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l1anagement Control Center. lILt South Claudina, Anaheim, California
COUNCIL ':L.l.:n:S - ~lay 10, 1976, 7:00 P.!!.
The City Council of the City of Anaheir.1 met in Adjourned Rer;ular
Session for tl1e purpose of establishing the Charter Review Committee.
COu¡~CIL ~1L::;:;:":RS: r:aywood, Seymour, Kott, P.oth and Thom
COU¡JCIL :;;::::;r;r::RS: .lone
AS::;rSTAli-:;: CITY :lA:iAG¡::R: Hilliam O. Talley
CITY ATTO~J=Y: Alan f. Watts
DEPU-:;:Y cr-:;:y C:'ERK.: Linda D. Roberts
PUBLIC rrFO;;:IATIŒr 'JFFICER: I(en Clements
CIIAf',TI:R :u.;¡rIL~] c:œr..HTTEE ~ŒHBERS:
REPRI.:SET:-DG >1AYOR mm::::
:1embers: Joe 1,1J1Íte, Ree Burnap and Jake Petrosino
Alternate: Furman ~oberts
~1embers: P,ay Campbell, Dan L. Rot,¡land and Joel raein
Alternates: Joseph Anderson, Grant Hubbard and
irs. Patricia I:enworthy
P';';PRr:S ;:::r;.' LJ C cau:.:c IL HOHAJ.~ r:AYIJQOD:
~1emhers: Don Oseid, Dean Hesketh and Jacqueline Dvorman
Alternates: :lary ];uth Pinson, Dr. Sol Teitlebaum and
Stephen Bristol
REl'RES:"::;-:;: L" G COllIC ILIIAn KOTT:
Hembers: Eoward Polz in, Jim Townsend and llernard I~archer
AI ternates: ~7illiam Darlin, Loretta Dowen and Rene Kaye
REPp,LSZ:-r:rrC COU::CILlW.¡ '"lOTI;:
~lcnbers: :-¿¡rry rJÜsely, Gaylen Compton and William H. Krebs
Alternates: :larguerite Lee, J. Hike Griffith and :1ike Perry
::ayor 7\1on called the meeting to order at 7: 15
th"t the Council Hould like at this initial weeting
Revieì'¡ ad hoc Committee of its responsibilities and
general parameters \,¡ithin ,,¡hich they \,¡ill function.
p.n. and explained
to advise the Charter
outline SOt~ of the
The Council ::enbers each introduced their respective appointees, both
voting ;:¡e;..,l)crs :-n.1 alternates.
:I<lyor Tho': revie¡vcc: tl1at the Charter Review Comrtittee has been
establisheL :,y the ':our:cil because of indications received over the past
t\.¡o years by botl) Council :!enbcrs and candidates for the Office, that the
canst it uency 11as cer-tnin concerns related directly to the City's Charter.
Sane of these conce-;.-ns as articulated by Councilrtan Kott in his I'1..otion to
establis:l the rh;; ~ter "C'."iew CoT'lnittee Fere as follo't-lS:
~le creation of councilmanic districts.
7he possibility of opening up the position of :~yor to allow anyone
who wishes rorun for this office.
7:.1e separation of the :Iayoralty froc the Council.
:!nking the City ¡.ttorney an elected office.
A fifth concern for review was added during previous Council discussion,
L¡at the possibility of enlargement of the membership on the Council itself be
Councilman í:ot t explained that he received COIll.'!1ents Juring his campaign
:rom citizens that the Charter be amended to provide for a Hayor who would be
C::Üef Administrative Officer of the City, replacing the City Hanager. Some
felt the City should return to the method previously used of the Council
:lembers themselves selecting one of their nuwber to serve as Mayor. lIe
stressed that these suggestions for review do not necessarily represent his own
vie'.7point, that he is relating the areas of concern most often heard during his
Councilman ~eynour stated that he agrees with the five items suggested so
f¿¡r for review by the Cor:.mittee. but did not feel the Council should prioritize
t]¡ese. lIe stressed that his prir:lary concern is that the City take full
advantage of the :iovember Presidential ballot which will attract a higher
percentage of registered voters to obtain their response to any crucial changes
proposed in the City's Charter. In order to meet the various filing dates
necessary to place an item on the :¡ovember ballot, the Charter Review Committee
. --O~"..~ .,>. .'.-.'-
;.!anagementControl Center. 114 South Claudina, Anaheim. California
COUNCIL HIHUTES - Hay 10, 1976. 7:00r.11.
should be completed with their work by approximately July 15, 1976. lie
indicated that he personally felt the subject of makin8 the City Attorney an
elective office would be a lower priority than the remaining four.
Hayor Thorn agreed with the five areas suggested for review by the Charter
Committee and that any major revisions proposed to the Charter would best be
considered at the l1ovember election when a larger percentage would turn out to
vote. 7herefore, he noted it would probably require that the Charter ~eview
Committee meet weekly or every other week at a minimum between now and July to
accomplish their work within the time constraints necessary for placement of an
issue on the lJovember ballot. He also felt that the five areas ziven should
not be prioritized by the Council, but discussed and given priorities by the
Committee itself, and that certainly they might consider other portions of the
Charter which they may want to review as well.
Councilman Kott emphasized that he did not feel quality should be
sacrificed because of time constraints, especially when the end-product will
have such a far-reaching effect on the future of the City. !Ie suggested that
each Conmdttee Member review the Charter and glean from it what they feel
should be reviewed.
Councilman Roth concurred with Councilman Kott that the Conunittee has the
future of the community in it s hands and should ~.¡ork accordingly; that if they
cannot in the space of two months complete review of all five of the areas,
then they should select the one of hi¡jhest priority and do the investir,ative
research and preparation required for that one amendment. Councilman Roth
remarked that in his campaign the :To. 1 through 5 priority for change
articul<2tecl to him Has the City's current method of election of the }fayor.
Hayor 'I'hom reported that to assist the Committee he had requested and
received copies of city charters from several major cities, including Los
Angeles, which will be placed at the disposal of the Conmittee.
Councilwoman Kaywood requested that the Committee consider a change in the
Jate of the Municipal election, with the intention of causing it to fall on
other than the Easter week recess from school in the hope that this would pro-
vide a better voter turnout.
ORGA.UZATION OF 'i'i:IE COMr-1ITT¡::E: The first order of business being the selection
of a Cìlairman for the Cormnittee, Hayor Thorn declared nominations to be open:
~1r. Jim Townsend nominated Hr. Joe m'lite.
>lr. Gaylen Compton nominated Hr. Harry l':.nisely.
Each nomination was duly seconded.
Hr. Jake Petrosino moved the nominations be closed.
seconded and carried.
Said motion was duly
By a show of hands, Hr. Joe v1hite was designated Chairman of the
Commit tee.
}æ. tfuite inquired what level of staff support the Committee might expect
and it was determined that a Secretary, Resource Assistant from the City
:!anager's Office and legal advice from the City Attorney's Office would be
¡ominations were opened for Vice Chairman:
Xr. Gaylen Compton nominAted Mr. Harry Knisely.
Hr. Jake Petrosino nominated Ree Burnap.
Mr. Hilliam Krebs nominated Ray Campbell.
Each of these nominations was duly seconded.
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~1anagement Control Center, 114 South Claudina. Anaheim. California
COŒ~CIL UEiUTES - ~.1ay 10, 1976, 7:00 P.H.
:3y a show of hands, )Irs. 'lee Burnap was designated Vice Chairman of the
~1r. Joe Hhite declared that the Committee meetings would be open to the
public in compliance with Brown Act regulations and would be conducted
according to Roberts TZules unless amended to suit the Committee; that they
,.;rouLl neet every ~1onday, except holidays, in the ~1anagement Control Center, 114
South Claudina Street; that these ¡;¡eetings would be limited to two hours (fror:1
7:00 to 9:00 r.lf.) and would automatically terminate at 9:00 r.~:. unless
extended by a majority of those present; that a quorum shall be constituted by
:3 "ìenbers, either voting members or alternates; that no review will be
conducted of what has been discussed for any De~ber ,mo arrives late; that the
tirae for speaking ,.ill be divided equally anong the 15 menbers.
Later in the meeting it 'Nas further deterTIined that the Charter Review
Comr:lit tee T'lcet ings \Could be tape recorded and brief minutes prepared, tapes
he in;: available to any Committee líenber unsatisfied with the minutes or wishing
to listen to the entire proceedings.
~1r. 1-1atts related that w)¡en the original Charter was drafted the City
eDploycd a law firm for consultation and this same firm may still be available
sLould the Committee l1csire to obtain assistance from outside legal counsel.
Following brief discussion it 'ms the consensus of opinion that the Committee
s;¡oulJ first review the Charter itself individually, define the problems Hhich
they v7ill revieH and discuss, becinninr: "lith the five areas !1entioned by the
Cit y ~our.cil. and defer any deterrlÍ:lation on the e;'1ploynent of outsL1e legal
'!r. GayIcT' Co:Jptor questior..ed vlhcther it is the usual practice of the City
to have people servin!:. em a coraraittee sucr¡ :lS this '..n10 have contracts with the
City or are actually er.iìÜoyed by the City as in the case of :rr. Dan I'.owland and
::r. Jake Petrosino. de. questioned whether the Committee should be made up of
individuals who have absolutely no ~onetary involvement with the City in order
to preclude potential unfavorable public cor~ent prior to the ti~e that a
matter is placed on the ballot.
:Iayor Thorn noted that in the case of a board or cOI'.1mission appointment,
these factors would be taken into consideration, however the Charter Review
ComIaittee is an ad hoc committee established specifically for the purpose
stat ed and the only requirement indicated by Council ;1embers was that the
prospective rae~bers be citÍ7.ens of the City of Anaheim. I1e added that he
personally felt it important that the City employees be represented and hence
his appointment of :Ir. Jake Petrosino. Additionally he noted that although Dan
Rowland's firm has been hired on a contractual basis to perforn certain
services for the :::;ity, he (Hayor Thot:1) was not concerned that this presented a
conflict for the saI:1e reason, that this is an ad hoc committee and not a
;'1r. Ray Campbell suggested that each Committee :!ember prepare for
publication a thumbnail reSUMe of their background. IIe further pointed out
that no matter what the Charter F.eview Committee collectively recommends to the
Council, it then becomes the responsibility of that elected body to carry the
proposed amendment forward.
Mr. Rowland stated he was grateful that Mr. Compton introduced the subject
and assured the Committee Members that there are several competent alternates
who could assume his seat, should it be determined that he step down.
At the conclusion of discussion, since it was evident
challenges to the appointments, Mrs. Burnap suggested that
address itself this evening to the problem of establishing
priorities, and the floor was opened to such discussion.
Mayor Thorn stated that the Council, having charged the Committee with its
responsibilities and assisted in organization of same had no further business
and there£ore entertained a motion to adjourn.
there were to be no
the Committee
a system of setting
ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Seymour moved to adjourn.
the motion. MOTION CARRIED.
Councilwoman Kaywood seconded
8:25 P.M.
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