1976/06/29 76-451 City 1!all, AnaheiT'1, C:a]ifornia - COUNCIL HrmTES - June 20,1071;, J:1n P.H. The City ~ot1ncil of the City of Anaheim met in rer;nlar session. PPJ~ S T~"rr : ^' T~~ E":1' : COUNCIL Hf.HT)ETlS: r:aYVJoo¿¡, Spymour, Kott, Rot}" and ThOM COU~TCIL ~'fr,}ŒFrtS: none ASSISTANT CITY !vfAN'AG~R: Pilliam (). Talley CI'r~ ATTOR~TrY: Alan R. !"atts DEPUTY CITY C1ERY-: Ljnòa n. Poherts UTILITIES nIR~r.TnR: Crordon Poyt PARr~, RECRENrI()lT, "~'1n THE APT~ nTPFCTf)R: Jailes T{uth HANPOFER PLAJ'-P'Tf.R: T.Ti111am JTephurn PUnT.IC TJORKf"., D1RF.CTf)R: Thornton Piersall DEPPTY r:ITY ,^,T'r(rpNf.Y: Frank ^. Loprv, Jr. DAT1\ PPJ')CP~~PW, nIREeJ'()P: YE':ith Parkyn ~o~nNG SUPERVI~np': hnni1~a Santalahti n~[SE"~T : Mayor T~OM called t~e ~eetinr to oròer a~d wel~oMed t},ose in nttendance to thE' ~ouncil me€'tin~. T"TUnC;\,"Im7: ^ spec ial t11ree pé1rt invocat ion ':"<1S given ry Pastor <::teiff of ~rRce Lutheran Churc~, ~onsirnor ~n]~or of St. rec~1in'R Po~An Catholic Church, rruC'tin, and Rtl.1--bi r'.oodpin. r"LÞr, C:;,\J-rTF: f'ounC":flM3Tl Pjl1Jar T. r'ott lcd t1- c 1\~seT1rly 1n the T>ledçe of '11pninnce to the Flar. "::~nLU"'In': '1F RFVv.l\nTf - n~l")rpp~rnF'rr:r nAY, 1 Q7f,¡: LA special resolution en;oininr <1nc1 encollrafinr: the cjtl7..ens of /'f1a~eiYl to 1)e~in Tnrlependence Day, , n7c, 1-;:'1 reeting in the chHrcl1(1~ ('\+ t'l,eir l"hoice ~.Jas unanÜ'ously approveri ty tt,C' 'T'pl"ciT" r{tv rouncil And prC'sctltC'd to T>ûr;tor ~teiff, 'fons1f.nor ~¿l.lr'on and Panl1i r;()(ìi4'dn. ~<rT;"-::.: 1finlltes of the ~n:1he:tM rity r.ouncil ref'uL~r T"eetinr heli! June 1, 1"7(" nere1.pproved ý;rith corrections (typorrapnical errors) on rmtion l'y r.ouncilponAn ':.1~T\'lOOr1, ~I?conded by Councilman Path. F()T10~-r r,~T~RTfD. ~'\ Tprp)F nrf.DPTr: - ()PJ)Tn^JTrr~ t\1ID RE~nL(TTI()~T~: Counci lýlOTnan Kavwood moved to qé'.ivp the readinr- in full of all ordinances ::Inñ re~olutionst and that consent t () the pa:iver of read ing is here~y pivf"n by all r,ounc j1 1\fetr'hers unless, after. reH(linrr of the title, speciftc request is made by A Council ~fp.M1;er for the rpn~inr of suc~ or~inRnce or resolution. ~ounci1roan Thom spconded the ~otion. H('\'¡'TrV'1 pnAìJIMoUSL Y CARRIED. pr:T>npT - FPTN'.w,IJ'lL DEMAnDS AGAT'JST THE CITY: DeMands apainst the r'.ity in the .'IT'10unt 0 f ~ '31;? ,145. 71 in accordance ",i th the 1 q7 5- 7 F 11uctret r<Jere .qpproved. Rr:~J'LrTI()~1 nos. 7(,R-351 A~n 7fH-354 - "P,EIHBURSEMf.NT .AC,REf}TP'TTS - TEXACO AnAHEIM HILL~ PIC.» HFSTFIELD D1<:VELOPMEfTT COMPANY I I~iC.: Upon receipt of recoMmenda- tions suhnitted hy the Utilitip.s nirector daterl .Tune 15, IQ7ó and June lA, 1°7F, pertaininp: to reimhursf!ment agrel"rnents with 'T'exaco Anaheim Hills, Inc. and Vestfield Development Company for special water facilities in accordan~e "rj tli nule 15 of the Pater Rules, Rates and Repulat ions, (said recommendations on file in the Office of the City Clery), ~ouncilman ~e)~our offered ~eso1ution "Tos. 7fíP.-353 and 7óR-15l. for arloptlon. ~efer to Resolution Book. RESO1UTION ;10. 7óR-353: A RESOLUTIO~T ()F THE CITY COUNCIL ()F THE CITY OF A~"rAHEIM APPROVING THE TER}1S Ar--ID CONDITIONS OF AN AGREF:~ŒNT l-lITH TEXACO ANAlTFIH HILLS, THC., IN CONnECTION \JITH REIMBURSEr-Œ~TT OF COSTS FOR A SPECIAL PATER FACTT.ITY, AND .AUTTIORIZI~~ THE HAYOR N'ID CITY CLF.~K TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEHENT. (Parkvie",' Pumpinp. Station) RI:Sf'LUTION NO. 76~-354: ^ RESOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF ¡\NPPEP1 APP110VINr, THE T~RMS ANn CONDITIONS OF AN AGRF.E}fENT APPROVING THE TFR}1f". A).m CONflITIONS OF AN AGREEi"ŒNT Rf.TT'7EEN ~'1f.c)TFIELD T)EVELOP!vfF,1\TT CONPANY, TNC., ANn TPf CITY OF AnAHEIM IN CONNFCTION l"~I'rn REIHRUR~R!vfF.NT FOR SPECIAL HATER FACILT- TIES A:ID AUTHORI7ING TBE NAYOR ArID CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID ^GRFE~mNT. (Tract ~ro. R455) 1T .r _;.:.._m_.._- =...",~""ccc-"c;c=-~--:~-«-,-, ,-~~ ... .. ..,..-"~--._,,-" 7(..-1.1)'" City Fall. Anaheim, California - COUNCIL HIf\1HTFS - June ?Q, lQ7fi, 1:3() P.M. ~oll Call Vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL HEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMßERS: COUNCIL MF.MBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thorn None None The Mayor declared Resolution ~os. 76R-353 and 7~R-354 duly passed and adopterl. EMPLOYME!TT OF OLYMPIC PRODUCTIONS - TECHNICAL PRODUCER: Hr. James Ruth reported on the recommended apreernent to employ Olympic Productions to produce theatrical performances to be given at City parks during the summer months, the budget for these items having been adopted earlier in the fiscal year. RESOLUTION NO. 76R-3~5: adoption. Counctlwoman Kaywood offered Resolution No. 76R-355 for Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTIIORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMFNT FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF OLYMPIC PRODUCTIONS AS A TECHNICAL PRODUCER. Roll Call Vote: AYES: '1()£S : ABSENT: COUNC It MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, SeYMour, Kott, ~oth and Thorn None None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 76R-355 duly passed and adopted. PARK IN-LIEU FEES: Mr. Ruth verbally reported on the recommendation dated June 22, lQ76, and on file in the Qffice of the City Clerk, that park in-lieu fees be increased 31.6% per single-family d","elling units, condominiums and mobile homes. and 54.q2~ for apartments. He noted the unanimous support given this recommendation by the Parks and Recreation Commission on June 17, 1976. A letter in support of the in-lieu fee increase was also received from R. Kenton Hines on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Anaheim Union High School District. Mr. Ruth summarized that the fees which would be generated by these proposed increases are needed to meet the goals established by the Parks, Recreation and the Arts Department's S-year projection of 2.27 acres of developed park land per thousand population and to reduce the existing back log in park development. He reviewed the survey conducted of various Los Angeles and Orange County cities indicating that Anaheim's standards are minimal com- pared to some communities, and that this City's in-lieu fees are lower, even with this proposed increase, than several Orange County cities. Councilman Roth pointed out that there is usually a variation between established park standards and actual development and contended that if the figures for actual development in Orange County communities were compared with Anaheim, it would show that this City has done a remarkable job and does not compare badly with the other communities. He stressed that he is opposed to increasing park in-lieu fees because this additional cost increment will be added onto the eventual cost of a home, whereas he felt the City Council should seek ways to reduce the ever-increasing cost of housing. He urged, instead, that the City Council adopt a standard for developed park lands which is real- istic and within economic reach of the community. Mr. Ruth advised that there is tremendous pressure within the community for development of that park land which the City has already acquired. Councilman Seymour stated that he sympathi~es with Councilman Roth's post t ion as it would relate t,o the raising of any fees which would have a nega- tive impact on housing. He recalled that his voting record would indicate he voted "no" on the last in-lieu fee increase in September of 1Q75. However, his " " h f d no vote at t at time re lecte the opinion that the Parks, Recreation and the Arts Department had not taken sufficient steps to produce economies in their administration and programs, ,and, therefore, was not justified. However, at 1T >""'e~ ~ ~o' ~ """"""...U""""",,",,,Cj\J. r~"'. -~""..' 7(,-453 City Hall. Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MImTTES - June 2Q. 197~. 1:30 P.M. ~ his t ir:\e, Councilman Seymour indicated that he felt the proposed increase to be realistic and necessary to keep pace with the increasing population of the City as it annexes eastward toward the Riverside County line. If the City administration is not willin~ to accept the responsibility of providin~ park and other services for that growing area. then the City should adopt a different approach toward annexations. At the conclusion of discussion, on motion by Councilman Thorn, seconded by Councilman Seymour, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance to increase park in-lieu fees by 31.6~ for single-family dwellinr units, condominiums and mobile homes, and 54.92~ for apartments, as recom- mended. Councilman Roth voted "no". MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTIon NO. 76R-356 THROUGH 76R-363 - SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING - CETA TITLE I AND TITLE II PROGRAMS: Upon receipt of report from the Assistant City Manager and Manpower Planner ~'¡illiam Hepburn, Councilman Kott offered Resolution Nos. 76R- 356 through 76R-363, both in(~lusive, for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. RESOLUTION NO. 76R-356: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAlIE 1M APPROVING COMPREHENSIVE MANPO\O;T£R PROGRAM RUDGET MODIFICATION A}ID AUTHORIlING DISBURSEMENT OF f~NDS FOR APPROVED ACTIVITIES. RESOLUTION NO. 76R-357: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIN APPROVING THE TERMS AND COr-mITIONS OF A FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT tVITH NORTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT OF THE TEID! THEREOF AND FOR ADDITIONAL COMPE~1SATION. (Housing Repair and Maintenance, July 1 through September 3", 1976) TŒSOLUTION NO. 76R-358: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THE NORTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT RELATING TO VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING SERVICES. (Manpower ..Tob Center) RESOLUTION NO. 76R-359: A RESOLUTION OF THF. CITY COUNCII4 OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIH APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM A..mJ THE NORTH ORANGE COUNTY REGIONAL OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM RELATTNn TO A PRESCHOOL ASSISTANT PROGRAM. RESOLUTION NO. 76R-360: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THE ORANGE COUNTY HANPOWER COMMISSION RELATING TO MANPOHER PROGRAMS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT AND MODIFICATIONS THERETO ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. RESOLUTION NO. 76R-361: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREIDŒNT BETHEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THE I1AGNOLIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT RELATING TO THE OPERATION OF A PUBLIC SERVICE EHPLOYME~IT PROGRAM. RESOLUTION NO. 76R-362: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEHENT BET'HEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THE ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, INC., RELATING TO THE OPERATION OF A PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYm?HT PROGRAM. RESOLUTION NO. 76R-363: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE TEID-!S AND CONDITIONS OF AN AGREEMENT BET"1EEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIH AND TIlE COUNTY OF ORANGE RELATING TO AN AUXILIARY PROGRAM FOR SUMMER EMPLOY1ŒNT FOR YOUTH, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. Roll Call Vote: AYES: NOES: ABSEnT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL f>1EMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thorn None None The Mayor declared Resolution Nos. 76R-356 through 76R-363, both inclusive. duly passed and adopted. IT ,~ -TI<'.".-PC'~~;.~~.'"";=~.. ...-",-.,." ,_.", .,,- 7 f¡-4 56 City Eall. Anaheim. California - COU}JCIL MINlJTR~ - June 2(). lO7l;, l:~r) P.H. RESOLUTION NO. 76R-364 - ACCEPTING CORPORATION GRANT DEED: (Latter Day Saints r.hurch) Councilman Seymour offered Resolution No. 76R-164 for adoption. ~efer to Resolution Book. 1\ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COU~rCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A CORPORATION GRANT DEED MID ORDERING THE RECORDATION AND PAYMENT THEREFOR. (Purchase of 6 acres of property for park purposes in accordance with agreement - Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints and Natreyek Homes - Sln4,835) Roll Call Vote: A YI: S : "TOES: ARSEHT: COUNCIL }ŒNBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thorn trone none The ~1ayor declared ~esolution No. 76R-364 duly passed and adopted. LEASE AGREEMENT - IITDRA SE'~R CLEANER: Mr. Piersall reported on the recommended lease of one hydra sewer cleaner unit from the City of Fountain Valley. at $300 per month, with option to pur'chase said equipment, the rental fee being credited against the purchase: price. He advised that this rental would expand the City's sewer maintenance program; that the equipment rental and manpower to operate same would be CETA fi.nanced. RESOLUTION NO. 76R-365: Councilman Katt adopt ion. Refer to Resolution Rook. offered Resolution No. 76R-365 for A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE TEIU-Œ AND CO!IDITIONS OF A LEASE AGREEMENT FITll THE CITY OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY PERTAINING TO THr LEASE OF A DY-NAMIC HYDRA SF.,^ffiR CLEANER AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. Roll Call Vote: AYES: 'rOES: ABSEnT: COUNCIL ME~1BERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott. Roth and Thorn None None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 76R-3~5 duly passed and adopted. MUNICIPAL DATA SYSTEMS: Mr. Keith Parkyn presented for Council consideration the Joint Powers Agreement whereby the City of Anaheim would provide data process- ing services to the consortium of cities in Municipal Data Systems (MDS). Also presented were letter agreements with Security Pacific National Bank pertaining to ~ms equipment and three lease agreements. He reported that, pursuant to these agreements, the City would lease computers and other ~ms equipment at a favorable interest rate (6-3/4%) over a 5-year period with six installment payments. At the end of this period the City will have title to the equipment and will have paid a total of Sl.306,590. He reported that nine cities have entered into the Joint Powers Agreement for MDS services, but that La Habra is expected to pullout on June 30, ¡q77. In response to Councilman Kott, Mr. Parkyn advised that they anticipate no unusual overtime activities in the Data Processing nepartment to provide these services. On motion by Councilman Seymour. seconded by Councilman Roth, the City Council approved the three letter a~reements with Security Pacific National Bank pertaining to lease of CMI STOR/145-256K Memory, Model HG2 Central Processing Unit and Related Equipment, and IBM Computer Peripherals. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 7~R-366 THROUGH 76R-369: Councilman Seymour offered Resolution Nos. 76R-366 through 76R-369, both inclusive, for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. 1r ~ I I ~"""'""""~"'"'" ...".'... -.""oc 7f'-455 City Hall. Anaheim. California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 29, 1976, 1:30 P.M. RESOLUTIœ~ NO. 76R-366: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY DF ANAHEI}1 PROVIDING A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT ~rrTH MUNICIPAL DATA SYSTEMS. A JOINT PO~1ERS AGENCY, PERTAINING TO T)ATA PROCE~SING SERVICES AtID AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAME. RESOLUTION NO. 76R-367: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AN AGREEHENT WITH SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BAnK PERTAINING TO THE LEASE OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR ANn CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. (ModellIG2 Central Processing Unit) RF.SOLUTION NO. 76R-36B: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE TER1-1S AND CONDITIONS OF AN AGREE1-fENT ,¡JITH SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK PERTAINING TO THE LEASE OF CERTAIn EQUIP}ŒNT AND AUTHORIZING TIlE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. (IBM Computer Peripherals) RESOLUTION NO. 76R-369: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE TElUfS AND CONDITIONS OF AN AGREEMENT t.JITH SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK PERTAINING TO THE LEASE OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT A~m AUTHORIZING TIlE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. (CMI STOR/145 156K ~emory) Roll Call Vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEHBERS:: COUNC IL ~ŒMBERS:: COUNCIL MEHBERS:: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thorn None None The Mayor declared Resolution Nos. 76R-366 through 76R-369. both inclusive duly passed and adopted. CITY LIABILITY INSURANCE: Memorandum from the City Attorney dated June 21, 1976, (on file in the Office of the City Clerk), was submitted evaluating the four different proposals received for the City's liability insurance. (Current policy expires July 1. lq76) Mr. Watts sunnnarized thatt with one exception. all proposals involve a self-insured retention under which the City would administer its own liability program for claims of less than $100.000. He also pointed out that there is a degree of uncertainty as to costs in these proposals, as certain figures are based upon estimated premiu~ls and not firm quotes. He concluded from his analysis that Proposal Nos. 1 and 2 were those ~mich would deserve Council considerationt andt of thes~~. he has recommended Proposal No.2 submitted by H. H. Stabbert Insurance Inc., and further recommended that the City enter into an agreement with Carl l.Jarren ::lnd Company to provide claims adjusting services. He,cautioned, however, that this is really a judgmental question depending upon what one expects could happEm in the future. and on that basis, Proposal No.1 might reasonably be accepted as well. Mayor Thorn invited the representatives, Don Martin of Cal-Insurance, 3475 Torrance Boulevard. TorrancE~. Cal ifornia 90503. and Herb Stabbert and Ken h1'hitney representing the H. H. Stabbert Insurance, Inc.t 1695 Hest Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California 92801 to ~ddress the Council, and each gave detailed explanations as to the benefits of their respective insurance pro- posals. Mr. Martin emphasized that his proposal differs in that it will be on a claims-made form. as opposed to a claims-filed form. which would ~ive the City coverage for occurrences during the period of time that the policy was enforced. should the claim not be reported until Ii later date. In addition, they would be able to assist the City in a loss control program because of the amount of business they are currently writing in municipal liabilities. Messrs. Stabbert and vfuitney explained the difficulties in obtaining the excess layers of insurance c:overage and the attendant delays which have resulted. which are primarily attributable to the reactions in the current insurance market to the reCE!nt failure of the Teton Dam. Therefore. the Halnut Canyon Dam will probably cause portions of the City's excess liability insur- ance premium to at least double. If ;,~. - i.H~.':;;C---"iiC.,-~-~;-c-.:;;;..,.-._. '4"'" ,~" ~ .~~- ..-.'- "'~'~ 7 (¡ -/¡ ':; 6 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 2Q, lQ76, 1:3() P.H. In response to Councilman Seymour's query as to why certain of the premium costs in the Cal-Insurance proposal cannot be quoted as firm, Mr. Hartin explained that in seekinr to write the excess insurance coverage, because the City had already issued a letter to ~tabbert as broker of record, he was unable to nepotiate quotations from those insurance companies utilized by Stahbert. lIe suggested that the City bind under the coverages provided by Stabbert and request a 30-day extension, so as to permit his firM an opportunity to obtain firm quotations for the excess layers of insurance. Councilman Seymour expressed dissatisfaction with handling the City's insurance decisions in this manner, i.e., immediately before expiration of the current policy, representat1.ves of competitive insurance firms argue the merits of their proposals at Council meetings. He stated that these decisions concern significant amounts of money and should not be made in this environment. Councilman Thom moved that Proposal No.2 submitted by H. H. Stabbert Insurance, Inc. be approved as recommended by the City Attorney. Councilwoman }~ywood seconded the motion. Councilman Roth suggested that the City request a binder and defer decision on the insurance proposal itself for one week, inasmuch as he is not an insurance expert and would like more facts and figures on which to base his dec ision. Councilmen Seymour and Roth voted "No" to the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Seymour stated that to insure this same situation does not occur for the third consecutive year, he would be prepared to create an insurance commission whose duties would include evaluating insurance proposals before these are submitted to Council for consideration. Mayor Thom stated his belief that the way to handle the City's insurance problems would be to employ a risk analyst to deal with the City's insurance brokers, particularly in view of the fact that the City is now self-insured. At the conclusion of discussion, Councilman Seymour moved that the Assistant City Manager be directed to report back to the Council in 90 days with alternatives to presenting insurance proposals so that the Council might have more meaningful informa.t ion on which to base such decisions. Councilman Thom seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Councilwoman Kaywood pa.rticularly urged that these last minute decisions be avoided and that proposals for insurance or similar items be presented at least thirty days prior to the anticipated expiration date. RECESS: Councilwoman Kaywood moved for a five minute recess. seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (3:00 P.M.) Councilman Thorn AFTER RECESS: Hayor Thorn called the meeting to order, all Council Members being present. (3: 07 P .H.) UTILITIES COMMISSION: The ordinance prepared by the City Attorney's Office Which, upon adoption, would establish a utilities commission, was submitted for Council consideration. It y,¡ras noted that Council had received a communication from William S. Woods, President of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, dated June lA, 197(; containing comments on this proposed ordinance. The following items were briefly discussed by CQiuncil in connection with the establishment of the commission: 1) the suggesti.on that the number of members on the Board be increased from five, as stated in the ordinance, to seven; 2) that the respec- tive members of the commission should represent the various classes of utility service customers; and 3) that the members of the proposed comrnission receive a stipend or expense. Council }tembers indicated that they felt the requirement that Board members represent specified customer classes would be difficult to administer since all would be members Qif the residential class category and some would, in addition to that, be commercial or industrial customers by reason of their business or employment. 1'£ .~ ,II ", , ,--_.. .-c-~.ccc~-oc;.-'----'."'""""11?~,-_.¥.m"',.., f.,' ~ "-""'-' 76-457 City Ball, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 29, 197(1, 1:30 P.H. Councilman Seymour stated he was basically in agreement with recommenda- tions discussed at the Chamber Task Force Committee meetings, except that he felt the provision for paYITlent to these commissioners should be deleted at this time and reconsidered in the future if it could be justified on the same basis as the stipend-paid Planning Commissioners, i.e., the frequency and duration of meet ings. At the conclusion of discussion, Council Members determined to have first reading of an ordinance which would provide for a seven-member Utilities Commission, excluding provision for separate retail classes of customers being represented and, further, excluding provision for payment of a stipend to the commissioners. ORDINM1CE NO. 3557: readin~. Councllman Seymour offered Ordinance No. 3557 for first Refer to Ordinance Book. AN ORDINA.1\JCE OF THE CITY OF' ANAHEIM CREATING A PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD. RESIGNATION - AL~~ R. WATTS, CITY ATTORNEY: Mr. Watts submitted his letter of resignation as City Attorney, effective September 10, 1976, which indicated his intent to enter private law' practice. Mr. Watts' letter of resignation was accepted with regret on motion by Councilman Thorn, seconded by Councilwoman Kaywood. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 76R-370 - AGræEMENT - FINANCIAL AUDIT, YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, ¡Q7ó, ARTHUR YOUNG AND COHPANY: Councilman Thorn offered Resolution No. 76'R-370 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COU!,¡CIL OF TIlE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE TERMS Arm CONDITIONS OF AN AGREEMENT HITH ARTHUR YOUNG AND COMPANY TO PERFORM CONSULTING SERVICES AND AUTHORIZING THE ~AYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. Roll Call Vote: AYf,S: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEHBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL lmMBERS: Kaywood. Seymour, Kott and Thorn Roth None The ~ayor declared Resolution No. 76R-37Q duly passed and adopted. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING, 1976-77 BUDGET: Mr. Talley reported that following his review of budgetary figures and information presented at the Council Meeting of June 22, 1976, he is satisfied that these are valid and that by taking a ~1,498,00O reduction in electric utilities transfer unrestricted to the General Fund and, further, through reduction of ~721,OOO in expenses and an improvement of approximately $420.000 in revenues, the budget would be $367,000 out of balance. Of that amount, $165,000 could be obtained by reducing park develop- ment and improvement, and a.nother $100,000 of this figure might be obtained by delayinr, installation of the on-line TRES system to January 1, lQ77. These adjustments would leave the, budget in a ~lOO,OOO deficit position, which sum, in Mr. Talley's opinion, could be located prior to January 1, 1Q77. On this basis, therefore, Mr. Talley recommended Council approval of the lq76-77 Budget, subject to minor adjustments. In response to Councilman Seymour, Mr. Talley advised that revenue projections from property taxes were predicated upon a continuation of the $1.05 per $100 assessed valuation tax rate, and at a 15~ increase of assessed valuation. Therefore, the City's projections are still within 2~, considering the announcement that the valuation increase was 161. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND HOUSING AUTHORITY BUDGETS: Mr. Knowlton Fernald submitted a modified budget for the Redevelopment Agency, noting that this reflects the redirection given by the Council and was prepared in response to meetings with tþe steering committee. He noted that the Agency budget shows a IT ",. --, ,,------~--c¡--:---,.. '~""".'L--'='.... .,- - ~-.."..1~C"""C--- -.-.--"," 76-45A City Hall, Anaheim, California - r,OUNCIL HmUTES - June ?Q, 1q7~, 1:30 P.M. reduction in staff by four members (two Assistant Planners and two Intermediate Tvpist Clerks). Also submitted is a gupp1ernentary 30-day hudget to extend employment of these four personnel through July 31, 1q7~. The balance of the Agency budget provides for the first quarter of the fiscal year only. It is anticipated that at the end of that 90-day period the steering committee will make recommendations and the Agency will act on financial decisions involving the budget for the remainder of the fiscal year. At the conclusion of discussion and comments of appreciation by Mr. Fernald for the dedication demonstrated by the Redevelopment Agency staff, the Council, by general consent, approved the modified Qn-day budget submitted for the Redevelopment Agency in the total amount of ~2,43n,156, and the supple- mentary budget to retain the four personnel to July 31. 1976; and, further, approved the Housing Authority budget in the total amount of ~1,182,442. ANAHEIH NEHSLETTER BUDGET: Councilman Seymour challenged the cost given for puh1i.cation and distribution of four issues annually of the Anaheim Newsletter (S24,522), noting that When broken down this amounts to 4.1Ç per copy, which is an extremely low figure in today's economy. He furthermore indicated that he was desirous of eliminating this allocation from the 197ó-77 Budget and gave the following reasons: 1) the Hewsletter is subject to a lack of credibility; and 2) he feels the City can depend upon the press at large to perform this function. Councilwoman Kaywood stated that she had received comments from the public indicating that the AnaheiM Newsletter is the only vehicle which transmits information about the City. She stated that she would agree to try Councilman Seymour's proposal on the basis that if there is an important item which the City wishes to communicate, an issue would be published. She also noted that it mit7.ht be valuable to publish one annual "wrap-up" issue to summarize accom- plishments and report on what is forthcoming. Mr. Talley pointed out that the sum of ~24,522 in question covers not only the cost of the Anaheim Newsletter but the "Anaheimer" as well. which is mailed to City employees. He advised that he would prefer to continue publication and mailin~ of the "Anaheimer" as a means of communication with City employees. At the conclusion of discussion, by general Council consent, it was determined that the appropriation for printing and distribution of the Anaheim City :'¡ewsletter would be removed from the 1976-77 Budget and placed in the ~ouncil Contingency Fund, leaving only that portion of the $24.522 which would cover the cost for printing and distribution of the "Anaheimer", the City employee newsletter. VISITOR &~D CONVENTION BUPillAU BUDGET: Councilman Kott quoted figures obtained from a number of cities comparing the budget appropriation afforded and the revenues directly attributable to their V and C Bureau or its counterpart. He voiced the opinion that the budget request for 1976-77 fiscal year from the Anaheim Area Visitor and Convention Bureau for S455,000 and the revenue projected to be generated from these funds compares unfavorably with figures he had quoted for such cities as San Francisco. Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Diego and Long Beach. Councilman Kott also called attention to sections of the Arthur Young and Company audit report on the V and C Rureau~ i.e.~ that during calendar year lQ74 the V and C Bureau was responsible for 30 out of 2Q5 conventions at the Convention Center, with direct revenues from these events amounting to ~394,OOO, which did not offset their total expenses; that Arthur Young and Company was not certain that the City's expenditure of a lesser amount on the V and C Bureau would result in a proportionate decrease in revenues; and that the contract between the City and the V and C Bureau calls for the Bureau to pro- vide services under the rlireetion of the City staff, and all items paid on behalf of the City should be audited by the City. Councilman Kott voiced concern that there has been no direction given to the Bureau and, to his kno~ledge. the City has never conducted an audit of Bureau expenditures. He stressed that he felt public accountability to be a highly important factor. In order to obtain that level of credibility for elected officials with the public, Councilman Kott proposed that two members of the City Council and the Director of the Stadium and Convention Center become a part of the 1T "C..- ~~f"""""'__""-'..Lf , -~'-' . 7 n -/~ '5 q City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 29, 1976, 1:30 P.H. Executive Committee governing the V and C Bureau, and that if this is accept- able, that the Council approve one-half of the V and C Bureau budget proposal at this time to provide for six months of operation. During this period of time he \~u1d also propose that a new contract be drawn up between the City and the V and C Bureau defining more clearly areas of responsibility. It was suggested that the Finance Director also participate with those working on the Executive Board over the 6-month period, and also that represen- tation from the City Attorney's Office be included in those sessions relatin~ to the new contract. Mr. Bill Snyder, Manager of the Anaheim Area V and C Bureau, speaking on behalf of the Board of Directors, welcomed a closer liason between themselves and the City. He reported that the Board had unanimously approved the sugges- tion made at the June 22. 1976 Council Meeting that the Mayor and r1ayor Pro-Ten serve on the Executive Board, and that they were equally as anxious as the Council for a high degree of accountability. In response to Mr. Talley's suggestion that the Council incorporate a 10 or 60-day cancellation clause into the contract, Mr. Snyder agreed that this is a business-like way to proceed. He indicated that the Bureau would, however, prefer to proceed with approval of a büdget for the full year. At the conclusion of discussion, on motion by Councilman Kott, seconded by Councilman Thorn, the City Council approved the appropriation of one-half of the V and C Budget for a 6-month period, during which time two Council Members, the City Manager, the City Attorney, the Director of the Stadium, Convention Center and Golf Courses, and the Finance Director be appointed to the Executive Committee of the V and C Bureau; and, further, that during this 6-month period a new contract be '~rked out, and it be determined whether or not the full budget request of $455,000 is necessary. To this motion Council Members Kaywood and Roth voted "No". MOTION CARRIED. It was determined, sinc ~ the Mayor Pro-Tem indicated that due to the commitment he had already made to serve on the steering connnittee for Redevelopment, he would be unable to serve and that Mayor Thom and Councilman Kott would serve as the Counc:il representation on the Executive Committee. UTILITY RATES: Councilwoman Kaywood questioned the reductions in working capital to the water and electric ut:llity budgets, which amount to a total of $299,000 less. She queried Whether this left any working capital at all and why this reduction was included. Mr. Talley responded th;lt this reduction does severely restrict the amount of money available, but was felt to be a better choice than raising the tax rate when the budget was being formulated. Mr. Hoyt concurred with Mr. Talley and added that these reductions placed the utility at "rock bottom" and, therefore, it will be necessary to respond very quickly to any contingency which comes up, even to the threat of a Wholesale-rate increase, because there would be no cushion left to absorb any increased wholesale rate. HE~ concluded that he felt the utility could get through this fiscal year with the decreased 'WOrking capital appropriations as presented, but, if their estj~ates are good, it is apparent they could not withstand such a reduction in working capital next fiscal year. Councilwoman Kaywood renlarked that she is proud of the accomplishments of the City Council since April, 1974. and recognized the need for continued economy; however, she cited the following reasons as factors which would bear consideration toward the City' Council accepting and approving the budget with the recommendation that the present 95~ of Rdison retail rate policy be amended to a q8~ of Edison retail rate policy: 1) the expansion in size and population of the City and attendant inc.rease in demand for services; 2) the unprecedented and unpredictable inflation rate; 3) the finite nature of the energy supply; and 4) the current price squeeze situation which the City faces with Southern California Edison. Councilwoman Kaywood called attention to the fact that the citizens of Anaheim have benefited by almost $2.5 million in utility rates and sanitation charges Which were not passed along by the City Council; however. since the Council has now made a life-line rate available for those who are the most If -> -"",.;;c¡;.."L~~,__............ -", - o~";-,--- _. ,_.' .,.0..<0-_"'-"-4 .... .. . -""""'-",...,, - . '",'.. '..',.,"' ì 6-/~h() City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL ~lINUTFS - June 29, 197f), 1 :30 P.>1. hard-hit by any increased cost and since the economy has improved somewhat, she felt it appropriate to consirler a change to the Council Policy on utility rates to permit increase of rates to QR~ of Edison retail rates, as this would allow the City to restore to the budget the means by which they might proceed with some of the needed capital improvements in the park development area, land acouisition for a new central garar-e facility and/or immerliate installation of the TRT:S Computer billing system. Councilman Seymour took strong exception to Councilwoman Kaywood's position indicating that he would, as long as he remained an elected official, continue to squeeze every cent in order to produce the highest monetary return possible to the taxpayers. Together with this, he would support using some prudence in order to accomplish good capital improvement projects, if possible. He would, however, continue to oppose any "loosening-up" based upon a record of two years of good performanc(~. At the conclusion of discussion, Councilwoman Kaywood moved that the Council approve adoption of a q~7 of Edison retail rate policy, as originally recommended by the Assistant City Manager in his 1976-77 fiscal year budget proposal. The foregoing motion died for lack of a second. SUPPLEHENTARY BUDGET REQUESTS: ~1ayor Thorn noted the receipt of a request from Hr. Julius Dallman for City sponsorship of the Pacific States Band Review in the amount of $4,875. 'fr. Dallman responrled that $4, R7 5 is the total budget for this event and ~.¡ould he the maximum amount the City could contribute. Following brief discussion during which Council ~embers indicated they felt the event should have broader financial representation within the comITunity and that the City government should not provide the entire budget, Council determined by general consent that the City would participate in this event at least in the amount contributed last year ($1,106), but that rather than set this expense out as a line item, that funds could be appropriated from Council Contin~ency or Community Promotion Funds. '10 further items from the supplementary budget requests were either discussed or approved. ~1ayor Thorn called for any additional questions or comments froM the public or Council Members on the proposed 1976-77 Budget, and, there being none forth- condnrr, he declared the public hearing closed. BUDGET TRfu~SFER: By general consent, the City Council authorized the transfer of $62,525, representing the cost for surplus acreage and seventy acres of land located adjacent to the Anaheim Hills Golf Course, from the Stadium- Convention Center - Golf Course account to Parks, Recreation and the Arts account. SANITATIOt! RATE INCREASES: On motion by Councilman Seymour, seconded by Councilman ~oth, the City Attorney was directed to prepare the necessary ordinance increasing the sanitation charges to residential customers by 30;, and to set the charges for connnercial customers at $.25 per barrel with increase in water closet charge to ~.80 and ~.40. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NOS. 76R-371 AND 76R-372 - ESTABLISHING NEW JOB CLASSES: Seymour offered Resolution Nos. 76R-371 and 76R-372 for adoption. Councilman Refer to Resolution Book. RESOLUTION NO. 76R-371: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 76R-314 MID ESTABLISHING ntH CLASSIFICATIONS AND RATFS OF PAY. (Effective June 25, 1976) RESOLUTION NO. 76R-372: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIH ANENDING RESOLUTION NO. 76R-312 AND ESTABLISHING NEH CLASSIFICATIONS N~D RATES OF PAY. (Effective June 25, 1976) 1T i,~- ,~,--...~"H~~.=L~., '.f """""",-c 7(;-6(-'J City Hall, Anaheim, California - Cr)n~'ICIL ì'lINUTf.S - June ~q, In7n, 1:1'1 P.N. R()ll Call Vote: AYES: COUNC IL ~m~m[RS: COUNCIL }m~mE~S: COUNCIL HE~fB[RS: Kav'I;"ood, Sevmonr, Kot t, Rotn anrl Thorn None None ':OES: ABSENT: The Mayor declarerl Resolution NOR. 7~R-371 and 7~R-37' dlIly paRRe~ and adopted. TRANSFER TO SALARY ACCOUNT: On motion hy Councilman Seymour, seconcied hv Councilman Tloth, the City CoLincil anthori7.ed the transfer of ~875,8"f) from ~eneral Fund unappropr1atect surplus, lo75-7~, to Salary Accounts in the lo7F-77 Budget. MOTION CARRIED. APPROVAL OF lq7lí-77 BtTl)('.ET: On motion hv Collnc:f.lman Seymour, seconded rv Councilman Kott, the City Council approved the nudget for the 1°7(;-77 fiscal year amounting to a total of $111'),1',/11,/175 ',"-rÍ-tn revisions reflecting a reduction of four personnel in the Cornnunjty Deve]onment Department; anproval of the V and ~ Bllreau budget for six months only, and elimination of anpropriation for printing and distrihution of four issues of the Anaheim Citv Newsletter. '1OTION CARRIED. CONSENT CALENDAR ITE~fS: On mot ion ny Council"'~oman Kayvrood, seconnerl ~v Councilman Kott, the following ;}ctions tolere ::\uthorized in accordance ~.:dth thp- reports and recommendations furnished each Council :"1emher and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenna: 1. CORRESPONDENCE: filed: The followin~ correspondence was ordered received and a. Community Redevelopment Commission - ~1inutes - Hav 2F anrl June 7., lQ7h. h. Anaheim Parks and Recreation Commission - ~anutes - May 2n, lq7~. c. Financial and operatinß reports for the month of ~av, lo7~: Citv Treasurer's Office, Customer Service Division, Police Department. ~. CHANGE ORDER :-10. III - \JORI: ORDER "~O. 5ílR: Change Order No. III, increasing the contract amount for ~'¡ork Order No. 551R - Lewi.s Suhstation ~v t)23,364.34, bringin~ the contract price to $1,lh/,2~5.81, was authorized i.n accordance with the recommendations of the Citv Engineer. (Lord Electr::f.c (ompany, Inc., contractor) !10TION CARRIED. RESOLUTION ~10S. 7ñR-173 AND 7líR-374: Councilman Roth offered Resolution '10.8 7~~-373 and 7~R-374 for adoption in accordance with the reports, recom- mendations and certification~ furnished each Council Hernñer, and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenda. Refer to Resolution Book. RESOLUTION NO. 76R-373 - FIliAL ACCEPTANCE, WORK ORDER NO. 1'538: A RESnLTJTIO'1 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINAY.L Y ACCr,PTIr-1C THE COHPT~F.Ttf)N MID THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, HATERIALS AND EOTTIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES A!ID TRANSPORTATI()!¡ rICLtJT)INr. P()~TE~, FUEL A!'m HATER, AND THE PERFORlf- ANCE OF ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONST~UCT A"ID CO:1PLETE THE FOLLm-JING PUBLIC IHPROVEMENT, TO l>1IT: PHASE I CO~ISTRTTr.TION AT LEHIS 230 KV SUnSTATION, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIN, HORK OP,DER NO. SC;JR. (Lorõ Electric Company, Inc.) RESOLUTION NO. 7ñR-374 - ACCOUNT NO. 1()()-45fi-245: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AHAHEP'1 FIlmING ANn DETEreUNING THAT PURLIC CO~¡VENIE~1r,F: AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTIon ANT) CO~WLETIO~1 OF A PUBLIC PfPRO'{,fE~E~TT, TO l.JIT: HAINTENANCE CONTRACT FO~ TRAFFIC SIGNALS, IN THE CITY OF AHAHEP'1 ACCOUNT NUMBER 1()()-45ñ-2t~5; APP~OVINr. THE DESI(;NS, PLANS, PROFILES, nRAPINr,s A.~D SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTIO~1 THEREOF; AUTHO~IZING THE CONSTRtTCTI()~T OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVE:1E~¡T IN ACCORDAnCE WITH SAln PLANS, SPECIFICATION~, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZIN('. AND DIRECTDTG THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITI!'1G SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRTTCTIon THEREOF. (Bids to ñe onened July ~', If'47~ - /.: Of') P. H . ) 1r ""...,=" .-~;~>~ ",- "<~'~-r--CWF".'""~c.,-,,. ... ""T "P'~""""~ '~",,--., 7 (, -/¡ { :' City !La II, An.1.heim, California - CO1TNr.IL HlnnTES - June ~(), lo7ñ, 1:3'1 P.~~. T~()ll Call Vote: ^YES: NOES: ABSENT: COTTNCIL HE~1BERS: COTJ'1CIL HPŒERS: COlTNe', IL ~tENR!"')\S: Kaywoori, SeYMour, Kott, Roth r¡nrl Thorn none None The ~ayor rleclarerl Resolution ~los. 7FR-J71 rind 7~R-174 rlulv pa~se~ and adopted. rITY PLANNING COHMISSION ITF)fS: Actions taken hy the City Planning Commission at their meeting held June 7, lQ7F, pertaining to the following applications were <;uhmitted for City Council information anò consideration. On motion by Councilman Rotl1, secondel! hv Councilman Thorn, the City Counc il authori7.erl the act ions pprtaininr to the follm.,in?, envi.ronmental imp.'lct requirements, as recornmenrled hy the City Planning Commission, anrl took no further action on the following application~ (Item Nos. 1 throup,h q): 1. ENVIRONMENTAL Il'-1PACT REPORT - CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION: The Planninp, Director has determined that the proposerl activities in the followin~ listed 7.onin? applications fall within the definition of Section 3.n1, ClASS lor 11 of the City of Anaheim Guidelines to the requirements for an environmentaJ impact report and are, therefore, cateRoric.'llly exempt from the requirement to file an EIR: Variance No. 2~n7 Conditional Use Permit No. lñ25 ~. CTVIRO~ŒNTAL IHPACT REPOr..T - ;'1EGATIVE DECLARATIOn: The Planning rommission recommends to the City Council that the suhject pro1ect~ in the following listed zoning applicationR be declarerl exeMPt from the reql1iremp-nt to prepare ::in environment::il impact reT'ort, pursuant to the T'rovision of the C~lifornia Environmental Quality Act: Variance No. ?812 Conditional Use Permit No. l('?F 1. VA"I{IANCE :10. ?Q()7: Submitterl bv Rapt Company to construct a second free- standing sign on ~fL zoned property located at 21f3() East Katella Avenue. City Planning Commission Resolution No. PC7ñ-l12 denied variance No. 2R()7. 4. VARIM1CE NO. 2q12: Submitted hv Atlantic Richfielrl Company to establish an automotive diagnostic center on C1 zoned propertv located at 2Rnn West Lincoln Avenue. City Planning Commission Resolution No. PC76-118 granted Variance ~o. -),~12. ). CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. If.25: Submitted by Hennen Industries, Inc. to permit on-sale alcoholic beveraßes in a lodge on CL zonerl property located at 2131 East Ball Road. City Planning Commission Resolution No. PC71i-llli granted Conditional Use Permit No. 1~25 for a period of two years. h. CONDITIONAL USE PER;1IT NO. ló2(;: Submitted rv Uk Ho and Chanr, Sock Ho to permit expansion of an existing motel on CG zoned property located at ?7n North '1anchestex Avenue. City Planning Commission Resolution No. PC7n-117 Rranted Conditional Use Permit No. 162f.. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - NEGATIVE DECLARATION - GRAT)I~tG PEIDIITS: It was determined by the City Council that the filing for the following listert 8rading permits will have no significant effect on the environment and are, therefore, exempt from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report, as recommended by the City Planning Commission: a. r.rading Permit filed hv Paul E. O'Kain, Jr., to construct a sinp,le- family residence at 151 Peralta Hills Drive. 1T u., r; ,- . ----oc,---;-' 'C'»"".C~H_=_,.'.--r'-,'" ._Æ- 7 fi-I¡(, 1 City Hall, Anaheim, California - cnUNCIL ~njmTES - June 2°, 1°7(;, 1:1'1 P.H. h. Grading resirlence at 31n c. Grading residence at 255 Permit filer1 hv Rw:;h N. Hill to construct a ~in~lp-f:lm:U.v South ~ohler Drive. Permit filed hv Robert E. Barrett to con~truct a si.n~le-f:¡mily South Peralta Hills Way. 8. G.C.D.P. ~O. Q1o: Oranße County Use Permit No. Qlq submitted hy Merlin J. Barth for a proposed school huilrling addition to Cornelia Connelly JIigh SchonJ located on the north si~e of Broadwav, west of Brookhurst Street, was approvpn as submitted by the Plannin~ Commission on the hasis that said ad~itionR conform to the site development standards of the RS-A-I~3, f)nn zone an (I are not significant in view of their heing no increase in the student enrollment anct 1;~ould, therefore, re permissible. No further action was taken hy the Citv Council. ~1()TI()"t\1 CARRIED. TENTATIVE ~1AP TRACT NO. RL~OQ - REVISION NO.2 (E.I.R. NO. 171~): Developer, Butler Housing Corporation; tract locatecl on the east side of AnaheiM Hills Road, south of Santa Ana Canyon Road, containing 5~ propo~ed RS-72nn zoned lots. ~is~ Santalahti reported that Condition No. 15 imposed hv the City Planning Commission provides for review ~y the Planning Department of t~e pro- posed removal of any specimen trees within the Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone. ENVIRorp"ŒNTAL IHPACT RF.PO~T NO. 17/~ - CE~TIFICATIO~i: EIR No. 17b, Addendum to EIR No. q7 which is a supplement to EIR No. Rf), having been reviewed by the City staff and recommended by the City Planning Commission to he in compliance with City and State Guirlelines and the State of California Environmental l1uality Act, the City Council, acting upon such information and helipf, doe~ hereby certify on motion by Councilman Roth. seconded by Councilr:mn Sevmour, that EIR No. 174 is in complfance with the California Environmental ~ualitv Act and City and Stat e C;uideline!=;. 1\f()TI()~T CA~RIEn. On motion by Councilman Seymour, seconded by Councilman Roth, the propoRen. subdivision, Tentative Map Tract No. ~4n~, Revision Ho. ?, togEther with it~ design and improvement, was found to be consistent with the Citv's General Plan, and the City Co\mcil approved said Tentative ~ap, su~ject to the following condition~ recomrneTHlerl hy the City Planning Commission: 1. That should this subdivision he cleveloped as more than one subdivision, each subdivision tnereof shall he submitted in tentative form for approval. 2. That a comhinat ion 1andscaperl hem anrl ma~onry ~',TRll totalinp, a miniMum height of ~ feet shall be con~tructed along the west si~e 0' Lot Nos. 1 thrO\l~h 12 and Anaheim Hills Road. 3. That all lots within this tract shall be served by underground utilities. 4. That a final tract map of subject property shall he su~mitted to and approved by the City Council and then he recorded in the Office of the Orange County Recorder. 5. That the covenants, conditions, and restrictions sha].l he suhmitterl to and approved by the City Attorney's Office and the City Engineer prior to City Council approval of the final tract map anrl, f\lrther, that the approve~ covenants. conditions, and restrictions shal.1 he recorderl concurrent Iv with the final tract map. n. That street names shall he approved by the City Planning Department prior to approval of a final tract map. 7. That the owner of subject property shall pay to the Citv the appropriate park and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to appropriate by the City Council, said fees to be paid at the tiMe perMit is issued. 8. That drainage of said property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. If, in the preparation of the site. sufficient gradinr, is required to necessitate a grading permit, no work on grading will be permitted between October l~th and April 15th unless all required off-site drainage facilitie~ have been installed and are operative. Positive assurance shall he providen the City that such drainape facilitie~ ~~ill he completed prior to October 15th. Necessary right-of-way for off-sitp of Anaheim he the ht1ildin~ IT ,.. -:~=-~C""'--=:-:'--""- _.....~-- .... T"'~'" "..._-".,~, 7 (1 - /1 (, , City F:1J.l, '~naheim. California - COTfNr.IL NINUTFS - Jun~ ?(), ]()7h, 1~1f) ?H. draina8e fl1.cilities shall he dedicated to the City, or tnP- Citv Council snall hlVf' .fnitÜlted conòP-Mnation proceedjnrs therefor (the costs of Hhich c;}1Rll 'he r)orne b~T the developer) prior to the COMrneneement of grA.(1in~ operations. Thp. reollirecl drainage facilitip.s shall he of a s1~e anrl tvpe sufficient to carrv runoff \vaters orig1nRting froM 1i~hp.r proT'ertie~ through sai~ !'ropertv to ultimate clisposal as approved by tIle City Engineer. Saict drainape facilitie~ s11a11 he the first item of con~truetion anJ shall be coM~leted and be functional throughout the tract and fron the downstream 'houndarv of the property to the ultimate point of disposal prior to the issuance of any final huilòing inspections or occupancy pernits. nraina~e di~triet re1.rnhur~PMP-nt a~reements may he made availahle to t',e developers of said property upon their request. Q. That grading, p-xcavation, and a1] other construction activities s~all he conducted in such a manner so as to r1injrni~e the nossihility of any ~ilt orip,inating from thi~ project he:ing cArried into the Santa Ann ~1ver hy storm water oriRinating from or flowin~ thrnuph this project. In. If permanent street name si3ns have not heen installed, temporary street name signs shall he installed prior to any oeeupancv. 11. That all structures constructed in this tract shall meet the rer¡ui.rements of Fire Zone No.4 as determined hy the City of Anaheim Fire Department. 12. That the full-traveled way of the street at the ~outh side of the tract (La Paz Way) shall be constructed with the improvements for this tract, unless otherwise approved hy thp- City Enr,ineer. 11. That prior to the approval of the final tract map, the petitioner shall submit final speeific floor plan~, plevations and plot plnns to the Citv Council for approval. 14. That the eompletion nf Reelassification No. 72-71-~1 ~hall be to the í~S- ì :->nf1 (Sr.) Zone. 15. That the proposed reMoval of any sneciMP-n treeq shall ~e su~Mitted for review bv the Planning Denartment and shall he subject to the regtllation~ pertaining to tree preservation in the Scenic Corridor Zone-Overlav. 1 h. That mailboxes shall be provined in accordance ~'lith the reC"!uirp-ments of the United States Post Offiee pertaininp: to curbside placement or an alternate acceptable to t~e Post Office, as stipulated to by the petitionp-r. 17. That the petitioner 8h:111 submit a written rer¡uest for termination of Conditional Use Permit No. 1415 prior to approval of the final tract map. 1R. That riding and hiking trails shall be provided in this tract, as may be required and approved hy the City, and plans for said trails ~hall hp- submitted prior to approval of t'1e final tract map, if at that time a trRils plan has been adopted by tIle City, as stipulated to hy thp- petitioner. lO. That a qualified archeologist shé\ll he present on the site ouring all gradinlj activities to insure thRt no undiscovereò artifacts exist, é\S stipulated to by the pP-titioner. 'lOTIO;; CARRIED. TRACT no. q2nl - PRECISE PLANS: On Motion hv Councilman Seymour, seconded by Councilman Roth, precise plans for Tract No. q2nl. including builòing elpva- tions, floor plans and plot plan~ were approved as submitted by Fred W. Kingdon, Pacesetter Homes, in accordance r.,ith the City Planning Commission approval. provided the recoMmendatio~of the acoustical consultant shal1 he ineorporated into the building plans in compliance with Couneil Policy No. ~4'. 'I()Tlm~ CARRIED. FInAL :1AP TRACT NO. Q?f11: Developer, Pacesetter Homes; tract located on the south side of Broadway, east side of Loara Street containin~ 88 proposed RS- soon ~oned lots. On Motion by Councilman Seymour, seconded by Councilman Roth, the prono~ed subdivision, together with its design and improvement, was found to be con- sistent with the City's Genp-ral Plan and the City Council approved Final Map Tract '10. Q201, as recommended hy the City EnRinep-r. MOTION CARRIED. ADDRESS TO THE CITY COUNCIL - MR. LOUIS DEXTER: The request of Hr. Louis Dexter to addres~ the City Council re~arding the site location of a ne~., Citv Hall facility was continued to the meeting of July (), 1117(" to he heard under the unfinished business portion of the meetin~. on motion hy Councilman Thorn, seconded by Councilman Roth. MOTIn~ CARRIED. 1T J . I I - - ~.-=.~~.--c,_.-..- .... .""--__-q__TU ------- 7 r;-Id.. r; City lIall, Anaheim, California - COTJ~¡CIL HrmTES - June 2(), 1°7fí, 1:3n P.~1. PUBLIC FIRmmRKS DISPLAY PER?!IT: Permi t to allm.] a p1lnl ic fire~!Orks ni~plny con- ducted by California Firework~ T)i~play Company, sponsor~d r,y Tommy Walker Productions, on July 4, 1()7ó, corIMP-ncinr, at R:l) P.~1. at the Anaheim Starliuf1, was approved :IS recommended hy thp. Fire Harshal, on mot ion hy Councilman Rott" seconcled by CouncilMan Thom. HOrIOn CARRIED. PURCHASE - SOCCER GOAL POSTS: Thp- request of :1r. ~villiam TIorp,er, An:lheim Soccpr Club, that the City purchase three sets of goal posts to accommonate eqllinment needs for the soccer program was suhmitted, together \<rfth inforMation from \..fr. James ~uth that there are sufficient funds in the 1"75-7fí Parks, Recreation and the Arts Department budget for ~aid purchase, ~12nn. On motion by Councilman Roth, seconcled nv Counc:f.lman Seymour, the City Council approved the p\lrchase of 1 sets of goal posts as requested, with funns from Parks, Recreation and the Art~ Department hudget ($l?'1n). HOTI()N CAR~Ir.n. PURCHASI: OF EQUIP~ŒNT - 4Q-FOOT SPRAY BOOTH, BID NO. 1()q~: Thp. Assist:1nt City ~anager reported on informal hicls receiver! for the purcha!=;e of one I,O-foot spray booth and recommencleò accp.ptance of the 1m" bi(l: ~]est Coast Spray Booth, $1~,23ß.4R, including tax. On motion by Councilman SeYMour, seconderl hy Councilman Thorn, the 10'" h:td of Hest Coast Spray Booth wa~:; accP'Pted, and purchase authorizerl in the amount of ~ 12, 23R .1+8, including tax.. nOTIOn CARP- lET). RESOLUTIon :1os. 7óR-375 AND 7óR-37ó - AHART) OF conTRACTS, ~'JORK ORDER N(). fl12: accordance with the recommendation of the City Engineer, CouncilMan Roth offered Resolution Nos. 7óR-175 and 7~R-37~ for adoption. In Refer to nesolution Book. RESOLUTIon :10. 7~R-375: A RESnLTTTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAIII:IH ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAl. A~m AHARDING A r.O~TRACT TO THE LOHEST RESPŒISIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURTJISHPJG OF ALL PLANT, LAßOR, SERVICES, 'fATF.RIALS AND E<1UIP1-fENT AND ALL UTILITIES Ann TRA"ISPORTATION, Inr.LUDI~IG POHER, FUEL ANn WATER, AnD PERFORNPIG ALL ~'¡ORK NECESSARY TO CO1\ISTRTTCT AND COHPLETF. THE FOLT/Hl- IHe PTJBLIC rœROVEMENT: TWILA REID ELECTl1ICAL PfPROVFJ1T:NTS, IN THE CITY OF ~~AHEp.I, ~'¡ORK ORDER NO. R12. (Arrow ßuilders - $1(),700) RESOLUTION NO. 76R-376: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY conNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~f ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL A~m AHARDINr, A CONTP~CT TO THE LOlmST RESPo;'JS IBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHInG OF ALL PLANT, LAR()R, SERVICES, '1ATERIALS AND LQUIP~ŒNT Arm ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATIOlJ, D1CLUDING POHER, FUEL A~m HATER, AnD PERFORHIHC ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTPJTCT A~m C()HPLETE THE FOl.LOU- IHe PUBLIC IHPROVE1-tr.NT: THIl.A REID HAINTENANCE ßUILDING INPROVEHENT, PI THE CITY OF AnAIIEP1, WORK ORDER NO. R12. (Arrow Builders - ~1'5,7()f)) :;'011 Call Vote: AYES: ImES: ABSEnT: COUNCIL ~1EMBERS: counCIL ~1EMBERS: COUNCIL HEHBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth anrl Thorn None None The Mayor declared Resolution Nos. 7~R-37'5 and 7~R-37~ duly pa~serl and adopted. ORDIN~~CE NO. 3554: Councilman Seymour offered Orrlinance No. 3154 for ar1option. Refer to Ordinance Book. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAIIETI1 AME}IDING TITLE 14, CHAPTER 14. 4(), SECTIO~T 14.40. Of)O, SUBSECTION. 24f) OF THE ^,~AHEIH }1UNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SPEEn LI~nTS. (Nohl Ranch Road, Serrano to the West City Limits, 35 ~1PII) Roll Call Vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thorn None None The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 3554 duly passed and adopted. If ¡.. =-- .""~ .... - _&&.' ,...;,_.. 7fl1~.46h City naIl, Anaheim, California - COTmCIL ~lINTJT'P.S - June 7°, lQ7ft, 1:1f) p.~. ORDINA;¡CE 'JOS. 1515 A~m 351(.,: and 35~h for adoption. Counc i hvom:1n Kav,V'ooci of f f'red Orr1 inance Nos. 1 r:¡ r:¡ r:¡ ~f>fer to Ordinance Book. ORDn~NICE NO. 351)5: AN ORDINANCE OF TIm CITY nF ANAHEP1 Ann,1T)INe; TITtE 1~ OF T11[' ANAHEIH :-.IDNICIPAL CODE REL^Tnl~ TO zm'TINr.. (ó7-r:;~-7(8), RS-Hs-¡n,()f)O(Sr.)) ORDINANCE NO. 355(;: An ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEPf A~fENnING TITLY. 1 P. OF THE A1'IAHIE1-1 rnmICIPAL CODE RELATP,Jr. Tn 7I')jTINf'r. (73-7/1-55(1), Cl.) :{oll Call Vote: AYES: HOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL ME:1BERS: COUNCIL !'Œ~BERS: COUNCIL ~1E~1BERS: Kay"yooò, Seymour, Kot t, Roth and Thorn Hone None The ~~yor declared Ordinance Nos. 35S5 and 355h duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE ~~O. 3558: reading. Councilman Thorn offered Ordinance No. 151)8 for first AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIl'f A'fEDDWr TITLE 18 OF THE ANAlIEIH !-UmICIPAl. CODE nELATING TO ZONIN~. (75-7(.,-1F., ~S-50nf)) PAPER ~ECYCLING: Councilwoman Kaywood requested that additional information he provided regarding a possible waste paper recycling pro~ram in City offices. UTILIZATION OF :~IKE BASE AS REGH)HAL PARK SITE: Councilwoman KaV\:,mod called attention to a letter received from Supervisor Schmit requesting a resolution of support from the Anaheim City Council for utili~ation of the Nike Base as a regional park site, and thereupon moved that the City Attorney he directed to prepare such a resolution of support. Councilman Thorn ~econded the motion. To this motion Councilman Seymour voted "No", calling attention to the fact that the City Council had received a telephone message from the ~avor of Garden ~rove asking Council ~emhers to withhold action on this request for support tmtil he had an opportunity to speak with them personally. MOTION CARRIED. DECLARATION OF VACANCY - CO7'fHUNITY REDEVELOPHENT C()\1r'HSSION: Councilman Kott moved that the seat of Xr. Herb Leo on the Community Redeve]opmpnt Commission he declared vacant. Councilman Thorn seconded the motion. Prior to voting on the aforementioned motion, Councilman Roth expressed his extreme concern over such a move to relieve a man from the Commission who has no conflict ""hatsoever with Proj ect Alpha and ""ho has served his cornmunitv so well. He stated that he considers the Council's action in this manner to he very serious and dangerous. The Mayor called for the vote on the foregoing motion. vot eel "no". ~fOTION CARRIED. Councilman Roth APPOINrŒNT - COMt>fUNITY REDEVELOPHEHT CO~~fISSION: Councilman Kott moved that 'frs. :Iary Dinndorf, 131 La Paz Street, Anaheim, he appointed to fill Mr. Leo's unexpired term on the Community Redevelopment Commission, said term ending June 3O, lQ7Q. Councilman Thorn seeonded the motion. To this motion, Councilman Roth voted "~o". HOTION CARRIED. RESIGNATION - COmIDNITY REDEVELOPMENT COHMISSION: Councilman Thom moved that the letter of resignation from service on the Community Redevelopment Commission, effective June 30, lQ7ó, received from Kenneth N. Cotler be accepted with regret. Councilman Seymour seconded the motion. }IDTION CARRIED. 1T ~ ,CC,--',"-' ----="..........'- ~. .'..., + ,.... -,,~-, 7~-IJ67 C it y Hall, Anaheim» Cal iforn ia - r.mHiCIL MINUTES - June? q, 1 ()7 ~, 1: 1n P. '1. i\ppnnnMENT - COMMUNITY REDEVELOP'ŒNT r.O\p:fIS~rrV;: CouncilMan Seymour moved that ~1r. Ben Bay, 211.8 H. Grayson Avenue, Anaheim, <)7901, he appointed to the Community Redevelopment CommiRsion to fill the unexpired term of ~fr. J(enneth Cotler, said term ending June In, 1°79. Councih'TOman Kav~.¡ooci ~econòecl the motion. ~mTION CAQQIED. APPOINTHENT - PARKS AND RECREATIOn CŒNISSION: It was reported that tJ,e term of Mr. Bud ~1ahoney on the Parks anti Recreation ComMission expires June 3", lQ7~, and that he does not wish to be reappointect. Councilwoman Kavwood thereupon moved that ~rs. Mary Ruth Pin~on, 50~O Crescent Drive, Anaheim, o2~n7, he appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission for the term ending June In, 1980. Councilman Thorn seconded the motion. MOTION CAR~IED. ~EAPPOPTTI1ENT - PLANNING COHHISSIO~: On mot ion by Counc ilMan Sevmour, seconded by Councilman ThoM, Hr. Floyd Farano "JaS reappointed to the AnaheiM City Planning Commission for the ensuing term ending June 1'), lQ~"". rf()TIO"'T CARRIED. TlEAPPOIlTTIfENT - CO~mNITY REnEVELOPHE~,IT C()~r.HSSION: On motion by CouncilMan Seymour, seconded by CouncilwoMan Ka~'70od, '1r. ~fanuel Hende7. was reappoint~rÌ to the Community Redevelopment Commission for the ensuing term ending June 3°, lQ~f). ~1OTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NOS. 76R-377 A~n 7f1R-378 - AHENDING RATES, RULES ANn RE~ULATI()!'T~ FO~ THE SALE A~m DISTRIBUTIŒT OF ELECTRIC mTERr.y ANn HATER: On recommenrlation of the Utilities Director in his memorandum dated June 7.R, IQ7~ (on file in the Dffiee of the City Clerk), Councilman Seymour offered Resolution Nos. 7~R-177 and 7n~-378 for adoption. ~efer to Resolution Book. TZESOLUTION NO. 7()R-377: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIH A~NDING RATES, RULES AND REGULATIOT\TS FOR THE SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY AS ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION 110. 71 R-4 7 R AND A~ENDP.J) BY RESOLUTIONS NOS. 73R-?5, 73R-343, 73R-531, 7hR-75, 74R-n30, 75R-243, 75R-344, 75R-345 ANn 76R-41. (Effective July 1, IQ7h) REsnLUTION no. 76R-378: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIH AHENDING RATES, RULLS AND REGULATIONS FOR THE SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF WATER AS ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO.7 2R-f;nn AND AMF.~1l)ET) BY RES()LUTI()~TS NOS. 73R- 255, 73R-387, 73R-532, 74R-4Jl, 75R-3I5, 75R-4nQ AND 75R-47Q. (Effective Julv 1, lQ7()) Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCIL HEMBERS: COUNCIL ME~1BERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thorn None None "JOES: ABSENT: The !~yor declared Resolution Nos. 7~R-377 and 7~R-37R duly passed and adopted. RECESS - EXECUTIVE SESSION: Councilman Thorn moved to recess to Executive Session. Councilman Seymour 8econded the motion. ~OTION CARRIED. (5: l~"" P .H.) AFTER RECESS: Hayor Thorn called the meeting to order, all Council Memhers being pre s en t . ( h : 0 Q P. H. ) RECESS: By general consent, thE~ City Council recessed to 7:3n P.M. «():lo P.tt.) ALaNA ~,t. HOUGARD, CITY CLERK By: ,/ ~ ~ h . Xa-é-u-f:.~ \ Deputy IT "'~ --C-->I~;,.,"CC=;¡¡;"'.;~--c. ~;O=~~-Y ... ,~ .w. ~..,~~" "'-- ì('-/4f," City lIull, Anaheim, California - CO1r'ICIL ~fInUTES - June 2Q, lQ7fi, 7:1('\ P.~L PRESENT: ABSEnT: COU~ICIL 'ŒHBERS: Kaytvood, Seymour, TCot t, Roth nnd Thom COU~TCIL ~fF}!RERS: ?Jone ASSISTANT CITY HAJJAGE~: t-Jillian O. Talley DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY: Frank A. l..mvry, Jr. DEPUTY CITY CLERK: Linda D. Roberts DEVELOPNENT SERVICES DIRECTOR: Ronalò ThoMpson TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Paul Sinp,er ZONInG SUPERVISOR: Annika Santalahti PREsnn: AFTER RECESS: ;layor ThOI:l callen the meet in?, to order, all Council ~femhp-rs being present. (7: 3() P. H.) cmTTINHED PUBLIC HEARPIG - CœmITIf)NAL USE PF.R~~IT no. IhI';, VA~IA~TCE NO. ?Rf)?: ^pplication of Imperial Properties to permit a rlrive-through restaurant an~ to construct t'(-10 comMercial buildinf,s in a planned unit shopping center ~vith the following Code waivers on CL(SC) zone~ property locnterl on the north side of Santa Ana Canyon Road, east of Imperial Highway, was su~mitted toget~er with application for negative declaration gtatus from the requirement to prepare an ErR: a. Hinimum number of parl:ing spaces. !1inimum structural s(~tback adj acent to an expresm..;ray. ~animum structural setbac}: adj acent to an expreSS"i'.1ay. h. c. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to Resolution No. PC76-8n recommended that subject project be declared exempt from the requirement to prepare an ErR, and further granted Conditional Use Permit No. l~l~, subject to th~ followin~ conditions: 1. That the property owner(s) shall proportionately, on the basis of acreage, participate in the costs of furnishing and installing a traffic si~nal at the intersection of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Via Cortez, said participation to he 35~< of the total cost (SIJo,onn) and amountin?, to SI4,nnn, and said amount shall he paid prior to thA issuance of building permits. 2. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance t.lith plans and specifications on file ",ith the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit '10s. 1, 2, 3 and 4. The City Planning CoTTlnission, pursuant to Resolution Ho. PC7(;-Rl, granted Variance ~o. 2802 subject to the following conditions: 1. That the property owner(s) shall proportionately, on the basis of acreage, participate in the costs of furnishing and installing a traffic si~nal at the intersection of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Via Cortez, said participation to be 15°~ of the total cost (~/~n,ono) and amounting to $ll+,nf)f), and said amount shall he paid prior to the issuance of building remits. ~. That stiliject property shall he developed suhstantia11y in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhiñit :T 0 S . 1, 2, 1, 4, 5 , ~, an n 7. Review of action takC'1î by the City Planning Commission ,-ras requested by 'fayor W. J. Bill Thom at the City Council Heeting of Hay lR, 1()7", and public hearing scheduled June 15, 1()7~. Said public hearing was further continued to this date to allow time for an informational meeting between homeo\mers and th~ developer. The ~ayor asked if the applicant or his agent wished to address the Council. :"lr. Harry Rinker, representing Imperial Properties, 201 Via Quito, Ne'(.,rport Beach, Q2660, gaye a brief presentation on the shopping center project using photop,raphs of a similar development by his firm in Sacramento. He stressed that because of the concerns of property owners in the Canyon area, a high degree of attention has been pnid to the landscaping treatment in this develop- ment proposal, to the extent that whereas the City requirement for landscapi.nr, (2~ of the shopping area) would amount to 7,n~O square feet of landscaping, they propose to put in 63,000 square feet of landscaping and, in addition, there would be 30,000 square fE~et of landscaping on City right-of-way which they have committed to install and maintain durin~ the life of the center. 1T ,r.. .,."" -..=C....""~.., "" ,,"~~"",,'-'--.-q .-'"-- 7fi-ld;'Q City Hall, Anaheim, California - COU:1CIL ~HtTUTE~ - June ?"I, 1°7f, 7: 1') P.H. This amounts to Q3,nnn sqtlare feet of lanrlscapinr, or 2~.h~ of thp total pro; ect. ~rr. Rinker displayprl several different plot plans anrl expl~ined t~at t~e need for the requested variance stems primarily from the parking and placement of structures to the front of the project. lIe noted that it is proposerl to locate a hank, a savings and loan institution and a ñrive-throu~h restaurant to the front of the property, and for the optimum traffic circulation and parJ~in~ utilization of the center th:ls area should have parkin~ which would not compete with the parkinR area for the food market. By adhering strictly to the sethack requirements they would lose two rows of parking, ~.¡hich they feel to he criti- cal for the USe of the savings and loan institution. ~fr. Rinker used overlavs to Jescribe the findings and alternatives pro~uced by fifteen approaches to this particular problem. The conclusion was that the project would have More landscaping area with the proposed setback variance. In connection witl) the fast-food restaurant proposed (Del Taco), a specially designed huilrling was created which would conform to the overall appearance and maintain the integrity of the shopping center. Renderings of this speciaJ. building were displayed as well as the proposed savings and loan and hank huildinRs. In response to Councilmnn Seymour, Hr. Rinker advised that if his firm owned the property currently located in the Santa Ana Valley Irri~ation ease- nent lying immediately in front of his property, then the setbacl~s would he R feet, 2 feet and 0 feet from being within the required In~-foot setback, rather than 3n feet, 36 feet and 7n feet, respectively, as proposed. In response to objections expressed previously by property o~roers to t~e all-night operation of a restaurant on the sotlthwest corner of the project, Mr. Rinker explained that they hav~ ñiscontinued negotiations on that lease, and read a letter dated June 2Q, l°lF, indicatinr, they "would he apreearle to the placement of a restrictive COVenant in anv neu restaurant or tenant lease prohibiting the operation of same between the hours of 2:nn A.M. to 6:00 A.'~. Pc advised that the southwest corner of the proiect is currently vacant, and his best estimate as to t~e proj ected plans for that corner ~,:rould he sone sort of restaurant. Hith respect, however, to the Albertson's food market, Hr. Rinker explained that the developers and owners of the shopping center have no control over their hours of operation, inasmuch as the lease has already been executed. He added that he would assume that the market operation would be sensitive to the Majority demands of the surrounding community. The Mayor called for those who wished to address the Council, either in favor or in opposition. "Irs. nary Dinndorf, 131 La Paz Street, Anaheim, President of the Santa Ana Canyon Improvement Association, Inc., summarized the circular distributed to Canyon homeo~~ers by the Dunn Company, the leasing agent for subject shopping center. She further noted that there are restrictions in hillside zoning sections ~.,hich limit business activities to the hours between (i:3n A.H. and 12:00 P.~I. She contended that the problem the Canyon area faces is that there is still a lot of land available for commercial development and the granting of this variance would set an undesirable precedent in the face of that potential development. Further comments in opposition to the granting of any variances or excep- tions to the Zoning Code were expressed by Mitzy Ozaki, 34n South Timken Road, Anaheim, representing the Santa Ana Canyon Property Owners Association, and Ste~Nart ~foss, 491 Via Vista, Anaheim, member of the Santa Ana Canyon General Planning Task Force. Hr. Cliff Barrett, .1374 l~illowick Drive, Anaheim, stated that he obj ected to the proposed variance and (~onditional use permit based on the increaseft traffic in the area which would eventually lead to the necessity for the widening of Santa Ana Canyon Road, and this would then eliminate most of the landscaping in front of the shopping center. In addition, he objects to the location of a fast-food restaurant in the vicinity of a high school and ele- mentary school as, in his expE~rience, this predisposes to drug problems. 1r ,.. 1- . H";;,,-=>.zec c-,,-=;¡¡ co.-- --=,~~. I='.__..~~. ... . -~,--- -~".. .. 7 A-!+ 7 n City Hall, Anaheim, California - COTJNCIL HINUTES - Jun~ 2c), 1()7~1 7!'3n P.~'L ~r. Gene TIetzel, ~2F~ Rio Grande, Anaheim, voicerl hig opposition to the entire shopping center and su~gestect that one alternative to resolving the prohlem faced hy the development rvoul(1 he to delete those three front structures from the plans. Sherry 'vay, 13~ Jerrile Lane, Anaheim, Secretary of the Santa Ana Canyon Improvement Association, Inc., advised that the Albertson's food chain ~.vas notified of the homeowners' objections to ?4-hour service and have neVer for- warded any reply, nor has thig firm attended the public hearings regarding this shopping center. She voiced the opinion that the Council '(.]ould still he ahle to insist on some regulation on their operating hours. Jan Hall, 545 Tumbleweed Road, Anaheim, President of the Hestrid~e Homeowners' Association, indicated tnat mogt of the landscaping referrPJ1 to by ~1r. ~inker is located to the renr of the propertv and should not he considere~ a trade-off for the varinnce. She related that the residents wish the integrity of the Canyon and Scenic Corrirlor Overlav zoning to he upheld. ~1rs. Hazel Naag, 17) North Solomon Drive, Anaheim, or.mer of pronertv adjaèent and to the east of the shoppinE; center quegtioned the access roan situation and the traffic signal assessment against her property. 'fr. ~farty Ondquist, C) 57 South Denton, Anal-}eim, homeowner in t1,e Annheim 11ills Area, stated that ohjectively it appears to him it would be a better situation to permit the developer to proceed with the plan he propo~es, rather than to make him conform to the required setbacks. ~lr. Dick Bloom, 658!~ E. Calle Del Norte, Anaheim, voiced the concern that it is too late to stop this project now, inasmuch as it i~ half built. He remarked that the developer has done a goon job in ma1~ing it look as 1;¥'ell as he cant and that he would be in favor of granting the variance. ;lr. Dean Hesketh, 130 Timken Road, An.:1heiM, voiced the opinion that tllis project is over-developed and that the Council should adhere to the ordinance as Hri.tten. :!r. Ben Bay, 2148 W. Grayson Avenuet AnaheiM, voiced concern añout this proj ect as it ~vould establish a precedent, and recalled that it was hy granting variances and waivers from Code requirements thnt strip commercial areas '{vere proliferated in the City of Anaheim. He further stated that he helievec1 the people desire that the ordinances be carried out as they are '{~itten and want good general planning. 'lr. Bill Short, 482~ Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim, spoke in favor of tne ~ranting of the variance and conditional use pe~it as requested. Betty and Bob Segerstrom, 121 S. Quintana Drive, Anaheim, aJdressed the Council regarding the differences in the plans presented and noted that they are, and have been, business ten~nts in shoppin?, centers and have heen suhject to limitations on t~eir hours of business. ~1r. Thomas Hebb, .535 S. Ranchviev.1 Circle, Anaheim, pre~ented a petition containing names and addresses of eight buginess tenants in this shoppinB center who are also homeowners in Anaheim Hills. He advised that he and those listed on the petition are in favor of the requested variance inasmuch as they believe the denial of it would act as a hardship on all of the tenants in the center. Pam Berry, 6()12 La Paz Circle, Anaheim, raised for discussion the point that if Albertson's food market operates 24 hours per day, then the area will require additional police protection. Following the public comments section of the hearing, Mr. Rinker intro- duced the architect for the project, Mr. Robert Haugaard, who gave his professional opinion as a land planner on the benefits of the plan they pro- pose. There being no further persons who wtshed to speak, ~fayor Thorn closerl the public hearing. 1T , ~ L "".~"'-'.."_~h, , . -,.,~.." 7~-471 City Hall, Anaheim, Californi:"l - C()lr;T~IL HIHUTES - June 2Q, 1l17", 7:3(') P.~1. Upon beinr, informed tl1<lt proj ected traffic volumes on Santa Ana r,anyon Road would probably require that one additional west-hound Inne he a~~e~ in th~ future, and c1etermining th:1t it \vould he appropriate to require that the developer of this shoppinR center continue at that time to provide an accel(>ra- tion lane as a safety feature in conjunction with his access to Santa Ana ranvon r~oarl, as is currently planned, and that the propp.rty incltH~ed ::In. the Santa Ana Valley Irrigation easement nay he included in the City right-of-Hav, Councilman Seymour stated th:1t he felt the intent of the Code re~ui.r~ment for the ln~-foot setback would he met if the Imperial Properties development were given the benefit of that easement toward the front sethacl-- re~uirement. During Council hours of operation, the Canyon area and the hirh school. In response to her coMments, Hr. Rinker offered Albertsons' executives and community representatives tian. ctiscussion, Councibvoman Kavwood voiced her concern r.!ith especially over the possibility of a 24-hour operation in also felt :1 drive-thru restaurant ~ms inappropriDte across fron to host a meeting hetween to discuss hours of opera- f]J~/IRonHEnTAL IHPACT - NEGATIVE DECLARATIO~T: On motion 11y Councilman Seymour, seconded by Councilman Kott, the City Council finds that this project will hnve no significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report. ~10TION CARRIED. RESOLUTIO:¡ :~OS. 7f1R-37q AND 7óR-3gf): Councilman Seymour offered Resolution 'Tos. 7~R-37Q and 76R-38n granting Conditional Use Permit No. 1616 and Variance No. 2802, respectively, suhject to the conditions recommended hy the City Planntnp; Commission and, further, suhJect to an additional condition which reads as f o11mvs : "That all structures he located with a minimuM Inn-foot front setbac'" froM any edge of pavement, current or planned in the future". Refer to Resolution Book. RESOLUTION NO. 76R-J79: A RESOLUTIOtT OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAIIEPf GRANTING CŒ'mITIONAL USE l'ER1>nT NO. 1 ~ 1 h. RESOLUTION NO. 76R-38n: A RESOLUTlmr OF THE CITY COU~TCIL OF THE CITY OF A~1AIIEIH GRANTING VARIAN~E no., 2302. Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCIL HE~'1BERS: COUNCIL HE'fBERS: COUNCIL HEHBERS: Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thorn Kaytvood ~1one NOES: ABSENT: The Mayor declared Resolution Nos. 7~R-37q and 76R-38n duly passed and adopted. ADJOURNHENT: Councilman Seymour moved to adjourn. motion. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Roth second~d the Adjourned: 10:07 P.H. ALaNA M. HOUGARD, CITY CLERK By: } -~~~h~ ~~--- Deputy 1r Cc~" -