training to their students and make sure that it is available for all youth. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center which is the current home of the Anaheim Ballet is a building that I grew up looking at as I traveled throughout Anaheim. I would hate for this unique building to be demolished for housing. Anaheim, from the time I can remember has always had a lot of traffic. Throughout the years I have only seen it increase and get worse, which more housing would definitely add to this. By demolishing the building you would be displacing the City's arts organization, since there are no plans for a new Cultural Arts Center, so no new place for Anaheim Ballet. The current location works best for the community and especially for the underserved youth. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you, Katherine Page Public Comment From: Rebekah Porte Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 12:46 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Rebekah Porte Public Comment From: Michael Schmaltz Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 8:24 AM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Moreno; Stephen Faessel; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Public Comment Subject: The Cultural Arts building Good morning Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members. I'm sending this email to urge you to support and approve Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda item 14 that will be before you on Tuesday, April 27. The Cultural Arts building is a valuable community asset and should be preserved and protected. Yes it doesn't appear on any lists or historic resources, but it is none the less a valuable and loved facility. 10 years ago no one considered mid century homes "historic". Now they are widely considered among the most precious and revered resources in a city's housing stock. So to with the Cultural Arts building. As is pointed out in the staff report this building has served multiple uses and has served the community of Anaheim for over half a century. It is now home to the Anaheim Ballet, an organization that has provided a much needed service to youth of our community for over 20 years. Let me acknowledge that we do need senior housing, no one is denying that fact. However, we also need space for non-profit service providers and community groups to engage the community in general and the youth of Anaheim in particular. The Cultural Arts building and the Anaheim Ballet do just that. Surely there must be a way to accomplish both goals: provide affordable senior housing and preserve this valuable city asset while continuing to provide a home to the Anaheim Ballet so they can continue their much needed and widely support programs engaging Anaheim's youth. The 2 items on your agenda covering this issue would give staff and city leadership time to consider options and allow the Anaheim Ballet to continue their programs. The community has already shown widespread support for both the preservation of the Cultural Arts Building and for the Anaheim Ballet. With Covid-19 restrictions being lifted and activities opening up again after a very long hiatus we need this program and programs like it more than ever. And we need assets like the Cultural Arts building which provide homes for these services. With a concerted effort and cooperation between city staff, elected officials, non-profit providers, and the community there's no doubt a "best case scenario" can be achieved. Please support Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda Item 14 and buy us the time to do just that. Michael Schmaltz Public Comment From: Todd Lechtick Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 8:26 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I'm hoping you will reconsider your plans to demolish the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center. I have been there countless times and wonder why you would destroy such a unique and culturally important building, not only for Anaheim but California as well. Anaheim Ballet has called the Arts center its home for over 20 years and now the ballet school is in danger of loosing that. I know nothing of the politics involved with your decision but often times it is connected to what income can be generated by the property value and what would replace the Arts Center to potentially make more money for the City of Anaheim. Anyone who is deeply involved in the performing arts know how important it is not only for the community, but every person who works so very hard to grow and improve. The work ethic and love for the arts will, and does carry these artist through life and give us more than a performance, it gives us beauty for now and future generations. Consider Anaheim Ballet's work with the underserved youth and free after school programs. We never know where and when that spark comes from that ignites the fire that burns brightly in our youth. Given the current state of the health of the world, we need more arts, more beauty and the Anaheim Ballet has most certainly earned and demonstrated its commitment to the City of Anaheim! Anyone who has been fortunate enough to work with, or see a performance of the Anaheim Ballet has been very fortunate. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Sincerely, Todd Lechtick Public Comment From: Suzanne Salimbene Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 8:41 AM To: Public Comment Subject: In support of the Anaheim Ballet Company and School Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members Although the arts are an important part of every community, and provide essential positive outlets during difficult times, they seem to always be the first to suffer great loss during times of social and economic stress. The Anaheim Ballet has provided more than 20 years of community based after school programs, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture -demonstrations and concert performances to this community. It has brought pride to the city by establishing itself locally and internationally as a first class professional ballet company. The Anaheim Cultural Center, the longtime home of the Anaheim Ballet, has been scheduled to be demolished and no plans have been made to create a new cultural center or a home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this building, it will be destroying its only Cultural Arts Center and thereby harming the community by taking away the many opportunities provided underserved youth as well as taking away the rich cultural opportunities and international recognition the Anaheim Ballet brings to the City. It would be a tremendous loss should the community lose its Cultural Center and the Anaheim Ballet lose its home. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with the Anaheim Ballet. Sincerely, Suzanne Salimbene, PhD. Former resident of Los Angeles Suzanne Salimbene Now residing in Aj ij ic, Mexico Public Comment From: Brian DeMers Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 10:50 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Moreno; Stephen Faessel; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil; Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Cultural Center/Anaheim Ballet April 27 Good evening, I'd like to add my voice in support of approving Items #1 and #14 at the April 27th council meeting. Please follow the staff's recommendation that the city enter into a 1 year agreement to explore opportunities to support the Anaheim Ballet and preserve the Cultural Arts building. We need senior housing, but we also need community assets and non-profit service providers who provide much needed activities for kids in the area and throughout the city. Just a side note: Within a very small radius several senior housing projects already exist. Right next door to the west of the Cultural Arts building is the Village Center Apts. which is 100 subsidized senior apartments. Just to the south is the Anaheim Memorial Manner building which consists of 75 units. Just to the east (Lincoln and East) is the recently competed EI Verano project which consists of 54 units to name just a few. We can and should build housing for seniors, but we also must support existing non-profit organizations like the Anaheim Ballet who provide much needed activities for kids and services for the community. Why eliminate an existing asset like the Cultural Arts building (and we all know we have far too few of them as it is) and remove an established, long time widely supported organization like the Anaheim Ballet to build something that could be built any number of other places? Over the next year, I'm confident the creative minds in our city will find a solution to preserve this historic building and support Anaheim Ballet's important presence in Center City. Thank you, - Brian D., Public Comment From: Marsha Cook Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 8:59 AM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Moreno; Stephen Faessel; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Public Comment Subject: City Council Agenda Item 14 on April 27th Mayor Sidhu & Council Members: We are sending this email to urge you to support and approve Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda item 14 that will be before you on Tuesday, April 27. The Cultural Arts building is a valuable community asset and should be preserved and protected. It doesn't appear on any lists or historic resources, but it is still a valuable and loved facility. As pointed out in the staff report this building has served multiple uses and has served the community of Anaheim for over half a century. It is now home to the Anaheim Ballet, an organization that has provided a much needed service to youth of our community for over 20 years. The 2 items on your agenda covering this issue would give staff and city leadership time to consider options and allow the Anaheim Ballet to continue their programs. The community has already shown widespread support for both the preservation of the Cultural Arts Building and for the Anaheim Ballet. Please support Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda Item 14 Marsha Cook & Steve Holder Anaheim Colony District Residents Public Comment From: Kathleen Jenkins Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 9:01 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Support Letter for Anaheim Ballet Attachments: Anaheim Ballet Letter of Support.pdf Please find the attached letter in support of Anaheim Ballet to be submitted to Mayor Sidhu and the Council Members. Thank you, Kathleen Jenkins Dear Mayor Sindu and Council Members, I am writing to you today to urge you to continue your long standing partnership with Anaheim Ballet and to allow them to remain in the current Anaheim Cultural Arts Center. For decades the esteemed directors Lawrence and Sarma Rosenberg have dedicated countless hours in the training of young dancers at this facility and contributed immeasurably to the well being of the City of Anaheim through their many outreach programs and culturally enriching performances. I myself have been associated with Anaheim Ballet not only as a previous faculty member but as a parent of children that had the privilege of training and performing with them. Together we spent many memorable years there and I personally witnessed the nurturing of talented young dancers blossom into thriving artists. Many of these students came directly from the Step -Up! program and would definitely have had a less culturally enriching life without the opportunity that program provided. The thought that the building would be demolished and that Anaheim Ballet would be displaced without a definitive plan to move forward is extremely distressing to our family and deeply saddens us. In the current climate we are living in where cultural arts programs are slipping away one by one, we collectively can take a stand and save this desperately needed and highly valued resource. You have the opportunity to serve your city and make a difference by voting in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet! Please give this your deepest consideration and allow Anaheim Ballet to continue to thrive. Sincere Regards, Kathleen Jenkins CCD Faculty Member Orange County School of the Arts Public Comment From: Vikki W. Lee Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 9:58 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: SUPPORT Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Thank you in advance for reading my email. I would like to ask for your support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Growing up, I have always loved ballet and dreamed of becoming a professional ballet dancer one day. Unfortunately, I had to stop dancing at age 16 due to multiple reasons, including school work, getting ready for college, not being identified as a high -potential dancer, as well as my family's financial needs at the time. Life goes on as I finished college and graduate school. I started my career, and a family. I always felt that something was missing until I found Anaheim Ballet. Anaheim Ballet offers adult ballet classes at different levels. At first, I doubted if I could still dance after 10+ years. Then, as soon as the class started, my muscle memory kicked in and I once again felt the happiness of dancing. I also got to meet many like-minded dancers here at Anaheim Ballet. There were people who had always wanted to learn ballet but did not have the opportunities when young. There were also beautiful dancers who had retired from professional dancing. Regardless of our stories, we are here for one reason — dancing for the LOVE of BALLET. Adults need hobbies too! This is a way for us to get our mind off work stress and family obligation. During the COVD-19 pandemic, Anaheim Ballet has continued to offer classes to us, which has helped students like myself stay healthy physically AND mentally. "The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. "— Pablo Picasso Again, I sincerely ask you to support the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. We truly believe that arts are an important part of any community. Therefore, keeping Anaheim Ballet here will continue to benefit our community in many different ways. Sincerely, Vikki W. Lee, PHR Human Resources I People Operations Linkedln Public Comment From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: RE: Council Meeting 4/27/21 Jackie Monday, April 26, 2021 10:11 AM Public Comment info@anaheimballet.org Anaheim Ballet Support Council Meeting 4/27/21 Anaheim Ballet Support 4 27 21.docx Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I am an adult student at Anaheim Ballet and an advocate for Step Up!, Anaheim Ballet?s educational community outreach. I've attached my letter of support for Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your leadership and service to our community. Jacquelyn Gonzales Coffey Support for Anaheim Ballet 4/27/21 from Jacquelyn Gonzales Coffey Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I am an adult student at Anaheim Ballet and an advocate for Step Up!, Anaheim Ballet's educational community outreach. I sometimes arrive early for my classes so that I can watch the young children beginning their ballet training. It's good for me to remember that I was one of these children. The parents watching outside the classroom are like my parents; all wanting to prepare their children for a better future. I am Mexican -American. My grandparents only had a V grade education. My father was denied elementary school because he only spoke Spanish. The school said he could come back when he spoke English. When Spanish is the only language of your family and neighbors, how does a young boy learn to speak English? Access and opportunity are often taken for granted by many. My parents wanted me to go to college, but they didn't have any idea of how to make this happen. For them getting a child into college was like standing outside a closed door with a combination lock. Even if they could figure out the combination to open the lock, they knew the door only opened from the inside. They knew that someone on the inside would need to open the door and invite me in. The open door to my yet unknown future began with one ballet class. At the age of seven I was invited to a local YMCA's outreach program for underserved children. Step Up! is Anaheim Ballet's educational outreach to the community, offering ongoing classes at no cost to those unable to pay. Step Up! is an excellent and exceptional program. All students, regardless of race, ethnicity or gender are welcomed and treated with dignity, patience, and respect. Individual effort is encouraged and supported by teachers in the community of fellow aspiring dancers. The pursuit of excellence and beauty in ballet technique is the transformative process, but the outcome is transferable life skills: self-awareness, self-control, self -responsibility, diligence, dependability, perseverance, patience, persistence and so much more. These life skills open doors. 1 I continued to train weekly in ballet from elementary school thru and beyond high school. Teachers and mentors encouraged my potential and doors began to open. I graduated from the University of California, Irvine. The Chancellor and faculty honored me as the Outstanding Senior Woman for my graduating class. Dr. Eugene Loring invited me to become the ballet master and one of twelve dancers for his company: Los Angeles Dance Theatre. He encouraged me to continue my education because successful dance companies are "more than dance." I completed a Master's degree in Business Administration and course work toward a PhD in Communication. Biola University invited me to become a full-time professor in Drama and Theatre. It was a privilege to teach there for many years. The Mayor and City Manager for Brea invited me to become the first Cultural Arts Commissioner. I actively participated in the vision and development of the Civic and Cultural Center, which includes a theatre, art gallery, library, and video production facility. We also implemented the Art in Public Places program which now has over 175 sculptures for public viewing around the city. A dance company invited me to create a thirty -minute ballet; the dancers being accompanied by a full orchestra. On the night of the premier, the music director and I were standing together reading the evening's program. It was the first time he read my maiden name. "Gonzales?" He asked quizzically, quickly followed by "How did a Mexican become involved in the classical arts?" The answer: an invitation to a ballet class. An invitation that opened the door for a future that my parents and I could never have imagined or envisioned. As a producer, director, or choreographer I have been involved in hundreds of professional theatrical, corporate, and civic event productions. Some of the productions toured nationally and internationally, and some were produced right in Anaheim at the Convention Center. z Because of your leadership and the leaders that came before you, Anaheim is recognized world-wide as an invitational city, a city of access and opportunity, a city where the arts and creativity flourish. Many are initially attracted by Disneyland, a realization of Walt Disney's immense creativity and vision. When asked how it all began, he would fondly answer, "It all began with a mouse." Walt's message of small beginnings continues to resonate: when nourished and developed, small beginnings can transform lives, transform culture, and transform the future. Anaheim Ballet is internationally recognized as a premier training, performing, and educational center; a place where small beginnings can be transformed into inspirational lives. Please continue to support us. Please keep our doors open. Please help us continue to provide access and opportunity to any child, teen, or adult that aspires to excellence. Thank you, Jacquelyn Gonzales Coffey 3 Public Comment From: Sonya Villegas Kelsen Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 10:27 AM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Moreno; Stephen Faessel; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil; Public Comment Subject: Cultural Center Good Morning, I hope this email finds you well. As a small business owner in a challenging part of Anaheim I urge you, I beg you to reconsider replacing a cultural center with low income housing. The area is overflowing with low income housing but lacking in culture. The children of downtown Anaheim need a place to learn of things that their family or friends may not be able to provide. Please reconsider. Thank you, Sonya Villegas Kelsen Colony Wine Merchant The Napa Kitchen Public Comment From: K G Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 10:29 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Kimberley (Jade) Godfrey Public Comment From: LTORGERSON Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 10:42 AM To: Avelino Valencia; Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Jose Moreno; Public Comment; Stephen Faessel; Trevor O'Neil Subject: Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members, My husband Larry and I would like to strongly urge you to support and approve Housing Authority Agenda Item I and City Council Agenda Item 14 at your meeting tomorrow, April 27. The Cultural Arts Center is a historic part of the neighborhood which has been home to various community programs for over 50 years, and originally was the Parish Hall of Zion Lutheran Church, which is still an active congregation and greatly involved in the community. There is no need to demolish yet another piece of Anaheim's history. The building has been home to the Anaheim Ballet for over 20 years. This location in particular is crucial to Anaheim Ballet's mission to provide an opportunity for underserved youth to participate in a fine arts program of music and dance. If you take the program out of this neighborhood, it will decrease the chances that these youth will be able to access the program. It's true that we need more Senior Housing - however there is quite a bit of Senior Housing in this immediate area. Other neighborhoods in the city should also be given the opportunity to have quality Senior Housing, and the youth in this neighborhood should continue to have the opportunity to participate in the Anaheim Ballet's outstanding programs. Thank you for your consideration. Dinah Torgerson Anaheim Public Comment From: Jody Daily Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 10:45 AM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Moreno; Stephen Faessel; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Public Comment Subject: Agenda item 1 and City Council Agenda item 14 Good morning Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members. I have worked in Anaheim for over 30 years and have lived in a historic home (the 1897 Rea House) in District 3 for the past 11 years. I was the Vice President of the Anaheim Historical Society and current President of the Anaheim Fall Festival and Halloween Parade (a tradition nearly 100 years old). I am also a co-founder of Greenbird Anaheim, where we organize monthly community clean up events throughout our city, some of you have participated in those. For me history matters. Tradition matters and building a strong community around those tent poles matter. I wholeheartedly agree with my neighbors that losing yet another cultural and historic structure in our downtown would be devastating for the community. We have only a select handful of them left as it is. Please support and approve the Housing Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda item 14 on Tuesday, April, 27. Thank you for your support and service, Jody Daily Public Comment From: Alice Olsher Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 10:47 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballt Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, /_11r4r_XO1M17M Alice Olsher MSTAT, MAm SAT, Eutokia, British Actors Equity Alexander Teacher and Teacher Trainer Parent Educator Www.alexanderteachingcentre.com Teaches Calm Clear Thinking to Musicians, Actors and You Feel Better While You Perform, Parent and More Now enrolling Small Group Classes, Private Lessons Email me for more information. Pronouns she/her Sent from my iPhone Public Comment From: Luna, Vanessa Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 11:19 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Please approve agreement with Anaheim Ballet To Whom It May Concern: I am an Anaheim resident of 16 years and am urging the City to approve the agreement with the Anaheim Ballet to preserve the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center. I am a mother to two young daughters who have enjoyed various programs of the Anaheim Ballet. It is important to our family that we find a new home for the Anaheim Ballet and that the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center be preserved until then. The one year timeframe for the Anaheim Ballet and the City to negotiate a new home and continued partnership is both reasonable and crucial to the cultural fabric of our city and community. Thank you, Vanessa N. Luna, Esq. I Senior Trial Attorney Chernow and Lieb I A Legal Division of Zenith Insurance Company Office (714) 705-2383 Mobile vluna thezenith.com www.TheZenith.com bA, Piease consider the environment before printing this email. *********************************************************** NOTICE: This e-mail, including attachments, contains information that may be confidential, protected by the attorney/client or other privileges, or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Further, this e-mail may contain information that is proprietary and/or constitutes a trade secret. This e-mail, including attachments, constitutes non-public information intended to be conveyed only to the designated recipient of this communication, please be advised that any disclosure, dissemination, distribution, copying, or other use of this communication or any attached document is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and promptly destroy all electronic and printed copies of this communication and attached documents. *********************************************************** 1 Public Comment From: Noah Zappala Sent: Friday, April 23, 2021 11:18 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Please Consider The Following Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Noah Zappala University of San Diego, '22 B.B.A., Finance Public Comment From: hanya saba Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 11:35 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Save Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and my daughter has been attending Anaheim Ballet for mor then 7 years. Which has been asset to her upbringing. If Anaheim ballet closes or moves my daughter might not have a chance to express herself in the arts. With kids going the wrong direction in life the arts helps kids with a direction in life. They have more structure, the feel more confident in themselves, gives them more physical activity, become good members of society etc. I can go on and on how beneficial the arts are for not only children but adults as well. With the pandemic and closures of so many things this would be just another loss that we just can't afford right now. The community needs a way to express themselves in a positive manner especially now during these difficult times. Please keep Anaheim Ballet at the Anaheim Cultural Arts centers. It's a second home not only to my daughter but many others who go there. I vote to keep Anaheim Ballet where it is. Please don't demolish Anaheim Ballet. Sincerely, Hanya Saba Public Comment From: Cassie Hopkinson Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 12:01 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Save Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, As a future Arts Teacher I was asked once to answer What is Art and Why is Art Important? The first question was slightly harder to answer and for that I turned to the dictionary. According to the Oxford dictionary, art is "the expression or application of human creativity, skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power." I than used this to answer Why is art important? Art is a language people use to communicate their thoughts and express themselves in a way words cannot. It can also be a way to experience ones culture and history in a visual representation. This can be through painting or sculpture in the traditional sense, but this can also be represented in our architecture or through dance. In the visual world we live in, art is everywhere from the murals decorating the side of buildings or freeway overpasses to the advertisements we see on billboards or store fronts. Art is our entertainment from museum galleries to our favorite TV shows we binge -watch when we want to get away from the busy work world or just relax in our time off. It is also those small school recitals or large national dance competition our children or family members are so happy to showcase their weeks or months of hard work. Art is so much a part of our live and in this case we need to save it. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center, home of the Anaheim Ballet, is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. For more than 20 years Anaheim Ballet has provided free community based after school programing, workforce and recreational training, concert performances and so much more not just locally but internationally as a point of pride to the city. If the city demolishes this building you will not only be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing this City's treasured arts organization but you will also be destroying a unique architectural structure. I ask that the Anaheim Ballet remains in it current accessible location. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet and save the arts from being removed from our city. Thank you for your time and consideration in reading this letter. Sincerely, Cassandra Vargas Hopkinson Public Comment From: Nancy Graner Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 12:16 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Moreno; Stephen Faessel; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Public Comment Subject: The Cultural Arts Building - Anaheim Ballet (Save Anaheim Arts) Good morning Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members. I'm sending this email to urge you to support and approve Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda item 14 that will be before you on Tuesday, April 27. The Cultural Arts building is a valuable community asset and should be preserved and protected. Yes it doesn't appear on any lists or historic resources, but it is none the less a valuable and loved facility. 10 years ago no one considered mid century homes "historic". Now they are widely considered among the most precious and revered resources in a city's housing stock. So to with the Cultural Arts building. As is pointed out in the staff report this building has served multiple uses and has served the community of Anaheim for over half a century. It is now home to the Anaheim Ballet, an organization that has provided a much needed service to youth of our community for over 20 years. Let me acknowledge that we do need senior housing, no one is denying that fact. However, we also need space for non-profit service providers and community groups to engage the community in general and the youth of Anaheim in particular. The Cultural Arts building and the Anaheim Ballet do just that. Surely there must be a way to accomplish both goals: provide affordable senior housing and preserve this valuable city asset while continuing to provide a home to the Anaheim Ballet so they can continue their much needed and widely support programs engaging Anaheim's youth. The 2 items on your agenda covering this issue would give staff and city leadership time to consider options and allow the Anaheim Ballet to continue their programs. The community has already shown widespread support for both the preservation of the Cultural Arts Building and for the Anaheim Ballet. With Covid-19 restrictions being lifted and activities opening up again after a very long hiatus we need this program and programs like it more than ever. And we need assets like the Cultural Arts building which provide homes for these services. With a concerted effort and cooperation between city staff, elected officials, non-profit providers, and the community there's no doubt a "best case scenario" can be achieved. Please support Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda Item 14 and buy us the time to do just that. Nancy Graner Open Heart r Open Mind Be Humble Be Kind Public Comment From: Benson, Kyla Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 12:22 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, My name is Kyla Benson and I am the Department Chair of the Fashion program at Santa Ana College. Anaheim Ballet has been a valued partner with the Fashion Program at Santa Ana College over the past decade. Anaheim falls into our district and we receive many students from Anaheim into our program who also benefit from this company. Over the years, students have entered out department with training from the Ballet Company -they have supported our fashion shows and fashion shoots with professional performance training. It is a vital cultural arts center. Its displacement will negatively effect our Fashion and Costume Design Students at Santa Ana College, those who live in Anaheim, but also those who live in the district outside of Anaheim. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Kyla Benson SANTA ANA c cr...L 11 El G�L a G Department 01halir (:)f Fas1hi(,)i 7 IDesligin . Ill e ircllm7 a iim7 d li s li iim7 g (;:;Iheclk c: Ut c: LH' Ipir(-)girairn Watch this video! 1530 West 17th Street Santa Ana, CA 92706 sac.edu/fashion Public Comment From: kerry Jezisek Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 12:50 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Public Comment for the April 27, 2021 City Council Meeting Re: the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Good afternoon, Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members. I am writing to you on behalf of Anaheim Ballet, advocating that their lease with the City of Anaheim be renewed and that their current location be maintained in lieu of transforming the building into affordable housing. While providing affordable housing is indeed a worthy and needed goal, converting Anaheim Ballet to housing is not the solution. The state -mandated housing densification requirement should not be used as the impetus for removal of Anaheim Ballet from the community. Future affordable housing could be located closer to transit and other vital services in lieu of the proposed location currently occupied by Anaheim Ballet. In addition to other locations with the city being better suited for the placement of affordable housing, Anaheim Ballet plays a critical role in the community through its cultural and ballet programming and its location serves those in the surrounding community very well. If the City Council were to choose pullout of its long-standing partnership with Anaheim Ballet, there would be a sizeable negative impact on so many living in our community - especially those currently living in the various lower socio-economic neighborhoods surrounding the studio. The community needs art and culture, and Anaheim Ballet brings both. In the 2017 Policy Paper by Policy Link (Creating Change through Arts, Culture, and Equitable Development: A Policy and Practice Primer ) it very clearly lays out the importance of Arts and Culture for underserved communities. Arts and culture.., like dance.., are essential for building community, supporting development, nurturing health, and well-being, and contributing to economic opportunity. Collectively, arts and culture enable understanding of the past and envisioning of a shared, more equitable future. In disinvested communities, arts, and culture act as tools for community development, shaping infrastructure, transportation, access to healthy food, and other core amenities. In communities of color and low-income communities, arts and culture contribute to strengthening cultural identity, healing trauma, and fostering shared vision for community. Anaheim Ballet plays a critical role in reaching the underserved populations of Anaheim through their ballet programming - especially the STEP-UP! program. The goal of Anaheim Ballet's STEP-UP! educational outreach program is to serve as a catalyst for change in the lives of young participants, a call to personal excellence, and to produce performances which serve as a source of entertainment and inspiration for the community at large. Whether from the rigorous athletic training program or from the inspiring live performances in schools and concert stages, the youth of the Anaheim community benefit greatly from the positive messages inherent in classical ballet. The young people of Anaheim need the experience of standing erect, holding their heads high and moving with athletic and understated grace. They need this safe but challenging social interaction where there are no distinctions of ethnic diversity or socio-economic levels. From their first day in Anaheim Ballet's STEP-UP! program, students are challenged to personal excellence. Many are asked to reexamine their own opinions of how much effort is demanded to produce quality results. STEP-UP! outreach students train in classical ballet, and classes are ongoing and offered at no cost to those who are unable to pay. These students are mainstreamed into regular training classes at Anaheim Ballet. Several students have received placement in our nation's prestigious ballet company schools. As teachers work with dancers to improve the physical attributes of strength, stamina, and flexibility, it is also hoped that the principles of patience, perseverance and humility will also begin to grow in the dancer's physical and emotional life. What a gift the young people of Anaheim are given through the dance training provided by Anaheim Ballet; a gift that instills confidence and drive that will serve all students, and especially the STEP UP! dancers, well in their future life endeavors. As the parent of a child who has attended ballet classes at Anaheim Ballet over the years, I can speak directly to the benefits of ballet training and the wonderful experience made possible through Anaheim Ballet's programming. Anaheim Ballet flattens the vast socio-economic divide that exists in classical ballet. They make ballet available to EVERYONE and are reaching, building up and providing hope to young people in a time where hope has been hard to come by. My sincerest desire is that you will vote to allow Anaheim Ballet to remain in its current location and continue to provide the arts and culture so desperately needed in the community. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Kerry Jezisek Public Comment From: Ochoa, Maggie Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 2:10 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Approve Agreement for Anaheim Ballet Hello, My name is Maggie Ochoa, and I am the Dance Director at Katella High School in Anaheim. A former student of mine shared the concerning news about the city repurposing the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center and what that might mean for Anaheim Ballet, which is housed there. Please vote in favor of giving the city and Anaheim Ballet 1 year to negotiate a home and their continued partnership. Anaheim Ballet has been a cornerstone in the Anaheim arts community, education scene, and vibrant arts culture of Orange County for decades. Many students have risen through the school ranks and become professional artists through the elite teachers they provide. For the students and company members of Anaheim Ballet, the studio is a "home away from home" and provides a place of belonging ... of artistic growth ... and of improved self esteem and self confidence. The loss of Anaheim Ballet would be devastating to the community of Anaheim, to Orange County, and California as a whole. A historic ballet company and school would be lost at a time when students need it most. Thank you for your consideration to vote in agreement of the proposal. Sincerely, Maggie Ochoa Mrs. Maggie Ochoa Dance Director Katella High School Dance Website Apply for Free and Reduced Price Meals at II1t-tP:J/I0it.ly/I.....uinclh20 1 0 �W 0 �W�m OIAI 11 Anaheim Union High School District E-mail Confidentiality Notice This e-mail communication and any attachments, including documents, files, or previous e-mail messages, constitute electronic communications within the scope of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. § 2510 et seq. This e-mail communication may contain non-public, confidential or legally privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated recipient(s). The unauthorized and intentional interception, use, copy or disclosure of such information, or attempt to do so, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful under applicable laws. 18 U.S.C. § 2511. If you have received this e-mail communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail and delete the original e-mail from your system. Public Comment From: Vicky De Loo Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 2:13 PM To: Public Comment; info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Centro de Artes Culturales de Anaheim Abril 26, 2021 Estimado Alcalde Sidhu y Miembros del Consejo: Las artes son una parte importante de cualquier comunidad, y durante mas de 20 anos, Anaheim Ballet ha sido una fuerza artistica valiosa y una presencia en Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet ofrece programacion extraescolar gratuita basada en la comunidad, capacitacion laboral y recreative, conferencias/demostraciones y presentaciones, y ha sido reconocido tanto a nivel local como internacional como un motivo de orgullo para la Ciudad. El Centro de Artes Culturales de Anaheim (el hogar actual del Anaheim Ballet) este programado para ser demolido sin planes para un nuevo Centro de Artes Culturales o hogar para el Ballet de Anaheim. Si la Ciudad demuele este edificio de arquitectura Unica, eliminara el unico Centro de Artes Culturales de la Ciudad y desplazara a la preciada organizacion artistica de la Ciudad. iEs mejor para la comunidad, y especialmente para nuestros jovenes desatendidos, que Anaheim Ballet permanezca en su actual ubicacion accesible! Vote en apoyo del Acuerdo de Cooperacion con Anaheim Ballet. Gracias por su consideracion. Atentamente, Vicky De Loo Public Comment From: Liliana Bataz Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 2:21 PM To: Public Comment; info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Carta de Apoyo Ballet de Anaheim Anaheim Bailer carta de apoyo Lihana Bataz Anaheim California Abril 26, 2021. Estimado Alcalde Sidhu y Miembros del Consejo: Las artes son una parte importante de cualquier comunidad, y durante mas de 20 anos, Anaheim Ballet ha sido una fuerza artistica valiosa y una presencia en Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet ofrece programacion extraescolar gratuita basada en la comunidad, capacitacion laboral y recreativa, conferencias/demostraciones y presentaciones, y ha silo reconocido tanto a nivel local como internacional como un motivo de orgullo para la Ciudad. El Centro de Artes Culturales de Anaheim (el hogar actual del Anaheim Ballet) esta programado para ser demolido sin planes para un nuevo Centro de Artes Culturales o hogar para el Ballet de Anaheim. Si la Ciudad demuele este edificio de arquitectura Unica, eliminara el unico Centro de Artes Culturales de la Ciudad y desplazara a la preciada organizacion artistica de la Ciudad. iEs mejor para la comunidad, y especialmente para nuestros jovenes desatendidos, que Anaheim Ballet permanezca en su actual ubicacion accesible! Vote en apoyo del Acuerdo de Cooperacion con Anaheim Ballet. Gracias por su consideracion. Atentamente, Liliana Bataz Public Comment From: myflame Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 2:27 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Sir, this is such a sad time for our lives and our futures! Not only have we lost our freedom, Now you are taking away our culture. This is what we depend on to Help us through the Hard times. the ability to teach our young children THERE IS BEAUTY IN OUR LIVES. something to look forward to. Inspiration for us all to focus on. To think there is HOPE AHEAD. Please for the sake of our Young and old. We Need to stand up for our HOPES and DREAMS. Please DO NOT TAKE ANOTHER PLEASURE AWAY. WE NEED HOPE. PLEASE Marilena Dalbey Public Comment From: jkmbull Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 2:27 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Moreno; Stephen Faessel; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Public Comment Subject: Cultural Art Building Sirs, I am writing you to support the preservation of the Cultural Arts Building and allowing the Anaheim Ballet to continue to use the building. Thank you, John Jackson Public Comment From: Helen Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 7:32 AM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Moreno; Stephen Faessel; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil; Public Comment Subject: please suport keeping the Cultural Building and retaining Anaheim Ballet in our city Hello Anaheim City Council, I am asking you to please follow the staff's recommendation that the city enter into a 1 year agreement with the Anaheim Ballet and preserve the Cultural Arts building. Sincerely, Helen Myers Public Comment From: Kaitlyn Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 2:31 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are vital to the growth and prosperity of a community. Especially after the tumultuous events of recent times, the importance of artistic expression for our overall wellbeing cannot be underestimated. The Anaheim Ballet is a valuable asset to this city because it brings the arts to the community through performances, educational outreach programs, and high-quality dance training. It has brought the joy of dance to an innumerable amount of people since its establishment here over two decades ago, and to me personally, it is home. Although I do not reside in the city of Anaheim, the Anaheim Ballet has continually been a place where I feel welcomed, safe, and valued, where I look forward to going, and where the faculty, staff, and dancers have become like a family to me. As a dancer at Anaheim Ballet, I have not only gained many skills in relation to this art form, but have also gained many life skills and have learned lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Because of Anaheim Ballet, my life has been changed for the better in countless ways, and it would be devastating for so many people to lose the access to this force for good. As you are aware, the building which serves as the home of Anaheim Ballet (The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center) is scheduled to be destroyed without any plans for a future Cultural Arts Center or residence for the Anaheim Ballet. If this demolishment comes to fruition, it would be a grave mistake as it would negatively impact all those who benefit from Anaheim Ballet in this city, and also those from other parts of southern California and even the rest of the world. Therefore, I ask you to please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet so that this treasure of the community can continue to positively impact and improve the lives of many as it has mine. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Kaitlyn Kenny Public Comment From: Norman leverett Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 2:52 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Ballet Hello, I am a former dancer and teacher with Anaheim Ballet. I now live in Northern California and run ny own dance studio, but continue my relationship with the directors of Anaheim Ballet. They are and always have been an inspiration to me. The Anaheim Ballet is a terrific gift to the community. So much that is positive comes out of their contribution of excellence in dance to the community. That includes their company's outreach program. I participated in that outreach in the past. Very few cities have such an excellent program. Please approve the agreement stating that the city and Anaheim Ballet have ayear to negotiate a home and continued partnership. Sincerely, Greta Leverett Director/ Trinity Ballet Academy Public Comment From: Lauren Edwards Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 9:05 AM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: SAVE ANAHEIM CULTURAL ARTS CENTER and the Home of Anaheim Ballet! Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, My name is Lauren Edwards and I am writing to you today in support of Anaheim Ballet. I grew up in Anaheim and grew up dancing. I wish Larry and Sarma had had their ballet company in Anaheim when I was growing up! I did have the privilege to take classes and work for Anaheim ballet when I was in my 20s. The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. During my short time working for this organization I saw how big of an impact Anaheim Ballet makes on kids and family lives! I understand that the State of California is forcing cities to convert city owned land into affordable housing, which is desperately needed, but it should not be built at the expense of destroying the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet). There are no current plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the ONLY Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. Anaheim Ballet and the Cultural Arts center is one of the many things that make Anaheim such an amazing city and a standout compared to the communities in the area. Is the amount of housing that piece of land provides really make-up for the loss of such a huge positive influence on the city's culture and youth? It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Don't tear down a jewel to build tenement style affordable housing! Sincerely, Lauren Brothers Edwards Public Comment From: Adrian Flores Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 4:08 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim ballet I support the Anaheim cooperative agreement with Anaheim ballet Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: G W Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 9:02 PM To: Trevor O'Neil Cc: Public Comment Subject: Save the Cultural Arts Building Good Evening, I am writing you and your staff in regards to the demolition of the old Anaheim Cultural Arts building. I urge you to approve Housing Authority Agenda Item I and City Council Agenda item 14 at the meeting on April 27th. While my family agrees that senior housing is very important, perhaps there is a better location available for everyone involved? ,Anaheim is no stranger to demolishing architeciural history. However, in the past few years I think we have all done a good job to preserve what we have left. See the Packing District and the Muzeo. Two examples of successfully reusing old structures that bring interest to our past and breath life into our future. It also needlessly puts The Anaheim Ballet in a tough position. Moving a company like that is not only monetarily costly, but also artistic endeavors are so easily shattered when accessibility is hindered. I should know, considering my wife and I have worked in the performing arts our entire lives. It's been wonderful watching the ballerinas and danseurs taking matters into their own hands and practicing outside when they weren't allowed to congregate indoors. Hearing the piano across the street has been wonderful, which brings me to my final point. We live in a historic home directly across the street from the Cultural Arts Building. Its surrounded by bleak parking structures and apartment buildings and truly shines as a diamond in our community. Attached is a photo of our morning view from our living room. 4 -4 MEMON 00 dr :, -ml- mobob- - : LA Thank you for taking the time to read my email, and I appreciate any extra effort that all of you would take to help keep this historic property from the bulldozer. Again, please approve Housing Authority Agenda Item I and City Council Agenda item 14 at today's meeting. -Greg Wilmot Public Comment From: Midori Arai Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 9:18 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Amahaim Ballet Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Hello from Japan. My daughter and her friends have participated in the summer intensive of Anaheim Ballet from Japan several times. And it always inspired them very much. Without Anaheim Ballet, they wouldn't be a professional ballet dancer now. The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Midori Arai Public Comment From: Lina Adachi Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 9:19 PM To: Public Comment; info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Art is an important part of every community. It allows people—both adults and children—to express themselves any way they can. The company of Anaheim Ballet takes this very seriously, and offers a great place for people to learn many new things. Anaheim Ballet offers many helpful classes, which differ in levels and style such as ballet, modern, and jazz. I, a former student of the company, have gained many opportunities as a result of training there. Through participating in the Christmas Tree -Lighting Ceremony, I was able to experience dancing on stage and it came with the added bonus of being able to entertain the community. Thanks to the incredible teachers, I learned proper class etiquette and was able to hone my technique. I now get to travel to New York and attend the Bolshoi Ballet Summer Intensive. Demolishing the building of Anaheim Ballet will not only damage the community, but will also deprive young, eager minds the chance to learn. Without any plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the company, many people who cannot afford to travel to a different location will have no place to go to develop and practice their craft. Although times are difficult, the teachers work their hardest to make sure everyone is safe and well taken care of. Anaheim Ballet should remain in its current convenient location for the convenience of all. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement for Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Lina Adachi. Public Comment From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Importance: Good evening Mayor Sidhu, Nicki Wilmot Monday, April 26, 2021 9:33 PM Harry Sidhu (Mayor) Public Comment Save the Cultural Arts Building! High Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your attention to this matter. I'm sending this email to urge you to support and approve Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda item 14 that will be before you on Tuesday, April 27. My family lives in the historic Anaheim Colony in a house built in 1927 that was rescued and moved when other houses were demolished to make way for new housing projects. I am sure the citizens who saved the house my family and many others in the community love had to be fought for and stood up for as I am doing now for the Cultural Arts Building. My home is an asset to the city, it's history and beauty are an asset to the city. Just as the historic Cultural Arts Building is an asset to this city. Too often we are tearing down historic buildings that add value and beauty to Anaheim. Yes, affordable senior housing is necessary, but it would be a great loss to our community should the Cultural Arts Building be torn down for it. Let's work together to find another solution. This past year has been difficult for everyone, especially Non -Profit Arts Organizations. We should not be displacing a valuable organization that provides much needed education and entertainment to the community. Let alone an organization that has proven strong and flexible during these restrictive times. Through necessary mandates that prevented Anaheim Ballet from rehearsing indoors, they were able to find solutions and provide artistic in person education for their stridents. This is not something that all ballet studios were able to do. I commend them for their creativity and ability to provide in person classes throughout a pandemic. Some of my favorite memories from this past year are watching the Anaheim Ballet practicing in their parking lot. We could hear the piano from our living room and it brought much needed joy. What a wonderful silver lining Anaheim Ballet was able to offer during this tough time we are in. The arts are important, history is important and we should be working together to support them and lift them up, not tear them down. Please support Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda Item 14 and buy us the time to come up with a better solution allowing us to preserve the historic Cultural Arts Building, support Anaheim Ballet and provide affordable senior housing in an alternate location. Thank you again for taking the time to read this and for your attention to this concern. arts Nicki Wilmot Manager, Box Office hwilmot@scfta.org 714-942-6256 714-556-2122 x 4296 www.SCFTA.org 600 Town Center Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Public Comment From: Nicki Wilmot Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 9:36 PM To: Jose Moreno Cc: Public Comment Subject: Save the Cultural Arts Building! Good Evening Council Member Moreno, Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your attention to this matter. I'm sending this email to urge you to support and approve Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda item 14 that will be before you on Tuesday, April 27. My family lives in the historic Anaheim Colony in a house built in 1927 that was rescued and moved when other houses were demolished to make way for new housing projects. I am sure the citizens who saved the house my family and many others in the community love had to be fought for and stood up for as I am doing now for the Cultural Arts Building. My home is an asset to the city, it's history and beauty are an asset to the city. Just as the historic Cultural Arts Building is an asset to this city. Too often we are tearing down historic buildings that add value and beauty to Anaheim. Yes, affordable senior housing is necessary, but it would be a great loss to our community should the Cultural Arts Building be torn down for it. Let's work together to find another solution. This past year has been difficult for everyone, especially Non -Profit Arts Organizations. We should not be displacing a valuable organization that provides much needed education and entertainment to the community. Let alone an organization that has proven strong and flexible during these restrictive times. Through necessary mandates that prevented Anaheim Ballet from rehearsing indoors, they were able to find solutions and provide artistic in person education for their stridents. This is not something that all ballet studios were able to do. I commend them for their creativity and ability to provide in person classes throughout a pandemic. Some of my favorite memories from this past year are watching the Anaheim Ballet practicing in their parking lot. We could hear the piano from our living room and it brought much needed joy. What a wonderful silver lining Anaheim Ballet was able to offer during this tough time we are in. The arts are important, history is important and we should be working together to support them and lift them up, not tear them down. Please support Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda Item 14 and buy us the time to come up with a better solution allowing us to preserve the historic Cultural Arts Building, support Anaheim Ballet and provide affordable senior housing in an alternate location. Thank you again for taking the time to read this and for your attention to this concern. A Nicki Wilmot Manager, Box Office hwilmot@scfta.org .)in�,ct : 714-942-6256 Of h c �:: 714-556-2122 x 4296 www.SCFTA.org 600 Town Center Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Public Comment From: Nicki Wilmot Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 9:37 PM To: Stephen Faessel Cc: Public Comment Subject: Save the Cultural Arts Building! Good Evening Council Member Faessel, Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your attention to this matter. I'm sending this email to urge you to support and approve Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda item 14 that will be before you on Tuesday, April 27. My family lives in the historic Anaheim Colony in a house built in 1927 that was rescued and moved when other houses were demolished to make way for new housing projects. I am sure the citizens who saved the house my family and many others in the community love had to be fought for and stood up for as I am doing now for the Cultural Arts Building. My home is an asset to the city, it's history and beauty are an asset to the city. Just as the historic Cultural Arts Building is an asset to this city. Too often we are tearing down historic buildings that add value and beauty to Anaheim. Yes, affordable senior housing is necessary, but it would be a great loss to our community should the Cultural Arts Building be torn down for it. Let's work together to find another solution. This past year has been difficult for everyone, especially Non -Profit Arts Organizations. We should not be displacing a valuable organization that provides much needed education and entertainment to the community. Let alone an organization that has proven strong and flexible during these restrictive times. Through necessary mandates that prevented Anaheim Ballet from rehearsing indoors, they were able to find solutions and provide artistic in person education for their stridents. This is not something that all ballet studios were able to do. I commend them for their creativity and ability to provide in person classes throughout a pandemic. Some of my favorite memories from this past year are watching the Anaheim Ballet practicing in their parking lot. We could hear the piano from our living room and it brought much needed joy. What a wonderful silver lining Anaheim Ballet was able to offer during this tough time we are in. The arts are important, history is important and we should be working together to support them and lift them up, not tear them down. Please support Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda Item 14 and buy us the time to come up with a better solution allowing us to preserve the historic Cultural Arts Building, support Anaheim Ballet and provide affordable senior housing in an alternate location. Thank you again for taking the time to read this and for your attention to this concern. Arts Nicki Wilmot Manager, Box Office hwiIm_ot� .sgftg...:_orR �in�, t : 714-942-6256 Of h c �:: 714-556-2122 x 4296 www.SCFTA.org 600 Town Center Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Public Comment From: Nicki Wilmot Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 9:38 PM To: Jordan Brandman Cc: Public Comment Subject: Save the Cultural Arts Building! Good Evening Council Member Brandman, Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your attention to this matter. I'm sending this email to urge you to support and approve Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda item 14 that will be before you on Tuesday, April 27. My family lives in the historic Anaheim Colony in a house built in 1927 that was rescued and moved when other houses were demolished to make way for new housing projects. I am sure the citizens who saved the house my family and many others in the community love had to be fought for and stood up for as I am doing now for the Cultural Arts Building. My home is an asset to the city, it's history and beauty are an asset to the city. Just as the historic Cultural Arts Building is an asset to this city. Too often we are tearing down historic buildings that add value and beauty to Anaheim. Yes, affordable senior housing is necessary, but it would be a great loss to our community should the Cultural Arts Building be torn down for it. Let's work together to find another solution. This past year has been difficult for everyone, especially Non -Profit Arts Organizations. We should not be displacing a valuable organization that provides much needed education and entertainment to the community. Let alone an organization that has proven strong and flexible during these restrictive times. Through necessary mandates that prevented Anaheim Ballet from rehearsing indoors, they were able to find solutions and provide artistic in person education for their stridents. This is not something that all ballet studios were able to do. I commend them for their creativity and ability to provide in person classes throughout a pandemic. Some of my favorite memories from this past year are watching the Anaheim Ballet practicing in their parking lot. We could hear the piano from our living room and it brought much needed joy. What a wonderful silver lining Anaheim Ballet was able to offer during this tough time we are in. The arts are important, history is important and we should be working together to support them and lift them up, not tear them down. Please support Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda Item 14 and buy us the time to come up with a better solution allowing us to preserve the historic Cultural Arts Building, support Anaheim Ballet and provide affordable senior housing in an alternate location. Thank you again for taking the time to read this and for your attention to this concern. 'Art S Nicki Wilmot Manager, Box Office hw.%I_m_otCo)_scft ..:_or9 .)in�,ct : 714-942-6256 Of h c �:: 714-556-2122 x 4296 www.SCFTA.org 600 Town Center Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Public Comment From: Nicki Wilmot Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 9:39 PM To: Jennifer Diaz Cc: Public Comment Subject: Save the Cultural Arts Building! Good Evening Council Member Diaz, Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your attention to this matter. I'm sending this email to urge you to support and approve Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda item 14 that will be before you on Tuesday, April 27. My family lives in the historic Anaheim Colony in a house built in 1927 that was rescued and moved when other houses were demolished to make way for new housing projects. I am sure the citizens who saved the house my family and many others in the community love had to be fought for and stood up for as I am doing now for the Cultural Arts Building. My home is an asset to the city, it's history and beauty are an asset to the city. Just as the historic Cultural Arts Building is an asset to this city. Too often we are tearing down historic buildings that add value and beauty to Anaheim. Yes, affordable senior housing is necessary, but it would be a great loss to our community should the Cultural Arts Building be torn down for it. Let's work together to find another solution. This past year has been difficult for everyone, especially Non -Profit Arts Organizations. We should not be displacing a valuable organization that provides much needed education and entertainment to the community. Let alone an organization that has proven strong and flexible during these restrictive times. Through necessary mandates that prevented Anaheim Ballet from rehearsing indoors, they were able to find solutions and provide artistic in person education for their stridents. This is not something that all ballet studios were able to do. I commend them for their creativity and ability to provide in person classes throughout a pandemic. Some of my favorite memories from this past year are watching the Anaheim Ballet practicing in their parking lot. We could hear the piano from our living room and it brought much needed joy. What a wonderful silver lining Anaheim Ballet was able to offer during this tough time we are in. The arts are important, history is important and we should be working together to support them and lift them up, not tear them down. Please support Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda Item 14 and buy us the time to come up with a better solution allowing us to preserve the historic Cultural Arts Building, support Anaheim Ballet and provide affordable senior housing in an alternate location. Thank you again for taking the time to read this and for your attention to this concern. Arts Nicki Wilmot Manager, Box Office hw.%I_m_otCo)_scft ..:_or9 .)in�,ct : 714-942-6256 Of h c �:: 714-556-2122 x 4296 www.SCFTA.org 600 Town Center Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Public Comment From: Nicki Wilmot Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 9:40 PM To: Avelino Valencia Cc: Public Comment Subject: Save the Cultural Arts Building! Good Evening Council Member Valencia, Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your attention to this matter. I'm sending this email to urge you to support and approve Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda item 14 that will be before you on Tuesday, April 27. My family lives in the historic Anaheim Colony in a house built in 1927 that was rescued and moved when other houses were demolished to make way for new housing projects. I am sure the citizens who saved the house my family and many others in the community love had to be fought for and stood up for as I am doing now for the Cultural Arts Building. My home is an asset to the city, it's history and beauty are an asset to the city. Just as the historic Cultural Arts Building is an asset to this city. Too often we are tearing down historic buildings that add value and beauty to Anaheim. Yes, affordable senior housing is necessary, but it would be a great loss to our community should the Cultural Arts Building be torn down for it. Let's work together to find another solution. This past year has been difficult for everyone, especially Non -Profit Arts Organizations. We should not be displacing a valuable organization that provides much needed education and entertainment to the community. Let alone an organization that has proven strong and flexible during these restrictive times. Through necessary mandates that prevented Anaheim Ballet from rehearsing indoors, they were able to find solutions and provide artistic in person education for their stridents. This is not something that all ballet studios were able to do. I commend them for their creativity and ability to provide in person classes throughout a pandemic. Some of my favorite memories from this past year are watching the Anaheim Ballet practicing in their parking lot. We could hear the piano from our living room and it brought much needed joy. What a wonderful silver lining Anaheim Ballet was able to offer during this tough time we are in. The arts are important, history is important and we should be working together to support them and lift them up, not tear them down. Please support Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda Item 14 and buy us the time to come up with a better solution allowing us to preserve the historic Cultural Arts Building, support Anaheim Ballet and provide affordable senior housing in an alternate location. Thank you again for taking the time to read this and for your attention to this concern. Nicki Wilmot Manager, Box Office hw.%I_m_otCo)_scft ..:_or9 .)in�,ct : 714-942-6256 Of h c �:: 714-556-2122 x 4296 www.SCFTA.org 600 Town Center Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Public Comment From: Nicki Wilmot Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 9:41 PM To: Trevor O'Neil Cc: Public Comment Subject: Save the Cultural Arts Building! Good Evening Council Member O'Neil, Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your attention to this matter. I'm sending this email to urge you to support and approve Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda item 14 that will be before you on Tuesday, April 27. My family lives in the historic Anaheim Colony in a house built in 1927 that was rescued and moved when other houses were demolished to make way for new housing projects. I am sure the citizens who saved the house my family and many others in the community love had to be fought for and stood up for as I am doing now for the Cultural Arts Building. My home is an asset to the city, it's history and beauty are an asset to the city. Just as the historic Cultural Arts Building is an asset to this city. Too often we are tearing down historic buildings that add value and beauty to Anaheim. Yes, affordable senior housing is necessary, but it would be a great loss to our community should the Cultural Arts Building be torn down for it. Let's work together to find another solution. This past year has been difficult for everyone, especially Non -Profit Arts Organizations. We should not be displacing a valuable organization that provides much needed education and entertainment to the community. Let alone an organization that has proven strong and flexible during these restrictive times. Through necessary mandates that prevented Anaheim Ballet from rehearsing indoors, they were able to find solutions and provide artistic in person education for their stridents. This is not something that all ballet studios were able to do. I commend them for their creativity and ability to provide in person classes throughout a pandemic. Some of my favorite memories from this past year are watching the Anaheim Ballet practicing in their parking lot. We could hear the piano from our living room and it brought much needed joy. What a wonderful silver lining Anaheim Ballet was able to offer during this tough time we are in. The arts are important, history is important and we should be working together to support them and lift them up, not tear them down. Please support Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda Item 14 and buy us the time to come up with a better solution allowing us to preserve the historic Cultural Arts Building, support Anaheim Ballet and provide affordable senior housing in an alternate location. Thank you again for taking the time to read this and for your attention to this concern. Arts Nicki Wilmot Manager, Box Office hwiIm_ot� .sgftg...:_orR �in�, t : 714-942-6256 0f h c �:: 714-556-2122 x 4296 www.SCFTA.org 600 Town Center Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626 From: Vivian Gottheiner To: Public Comment Subject: CoCoperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet Date: Monday, April 26, 20214:57:58 PM Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. In fact, through Anaheim Ballet's You Tube videos, viewed more than 65 million times from all over the world, Anaheim has gained International recognition in the cultural world of dance. Students travel from all over the world for their Summer Intensives (barring Covid). This would not have been possible without the cooperative relationship the City of Anaheim engaged with Anaheim Ballet over 20 years ago. The Step -Up program was developed to provide free dance lessons to any youth interested to give the future citizens of Anaheim the ability to take dance classes, learn about the arts, gain self confidence, to concentrate, see progress when you stick with a task and make friends without needing to join a gang. Anyone of those Step-up students showing promise & desire are segued into the regular curriculum and have gone on to dance with other ballet companies. Besides this Step - Up program, Anaheim Ballet provides training in ballet, jazz, and hip hop, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. All the positive influences described above will no longer be available to the citizens of Anaheim nor it's neighbors. In 20 years it is impossible to calculate how many lives have been touched in some way by Anaheim Ballet either as a Step -Up student, a regular curriculum student including adults, audience member, volunteer, You Tube follower or parent. I do know that number would be enormous (4 bus ins/yr with 5k kids each time is an example). It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Vivian Gottheiner Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: D Rose Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 9:57 PM To: Public Comment Subject: The Future of Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Della Rose Public Comment From: Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 10:09 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor) Cc: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Cultural Arts Center/ Anaheim Ballet Hi my name is I am 16 years old, I have attended Anaheim Ballet since I was five years old. This establishment has helped me not only physically but emotionally as well. Anaheim Ballet gives me comfort and a safe place where I can be myself. Growing up having a support system like Anaheim Ballet has helped me cope with anxiety and depression. My life would be completely different if it weren't for the programs like Step-up, Anaheim Ballet has to offer. I can't imagine my life without my support system, without Anaheim Ballet and the Anaheim Cultural Arts Building. Having to relocate would and uproot the whole school would definitely take time from our community. Thank you for your time, Current Anaheim Ballet Student I would like to keep my name private. Sent from my Whone Public Comment From: Alisa Gia -Lac Nguyen Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 10:48 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Support for Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor S'idhu and Council Members, The arts erre an important part of any community, crud for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, declure/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as apoint ofpride to the City. The Anaheim Cul/ural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cud/ural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architec/urally unique building, you will be removing the only Cudlurad Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thankyou for your consideration. Sincerely, Adisa Nguyen Public Comment From: Gia -Lac Nguyen Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 10:49 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Support for Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor S'idhu and Council Members, The arts erre an important part of any community, crud for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, declure/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as apoint ofpride to the City. The Anaheim Cul/ural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cud/ural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architec/urally unique building, you will be removing the only Cudlurad Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thankyou for your consideration. Sincerely, Adisa Nguyen Public Comment From: Irma Ramirez (via Google Docs) Sent: Monday, April 26'2O21 11:20 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheim.org Subject: Untitled document - Invitation to edit Untitled d=ffrlent This email grants access to this item without logging in. Only forward it to people you trust. Googlle Docs: Create and e(Jit (Jocunnents online. Guug|m LLC, 1800Amphbheatrm Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA You have received ffiiummai|because shared admoummnt with you fromGuug|mDocs. April 26, 2021 Anaheim City Council Dear Committee Members, This letter is in regards to my request that Anaheim Ballet is permitted to stay in the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Building. My name is Irma Ramirez, and I am the grandmother of 3 students that have tremendously benefitted from Anaheim Ballet. Our family as a whole has been involved with Anaheim Ballet for at least 14 years, so I am very much aware of the importance of it in the community. My daughter volunteered there for years with costuming, while her 3 kids attended classes, and my two granddaughters practically grew up there, and when their younger brother decided that he wanted to also dance he was encouraged and welcomed immediately. I am sure that you know that dancing ballet for boys is not a common event, but my grandson was so proud of being part of Anaheim Ballet. that he did not care if anyone in his school found out that he was dancing. At the time that he joined, my grandson was, if I am not mistaken in 3rd grade. My granddaughters are now 18 and 16, both still attending classes. Ballet has taught my three grandchildren discipline, a love of classical music, mental and physical ability, and the grace of learning to work as a team, and for a bigger cause. The hours required to meet the high expectations of the founders of Anaheim Ballet, Mr. Larry Rosenberg (Larry) and Mrs. Sarna Lapenieks Rosenberg were long, but the kids knew that it was necessary, so they learned the discipline of hard work. Larry and Sarma set the best example by always expecting excellence, they have also been very generous by offering a number of scholarships throughout the years. A benefit that many may not know about, is that Anaheim Ballet is known throughout the world. Their Summer Internship class was attended by students from different parts of the world, we met some students from Japan, Russia, Spain, Mexico, Canada, Alaska, France, etc. This was a wonderful opportunity for our students, and many friendships were made. Anaheim Ballet has put Anaheim in the map in regards to classical training with their Summer Intensive program. The Summer Intensive program is a very coveted program, and aptly named. The students followed a very structured dance schedule that was an all day event, and they loved it. Our family was fortunate to have hosted several out of town Summer Intensive students. Anaheim Ballet also provided a Summer Intensive community event, as well as The Nutcracker during the Christmas season. A community performance was also done once a year in Nevada. These were beautiful, and inexpensive events for our communities. All students, from beginning to advanced participated, which allowed Anaheim Ballet to be seen in its full glory! All of the events were mostly staffed by volunteers, as Anaheim Ballet has a very small staff. Larry and Sarma as well as their family are incredibly dedicated to exposing our community to the beauty of ballet. I am sure you know how hard it is for many families to attend any of these types of events. Exposure being a necessity. I am profoundly grateful to the Rosenberg family, and pray that you will see what a truly wonderful asset Anaheim Ballet is. We need Anaheim Ballet in Anaheim, now more than ever! Respectfully, Irma Ramirez Grandmother to: Isabel, Karina & Nathan Salazar Public Comment From: maria fernanda preciado cervantes Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 11:26 PM To: Public Comment; info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Support Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Shidu and council members Receive cordial greetings hoping that you are all in good health. It is with deep sadness and concern that I write to you today regarding the decision that has been taken involving our beloved Anaheim Ballet. In previous meetings we have begged your attention towards this matter and we have asked that you consider keeping the only center in the city that is dedicated especially to the art of dance and that not only serves young people of all ages but also of all backgrounds. Personally, I am very grateful because I know that for the last 20 years Anaheim Ballet has been serving the community of the city of Anaheim. I sincerely hope that before you determine the fate of the building you very carefully reconsider and think about the well-being of our children. Since for us it is very important that after school our children have a safe place to build their future. Do not forget that Ballet is an art that requires a lot of discipline, and discipline is precisely what is so lacking in this though times for our youth. From the bottom of our hearts we ask you to keep the doors open to Anaheim Ballet because we do not want our children to be left without a place to fulfill their dreams. Some of us do not have the means to support them in private studios. We do not want them to remain in limbo while you guys make a decision, we don't want all of their potential and dreams to go to waste. We ask that you put our children ahead of any monetary gain. Please we ask that you vote in the Cooperation Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Graciela Cervantes Public Comment From: Irma Ramirez Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 12:02 AM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Public Comment Cc: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Cultural Arts Center/ Anaheim Ballet April 26, 2021 Anaheim City Council Dear Committee Members, This letter is in regards to my request that Anaheim Ballet is permitted to stay in the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Building. My name is Irma Ramirez, and I am the grandmother of 3 students that have tremendously benefitted from Anaheim Ballet. Our family as a whole has been involved with Anaheim Ballet for at least 14 years, so I am very much aware of the importance of it in the community. My daughter volunteered there for years with costuming, while her 3 kids attended classes, and my two granddaughters practically grew up there, and when their younger brother decided that he wanted to also dance he was encouraged and welcomed immediately. I am sure that you know that dancing ballet for boys is not a common event, but my grandson was so proud of being part of Anaheim Ballet. That he did not care if anyone in his school found out that he was dancing. At the time that he joined, my grandson was, if I am not mistaken in 3rd grade. My granddaughters are now 18 and 16, both still attending classes. Ballet has taught my three grandchildren discipline, a love of classical music, mental and physical agility, and the grace of learning to work as a team, and for a bigger cause. The hours required to meet the high expectations of the founders of Anaheim Ballet, Mr. Larry Rosenberg (Larry) and Mrs. Sarma Lapenieks Rosenberg were long, but the kids knew that it was necessary, so they learned the discipline of hard work. Larry and Sarma set the best example by always expecting excellence, they have also been very generous by offering a number of scholarships throughout the years. A benefit that many may not know about, is that Anaheim Ballet is known throughout the world. Their Summer Internship class was attended by students from different parts of the world, we met some students from Japan, Russia, Spain, Mexico, Canada, Alaska, France, etc. This was a wonderful opportunity for our students, and many friendships were made. Anaheim Ballet has put Anaheim in the map in regards to classical training with their Summer Intensive program. The Summer Intensive program is a very coveted program, and aptly named. The students followed a very structured dance schedule that was an all day event, and they loved it. Our family was fortunate to have hosted several out of town Summer Intensive students. Anaheim Ballet also provided a Summer Intensive community event, as well as The Nutcracker during the Christmas season. A community performance was also done once a year in Nevada. These were beautiful, and inexpensive events for our communities. All students, from beginning to advanced participated, which allowed Anaheim Ballet to be seen in its full glory! All of the events were mostly staffed by volunteers, as Anaheim Ballet has a very small staff. Larry and Sarma as well as their family are incredibly dedicated to exposing our community to the beauty of ballet. I am sure you know how hard it is for many families to attend any of these types of events. Exposure being a necessity. I am profoundly grateful to the Rosenberg family, and pray that you will see what a truly wonderful asset Anaheim Ballet is. We need Anaheim Ballet in Anaheim, now more than ever! Respectfully, Irma Ramirez Grandmother to: Isabel, Karina & Nathan Salazar From: Pat Kenny To: Public Comment Subject: Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet Date: Tuesday, April 27, 20216:35:21 AM April 26, 2021 Greetings Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, First of all, I want to commend you all for your willingness to serve the city of Anaheim in your various posts. I can only imagine how much time and dedication it requires on your part to serve in such a capacity. I am certain that your efforts are greatly appreciated by businesses, organization, residents, and the entire community as a whole. It is due to your efforts and those before you that Anaheim is such a desirable city. I know this as the reputation of the city of Anaheim speaks for itself. It has come to my awareness of the need for the council to make decisions relating to the mandate for Anaheim to implement projects for affordable housing and how that may potentially result in the relocation of the "home" of the world-class ballet training company Anaheim Ballet. Undoubtedly, the ramifications and impact of this decision are vast and it will be touching the very livelihood of those effected. The outcome, including the pulls of both polarities of gladness and devastation, will have an enormous effect on all those involved, and I honestly can sympathize with the various individuals. I have personally been closely associated with Anaheim Ballet throughout the past decade, as the parent of a dancer and as a volunteer, and have witnessed repeatedly the positive impact they have had on their students, audiences, and in the community. It often seems that the worth of the arts, such as ballet, is under -valued. However, Anaheim Ballet is an organization which is akin to a gem to behold. Though its true value may not be as tangible as revenue may reflect, this non- profit organization is rich in history, is invaluable in its effect on the lives of countless individuals (including those of Anaheim residents), and is priceless in its effect to invoke the human spirit. I urge each of you to consider all viable options to permit the continuation of Anaheim Ballet as the resident ballet company in the City of Anaheim, and continue the precious partnership which has been in existence since its inception. Such an organization belongs in the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center. It is my hope and prayer that each one of you will vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet with its internationally acclaimed reputation of excellence, and that you will partner with them to find an amiable alternative with an extension of time to explore solutions as needed. I Thank You all in advance for your time, for considering my thoughts to you on these important matters, and for implementing actions of compassion, righteousness, and diligence. With heartfelt regards, esert Bouquet m yallooMail "):WU'Qw'aI Public Comment From: Isabel Salazar Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 6:45 AM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor) Cc: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Cultural Arts Center/ Anaheim Ballet April 26, 2021 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council members, My name is Isabel Salazar and I am 18 years old. I am emailing you in hopes to convince you on how important it is that you do not remove the home of Anaheim Ballet. I began taking Ballet classes at the age of 5 years old and my Sister at the age of 2. Anaheim Ballet offered my sister and I not only a safe and loving environment but a home away from home. Soon after I began taking classes my parents enrolled my sister and I in the Step -Up Outreach Program. Which provided not only us but dozens of children the opportunity to express themselves through the art of Ballet. We not only took Ballet class but we learned the art and history of how Ballet came to be. I continued the program till I entered high school and truly found my love for dance. Not only were my sister and I able to discover this new found love, but even my younger brother joined the Step -Up Outreach Program. Providing an accepting and nourishing learning environment. We not only were a part of the Step -Up Program but we were a part of the Anaheim Ballet family. Performing in the Annual Summer Intensive Program and Nutcracker Performances. Anaheim Ballet was a part of some of the best memories I have had and they're endless opportunities continue to grow especially to those around the community. Throughout my years at Anaheim Ballet, I enjoyed how Anaheim Ballet continuously shared the arts within the community. By providing live performances to the surrounding elementary schools. They made it possible for the underprivileged to experience and truly live within the arts. Anaheim Ballet has not only provided a home for my dancers and community members but a second family. Thus, I hope to continue to see Anaheim Ballet impacting the lives of many dancers and families for years to come. Please reconsider any plans to relocate, one of the only Cultural Arts Center in Anaheim. Sincerely, Isabel Salazar Public Comment From: Gabriela Flores Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 9:20 AM To: Public Comment Subject: Info@anaheimballet.org We support the Anaheim ballet my daughter goes there! Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Public Comment From: Ginger Johnson Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 5:10 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: Letter of Support: Anaheim Ballet at the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I strongly urge your consideration of preserving Anaheim Ballet at its current location, the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center. Every city needs a place where its citizens can not only live but thrive. Anaheim Ballet has been a vital part of the Anaheim community for over 20 years, providing a safe and accessible place for the city's youth to connect, learn and achieve. They've supported generations of young students by providing pathways to explore their creative potential while teaching them the importance of serving the community through their gifts. These students have grown to have a significant impact not only on your city but throughout the nation as they bring the values they developed at the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center to other communities throughout the US. I say this as one of them. The impact Anaheim Ballet has had on my own development as an artist has been huge and their philosophy of service has helped shaped my career through which I've had the great fortune to serve students in both southern California and southwestern Ohio. To lose the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center would create a significant void within the city and would greatly inhibit the support Anaheim Ballet offers to all its citizens, including those who otherwise would not be able to afford arts engagement or education. While affordable housing would serve many families well, Anaheim Ballet's programs and performances serve tens of thousands each and every year. Please consider the sweeping impact Anaheim Ballet can offer your community through its home at the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center and vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your service and consideration. Sincerely, Ginger Johnson GINGER JOHNSON I Vice President of Academy + Education t: 513.562.1125 1 e: gjohnson(acballet.org 1555 Central Parkway I Cincinnati, OH 45214 cballet.org I facebook I twitter I instagra t BALLET Public Comment From: Marissa Romeo Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 9:51 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Marissa Romeo Public Comment From: rstein@artsoc.org Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 9:51 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Public Comment - 4/27 Council Meeting Attachments: Anaheim Ballet Support Letter 4-27-21.pdf Importance: High Please find our letter attached. Richard Stein President & CEO DO ORANGE COUNTY Arts Orange County 17620 Fitch Suite 255 Irvine CA 92614 714.556.5160 x17 — CELL: — or ZOOM Me! arts®C:. rg Spq kC)C.corn 17620 Fitch, Suite 255 Irvine CA 92614 April 27, 2021 Mayor Harry S. Sidhu Mayor Pro Tem Stephen Faessel Council Member Jose Diaz Council Member Jordan Brandman Council Member Jose F. Moreno Council Member Avelino Valencia Council Member Trevor O'Neil Re: Support for Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu, Mayor Pro Tem Faessel and Council Members, Arts Orange County is the nonprofit, countywide arts council, designated as Orange County's official local arts agency and State -Local Partner by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. While I know that some of you are already aware of our work on behalf of the entire community of artists and arts organizations, you may learn more at our website https://artsoc.orgZ. In particular, through our work during the COVID-19 pandemic, we helped secure $2.7 million in relief funds for 138 arts organizations and 175 artists in 27 Orange County cities (including Anaheim) last autumn from public and private sources. It is our understanding that when you meet this evening, you will vote on whether or not to approve an agreement stating the city and Anaheim Ballet have one year to negotiate a home and continued partnership. There is a possibility of saving the building and Anaheim Ballet's residency if a majority of City Council members write a letter requesting that the state rescind the mandate for affordable housing at this site. We are mindful of the need for more affordable housing in communities around the state, including Anaheim, however displacing one of our community's premier cultural institutions should not be a necessary step to achieve that. In particular, the work that Anaheim Ballet has done for three decades in working with disadvantaged youth in the community must be taken into account when weighing your decision. We urge you to take action to preserve this facility for Anaheim Ballet and for the public benefits it provides. Sincerely, Richard Stein President & CEO Public Comment From: Gisela Sharp Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 10:40 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Critical Need for Art in the Community Dear Mayor and City of Anaheim Council Members, I completely agree with the comments provided in the Email template for saving the Anaheim Ballet, and I trust that you have received many responses as of today. I have additional comments for your careful consideration in voting whether to demolish the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center: • As a long established dance company, the Anaheim Ballet has been a source of pride as well as international recognition for the local community. • The Arts, and especially Ballet, provide the opportunity for inclusion and identity for young dancers who may otherwise be struggling without the ability to allow for self-expression. • The many events hosted by the Anaheim Ballet bring generations together to celebrate the joy of dance and music, from young dancers to grandparents, in a variety of settings - from Pearson Park to the Grove Theater and beyond. • The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center is a beautiful and recognizable historical building which is symbolic of the history of Anaheim. Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter. Sincerely, Gisela Sharp Public Comment From: Melody Collins Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 10:54 AM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: In Support of Anaheim Ballet Dear City Council of Anaheim, I am writing to show my support for the Anaheim Ballet, and for the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center. I believe this institution to be a place of profound inspiration, history, and value to the community. I first learned of the Anaheim Ballet as a teenage aspiring dancer from Santa Barbara, who regularly watched their YouTube videos. I was in total awe of the incredible talent I saw. I was captivated by the skill, energy, and fun that the dancers from Anaheim Ballet showcased. I had a real life dream come true when I auditioned for the Anaheim Ballet's Nutcracker in 2015 and was cast in their production. Walking into that yellow building in the heart of Anaheim's cultural district was an excitement I had never before felt. I entered their main studio and realized that I recognized that iconic stage from all of their videos! Each day that I rehearsed there, I could feel the nostalgia, the contribution of artistic excellence, and the sense of community. I was cast alongside dancers of all ages, races, and backgrounds, something often rare in the ballet world, who all shared the love of dance and desire to show something beautiful to the world. Anaheim Ballet is an institution that benefits the community, through performances, outreach, and opportunities for all dancers to learn and improve. It is a world class training ground that does Anaheim proud, and puts Anaheim on the map of excellence within the dance world. As a young dancer, I was inspired by the incredible artists from Anaheim, and as an adult, I recognize how vital arts companies are for the vibrance of a community. Please consider voting to continue your partnership with Anaheim Ballet, to ensure that the inspiration, the excellence, and the community continue. Thank you, Melody Public Comment From: belle jolie Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 12:00 PM To: Public Comment Subject: ANAHEIM BALLET Dearest Mayor Sidhu and Esteemed Council Members, Recently returning west from NYC, a major factor in this move was returning to Anaheim Ballet, it's incredible Directorship, training, community service and also the cultural building Anaheim Ballet currently resides. Having performed professionally, directed a ballet company and school I have found ANAHEIM BALLET. to be the premiere arts institution of it's kind throughout this vast country: the United States. I have traveled throughout the country, performing, educating, directing. and choreographing for years however my heart has always been with ANAHEIM BALLET. The Rosenberg's and staff have trained, educated, nourished and provided a "family" for thousands of dancers and their respective families, have trained the performers of Disney productions, and continue to open their arms to anyone who jete's through their doors. Albeit extraordinary educators, human beings, mentors and colleagues the Directors of ANAHEIM BALLET remain humble, a quality rarely seen in this profession. I humbly request you reconsider rescinding the mandate and negotiate a cooperative agreement with ANAHEIM BALLET to remain in residency of the Cultural Arts Center, Anaheim's gem. Wherever the public may assist in this endeavor, please advise, ANAHEIM BALLET is a cultural institution which must remain a part of Anaheim's landscape. Kindest Regards, Belle Jolie P.S. I carried a photo of the Cultural Arts Center/Anaheim Ballet with me throughout my 12 years performing. educating throughout the U.S. Public Comment From: Perez, Cassandra <Cassandra.Perez@mail.house.gov> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 12:03 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Gallegos, Claudio Subject: Anaheim City Council Agenda - Public Comment Items 1 & 14 Attachments: Rep Correa - Public Comment ACC 4.27.21.pdf Good Afternoon, Attached is Congressman Correa's public comment for tonight's Anaheim City Council Agenda. Best, J. Luis CORREA 46TH DisTRICT, CALIFORNIA WASHINGTON OFFICE 2301 FlAynm HOUSE OFFirE BUILDING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-2965 SANTA ANA DISTRICT OFFICE 2323 N. BROADWAY, SUITE 319 SANTA ANA, CA 92706 (714) 5,59-6190 Gqrva!3 of thrP- nittrb, $tatr6 ft, Itr dirt tart, 1,44vuriv of ��Ivpuuittatiuvs INT, za5f,1,5 April 27, 2021 Anaheim Mayor & City Council City of Anaheim 200 South Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 RE: Anaheim City Council Agenda Items I & 14 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members HOUSE CommiTTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE ON ()VERSIrVIT, MANAGEMENT, AND ACCOUNTABILITY CHAIR SUBCOMMITTEE ON BORDER SECUMTY, FACILITATION, AND OPERATIONS HOUSE CommiTTEE ON THE JIUMCIARY SUBCOIANIFTTEE ON IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP SUBCCIAMITTLE ON CMME, TEPROMSM, AND HOMELAND SECURITY HOUSE CommiTTEE ON AGRICULTURE SLIIUrQMI,AITTEL ON LvEsifjcK AND FOREIGN AGRICULTURE SuBcomvirgn, ON ComsmvATION Am) FoRF'STRY SUB C OMMITTEE CN BIOTECHNOLOGY., TIORMCULIURE, AND RESEARCH PROBLEM SOLVERS CAUCUS BLUE Dm, COAI.ITION NEW Dr. mocw COALITION CONGRESSIONAL HISPANIC CAUCUS In 1999 the Anaheim Ballet Company entered into a Shared Use Agreement for the use of the Anaheim Cultural Arts building, And since that time the Anaheim Ballet has become an integral part of the Anaheim community due to its strategic location within the city. Having the Anaheim Ballet Company vacate from strategic location will diminish benefits and services to the community provided by the non-profit. The Anaheim Ballet provides quality and indispensable programing through a professional performing company, a "Virtual Theater" media presence, an international dance festival, a school, and an educational outreach program for underserved youth. I am confident the City of Anaheim and Anaheim Ballet Company can reach an agreement that keeps the Anaheim Ballet Company in Anaheim and in a strategic location so to continue providing invaluable services. Respectfully, J. LUIS CORREA Member of Congress CORREA,HOUSE.GOV (21:R) - I Public Comment From: Ellen Jacobs Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 12:13 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Agenda Item #1. Anaheim Ballet Dear Honorable Council Members, Could the next Misty Copeland come from Anaheim? Perhaps. Although not a resident of Anaheim, I have admired the city for the many cultural and accessible programs that have been offered. If you have not watched the videos of how handsomely the Anaheim Ballet has handled performances during the pandemic, you certainly should. Although many privileged members of our community have had an opportunity to enjoy ballet, it is less available to the less privileged. The arts are so important to nurture future citizens! Thank you in advance for your continued support of the ballet and a more inclusive society. Sincerely, Ellen Jacobs Public Comment From: Crystal Wachs Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 12:14 PM To: Anaheim Ballet; Public Comment Subject: Re: Anaheim Ballet's future "Anaheim Ballet. More than Dance." These words could not be more accurate. Dear Mayor Sidhu and council members, Hello, I am Crystal Wachs. I am honored to be a faculty member, company dancer and student of the Anaheim Ballet. Anaheim Ballet is a vital arts place for the community. It is not just a place to dance, it is beyond that. For some, Anaheim Ballet is a place where many children first learn manners, proper class etiquette, and to have respect for each other. As they get older, this place now becomes a connection builder and career path. And for the majority, the time spent at the studio is the best part of their day. Growing up here for the past 15 years, I admire how much Anaheim Ballet has done for the community. I have not seen another studio that has a world class training facility and professional performance company that also gives access to undeserved youth. I hope you can see how valuable this place is. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Crystal Wachs From: Kaitlyn Jenkins To: Public Comment Subject: Regarding Anaheim Ballet Date: Tuesday, April 27, 202112,25:16 PM Hello Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I am writing to you tonight regarding the possible demolition of the historical building along with the incredible program that Anaheim Ballet offers to its community. I have had a difficult time finding the right words to express how I feel, In short I'm hoping you have read enough letters about the beautiful programs that Anaheim Ballet offers as well as the opportunities they offer to the underprivileged youth in your community, so that I can talk to you about what this place means to me and so many others. I want you to know how difficult and painful hearing the news has been for, not just me but my fellow Anaheim Ballet family across the country. I arri saddened that this would even be considered as an Option after how manly people have benefitted because of the directors and programs they have in place. In case you don't know here is my story. I am just ONE of the HUNDREDS of lives that were changed for the better because of this school. This is my story. As a little girl I loved dancing ballet, I never quite fit in at my school and was laughed at and bullied because I was different. It wasn't until my mother saw I loved ballet that she took me to Anaheim ballet. I was instantly taken in by the older girls en pointe, the costumes they had the steps they performed but there was always something more there that I couldn't understand at the young age of 8 years old. As I got older I was put on pointe and worked for years to become Clara and because of the trust and love that my mother and the directors placed in me I was able to accomplish that dream at 14. I learned that if you work really hard your dreams could come true. As I got older body issues came up as they do for most girls. I remember my director saying not to let that get in our way and hold us back from dancing. And that gave me hope that I would one day find my place in the dance world as I was not as thin as most ballerinas were "supposed to be," but my director still gave me roles and helped me flourish regardless. When I was lucky enough to make it into the American Ballet Theatre summer program I remember going there and when I was asked where I trained every dancer knew where Anaheim ballet was, even the girls from China and Japan. That was thanks to Evan Rosenberg who filmed some of the first instructional ballet videos on YouTube. As time went on I had a hard time finding my place in the world but because of Anaheim ballet was able to secure a job at Disneyland performing In the parades on my first try. Shortly after I was lucky enough to Audition for a Disney Television series called Bunheads. I actually booked the main character role Boo (you might've even seen it). It was about a girl who loved ballet but didn't have the perfect body. I was able and still to this day receive letters of how I touched people's lives and changed them for the better. Because of the training, love and support I received at Anaheim ballet amongst the family and life lessons I learned, I was able to have my DREAM Job. It wouldn't have been possible without them. Please know that this is just one story amongst so many. I just wanted to Iet you know mine. Please reconsider the option of demolishing this precious place. It is more than just a building to me and my family. It's our home and the place we come back to. It's where our heart Is. Truly Yours, Life is short. Dolce your buns off. winter premlere January 7family mondcays at 9l8c ' GOMM "%a at �,.O., A 1 b"I F 10:54 O, Aa Q bunheads kaitlyn � x Y ', m■ rl M W rN Teen Vogue Julia Goldani Telles and Kaitlyn Jenkins on Overcoming Ballet ... Images may be subject to copyright. Learn More Related images Visit SIT WN ,Julia Goldani Telles and Kaitlyn Jen... teenvogue.com Here's one that's worth a second I... nydailynews.com teenvogue.com E2 teen`�x�l L SUBSCRIBE FkA N T E unheads trait Images may be subject to copyright. (Learn More Related images poi ntemagazine.com %< PnT NTTIF P Public Comment From: Victoria Acker Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 12:56 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Save Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Please save Anaheim Ballet! As a professional dancer for film and television who trained (and trains) at Anaheim Ballet, I can guarantee it is truly the best studio in Orange County and is known and recognized across the dance industry as a whole. The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Victoria Acker Public Comment From: Ashleigh Aitken Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 5:29 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Please Help Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The Anaheim Ballet has been an important Anaheim institution for over 20 years. It's a word renowned training facility that brings prestige to our city through its reputation for excellence. Beyond the high level of dance, the Anaheim ballet provides community support by being a safe haven for youth, and serving vulnerable youth through the Step -Up program. It would be a loss for the community if the Anaheim Ballet were no longer a part of our city. Every year, Girl Scout troops like mine are privileged so see a world-class performance of the Nutcracker, and I urge you to approve the Cooperative Agreement so we do not lose this asset. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Best, Ashleigh E. Aitken, Esq. Of Counsel, AITKEN*AITKEN*COHN Plaintiff -Only Trial Lawyers Public Comment From: Brad Maahs Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 1:00 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Agenda items 1 and 14. Please vote no on 1 and 14, save the Cultural Building. Tell the State to pound sand. We are spending a $150M on housing at the stadium as it is. Arthur B Maahs (life long Anaheim resident) Sent from Mail for Windows 10 Public Comment From: Kent Sharp Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 1:08 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: Save the Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor and City of Anaheim Council Members, I completely agree with the comments provided in the Email template for saving the Anaheim Ballet, and I trust that you have received many responses as of today. I have additional comments for your careful consideration in voting whether to demolish the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center: • As a long established dance company, the Anaheim Ballet has been a source of pride as well as international recognition for the local community. • The Arts, and especially Ballet, provide the opportunity for inclusion and identity for young dancers who may otherwise be struggling without the ability to allow for self-expression. • The many events hosted by the Anaheim Ballet bring generations together to celebrate the joy of dance and music, from young dancers to grandparents, in a variety of settings - from Pearson Park to the Grove Theater and beyond. • The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center is a beautiful and recognizable historical building which is symbolic of the history of Anaheim. Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter. Best, Kent Sharp Public Comment From: Sheldonla Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 1:24 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet and Homeless Anaheim City Council, Maintaining and supporting the Anaheim Ballet and efforts for the homeless are imperatives for the city of Anaheim of which you are the duly elected representatives. It is within your realm to make the political possible. This will reflect on your social, cultural and economic concern and acumen. I trust you will divine these necessities for Anaheim's continued benefit. Sincerely, Sheldon Lacher Orange, CA 92869 Public Comment From: Ziggy McBride Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 1:33 PM To: Public Comment; Anaheim Ballet Subject: Letter of Support Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of the Anaheim Community and surrounding areas. My student dancer danced in Irvine for 8 years. At 15 years old, the time came for her to leave her current Irvine studio, directors and friends for a new perspective and training. After hours and hours of research, several open classes at various local studios, including trips to Long Beach we decided her new dance studio would be Anaheim Ballet. She was able to attend Anaheim for the year before the Covid Crash. During this year she was able to grow and mature both on and off the dance floor. Larry and Sarma and all those involved with Anaheim Ballet have a deep concern for each and every student. They want each child and adult to reach their full potential and they will support and provide every opportunity to do so. They have the ability and desire to give each dancer confidence both on and off the dance floor. The current studio location, Anaheim Cultural Arts Center is the perfect location as it is centered around various freeways making it accessible from both Orange County and LA County. It is rich in history and the dancers are invigorated as they study and learn within these walls. Anaheim Ballet has taken great interest in the Anaheim Community as well as the surrounding areas. This amazing studio has given many dancers of all background and economic situations opportunities and we hope to see many more dancers grow and progress through the program at Anaheim Ballet. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Public Comment From: The John Kirby Studio Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 1:31 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@anaheimballet.org Subject: The Anaheim Ballet Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, As a prominent Acting Coach in Hollywood & being raised in a show -business family in heart of New York City, I feel the arts are everything because of what I've learned about myself and the high level of work ethic it taught me to uphold. As a result of the arts in my city, I grew in every area of my life by immersing myself into the fantastic world of acting, dancing & music. This led me to become a prominent teacher in the arts by inspiring me to give back to others the gift of my craft that has so enriched my life to this day. When I first stepped into The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center home to The Anaheim Ballet, I got a lump in my throat! Overwhelmed by emotion, I was able to witness first hand the incredible high standard of Ballet taught by the remarkable Larry & Sarma Rosenberg. It was amazing to see children from so many different backgrounds embracing their individual creativity through the gift that is offered by The Anaheim Ballet. I noticed how having a special place to explore their talents meant the world to them! Not only was I impressed by the great work & community that happens there but even more so to see them find their self worth, confidence & self-esteem without having to pay for it is is nothing less of astounding. Because of the generosity of AB's Artistic Directors, they are always leading with their hearts to reach out to the community of Anaheim. I too found myself wanting to get more involved. As a guest acting coach to their summer outreach programs, as well as attending their exciting annual productions of "The Nutcracker" & the world renowned Anaheim International Dance Festival. I am always amazed to see young people find their purpose & passion in life through the local arts! The Anaheim Ballet is the only safe place in Anaheim where all of this goodness through creativity has been made possible for more than 20 years! I deeply value what they do for the community on every level. If the city decides to demolish this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and will permanently displace the city's treasured arts organization. It is crucial that you consider what is best for the community at large especially for our undeserved youth. For their sake & the sakes of countless others, The Anaheim Ballet needs to remain in its current accessible location. Please take the time to listen to the heartbeat of the citizens of your beloved city and vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. It has been a great honor to be affiliated with this tremendous world class professional performance company and Ballet training facility. I will continue to support all of their efforts to sustain their highly valued arts force and presence in the great City of Anaheim! Thank you for your time & consideration of this most pressing matter. Best Regards, JOHN KIRBY- Hollywood's Premier ACTING COACH & Co-MANAGER of The John Kirby Studios, Inc. Office: (323)467-7877 Fax: (323)467-7897 website:�,- ,��r1�t�i.i a5-. www. iyidb.. ooiyi/naiyne/ 04561.56 666/ e-mail: *This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed email in error please notify the system manager. Please note t presented in this email are solely those of the author and do those of the company. Finally, the recipient should check this for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability any virus transmitted by this email. N and intended solely for If you have received this hat any views or opinions not necessarily represent email and any attachments for any damage caused by Public Comment From: Jessica Mendivi) Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 6:34 PM To: Public Comment Subject: [Important] Please save our center! Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. This place means so much to so many of your fellow citizens. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jessica Mendivil Public Comment From: H Garten Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 6:54 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor); Jose Moreno; Stephen Faessel; Jordan Brandman; Jennifer Diaz; Avelino Valencia; Trevor O'Neil Cc: Public Comment Subject: 4/27/21 Approve Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda item 14 Good morning Mayor Sidhu and Esteemed City Council Members, I urge you to support and approve Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda item 14 which will be before you tomorrow, Tuesday, April 27. The Cultural Arts building is a valuable community asset and should be preserved and protected. Yes it doesn't appear on any lists or historic resources, but it is none the less a valuable and loved facility. 10 years ago no one considered mid century homes "historic". They are widely considered among the most precious and revered resources in a city's housing stock. Per the staff report this building has served multiple uses and has served the community of Anaheim for over half a century. It is now home to the Anaheim Ballet, an organization that has provided a much needed service to youth of our community for over 20 years. Especially for our youth as the hip hop classes were very popular with my children. Yes, we need senior housing, however, we also need space for non-profit service providers and community groups to engage the community in general and the especially the youth of Anaheim. The Cultural Arts building and the Anaheim Ballet do just that. There must be a way to accomplish both goals: provide affordable senior housing and preserve this valuable city asset while continuing to provide a home to the Anaheim Ballet so they can continue their much needed and widely support programs engaging Anaheim's youth. These two items on the agenda covering this issue would give staff and city leadership time to consider options and allow the Anaheim Ballet to continue their programs. The community has already shown widespread support for both the preservation of the Cultural Arts Building and for the Anaheim Ballet. With Covid-19 restrictions being lifted and activities opening up again after a very long hiatus we need this program and programs like it more than ever. And we need assets like the Cultural Arts building which provide homes for these services. A best case scenario can be achieved with a concerted effort and cooperation between city staff, elected officials, non- profit providers, and the community. Please support Housing Authority Agenda Item 1 and City Council Agenda Item 14 and buy us the time to do just that. Sincerely, Marcia, Steve and Warren Garten Anaheim Ca 92805 Public Comment From: Emily Nicole Sharp Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 7:23 PM To: Public Comment Cc: info@ifccenter.com Subject: Save the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Dear City of Anaheim, I've lived in our city my entire life, and have proudly supported our local tourist attractions, businesses, and arts. Most Southern Californians associate one location with Anaheim: Disneyland. And rightfully so— it supports our city's overall wellbeing and local businesses' success. But to many of us, another Anaheim business is just as important to our city and culture: the Anaheim Ballet. I have been a patron of the Anaheim Ballet for the past 21 years. My introduction was through my childhood best friend, and company -star of the Anaheim Ballet, Victoria -Rose Viren. What was once was an opportunity to support my friend's ambitions and talents, now has transitioned into a drive to support my community and local arts— which in our country's climate is more important than ever to prioritize. While I understand that the repurposing of the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center does not necessarily equate to the Anaheim Ballet's permanent closure, I must urge you to consider the impact the potential loss of this program would mean for our community. Arts programs are constantly the first thing to be cut in schools, leaving this business as one of the only opportunities for children and young adults to both partake and spectate in this beautiful art. For me personally, attending Anaheim Ballet's annual performances has been a source of pure happiness in the hardest of times— including last year's virtual showcase (which was one of the only highlights for me in 2020). However, beyond preserving one of the most beautiful art forms in our society's history, one of the greatest and most significant elements that Anaheim Ballet encapsulates is it represents us. Anaheim. A diverse community. For years, I have not only sat in awe watching these performers and their undeniable talent, but, I sat and enjoyed a cast who honestly represented our community. Not just the white narrative that ballet has a history of perpetuating. Further, in a world of defining what gender roles "should" be— the Anaheim Ballet offers an outlet and role models to young boys who are drawn to the arts (which, unfortunately are mislabeled as "feminine" and therefore carry characteristics that are associated with being "weak"). There is no doubt that our country, rather our society, has an issue with setting up males to fail and pushing them towards and along a toxic path of violence, misogyny, homophobia, and other problematic mentalities. Having males showcase their talents, through the form of ballet, I believe can start chipping away at that problem we have ignored for far too long. Please please please consider alternatives. The Anaheim Ballet may not bring in the revenue that Disneyland does, but its significance to our community is far more valuable. Sincerely, Emily Sharp Public Comment From: Raina Tsuda Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 8:13 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Anaheim Ballet Subject: Anaheim Ballet Attachments: AB Letter.pdf Raina Tsuda, DAOM, LAc, CMT Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, Anaheim Ballet (AB) has been a treasured arts presence in Anaheim since 1997. 1 have been involved with AB since 1998 in various capacities, as a dancer, instructor, nutrition consultant / lecturer and a board member. Anaheim Ballet is more than dance! I have come to realize that everything I need to succeed in life I learned from ballet. I began taking ballet classes when I was seven years old and continue to take classes today. The most rewarding part of my dancing career with Anaheim Ballet was performing at elementary schools and being able to urge kids to find something that they are passionate about and work hard at it. The most frequently asked question by the kids was, "don't dancers get nervous on stage"? Being able to emphasize to them that practicing and being prepared, makes things come naturally so that dancers did not get nervous onstage. The same philosophy can be applied to schoolwork and test taking. Talking to the kids made me realize all the valuable things that I learned from ballet and helped make me a successful adult. • Respect — respect for teachers, other dancers, others' personal space, the accompanist, and for your partner • Discipline — proper etiquette, appearance, attending class and rehearsals even when you do not feel like it, and being on time or even early to prepare yourself • Focus — being "present" in class so you can learn things very quickly • Work hard — you must work hard to achieve your dreams; nothing in life is easy • Commitment — you must commit 100% to achieve your goals • Have fun — you must enjoy what you are doing, otherwise take a step back and re- evaluate why you are doing it • Passion — it must come from our heart and soul and when it does everyone knows • Life's not always fair— life is full of obstacles; it is about how you rise from those obstacles and what you learned from that experience • If you fall, get right back up — keep on going; people will remember how you got back up, not how you fell • Practice, practice, practice — if you are well prepared than you can just enjoy your time in the spotlight, rather than being worried and nervous about how things will turn out I hope you can understand the importance and positive influence dancing has on youths. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Dr. Raina Tsuda, DAOM, LAc Anaheim Ballet Board of Directors Public Comment From: Bobby Cavener Sent: Monday, April 26, 2021 8:44 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor) Cc: Public Comment Subject: Cultural Arts Bldg and Anaheim Ballet Hello, I wanted to take a moment to support the city of Anaheim moving forward with continuing support of the Anaheim Ballet and Cultural Arts Building. This is a unique feature to Southern California and history torn down cannot be regained. Please keep our historical features in Anaheim. Thank you, Robert Cavener Get Outlook for Android Monday, April 19, 2021 Dear Mayor Sidhu & Council Members, 1 was very disappointed to learn that the city of Anaheim is asking the Anaheim Ballet to leave their current location in the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center so that the building can be repurposed for affordable housing without any plans for a new home for the Anaheim Ballet. The Anaheim Ballet has been vital to the community in Anaheim for well over 20 years now. The Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances that enhance the pride of the city locally and internationally. The city needs to be more creative in meeting the need for affordable housing. There is no need to displace the Anaheim Ballet to achieve this goal. Underserved youth in the city are dependent upon the Anaheim Ballet in its current location. Are you truly going to choose affordable housing over our underserved youth? You cannot toss one vital need aside in order to satisfy another. That is weak leadership at best. 1 truly hope you will reconsider this course of action. Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Mayor Sidhu's profile on the Anaheim city website states that he "understands the value of honest, hard work". The Anaheim Ballet has put in honest, hard work for over 20 years, and that deserves recognition and appreciation for how it's impacted the Anaheim community for the better. His profile also shares his involvement with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Anaheim and the YMCA, so showing support for the Anaheim Ballet should fit in well with his publicly stated values as "a supporter of the arts and arts education". Source: littt)s://www.anaheim.iiet15174/.Mayor-flarry-Sidliu. Thank you for your time and consideration of this crucial matter! Sincerely, L ra Dart Resident Placentia, California LEADERS! IIPDEVELOPMENTAsSOCIATES April 22, 2021 Mayor Harry Sidhu and City Council 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 7' Floor Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. As an adult dance student who regularly attends classes at Anaheim Ballet, I have ,` personally witnessed the joyful participation of 100's of young, diverse students. Their enthusiasm fills the classes with talent and energy. These young people are spending time building their physical strength, mental acumen, and ability to work in groups. It's critical to keep this healthy choice available in the community! The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, i64_ez� Lori Zucchin Executive Director Leadership Development Associates 17 4 4 N_ 1' 0O1)SIDE STREUI , 0RANGE, CALIF0RNIA 1)'?8�>5 1 .27C).(>8?�) comrnoaN rnS \ \ I yyt v txo- Y- --I_ �lo .. I . 'V�Lvl vp%yl A U. tali LT.- I.-Z-Anc, 11 I orimdla� ga- I I I'll fff� T 1W N, & ( 1-1-1 .. .. .. .... ..... - - � ), w .. . . .. ... ... ... . ...... " Monday, April 19, 2021 Dear Mayor Sidhu & Council Members, I was very disappointed to learn that the city of Anaheim is asking the Anaheim Ballet to leave their current location in the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center so that the building can be repurposed for affordable housing without any plans for a new home for the Anaheim Ballet. The Anaheim Ballet has been vital to the community in Anaheim for well over 20 years now. The Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances that enhance the pride of the city locally and internationally. The city needs to be more creative in meeting the need for affordable housing. There is no need to displace the Anaheim Ballet to achieve this goal. Underserved youth in the city are dependent upon the Anaheim Ballet in its current location. Are you truly going to choose affordable housing over our underserved youth? You cannot toss one vital need aside in order to satisfy another. That is weak leadership at best. I truly hope you will reconsider this course of action.,g Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Mayor Sidhu's profile on the Anaheim city website states that he "understands the value of honest, hard work". The Anaheim Ballet has put in honest, hard work for over 20 years, and that deserves recognition and appreciation for how it's impacted the Anaheim community for the better. His profile also shares his involvement with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Anaheim and the YMCA, so showing support for the Anaheim Ballet should fit in well with his publicly stated values as "a supporter of the arts and arts education". Source: litti)s://ww`v.aiiaheitri.net/5174/Mayo -- lgriy-SidbLi. Thank you for your time and consideration of this crucial matter! Sincerely, 4e5l� Trevor Dart Resident Placentia, California Mayor Harry Sidhu and City Council 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., 71" Floor Anaheim, CA 92805 Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members: The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/ demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your ,� consideration. Please do not demolish this cultural building considering the fact that that nothing is planned to replace it. Sincerely, Linda J. Stevenson Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, I write in strong support of allowing Anaheim Ballet to continue their residence at The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center. I have known Larry Rosenberg and Sarma Lapenieks Rosenberg for 24 years through my work with Sandy Segerstrom Daniels Festival of Children Foundation. Festival of Children Foundation has worked tirelessly to raise the visibility of the nonprofits in our Orange County communities that serve the needs of the most vulnerable amongst us. It is our strong belief that arts organizations are the glue that give children a vision of what is possible in their future, especially when their day to day situations are challenging. Anaheim Ballet is one such institution. The heart, dedication and passion that Larry and Sarma bring to the children of Anaheim they have served R through the years has doubtless changed more lives, in more ways than we will ever know. To displace such highly regarded organizations does a tremendous disservice to the rr constituents you serve. With the glut of commercial real estate that will hit the market due to the change of working patterns in the past year, I have little doubt another site can be found for the housing you wish to develop. Again, to displace such a highly regarded and admired organization would, in my opinion, be short sighted. Anaheim Ballet is a treasure in your city, as well as an international Ambassador due to the talent they have developed and shared with ballet companies around the world. I speak loud and strong when I ask that you reconsider any plans you might have to disrupt their home, and the valuable work they do to make Anaheim a stronger and better community. With respectful regards, *Eileenniher Director of Programs Festival of Children Foundation 3315 Fairview Road Costa Mesa, CA 92626 3315 Fairview Road Costa Mesa, CA 92626 PHONE. (7141 438-3286 TOLL FREE 1{877} 492 -KIDS FACSIMILE {7141 549-4698 www.fesfiva4ofchildran.org Jennifer L. Hall From: Jorge Lagunas Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 2:00 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts erre an important part of any community, crud for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as apoini ofpride to the City. The Anaheim Cul/ural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cud/ural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architec/urally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thankyou for your consideration. Sincerely, Jorge Richard Lagunas Guerrero P.S. From a personal experience, I am able to directly state Anaheim Ballet has been able to provid the necessary soft skills needed to advance in every aspect of an individuals life. As well as, the curriculum provided by Anaheim Ballet can be a foundation for many different subjects to build upon. With my time spent studying at Anaheim Ballet I was able to learn to a specialized skill which blessed me when I was able to book a job with the Disneyland Resort immediately after graduating high school. Later, I was able to test the menial and physical fortitude I had gained at Anaheim Ballet after deciding serve in the United States Marine Corps. With the resilience and command presence taught to me through the many opportunities to perform, I was able to receive my Eagle, Globe, and Anchor. I believe there would be a huge hole left in the City of Anaheim if There would be no Anaheim Cultural Arts Center. Jennifer L. Hall From: Brittney Hattrup Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 2:26 PM To: Public Comment Subject: Anaheim Cultural Center Dear Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are important part of any community. Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim as well as in the world! My sister worked in Japan with people from all over the globe and they all knew of Anaheim Ballet and were impressed with all that they do! Anaheim Ballet provides free community based after-school programming, workforce, recreational training bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized locally as internationally as a point of pride to the City. I have had the pleasure of dancing at Anaheim Ballet for over 10 years in the Cultural Arts Center! It has become a special place to me as well as many others! It provides a safe place for youth in our Anaheim community and teaches so many important skills! Please vote in support of Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Brittney Hattrup Jennifer L. Hall From: Emily Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 4:15 PM To: Public Comment Cc: Info@anaheimbaIlet.org Subject: Anaheim Ballet, Anaheim Cultural Arts Center Mayor Sidhu and Council Members, The arts are an important part of any community, and for more than 20 years, Anaheim Ballet has been a valued arts force and presence in Anaheim. Anaheim Ballet provides free community-based after-school programming, workforce and recreational training, bus -in presentations, lecture/demonstrations and concert performances and has been recognized both locally and internationally as a point of pride to the City. The Anaheim Cultural Arts Center (the current home of the Anaheim Ballet) is slated to be demolished without plans for a new Cultural Arts Center or home for the Anaheim Ballet. If the City demolishes this architecturally unique building, you will be removing the only Cultural Arts Center in the City and displacing the City's treasured arts organization. It is best for the community, and especially for our underserved youth, that Anaheim Ballet remains in its current accessible location! Please vote in support of the Cooperative Agreement with Anaheim Ballet. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Emily Aldridge Jennifer L. Hall From: Elizabeth Barreto Sent: Tuesday, April 27, LUL -1 4:L3 FM To: Public Comment Subject: Approve Anaheim Ballet agreement To whom it may concern: I am a Principal dancer with Ballet Idaho and owe my success to Anaheim Ballet. As a recipient of their "Step Up" scholarship program, I received free training during the most important years of my development as a dancer. Lawrence and Sarma Rosenberg are the most community -minded, selfless, and generous directors I have ever encountered in the dance world, and I greatly urge you to approve the agreement to extend the timeline for discussion with Anaheim Ballet regarding their new home. It saddens me to see Anaheim Ballet's beloved home of so many years be taken from them, and I do hope there is a serious effort being made to find an even better location for their new home in the heart of Anaheim. While their dance training is world-class, enough praise cannot be given to the impact that the "Step Up" program has on the local youth of Anaheim. Through their free daily dance classes and outreach programs for underprivileged Anaheim youth, they teach self awareness, character building, self-worth, self respect, respect for authority, personal goal setting and achieving, and respect for others. It keeps them out of gangs, away from drugs, and sets them up for success in life, whether or not that ends up being in the dance field. Many, many troubled teens entered that program and turned their lives around for good. I can say this because I saw it during my four years in the program. Please, if there is any chance of extending the deadline, approving the agreement, help them find a new home for the Anaheim Cultural Arts Center so that this amazing organization can continue to benefit the community. Sincerely, Elizabeth Barreto (formerly Herrmann) Anaheim Ballet Alumnus Jennifer L. Hall From: Cynthia Guerra <cynthiag@ken nedycommission.org> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 5:06 PM To: City Clerk Cc: Public Comment; Cesar C; paul.mcdougall@hcd.ca.gov; Megan.Kirkeby@hcd.ca.gov Subject: Letter of re: City Council Agenda Items 1, 3, 14, 27 (4.27.2021) Attachments: Ltr_Anaheim_ City Council Item 1 & 14 _4.27.2021.pdf, Ltr_Anaheim_ City Council Item 3 & 27_4.27.2021.pdf Hi, Please find the attached letter on behalf of the Kennedy Commission addressing the following item on today's Anaheim City Council meeting agenda (4.27.2021): • Item 1 and 14: COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND ANAHEIM BALLET FOR THE POTENTIAL ACQUISITION OF THE EXISTING CULTURAL ARTS BUILDING OR LEASE OF A REPLACEMENT SITE • Item 3: RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY REGARDING ITS INTENTION TO ISSUE TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS FOR CENTER OF HOPE PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING APARTMENTS • Item 27: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ADOPTING A RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 147(f) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986 APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS BY THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR CENTER OF HOPE PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING APARTMENTS Please confirm receipt of this email and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Cynthia Guerra Cynthia Guerra The Kennedy Commission Policy Analyst Pronouns: She/Her/Ella April 27, 2021 www.kennedycoimnission.org 17701 Cowan Ave., Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92614 Mayor Harry Sidhu and City Council Members 949 250 0909 City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 RE: Item 1 & 14 — Cooperative Agreement Between the City of Anaheim and Anaheim Ballet for The Potential Acquisition of the Existing Cultural Arts Building or Lease of a Replacement Site Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Council Members: The Kennedy Commission (the Commission), a broad-based coalition of residents and community organizations, advocates for the production of homes affordable for families earning less than $27,000 annually in Orange County. Formed in 2001, the Commission has successfully partnered and worked with Orange County jurisdictions to create effective housing and land -use policies that have led to the new construction of homes affordable to lower-income working families. As the Council considers whether to approve the acquisition of the Cultural Arts Building (the Property) by the Anaheim Ballet or to assist the Ballet in relocating to an alternative site, the Commission strongly urges the Council prioritize the Property for affordable housing. Given that the City has failed to meet its lower income RHNA needs during the current Housing Element Planning Period (2014-2021) and over production at the above moderate income level, the City needs to prioritize all City -owned sites for the production of affordable housing. For the 2014-2021 Housing Element planning period, the City has a Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) of 1,256 very low- and 907 low-income households. To -date, the City has built 308 or 25% of the 1,256 very low-income units and 160 or 18% of the 907 low-income units.' However, for the above moderate -income units, the City outperformed and exceeded the RHNA by constructing 7,644 or 306% of the 2,501 above moderate -income RHNA.2 The City has a remaining RHNA need of 1,695 lower income homes for the current planning period. The need to prioritize the production of affordable housing is even more urgent in light of the City's new RHNA allocations for the 2021-2029 Housing Element planning period. The City's total RHNA allocation for the very low and low income level for the upcoming planning period are 3,767 and 2,397, respectively.3 That is a total of 6,164 lower income homes, which is almost three times larger than the previous lower income RHNA allocation. The City has a track -record of prioritizing above moderate housing on housing opportunity sites. For example, in 2019, the City approved a 20 -acre residential development at the above moderate income level in the Residential Opportunity Overlay Zone. Given the excessive use of housing opportunity sites for the development of above moderate homes, the City must prioritize City -owned land, like the Cultural Arts Building, for affordable housing. 'City of Anaheim's 2020 Annual Housing Element Progress Report, March 22, 2021. City of Anaheim's 2020 Annual Housing Element Progress Report, March 22, 2021. s "SCAG 6th Cycle Final RHNA Allocation Plan," March 4, 2021. htt2s://scae.ca.eov/sites/main/files/file-attachments/6th-cycle-rhna-proposed-final- allocation-121an.12df? 1614911196 April 27, 2021 Page 2 of 2 Affordable homes are urgently needed for lower income residents given the increasing cost of housing in Orange County. The County is consistently ranked among the top ten least affordable metropolitan areas in the country.4 A resident must earn at least $42.62 per hour to afford a two- bedroom apartment at a fair market rents Based on this figure, the approximate annual income a resident must have to afford housing in Orange County is $81,830. 40. This income is unrealistic for lower income families. According to the California Housing and Community Development Department (HCD), the County's annual median income for a family of four at the extremely low income level is $38,450 and $64,050 at the very low income level.6 These figures demonstrate that the residents most unable to afford housing in Orange County are the residents at the extremely low and very low income levels, highlighting the City's need to prioritize affordable housing. We look forward to working with the City of Anaheim to encourage effective housing policies that will help create balanced housing development and create much-needed affordable housing in our local communities. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (949) 250-0909 or cesarc e,kennedycommission.org. Sincerely, Cesar Covarrubias Executive Director cc: Ms. Megan Kirkeby, Deputy Director, Housing Policy Development, CA HCD Mr. Paul McDougall, Housing Manager, CA HCD ' Out of Reach 2020- The High Cost of Housing, National Low Income Housing Coalition, p.17, 2021. Out of Reach 2020- The High Cost of Housing, National Low Income Housing Coalition, p.17, 2021. 6 California Department of Housing and Community Development "State Income Limits for 2020," p. 8, April 30, 2020. Jennifer L. Hall From: Cynthia Guerra <cynthiag@ken nedycommission.org> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 5:06 PM To: City Clerk Cc: Public Comment; Cesar C; paul.mcdougall@hcd.ca.gov; Megan.Kirkeby@hcd.ca.gov Subject: Letter of re: City Council Agenda Items 1, 3, 14, 27 (4.27.2021) Attachments: Ltr_Anaheim_ City Council Item 1 & 14 _4.27.2021.pdf, Ltr_Anaheim_ City Council Item 3 & 27_4.27.2021.pdf Hi, Please find the attached letter on behalf of the Kennedy Commission addressing the following item on today's Anaheim City Council meeting agenda (4.27.2021): • Item 1 and 14: COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND ANAHEIM BALLET FOR THE POTENTIAL ACQUISITION OF THE EXISTING CULTURAL ARTS BUILDING OR LEASE OF A REPLACEMENT SITE • Item 3: RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY REGARDING ITS INTENTION TO ISSUE TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS FOR CENTER OF HOPE PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING APARTMENTS • Item 27: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ADOPTING A RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 147(f) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986 APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS BY THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR CENTER OF HOPE PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING APARTMENTS Please confirm receipt of this email and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Cynthia Guerra Cynthia Guerra The Kennedy Commission Policy Analyst Pronouns: She/Her/Ella April 27, 2021 Mayor Harry Sidhu and City Council Members City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 RE: Item 3 and 27 — Center of Hope Permanent Supportive Housing Apartments Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and Council Members: www.kennedycoimnission.org 17701 Cowan Ave., Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92614 949 250 0909 The Kennedy Commission (the Commission), a broad-based coalition of residents and community organizations, advocates for the production of homes affordable for families earning less than $27,000 annually in Orange County. Formed in 2001, the Commission has successfully partnered and worked with Orange County jurisdictions to create effective housing and land -use policies that have led to the new construction of homes affordable to lower-income working families. The Commission encourages the Anaheim Housing Authority to issue bonds and a tax-exempt obligation to facilitate the development of the Center of Hope Permanent Supportive Housing Apartments. The City has produced insufficient amounts of affordable housing during the current Housing Element Planning Period (2014-2021) This development will provide much needed affordable housing. For the 2014-2021 Housing Element planning period, the City has a Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) of 1,256 very low- and 907 low-income households. To -date, the City has built 308 or 25% of the 1,256 very low-income units and 160 or 18% of the 907 low-income units.' However, for the above moderate -income units, the City outperformed and exceeded the RHNA by constructing 7,644 or 306% of the 2,501 above moderate -income RHNA .2 The City currently has a remaining RHNA need of 1,695 lower income homes. The 72 units this project will provide are needed to help meet the City's remaining lower income housing need. The need to prioritize the production of affordable housing is even more urgent given the City's new RHNA allocations for the 2021-2029 Housing Element planning period. The City's RHNA allocation for the very low and low income level for the upcoming planning period are 3,767 and 2,397, respectively.' That is a total of 6,164 lower income homes, which is almost three times larger than the previous RHNA allocation at these levels. The City will have a difficult time meeting its current and upcoming lower income RHNA needs if it continues to use its available land for the development of above moderate homes. Time is overdue for the City to develop policies and programs that will increase production at the very low and low income levels. We look forward to working with the City to encourage effective housing policies that will help create balanced housing development and create much-needed affordable housing in our local communities. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (949) 250-0909 or cesarc&kennedycommission.org. Sincerely, Cesar Covarrubias Executive Director cc: Ms. Megan Kirkeby, Deputy Director, Housing Policy Development, CA HCD Mr. Paul McDougall, Housing Manager, CA HCD 'City of Anaheim's 2020 Annual Housing Element Progress Report, March 22, 2021. City of Anaheim's 2020 Annual Housing Element Progress Report, March 22, 2021. s "SCAG 6th Cycle Final RHNA Allocation Plan," March 4, 2021. htt2s://scae.ca.eov/sites/main/files/file-attachments/6th-cycle-rhna-proposed-final- allocation-121an.12df? 1614911196