City Hall. Anaheim. California - COUNCIL MINUTES - Au2ust 24" 1976. 1:30 P.tI.
The City Counci.l of the City of Anaheim met in ret',ular session.
ABS r.~IT :
COunCIT.. HEHBF:RS: Kaywood. :.eymotlr, Kott, Roth and Thorn
COUNCIL Hr.Hn'CRS: ;lone
CITY MANAGER: Hilliam O. Talley
DJ:ruTY CITY ATTORNEY: Frank A. Lo"rry. Jr.
DEPUTY CITY CLI:RK: tinda n. 'Roberts
PLAl;:n:IG DIRECTOR: ~onald L. ThoT:1pson
UTILITIr.S DI~r.CTOR: Gordon !!oyt
CITY E~1GINr.E~: James }1addox
HOUSING DIRECTOR: Rosario Yattessich
A~SOCIATE PI.ANNER: Phil Schwartze
P[R~ON:1r..L SERVICE:r; ~tAnAGER: David Ilill
ZOnING svrr.RVISOR: Annika Santalahti
Hayor Thot!1 called the Ineeting to order at 1 :30 P.N. and w'elcomed
those in attendance to the Council ~eeting.
Reverend Paul Reller of the First Presbyterian Church gave the
FLAG SALUTE; Councilman William I:ott led the Assembly in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
rITRODUCTIO~ - POLICE OLYHPICS PARTICIPANTS: Detective Jim l1atkins introduced
Anaheim Police Officers who had recently participated in the 10th Annual
California Police Olympics. 1I~ reported that the 34 Anaheim Police Officers had
cOT.1peted in 37 dif ferent event Ii and were awarded 12 medals.
Xayor Tho~ commended the Officers for their participation and fine representation
of the City of Anaheim.
NINUTES: On motion by Councilman Kott, seconded by Councilwoman Kaywood, H1nutes
of the Anaheim City Council regular meetings held July 6 and 20, 1976 and
adjourned rp.gular meeting held July 12, 1976, were approved as corrected.
(typographical errors) HaT ION CARRIED.
waive the reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions, and that consent to
the waiver of reading is hereby given by all Council Hembers unless, after
reading of the title, specific request is made by a Council Member for the
reading of such ordinance or resolution. Councilman Thorn seconded the motion.
FInANCIAL DEHANDS AGAINST TIlE CITY in the amount of $585,452.86.in accordance
with the 1976-77 Budget, were approved.
MULTIHODAL TRANSPORTATION STUDY: Mr. Phillip Schwartze introduced Hr. Richard
Bouchard of Daniel, Mann. Johnson and ~lendenhall (DMJM) and Mr. Robert Hartwig of
the Orange County Transit District to present the results of the joint study
initiated one year ago which was funded by the Urban Mass Transit Administration
with Anaheim and aCID staff contributing in-kind services. Mr. Schwartze
reported that this report had been presented to the aCID Board of Director's
several weeks ago and is being held in abeyance by that body awaiting action by
the Anaheim City Council.
The report was submitted together with r:temorandum from the Planning Department
dated August 24, 1976.
Mr. Bouchard outlined the objectives of the initial study as follows: (1) to
assess demand: (2) to investigate potential sites for development: (3) to compare
the costs of providing such fac:ility; (I.) to ascertain the environmental
problems; and (5) to show the feasibility or infeasibility of such a project.
The final report concludes that there is sufficient dem~nd to warrant such a
transportation center, particularly on behalf of tourists; that there are several
potentially good sites in various parts of the Anaheitr1 conIT1unity¡ those ,mich
\--'ould be considered most likely are located near Disneyland and the Convention
Cen ter, however, there are otlH~rs available near the Stadium which could provide
" ,
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:~it) L:-lll, .\nDheir',. California - COU:¡CIL nrruTEs - ^uf~ust 2/.. 197(. l:J() P.!!.
an éh:ditional transportation] ink. :io unusual environmental problems were
f orseell. The report concludes thélt a '1\\1 t imollal Center in An é1heim is a viable
an~l necessary project \.¡ith pri~ary location in the Disneyland - Convention r.cnter
3rc~. \ seconJary facility for park and ride should be developed at the ~tadiurn
and é1 titird facility should be considereèc at í1 later date to coincide with the
r:edevelopnent Alpha Project. It ,\7a5 noted that this report is intended to gerve
as .:1 [uidc in determination of project feasibility, site selection and of
budge t inr>
^ brief series of slides to illustrate the report and conclusions was presented.
j'r. [oh ]~artwig reported that the Orange County Transit District. upon receipt of
ti1i~ sane presentat ion þ determined to delay action until September 7.0. 1976.
Councilman Seymour noted thnt the transportation facility is a substantial
undertaking. requiring a great capital investMent and while he had not had the
opportunity to review the report to the extent and depth he would like prior to
taking an action. since he senses the nCTD is looking for some direction from the
Anaheim City Council, he felt the Council could, without Making any great
cor1mitment to the project, direct the Anaheim City staff to work with the aCID to
identify an implementation and funding program. He felt the Anaheim City Council
should take a leadership posture.
Councilman Seymour I1oved to accept the recommendation of the City Planning
Department as contained in their memorandum dated August 2~, 1976, with respect
to the Multimodal Transportation Center study, ie, (1) to adopt a multiple
transportation center concept with 2 or 3 feasible locations within the City of
Anaheim and (2) to direct the City staff to work with aCID and report back with a
recommended site location(s) and an implementation and funding program.
Councilman Thom seconded the motion. nOTION CARRIED.
PRESERVATION - "FREDERICK LITTLE" HOUSE: Hayor Thorn recalled that Council last
Y.~eek voted to appropriate funds in accordance with the request submitted hy Andy
Deneau for preservation of the Frederick Little House. It is understood that the
move of the structure from its present location on the south side of Broadway.
west of Manchester Avenue, is intended to be an interim move for a period of
several nonths, however. Councilwoman Kaywood has concerns which she wishes to
address relative to the moving and location of the house once this initial period
has elapsed.
Councibvonan I~aywood explained that she had received telephone calls from several
citizens regarding this project, one of "-mom was particularly unhappy with the
prospect of the School District donatin~ a permanent site for this structure on
Sycamore Street. She commented that she had spoken with Kenton Hines who
indicated he had never intended that the School District property be a permanent
site, but ~]a~ offerin~ it in terms of a 60-day to 120-day period. She noted that
neither a permanent nor a second move of the structure could be accommodated from
the amount of funds authorized by the City at the present time and she wished to
make very gure that the Council was aware of their entire commitment to this
project at the outset.
~~r. Andy Deneau advised that the City is still involved only to the extent of his
ori.z,inal request; that following further discussion his Committee has withdrawn
its request for permission to use the school property as a temporary site; that
they have received from a private benefactor consideration to allow the house to
remain at its present site pending completion of the Iteritar,e Committee final
report in two to two and one~half weeks. The report and recommendation will then
be forwarded to the Cultural Arts Commission in accordance with City policy and
be referred to the City Council.
Councilwonan Kaywood explained that the Community Development Dlock Grant Funds
for Historical Preservation are liMited and inquired as to 'whether the Heritage
CoDnittee has prepared a list of priorities of those structures ~lich should be
saved and what the costs would be. so that this project might be reviewed in
comparison with others.
Mr. Deneau responded that there was such a list prepared by his group containing
four projects without any priority ranking. The Frederick Little House was one
which was under consideration as early as two to four years ago but was not
available at that time, particularly as a gift with the costs of removal to
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City Hall, Anaheim, California - COU:~CIL HDmTES - Außust 2/., 1976, 1:30 P.l:.
another site, as is the case in this instance. Hr. Deneau reiterated th:1t he
í-ll~ll understands the project will receive no further funding above the $7,~35
frm1 the Council Contingency Fund towards moving costs and $3,nOO from the
Cor.1Munity Development Block Grant Funds. He further explained that they rlre
presf'ntly considering three potential permanent sites for the house, two of \'7hich
.1r(> owned hy th(> City. A re,commendation as to one of these sites will be macle to
the Cultural Arts CoI11Mission.
CouncilwofJan Kaywood stated that City-owned property such as the sites described
by ;~r. Deneau would st ill ha.ve to be considered as having a cost to the City if
used for this purpose. She also inquired about maintenance costs for the house
once restored and as to who would absorb same.
Councilman Seymour concurred. there are Rome questions with respect to this
proj ec t uh ich need answer s, but noted that un t il the report is completed there 1.8
nothing further the Counc:il can do, and the Council has not committed to ~ny more
than $2,,)35 for novinz costs thus far.
:;0 further action 'tvas taken by the City Council.
"DI\D HILLER" GOLF TOURNA1ENT AND BANQUET: Letter from Ed\-18rd r. Klein. 606 f;outh
Barnett Street was s\ilirnitted and the City Cmlncil, on motion by Councilman Thorn,
seconded by Councilman Roth, proclaimed Septenber 11. 1976. as "Dad i'filler Day"
and authorized sponsorship of the Tournament in the amount of ~250. nOTIon
CI\.l~n_I~~D .
offered Resolution No. 76R-507 for adoption approving an agreeMent with Orange
Vilified Gchool District regnrding tennis lessons for Anaheim residents at Canyon
IIißh School and ~1 Rancho Junior nigh School. Refer to Resolution Book.
CIlST:: IF TErra s I'J STRUCTlœJ rJ SAID scnOOL DI ~T1lICT f.ND i\UTPORIZ P~G ':'EE !~A :rrr, AIm
'"'IT"" CL~:~ì: TO EXfCUTE SAID !\GRr.mn:NT on r.ElIALF OF 1TE CITY OF Alu\nr.nl.
nolI ("all Vote:
.'\n~ r:;~T :
rnlf.1CI1. ::T:!mEr.~:
r.01.J'J ClL i r:'mr:RS :
COU:¡CI1 if1=~.mr: RS :
r:nyuood. Seynour, i:ott, Roth and Thom
/'- y¡:;-: :
"~;",\ ;.. (' .
,.-'u') .
The :Iayor declared Resolution ~;o. 7óT]-SO7 duly passed anù adopted.
EXCIU\~1GI: OF PROPERTY - KENny: On motion by Councilman }(ott, seconded by
Councilwonan I~aywood. the Cj~ty Council authorized an exchange of property located
sou th 0 f f¡an ta Ana Canyon Road, 'tve st of Ir'per ial to be developed in conj unc t ion
\,rith Pelanconi Pnrk with ~lr. Calvin L. !:enny. (Portion of Lot Ho. 73 in Tract 110.
7569 to Cnlvin L. and ?1ildred G. Kenny in exchange for a port ion of Lot :10. 74 of
Trac t .'Jo. 7569) HOTIOn CARRIED.
Al1EP.ICAi1 COLLECT: OF LA\-: - PARKI:TG LEASE Rr~mHAL: Upon report from the City
Hanager t s Office recomrœnding renev.-ral of the lease agreement \vith the American
College of Law for 1+0 spaces in parking lot number 4 at a reduced rate of one
dollar per space because th(~ hours of use are between 7 to 10 p.m. t CouncilMan
Kott offered Resolution No. 76R-508 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book.
Roll Call Vote:
COU;¡C 11 HEHnr:RS:
Kaywood. Seyr;1our. Kott. Roth and Thom
:,WES :
The ;1ayor declared Resolution Ho. 76R-50ô duly passed and adopted.
-, ..
., I
City Hall, Anaheim. California - COUNCIL HINUTES - August 'lA. 1976. 1:30 P.N.
P12R~m¡:rcL RULE NO. 11: Mr. David IIlll of the Personnel Department reported that
One of the matters left unresc:>lved at the end of salary negotiations was the
wording of the layoff and re-I:!mployment rule (Rule 11). lIe advised that the
Personnel Department has succ(~eded in drafting language which is acceptable to
A!'IEA and other employee organlzations, and it is recommended for adoption by the
City Council at this time.
Councilman Seymour offered Resolution No. 76R-509 for adoption.
Resolution Book.
Refer to
~ms. 73P..-499 .tu~D 74R-421.
~oll Call Vote:
A YT~ S :
Kaywood, Seymour, l~ott, Roth and Thorn
The ~(ayor declared Resolution No. 76R-509 duly passed and adopted.
HOUSING STRATEGY CONSULTA1~T SELECTION: Councilwoman Kaywood. having been the
Council's appointed representative to the Committee to select the Housing
Strategy Consultant. reported on that Committee's recommendation that Real Estate
Research a f Chicago be the firm selected.
In response to Councilman Seymour's inquiry as to whether any local fim was
~onsidered. Councilwoman Kaywclod replied affirmatively but noted that it was the
consensus of the Committee that this particular firm recommended was the most
professional and could perform the work most efficiently.
On motion by Councilwoman Ka~rood, seconded hy Councilman Seymour. the City
Council accepted the recommendation of the Committee to employ Real Estate
Research of Chicago as the City's Housing Strategy Consultant and directed the
City Attorney to prepare an agreement therefor. HOTIŒJ CARRIED.
PU~)LIC llliARI:JG - ATI.AHDO!IHEHT UO. 75-16A: On motion by Councilwoman Kaywood.
seconded by Councilman Thorn. the City Council continued the public hearing on
.\bandonment ~Jo. 75-16A, Anaheim Hemorial Hospital. to abandon a portion of an
existing street and public utility easement commonly known as Hermosa Drive" to
the Council meeting of September 14, 1976, at 2:30 p.m. as requested by Hr. Dan
~O\.¡land. Architect. HOTIaH CARRIED.
~!(). 1~1: To consider aroendnents to the I-naheim General Plan as follows;
Area I. naIl Road and Sunkist Street. bounded by Ball Road. Sunk1st Street.
Cerritos Avenue and the Santa Ana River. The proposed amendment is for the
purpose of changing the land use designation from Industrial to Residential
and/or Industrial uses.
Area II. Orangewood Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. Said area is bounded by Troy
Street, Orangewood Avenue. West Street and the Southern California Edison
easement. The proposed amendment is for the purpose of changing the land use
designation from Commercial--Recreation to Commercial. Residential and/or
Area III. Circulation Element proposes various changes in wording and alignments
distributed throughout the City for the purpose of bringing the City's
Circulation Element into conformity with the County Master Plan of Arterial
The City Planning Commission, pursuant to Resolution No. PC76-135, recommended
that the City Council certify EIR No. 181 as being in compliance with the
California Environmental Quality Act and City and State Guidelines and
recommended adoption of General Plan Amendment No. 140. Area I to remain
unchanged; Area II in accordance with Exhibit "D"; Area III as indicated within
said Resolution.
~-" ~~c.~~"".", c~~~'c_w ".." ~~~H"c'~'"
City H~ll, Anahel!l, C<.llifornia - counCIL VI~JUTrS - AU¡:llS,t ;)[" 197(), 1:3() P.~1.
The Deputy City Clerk reported tllé1t correspondence dated August 23, 197(" had
been received from èir. ~:aur:tce Jones on behalf of l1rs. Jane Inch.
r:eport from the Planninr.. nepartment dated l\Ugust 24, 1976, containinf~
supplemental information reeardinß General Plan Amendment ;-;0. IAn was also
su bmi t ted.
/\R;~l\ I: ltr. Bill Cunningham of the Planninp, DepartrrJ.ent briefly outlined th:1t
Aren I contains 125 acres ,¥'hich is currently unincorporated, 1;-7ith annexation to
the Cit y of AnaheirTJ pending:, havinf, been approved by LAFCO on July 1!~, 1 r¡7(>. The
current;¡se of the property is agricultural, part of the area ts in an
,'\.¡~ricultural Preserve and the owners are seekinr, to cancel their agreements in
order to develop òn apartment conplex and mobile hone park.
J:r. Cunningham outlinec1 Exhibits tI^" through "D" \-7hich were not the only
al ternati ves possible bu t some which ,-¡ere prepared and presented by Plannin[~
staff to the City Planning Commission. It vIas noted that there should l)e SOT1e
i:1provement in circulation in the area, rr¡ost likely via an extension of r')mega and
T'inston ~~treett3. This concern ,-¡auld he addressed \;Jhen a zoning action is
con~idcrell on the properties. There's also a park deficiency :in the aren as .:1
re~:;ult of tIle proposal for residential developP'ent and that which has already
hecn approved, and the inclusion of a park site at the easterly extension of
~::lnst(i'" :'.oad if) recoT'lnended 1.:- residential use is .qpproved.
'lr. c',: mni n rl:.am repo rted that the flann:lnL Corn1.ss ion reconnenJa t ion U~S to rct ai n
t'¡C current General Plan designation of Industrial for Area I.
'~l:. Jnrr.cfJ C>lr 1st cnsen þ 121['; '!)ee rparl', re pr esent ing the \7armington Conpany,
po:inted out that the entire area under discussion is actually only 52 acres,
c~:{cL!(:ing 2pproxin,ately 25 acres of frc e1i-¡ay , and is located "Jest of the freeway.
In support of his content ion tlwt tLls property should be reclesir.natecl on t}H:~
General Plan for other than industriAl use. ~1r. Christensen cited the followinf:
(1) that there :ts currently a 3Lt~~ vacancy factor in industriAl buildings in the
lity of Anaheit1; (~) located adjacent to this property is 30.000 square feet of
industrial building available for rental ~lich has not been occupied for a period
of 2 ycars; (3) that there Are other properties available adjacent to the
industrial which coulJ be rezoned for industrial uses; (I.) that the City has an
inventory of industrial land sufficient for several years developr.ent; and (5)
that it appears there is a preference to develop in the northeast Industrial
Conversely. Hr. Chr istensen cited that there is a desperate need for r.10bile home
park tyP(~ housine as evidenced by the zero vacancy factor and further thnt the
apartr.lent vacancy factor in the City is less than 1 1/2Î~. In conclusion '1r.
Christensen noted that this development proposal represents an opportunity to
develop in one project and not in piece neal. He noted that his firm has already
been in contact with the State :)epartment of Transportation regarding the
placement of noise attenuation barriers along State property in conjunction with
their proposal.
~'lr. Cecil Hright advised that he is representing the property owners involved in
thp- proposal for the mobile home park only. and not those included in the
r,:'arminr;ton proposal. He demonstrated the fragmentation of property o"tmership in
the area and related his activities on behalf of these property owners towards
rnarketine their property.
:fr. L'right stressed that 11r. Fluor who is keeping
proposal has no objection to the mobile home park
not detract or endanger his ability to ~arket his
industrJal development.
his 40 acres out of the
inasmuch as he feels it ~.;rould
parcel in the future for
nr. Georße Geese. Chairman of the Industrial Committee of the Anaheim Chamber of
Cotnr:lerce, stated that they concur with the position taken by the City Planning
Comr:Üssion "'1ith respect to General Plan Amendment 110. 140, Area I, and they
recommend that the City Council adopt this position as well& Their concerns are
based on the fo'llowing: (1) that adoption of this General Plan Amendment ,.¡ould
result in a loss of prime industrial sites necessary for the general growth of
the City; (2) the potential hazard to residential dwellers in close proximity to
industrial particularly from air quality and noise levels; (3) the increase and
mix of local traffic, residential with heavy trucks; (4) the necessity for
,'-, .
City Hall. AnaheiI'1. C;llifornia - COU~JCIL lnnUTES - August ~/tl 197~. 1:10 P.H.
incrGase~ in Jì1unicip:Ü s(~rvices, which are not currently planned because of the
zoninr=; (5) the benefits to the City from taxes and payroll revenues \-mich 1'"'ay
not he rc:11izect; (11) this plé1n would subject potential residents to freeway
fronta~e; and (7) the nc~ative reaction to existing local industries by residents
('<nce thl~~e .:lre<1S becone settled.
"r. l~nb Dunham, Consultant retained by the Heville Corporation to review the
fèasíbility of the designated use of the area, noted th:1t the property has real
potential for industrial use inasnuch as it has direct access to a freeway and
ii])'1ec~iate freeway identity. The only drawhack is its pro::{imity to multiple
fanily housinf¡. Ile voiced his opinion that the City would be better off fiscally
witl1 industrial property, coMparing property tax rates, depreciation rates and
t:1C increased need for Police and Fire services should the area become
. ~ . I
reSl. ent1a .
'~r. T'ichard Beckham, Vice-President and General Hanager, Pestside nuilding
"aterié1l, indicated the location of his facility and explained that he bought the
site Hith the understanding that the ~bster Plan for the area was industrial. !Ie
also noted that he had made an offer for the Cregg property with the idea of
developing R acres of it to a building l'1aterial yard. ¡Ie explained that they
need rail services and freeway proxiMity and this particular site provides both.
He noted that as industrial users of property in the area, they do not feel a
high density apartment complex or mobile home park would be compatible. He
rer.:arked that he would be concerned about traffic and the amount of residents
driving to and from the area. 1lis firm runs trucks 24 hours per day and they
feel it would be dangerous to nix truck traffic with children and older people in
the area.
There heinp, no further persons who t..rished to speak, Mayor Thorn closed the Public
¡Iearing on Area I.
RECf-55 :
Dy general consent the Council recessed for ten Minutes. (3:20 p.n.)
AF'"l'I:R RECf-55: Hayor calleù the meeting to order, all Council l'!embers being
present. (3:30 P.H.)
A~r:A II: Hr. Bill Cunningham reviewed the location and existinr, land uses '\vithin
Area II and explained Exhibits "A" through "n" which were considered by the
Planning Commission; Exhibit "D" having been proposed as a result of a property
owner at the Planning Commission public hearing wishing to retain the depth of
250 feet from Harbor in the "CR" zone with the balance of the property in medium
density residential. lIe explained that the maximum number of dwelling units
permitted with each of the exhibits proposed would range from 297 to a maximum of
1 . 56 5 "7i th Exh ib it" C" .
Following the Planning Commission hearing, a communication from Haurice Jones on
behalf of Hrs. Jane Inch indieated that it vlas really the intent of that property
mmer to request the 250-foot port ion front ing on Harbor Boulevard be desi!:flated
for General Commercial and not: Commercial--Recreation.
Jale L. Inßram, Post Office Box 5922, I:l ~1onte. representing }frs. Jane Inch,
m.¡ner of property on the east side of Harbor, north of Orangewood, recalled that
his client diJ submit a request for two different zoning classifications on her
property, "CG" for the property adjacent to Harbor Boulevard to a 250-foot depth
and mediun density residential for that property on the north side of Orangewood.
He cited as reasons for tllis request the fact that since the adoption of the
:'.esolution of Intent to "CR" for this area by the Council some 10 years ago, many
chanf.es have occurred, primarfly the hotels and motels have gone high-rise and
provide 1)anquet and restaurant facilities. This has eliminated the demand for
t\IO a f the ¡;lain uses permit ted in the "CR" zone. whereas there is an exist ing
Je: ¡and for housing units, particularly apartment units because a large segment of
the population has been eliminated froB the single-family ownership r.~arket.
':r. "aurice Jones read his communication to the Council. He advised that they
never had the opportunity to present the request for change in designation of the
property from "CR" to "CG" to the Plannin£ Commission. He called attention to
the fact that Hrs. Inch's current income from the property is not nearly enough
to pay the taxes. lIe reiterated that the area surrounding subject property is
already saturated ,,-lith hotels, motels and restaurants and therefore the "CR"
restriction has prevented the sale of this property.
« ",
-_.~","<-~«.. --~--'---'"'-'--"""~"'--<~" .
(it)' L:11l, Al1~lllCi¡;t r;,11iforrJ1.a - COlJ'~r,IL ;~I:1UTr:~ - /\uzust 7!~. 197(Jt 1:30 P.;f.
There ')I'il¡L no furt!lt'r persons \.,rho wished to sp(~ak on !\rp.:1 II. ~f:1yor Thor.1 cl()~erl
t 11 c' r II h 1 i C 11 C ,;,1 r in L .
\:~~::, ILl: ~rr. raIl Cunningham explainec1 that ,"rea III Is corprised prll;1arily of
:1oU~;t~;:ccpinL~ it('l':s to hrin~~ the Circulation T~lement of the General rlan up to
Jate \..rith various ch,în~~es in \vor(~in~ and ali~nment5 throu~:hout the City brir.r.inr
it i r; to con f ormi t y ui t]¡ t:1(~ COlln t y' s ~.fast er :Plan of ,^- r t er ial Irigh'vays. The
cLanges \..Tcrc 1)ricfly JescrilJed as follows:
4 . "
Chani_jCS to the lliglnvay "f'.irht 5-0 f-\!ay ~lap:
1. ~esiGn3te Loara Street (fro~ !Iorth ~treet to Crescent Avenue) as a
.~" Chan:~e Inper 1:,1 J!ighway (fron ~anta I~na Canyon Road southerly) from a
"llillsiJe prif:1ary" to 3 "~lillside p13jortl.
3. nelineate Clementine Street (froM I:atella t,venne to ()range~vood Avnue) in
accorJa::1cc ",ith the approved alignment.
It.. T:cnane "Rose Drive" (north of Orant;ethorpe Avenue in the City of rlacentia)
to "Linda Vista Street."
. , .
Chanßcs to the Arteri:1l ~treet s .:lnd righways }fap:
~ .
:)eletE~ !{ed Cum Street (from nranr,ethorpe Avenue to La Jolla Avenue)
" .
;!ake the changes noted in J\, 1 throur,h L} .:J.bove. on the Highway Rights-of-Hay
C. Chan~es to the Arterial Streets nl1l1 ITip,hways Right s-of-Way widths, Y':xhib it
liE" (exceptions list):
1 .
P.iverdale Avenue - change "T~ylor !itreetlt to "Lakeview Avenue."
L. .
Oranßethorpe Avenue - change "Linda Vista Street" to "Tustin Avenue."
;1¿;.yor thon asked if anyone wished to speak on General Plan Amendment ~~10. 14('\,
Area III; and there being no response, he declared the Public Hearing closed.
Z::;VI r.n:.p,C:"ITAL ~}1P AC::' PJ::PORT !:o. 181 - CERTIFICATION: ErR No. 181 having been
reviewed by the City staff and reco~ended by the City Planning Commission to be
in compliance with City and State Guidelines and the State of California
I:nvironmental Quality Act, the City Council acting upon such information and
belief does hereby certify, on motion by Councilman Kott. seconded by Councilman
~üth, that [I R :10. 181 is in campI iance wi th the California Environmental Quality
Act and City and State Guiclelines. MOTIOn CARRIED.
DISCUSSln:1 - ARfA I: Councilman Seymour noted that if the City's existing
available industrial zoned land were developed at a rate of 1 1/2 million square
fc=et of building per year. with 15,000 square feet of huilding per acre, it uould
take 12 years to utilize the current supply.
"Ir. ThoMpson clarified however that the railroad owns a considerable amount of
industrial land and \.¡ill not sell except to those firMs Hhich Hill utilize their
rat] services, and added to that approximately 1,700 acres is hein£ held for
pl:1nt cxp,lnsion, rrakinf, only approximately t~m-thirds of current industrially
r-1Csir-néltec1 area available.
The Council generally concurred tllat for purposes of this discussion and Area I
of Ceneral Plan Pmenclnent !Jo. 140 all that property east of the 57 Freeway could
be eliminated.
Councilman ~eynour cor~ented that ~lile he could appreciate the policy and
rationale behind maintainin~ the City's industrial zones ~dthout compromise, on
the other hand he felt this particular proposal to develop that large segMent of
land hounded by raIl f:oad, Sunkist ~treet, the 57 Freeway and Cerritos Avenue in
one or t~.JO developT'1ent projects, presents a unique opportunity, inasmuch as this
is the situation in ,,¡hich the City will best negotiate for recreational areas.
front setbacks, etc. In addition, Councilman Seymour noted that there is :l
""-'~.C'-'~,,,_._---,,~.-~-- --,-
,'" ...,,-~,..--
C it Y L.lII. f\nahe in t Cé.Ü if orni a - COU:JC1L !,fI~1UTr:~ - August 2t~. 1976. 1: 30 P. V.
~C"'.~m,1 for rwbilc 1101"'10 unit!; and he felt this use could he comp:\tible v7ith
'11jacent industrial uses as lonß é1S appropriate environmental concerns '¡lcre net
such 3~ ~)Uffering fron th~ frem.¡ay and fron ~;unkist ~treet.
Connci IT:1.'1n Seyr.ìQur pointed out thnt there \.¡ould ;1lso be an opportunity to
nc~otiate for an off--street extension of the City's planned Dike Trails and if
there is the need demonstrated for a park in this area, the Edison casement
nmnini~ along the south boundary of the property provides an alternative to
accommoclate these residential needs.
~jOTI()~J: Councilm.c'1ll Seymour moved that an Exhib it labeled "r." Qe developed for
Area I of General Plan AnendmE~nt No. 140, in addition to those prepared by the
City Planning Commission. this exhibit deleting all property to the east of the
57 Free\.¡ay. and designating the remainder of that area suitable for ImJ nediur'¡
density of approxinatcly 9 to 10 units per acre. Councilman ~ott seconded the
'"otion. To th is mot ion Counc flwot:1an I;aywood '.Toted "}~o". HOTIœJ CARRIED.
Councilwoman Kaywoocl voiced her disapproval of this Exhibit, noting that she
felt the industrial area needs to preserved. She felt that the questions brought
up ree,arding the mix .1.nd type of traffic which 'Would be brought into the area by
resIdential property projects would be a burden to industry. She concluded that
the integrity of the industrial area should not be compromised.
DI~CUS:: 1'111 AREA II: Counc ilmcsLn Roth moved to accept and incorporate in the
General Plan Anendment :'10. 140, Exhibit "D" as recommended by the City Planninz
Commission, with the exception that the strip of property 250 feet deep frotn:
Harbor Boulevard be desiZl1ated suitable for General Commercial rather than
CO!:1fJerci;11 Recreational uses, and that this ne"-T exhibit be labeled "E".
Councilman Thorn seconded the motion.
In discussion, Councilman Seyrnour pointed out that vlhile he supports the change
to General Commercial, be did not feel the residential uses included in the area
to the east would be appropriate at this time because of the potential location
of a :fultiI:1odal Transportation Center as discussed earlier this date on t~1e
Fujishige property to the north. So as not to complicate this possibility by
building in a problem ':.mereby those people who Hould reside in dwelling units
proposed for this area would be subject to the goings and comings of buses and
possibly air traffic, he felt the decision on resi(lential use of that portion
sl¡ould be delayed for (; r.1onths. In his opinion the potential resistance from
people rcsiJin¿; on that particular property would !:lake a transportation center of
;111:'" ~'c(1ninr,ful size \lithin that confi~~uration an impossibility.
('Y:iJ)'~ ~ Councilpan ~eyt:1ou r T'1oved that an Exhih i t labeled "E" he prep[lred for
\rcél IT. Ceneral Plé1n ¡'.;'cndnent "0. 140. sho\vinû a General Comrnerci[ll designation
for t~1e f:ront 250 .:-eet of Harbor Houlevar(1, Lut omittinL nediuM density
resi(:ential to the east. Councilnan Thorn seconded the :lotion. ~~OTIOn CARRIED.
:\1"Œ/ II I: I t Has i'1oved by ~ounciltr:an Seyr;lOur, seconded by Counc ilman Kott t that
~rea III of General rlan~'en¿ment ~o. 140 be incorporated in the City Council
T")esolution as recoD.l:1ended by the City Planning Commission. ~mTIœ; CARRII:D.
~()uncilI'lé1n noth offereJ Resolution :;0. 76P,-510 for adoption. adopting General
PI an Anendnen t no. 140 incorpo rat ing Exhib its labeled "E" for .\reas L and II and
Area III as recommended by thE City Planning Commission and as outlined herein-
above. Refer to ~esolution Hook.
A?rrOVrJG A:J A.HLlTD!~:¡':' TO THE GEnI~RAL PLAN Dr:S1 GNATED AS tJŒ~TDlŒ~'~T ~10. 11~O t
,,:,'"TrIPI'T' "r"
~..~'" ~ ~ ......
Roll Call Vote:
::c)E~; :
COtJ'JCIL ¡.n:;:.mr.RS:
Kaywood. Seyuour. r:ott. Roth and Thorn
A y:~s :
The ~1ayor declared Resolution no. 76R-510 duly passed and adopted.
1'17C-77 BUDGET REDUCTIONS: Pursuant to direction given by the City Council on
Au8ust 10, 1976. Hr. Hilliam Talley subMitted the list of recommended Budget
~:ity lIall, /,¡.n;¡heiIHt California - CnUHCIL ~nJmTLS - Aurust 21f, 1976, 1 :30 r.I~.
rc\:uc:t ion~; for FtscalYenr 1976-77, Hhich :i.f enncted, ~.Jould enable the City
Council to reduce tiH: nudzet hy ~()22th/t5.0a, equivalent to an Il.S<:: reùuction iT!
t;1C nd valorpm tœ~ rate. ~'lr. Talley advised thnt these recommended reducti.ons
represent the work of Department Heads Vlho submitted recommendations on pro~rm;¡
adjustments to his office. The recommendations presented to Council this d:1tp.
are thbse ý;rhich are felt would minimize effects on Cl.ty eMployees and service
lave 1s. He noted that represen tat ives of employee groups \-Jerc in the auc1 fence
an~l Honld nost likely ,-"ish to comment if specific program reductions are
addressed. Hr. Talley stressed that the listed reductions are recommendations in
response to Council's directive only, and do not represent items which J.1nnacenent
\vould prefer to delay or cut back. (The recomr~1ended list of Budget reductions for
lC)7C)-77 elated L'\Ugust 21ft 1976 on file in the Office of the City Clerk.)
::nyor Than stated that he could not concur ';vith any of the proposed reductions
subr.:itt(~d by '1r.. Talley. He commented that he is not interested in reducing the
level of City services in llr:ht of continual citizen demands for increased
services. However. if there is some action the Council could take through 1;,;,hich
the tax rate miGht be reduced and still not affect service levels or existinr
e:npl oye(~ po si t ions, he would be support ive of it.
~byor Thon conmented that the most vociferous
reduction are members of the Anaheim business
corporat e in terests \vhich Houlc1 stand to gain
property tax reduction.
proponents of a property tm::
community, ~JtlO represent large
the most financially from a
CouncilDan Seymour explained that he had compiled a list of reductions ",¡hich
~'70ulcl accomplish the lOí~ tax rate reduction and t.]hich mi.¿;ht be more compatible
1vi th Council philosophy than those proposed by Hr. 'Talley. Prior to presenting
his .'11 ternative list, Councih'1D.l1 Seymour commented that he saH no unfairness in
t;¡e fact that the business cor1r111nity, tJhich pays the lnrgest segnent of property
t:-D:es. Hould receive the greatest benefit from any reduction in same, the tax
relief would be proportionate to taxes paid.
H()TIŒ~: Councilr-1an SeY!l1our 111oved that the City's ad valoren tax rate for fiscal
year 1976-77 be established at 95<:: per $100 assessed valuation and that the
follmvi:lg reductions and adjust~nents be r,.ade to the 1976-77 Bndget: (1) extending
the existiní; hirinr; freeze fro:": 60 to 120 days to accomplish an an ticipateù
savings of $450.000; (2) eliminate proposed new positions to be ~¿ded in the
1,)7~-77 Budget yc,ar to decrease that allocation bj ~!tO,OOO; (3) the addition of
S200,GOO to City revenue because of a favorable ruling of the Federal Power
CoT'lmis s ion; (/1) reduce the 1,Hcandescent lamp r ep lacement p. rogram by ~) 50, oon; and
(5) reduce the allocation to Council Contingency Fund by $90.000. This would
create a total TIudget adjustt1ent of Q830,OOO. ._Councilman Path seconded the
Extensive discussion bet'l:veen Council, staff and Members of the audience ensued
during \vhich Councibvoman Kaywood established her position of opposition to the
T"1otion and actions endorsed by Councilraan Seymour based on the following: that
the 1976-77 Budget "Tas adopted predicated upon a property tax rate of $1.05 and
th.:1t the larger revenues anticipated from the increases in assessed valuation
Here taken into account in the Budget preparation; that the City of Anaheim has
historically provided good services and a low tax rate, having the qth lowest tax
rate in a County of 26 Cities; that to seek property tax relief at the ~unicipal
level is a rnistake since the cities receive a small proportion of these ta.."t:cs and
in return provide highly necessary and desirable services such as Police and Fire
protection" Parks and Libraries» and this reduction campaign should be aimed at
the State Legislature; that if a judgmental error in Budgeting is 1".ade and the
property tax rate has to be raised subsequently, then the Council will certainly
hear from many honeot-mers, whereas she (Councilwoman Kaywood) has not personally
seen any overwhelming rilandate from the homeowner in Anaheim for reduction in the
municipal tax rate at this time; that once the City Council has adopted a Budget
she feels they have committed to it and should carry it forward, that these
at ter.lpts at reduct ion after the fact are costly in terms of management time.
Relative to the City Council's position on retail electrical rates, Councilwoman
Kaywood reiterated that she felt it not good business practice to sell a commodity
at less than its wholesale purchase cost; that the attempts to maintain n retail
rate at 95~ of Edison's retail rate and to absorb increased sanitation charges
are fiscal irresponsibilities.
~.ity JL::t11, Anahei¡:1. CaliJp.r:1L~ .-- COUUCIL HI:rUTES - August '4" 1976. 1 :30 P.lf.
In response. to Councihvoman K.aywood, Councilman Seymour commented on his belief
t'1¿lt it is the responsibility of the elected official to protect the taxpayer to
tilC fullest extent possible and that if the Council \vere to accept all of the
s::aff rt:comr:1endations \.;it:1out question, they would he 3hrogating that
r ,'5 P on C3ib i1 it y .
. .
Several nembers of the public addressed the Council advising that the local
t T::pay;~ r o.nd homcmvner can no longer carry the heavy burden beins placed upon
then ,'1nd that in order to 11roviie relief, governr~ent will have to stop spending.
~ 'f;;. ,:; :1='- rJ.ey ~ lod, iano 0 f t' ¡é' .' a:1hei:':. from t he rear 0 f the Council Chamber,
VI)iCí'U dgreement with Councilnan SeYT10urts rropose,; reduct:i,on 'hTith t1.e
,:2.. '¡',~;-:. ion of [tit:: $Sn ,000 n:~duetion in the incandescent li~:ht replac~ment proßram.
:'inc' tld.[', progrm:1 .,rill ulti1'1ately ~:;ave tt.,c ~ity ¡'toney, she did not feel it
'.,:k)l¡' 1 he cieLlyeci.
. 'r. },L1CS F'ebb explained that the business conmuni ty is equally as concerned over
~li.gl: ta::~cs as the resident hor~emmer and that the business community and Chat1ber
of ~nrlT'lerCe have a stake in t1w r:ity of Anaheim and to attempt to divide the
r-~E;L1cntial and business sectors on taxes is él disservice. A lower tax rate
Cllcuura~es and attracts business and industry and is a selling point for the
City.. ;!e explained that he does not intend to stop his campaign for tax rate
rc~r11tction at the City level t thAt he intendf', to present this problem to other
t,l:~j:1i; a[;cncies as "'vell.
':ounci..LIilar. Kott voiced his agl~eencnt v,'ith the proposals for reduction presented
JY Councilman Seymour.. He suggested, in vim.; of the ChaT:lber of Commerce
endor seraer..t 0 f a frugal faonetary posit ion for the City, that ~.;ithin a 3D-day
p¡~ri O(~) they foTivard a letter to the Counc:il indicating their willingness to
rcl:Lìlquinh their subsÜly from th€- City of Anaheim in the amount of $79,000 per
y(~ ar .
Councilman Kott furth(~r stated that he felt the City had done a good job of
econom:izingdur.ing Budget preparat ion. He noted that the local municipal level of
govern::tent is not the place to resolve the probleT:1 because of complicating
factors such as inflation and the increasing derland for City services.
Councilwonan Kaywood concurred that inflation is an important factor in the
City's fiscal probleos. She noted that cost for such items as cement and asphalt
have f~one up over lOOi~, and that when the City postpones small maintenance
prob lens, they become larger and more costly to repair. She noted that if the
':ity Council has sought and hired the best professional staff they could find,
they then should accept and follow their advice as to ho\" to get the job done.
Councilwoman Kaywood further commented that not only has she not received a
single comm.ent from a resident homeowner relative to lowering of taxes, she has
received Dore than a dozen telephone calls and some letters indicating that these
eitizens enjoy the services provided by the City of Anaheim and would not want a
decrease in the tax rate if it meant a reduction in these service levels. (She
TPad one letter received from Hrs. Eleanor Bay, 2148 Hest Grayson Avenue.)
CouncilTi1an Seymour stated that there is nothing in the proposed Budget adjustment
he had offered. other than the SSO.OOO reduction in the incandescent light
proeram, which v]QuId result in lo\ver service levels and there are no program cuts
proposed in Police and Fire protection or in Parks and Recreation. He concurred
\>,1] th connent s that because of inflation and the higher percentage taken by other
taxír:g agencies. the municipal level is not the place in which to resolve the
probler.ì; however. although it is small, he felt a reduction would be a leadership
action and a step in the right direction.
Councilman Seymour further questioned why the Chamber of Commerce had not taken a
more active role during the City's recent Budget sessions and urged that they
share this responsibility in the future by makinn specific recommendations as to
areas of reduction. lIe conunented that wtth these proposed adjustments the City
has cut as far as it can go, and hy next nudget session will have a truly "lean
'\.. i "
naCd ne .
~!aycr Thon questioned whether Mr. John Flocken of the AnaheiM Chamber of Commerce
vlOtllc': support a resolution from that group reducing the amount of subsidy from
the Anaheim Budget to which Hr. Flocken responùed that he could at present only
. .....
I'. I.
1:30 r.~!.
spcnt- fer hit.lsülf, but thati t is his strong feeling tllat the Chamber pould ',.'if>h
to terr11natC' their colltrac~ ,-.r1th thp City hpcause of philosophical (Jifferences
and would :tdd rass th~t quest ion very carefully.
nayor Thot'\ c:\lleJ for a vote on the foregoing motion.
tt~; 0" . ~10TI Œ'J CARla ED.
Councilwoman I~nY\'10od vot(>.d
ORDI:U~lcr: no. 3587: Councilr.1AA f;eymour offered ()rdinancc ~ro. 3587 for adoption.
{i:<:in? and levying the property tax rate for 1976..77 at 95ç per $100 assa~9ccl
valuation. Refer to nrdinance T~ook.
~RDr1A\JCr: 1;0. 3587: ".n "~nn:^nCE ,)F TIn: CITY (,F A:'11\l1EIII FIXI:1G A~~n LI:VYI?1G þ,
PPJ)r::r..TY TA'{ or! ILL rROP;:RTY HI TlIIiJ 'LIE CORPnnATE LIHIT~ OF ':'IIr: CITY ()F l~!AlfE¡~!
Fn~ T::;:: FI~C^L Yr:AR 1976-77.
Roll C.:111 Vote:
\Y"'" rOŒ1CIJ.. 1mHBtRS: Seymour. Kott. ~oth and Thorn
j ~, ..... :
~JO;:S ; r.OU:ICIL "T~1ßr-<p'S' I:~ywood
~,J..a' l. '.. .
A 'jS¡::IT: COU'J CIL "ffi'ffir"T>S. none
., .. ~..', .
The Hayor declared Ordinance No. 3587 duly passed and adopted-
recommendation of the City Attorney. Councitman Thorn offered Resolution Ho. 76R-
511 for adoption approvine the agreement for health services to be provided by
t"'w Orange County Health "!)epartmcnt. Refer to Resolution took.
P,oll Call Vot e;
COU;1CIL !'m:m1RS:
Kaywood. Seymour. l~ott t Roth and Thom
I; one
:'mES :
P,BS};:n ;
The Eayor declared Resolution ;Jo. 76R-511 duly passed and adopted.
SAnTATION CHARGES: On report from the City Attorney that pursuant to Council
direction that they revise charges for sewer connection and trash pick-up,
C:ouncilman Seymour offered Resolution no. 76R-S12 for adoption. Refer to
Resolution Book.
ESTAtLISIrIHG SAnITATION CHARGES. (effective September 1.1976)
Roll Call Vote:
PYEt'. COm'JClL "fE~fB~"'.s' Kaywood. Seymour. Roth and Thorn
~ d. , .~ ¡, .." .
~!Or:s : com¡ C I1 ~1ENnE?J>: None
ADST AI:rr.D: com,rCIL 1 IE'ŒE n s. Kott
' .,-, ..~. .
AT3Sr:rT : COUH C II.. ~u:rmEP..S: :1one
The ~fayor declared Resolution :10. 76TI-S12 duly passed and adopted.
Roth offered Resolution Ho. 76R-513 for adoption dedicating portions of certain
streets within Twila ~eid Park for public use as road and public ~tility
easer.lcnts. Hefcr to Resolution Book.
!U'.:snLUTIŒ! NO. 76n.-513: /'. rJ:S()LUTIŒ~ OF THE CITY COUnCIL OF THE CITY OF ¡~!A1ll:I~f
prJT'I,pns: S.
-"""""""".""" ,~"-~,.,,., ,c~. ,'" ","","~",'"~~"~="",
" , .
;\nahc i:~l
C"'l ~ ~')r¡'l'l' \ - ('('tn-TCll PI'TtT'T'l'f"' - ^l.lf'uc't ""/1
"..L-\. ,..., ,-""",-....",1."" J. ,,¿'
1 . ..., " 1') "
..J'} ...
~olJ, ::.111 Vote:
" '..., ..1 0,
Crm~!CIT, ~f~~:nF".:-::
COm1 C 11. ! :.:~= in:: ]".3 :
ccnrr C II.. ~ f~~~1n;~ I~:~ :
">y\.'OO(~ t ~c!ynour t I:ott t :~oth ;Jnfl ThCìT'l
^ v /'T" (' .
,", ¡ ~) 0
':l:::; :
, ,one
T:le ~:ayor declare,l ~usolutior~ '~o. 76:-'.-513 (July pasf;cd and adopted.
~P;"'..IAL I:LECTlrr: - ::OVF.:~J"",~ .2 t 197(,: City lttorney ~~atts presented the
resolution callinz. a Specio.l r:1.ectj,en and consolidntine sar.Je 1;dth the General
:'.lection ::ovcmbcr 2, 1976, and setting forth the Inngl1a[:c of the propositions.
;:e ca11cil at tention to one change in language on the "straw vote" question ~jhich
':'i :U. ;, ppcar élf.> ItcD "~,, on the ~)allot order t Hhich Has to insert the Hord
"instead" in place of "in lieu" for clarity.
CouncilwoL"'1ln l:aYVlOod called attention to the fact that this Special ::lection
could co st the City approxiTnately $ 29,000.
Councilman Seyraour offered Resolution ?To. 76P,-51l~ for adoption.
Resolution Book.
Refer to
r^'LLI~""G ^"ID ~r,TTI'MG ^ C'"ðrrI^T r.-LECTIO}'T I1'.'T TlTT~ CITY OF AlTA'uEI'!'/ ()'T'. lTOVE.\fOT"',R 2
vi. -<) .cUI ,hI "JI. ....,.l.l,."", ¡:u.. J... .~.. .11.. . ...tUL.. ..1 ~-.'~.. _d.~ÜJ.... ,
Roll Call Vote:
Þ.Yl: S: COœ~CIL "1J:~mERS: Seymour, Kott and Thorn
nOES: COUNCIL HEHBERS: Kaywood and r~o t h
ABSE1TT : COUll CIL HEI1Br:p.s: none
The Hayör declared Resolution ~:o. 76R-51!f duly passed and adopted.
ARGUHEHTS FOR AND AGAINST CHARTER AHEND~1E¡1TS: The City Attorney advised that it
would be in order to adopt a resolution authorizing certain individuals to file
arLuments for and against the Charter amendments to be submitted to the Electors
on November 2,1976.
PROPOSITION un": On motion by Councilman Thorn, seconded by Councilt!k1.n SeY1TIour,
Councilman Thorn was~ designnted to ,.¡rite the argument in favor of Proposition B
and Councilman Seymour the argument against. Councilman Roth voted "1:0". ~fOTlm!
Councilman Roth voiced objection to Councilman Seymour being designated author of
the argument in opposition inasmuch as he (Councilman Seymour) had made the
motion to place it on the ballot, which Hould indicate support of it.
Councilman Seymour explained that while he was in favor of placing the question
before the people, he had, as abvays, been in opposition to the issue itself.
PRorOSITOUS ItC" AND "D": On motion by Councilman Thorn, seconded by CouncilMan
Seymour t Hr. Joe Hhite, Chairman of the Charter Review Committee, vms designated
to l;,¡rite the arL~ments in favor of Propositions "c" and "D". HOTION CARRIED.
PROrOSI'I'IO~1 "E": On motion by Councilman Thorn, seconded by Councilman Seymour,
Councilman Seymour\Vas designated to author the argument in fa,yor of Proposition
tiE" and Councilwoman Kaywood the argtnl1ent flBainst. HOTION CARRIED..
PROPOSITION "F": On motion by Councilnan Tho111, seconded by..Councilman Seymour,
Hr. Joe ifuite, Chairman of the Charter Revie\v Conmittee, vlas designated to author
t;1C argunent in favor of Proposition "P". HOTION CARRIED.'
Councilman Thot1 offered Resolution No. 76R-515 for adoption authorizing certain
desißIl8.ted persons to l;vrite arguments in favor or opposition to the proposed
Charter Propositions on the Novenbcr 2, 1976 ballot. (ArGUments to be subMitted
to the City Clerk by 5:00 p.m., Septer1ber 1, 1976.) Refer to Ttesolution Book.
FOT) ""ìO't'T}~"l'pr1J ') lq76
",.,,\..JJf.""_, " .
.- ..
~:ity Eall. /\n~hcir.. CalifonlÍa - COU~ICIL :lI~mTr.s - i\1l1;;,U5t ¿ll. 1976, 1:30 r.~~.
~:oll CellI Vote:
'!(H:~ :
r,OU:¡ ClL !Œ:mERS:
COUNCIL ~~r.~a~!:r.£:
COlrJrIL nl:~mr:RS:
I:.'1Y'"ood, Seyr;1Our. l~ott, Roth (lncl Thon
r: on e
~: one
/\ y;~ ~; :
l\:r.Sl~:~"" :
':.'he 'layer declared Resolut ion No. 76R-515 duly passed and adopted.
')n "'lotion by Councilman r:r'hor'h ncconded l1y r.ouncilwoman i~aywood, the City ftt:torney
HéìS instructed to prepare an 1.npartial nnalyöes of all ballot propositions H:H:h
the exception of ~,jumber 3 (to be sho\m DoS Proposition "n" on the ballot),
impartial analyses of \olhich '<Jill be prepared by the City Clerlç. !1r'1TION CARnIE!:>.
!\P~OrlTI1T:::TS - PUBLIC UTILITII:S BOARD: On Botion by Councilman Thorn. seconded ~y
Councilman SeyrlOur. the City Council deferred appointments to the Public
Utilities Board to the neeting of September ll~. 1976. ~!OTION CARRI~D.
CO~1SC!T CALENDAR ITE~IS: On Motion by CouncilnRn Kott. seconded by Councilman
Sey>l\our, the followinG act ions "Tere authorized in ;:J.ccordance with thet."epot'ts ~nd
recommendations furnished each Council !.Iexnber and as listed on the Consent
Calendar Agenda:
1. L\:ru~r.:Œ::1T nr..VIC:S PERMITS: The followinB applications for amusementdevic-e-.s
perr",its ~7ere approved in accordance Hith the recommendationsoftheCh1ef oJ
a. i\rnusement Devices Permit to allow 2 pool tables at Hired's, 3143 1/2 Pest
Lincoln Avenue (Robert F. Pearson, applicant).
b. Amusetmnt nevices Permit to allow 1 Foosball game and 1 German Soccer came at
the '\?harehouse, 206 North AnaheiD r.oulevard (Robert E. Jordahl, applicant).
c. Amuser.1ent Devices Permit to allow 1 Flin Flam II and 1 FormulattK" game at l!e
anJ Ed's Pizza, 835 South Brookhurst Street (Dale S. Menke. applicant).
d. A~usenent Devices Permit to allow 1 Playball, 1 Trapshoot, 1 Destruction
Derby, 1 Himbledon and 1 Anti-Aircraft game at Shak.eY's P;b:,za. 2815 Heat Lincoln
./\venue (Dale S. }~enke, applicant).
e. Amusement Devices rer~it to allow 1 Foosball, 1 Hi Flyer. 1 Jack in the Box
ga.r:\e at The Golden Key, 2625 Pest Lincoln Avenue (Dale S. !'!enke. applicant)..
The following correspondence was ordered received and filed:
:1. Before the Public Utilities Comrl1ssion and Energy TIesources Conservation and
Development Commission - Joint investigation into the availability and potential
use of solar energy in California.
Uoticeof Proposed Tariff Changes - Pestern Union Telegraph Co.
Community Redevelopment Commission - Hinutes - July 28, 1976.
CITY PL.\lnn:1G cO~,nSSIOU ITE!1S: Actions taken by the City Plannin~ Cmmnissiona:t
their meetin~ held August 2.1976. pertaining to the following applications Here
sub~itted to the City Cotmcil for info~ation and consideration.
On Dotion by Councilman Seyr.1Our. seconded by Councilman Thomþ the City Council
authorizP.d the actions pertaining to the followinz ~nvironmental impact
rey'uirc~1ents as recof1..ncnrled by the City rlanning Commission and took no further
ac tion on the follO'..,T1r. g applicat ions (I tem :10s. 1 through f':,):
1. ;:'!VlItQ!'~~~:~1TAI.. I~~!'ACT - ~!r.GATIVT: DECLARA.TION : TIle Planning Conrnisslon
rcconnel1(ls to the City" Council thnt tIle subject' projects in thcfollowinß
zoninc élpplications he declared e::~eMpt from the require~ent to prep:1re an
Env1roní.lcntal Inpact l~eport. pursuant to the provisions of the California
:nvirom7lcntal ~uality Act:
Conditional Use Permit no. 1639
Variance ~;o. 2823
,~ ,n,~'
..'~""-"~",,- ~
~~ ,.., ,,*,
, ~.~
,""'", "
::ity Lalli Anahciu. C.-:lifon.i2 - COU:rCIL ;;rmTES - J,u~UGt 24, 1(')76. 1:'3f) !'.".
2 . n~VI~o:¡¡Ir::ITI\L IHP/\CT ~.¡:ponT - CATECORICi\L E}T.:rrTIO;!S: The Planninb 1Jircc tor
has detcrntneJ th<1t the propos~r1 activities in the follo~7ing listed zoninf;
applications fall Hithin the definition of ~ection 3.01. r.lass lor J of the City
of AnaheLl Guidelines to the requirements for an f.nvironmcntal Irr.pact Report and
are, tllerefore, C<1tegorically E~~eTlpt from the requirement to file an T'.IR:
Conditional Use Permit :Jo. 1640
Variance ~10. 283()
3. CŒIDITIO'JAL USE PEPJIIT no. 1631: E<1rl J. Little, to permit a pre-school
nursery on CO zoned property located at 2050 South Euclid Street.
The City rlanning Cor:u:1ission terminated Conditional Use PerI/1it ~To. 1631 at the
request of the petitioner.
4. CO:mITIONAL USI: PER-HIT no. 1639: Harj orie B. (Gille) Smith, to permit a pre-
school day care center on CL zoned property at 1241 South Broo~1urst Street.
':'he City Planning Corunission Resolution I~o. PC76-146 granted Conditinpal ~se
Perl:1it ~To. 1631).
5. COnDITIONAL USE PEPJfIT trOt 16l~0: Orangethorpe Plaza, Ltd., to permit on-sale
beer and wine in a restaurant on CL zoned property located at 5031 East
Orangethorpe Avenue.
City Plannint; Commission Resolution ¡;o. PC76-147 granted Conditional Use PerMit
:;0. 1640.
6. VARIAnCE NO. 2328: Theodore and Deanna Todoroff, requesting waiver of
perI:litted accessory uses to legally establish two outdoor automotive hoists on CG
zoned property at 929 North Anaheim Boulevard.
City Pl~nning Commission ~esolution no. PC76-149 granted Variance :10. 2828 for a
period ending April 22, 1977.
7. Vi\P.IAlICr: no. 2830: Aaron, Fanny, Robert and Rosalie Foigelman, requesting
waiver of (a) permitted billboard location, and (b) prohibition of billboards
near certain arterial highways, to legally establish an existing billboard on cn
zoned property located on the '(vest side of Harbor Boulevard, north of Hilken Pay.
City Plannin2; Commission Resolution !'To. PC76-150 denied Variance !10. 2830.
8. CO:!DI'rIONAL USE PEPj,lIT ~!O,. 1532: Edward L. and Patricia B. Scanlan,
requesting permission to incrE~ase the number of residents at a board and care
facility located at 328 J!orth Vine Street.
The City Planning Commission by motion granted permission for 10 residents plus
one housekeepinz couple.
C::::TEP.AL PLAn TRAILS ELENE;1T AnD ErR ~'10. 180: On 'MOt ion by Councilwoman Kaywood,
seconded by Councilman Seymour. the City Council established September 14, 1976,
at 2 :30 p.m. as the date and ti7!le for a public hearing on the General Plan Trails
Element and EIR No. 180. ~fOTIO~; CARRIED.
by Councilman Thorn, seconded by Councilman Roth, the City Council finds that the
acquisition and development of property at 400 E. Vermont Avenue for use as a
City Central ~!echanical Haintenance Yard will hnve no significant effect on the
environment and is, therefore II exempt from the requirement to prepare an
Environnen tal Inpact P.eport as recommended by the City Planning Commission ui.th
the provision that further noJLse studies be conducted prior to acquisition and
develop1'1ent. HOTIO~ CARRIED.
ElI'" - ;ŒCATlVE DECLARATIŒI: On Motion by Councilman Thorn, seconded by Councilman
~oth, it 'ttlaS determined by thE~ City Council that the filing of the following
£radint; pcrt:1its. parcel maps and the street improvement 'Jill have no significant
effect on the environment and are. therefore, exempt from the requirement to
City' :1:-,11, ,"nahei.r1, ~aliforll:L'l - COU:ICIL ra;:U'j.'E~~ - ^u~ust 7/f, 1976, l:J(,) J".'\
prl::¡un' <1n ~nvironmental Iupact r~(>port as recornmenc1e(~ 'by the City Planniní~
.-: or ': 'l;) s i on:
Pic1eninr <UH~ lnprovement of OrGnge\'TOod .\venue het1;vcen Euclid ~.trcet and :'inth
P:¡rcel ;\ap ;;0. 57fr for property located at lL~/d and lL.47 South ~tanchester
(. P:1rcel ~'lélp ::0. 57,:) for property located at IG51, IG67, 1701 and 1751 ~outh
Le\~'is Street.
(',:!:adinc Pcrnit ~10. 522 fc)r property located nt 360 South Timken P,oad.
;rnTIc"r CAERr:D.
Tr~;'~'lTIV:: ~'1AP - TRAC'l' ~;O. .~~533 (:~EVISIO~'1 2) - EXTENGIO¡¡ I)F TI1.Œ: Request of
~outh\Jest Engineerinr, on beh¿Ü f of ~Tarmington nevelopT'1ent Iue., for a one-year
extensIon of tilT',e for Tract :'10. nS33, 1+5 RS-IIfy-1O,OOO (SC) zoned lots located on
the south side of :;ohl Ranch Road, west of Imperial Highway, 1;vas subml.tted. Also
submitted Here reports iron the City I:ngineer and PlanninG Departrtent
reco:':r.:ending that a one year extension of tirJc be ßrantecl expiring September 17,
()n notion by Councilnan "otb, seconded by Councilman r:ott, the City Council
gr~>nted :l.n extension of time to Tract ;10. 3533 (Revision 2) expiring Septenber
'nT"CI^'(,C".T"""IC\'1'IO'.~ \T(' 7/-71'"..-17" "'.10 "JAl)I^~'1CE ~:TO 2621:'- - r'"TTT:'~!C'IO"" OF TI"'""",,. '0 t
,\..",..,hJ....... i\ ., -'~.).. .t .J.J i\.,.. .J... lu J.", ....0 _..~... ........' ..i .1.11... ..equcs
of Dr. George O. Kirkelie, Jr., for an extension of time to n...eclassification :-;0.
7t~-7 5-5 and Variance :10.. 2626, to pernit the construction of a General office
buiJrlinß at 1311 r.~st Center Street, '"Jas subuitted together 1;,]ith reports froM. the
City Engineer and Planning Department recommending an extension of tine be
;r.'1n tell L~:~pir ing SepteTI',ber 10, 1977.
On notion by Councilman Kott, seconded by Councilman r.oth, the City Council
grantt:d Q one-year extension of tir;1e to ~,eclassification ¡'To. 7l~-75-5 and Variance
~Jo. 2626 expiring September 10, 1977. l!OTIOH CARRIED.
,\1TAI:.l) OF HGRI: ORDER no. 771-A: In accordance vlÍth reconmendation of the City
:-:~'l~ineer, Councilmlli'1 Kott offered I::esolution :;0. 76:',-516 for adoption. ';.efer to
1"'~esolution ~ook.
T~=:~~C'1..UTIOn I;O. 76R-.516: A nESOLUTIO~! OF THE CITY CmrJCIL OF TIIE CITY OF .^':L\!T;'.I:!
.^-.~CTTr!r l\ SE/J"ED rp...orOSAL M,m AH1\RDIHG A COnTRACT TO T;~r: LOPEST n.ESr():'1~lßLI:
r,I)m~:D, For. TIn: FUR:IISIII::iC OF ÞJ..L PLANT, LABOR, SER'7ICES, ?f..^.TERIAI..S A?TD EQ1:TP¡~:-:~r'I'
/~~': ,\1L l;T 11 lIlE ~ ,\liD TrJ~: SPORTATIO?T, 11: Cr..UDD7C pr.;TJ:P" rur:L l":.:.!D PAT?:R, A:TD
::::l'T'f\1)HI;;C ALL ~rOP2: ?T.CL:-:~,\I~Y T'} COl1~T.~UCT t,;:D CO~1T'L~Tr ::'P,E FOLLOPI:7G ;:'l}:CLIC
I:i~'T',..\,.~q:~;T: nÞ.TJ;:'JT r:¡^,;T-:"I"Yf n.r'\/\J :/rr"':~: rT~r;'};~;~:::rr, 2!!61' E/O TO (,50' r/o ~;O1IL
Rc,\~Tn: n~,\D, T.TOPJ: OT'...Dr,:-: no. 77}-/--. (C.;\ ~oss, Inc., ~!+5,37C.~r")
"".(;:'..1 '~.:111. 1:1ote:
1', T.:""'. ,.. :
~:r; U~ T C:IL ~ ;j.~~f.Brr.::. :
1:a.y.'lOod, [: cyno~Jr, rot t, P.oth and Than
, '.
'~('~~r .
. ,U..KJ .
r:mI,JCI.!~ ~'E"œI:;;.~:
COu:.JCIL ""æ:mT~RS:
" '~- .) .. L :
~;lC "é.yor declare,l Resolution "0. 7GT'.-516 <.luly pas;-,ed and adoptcu..
:y~;::):: CF r./\.Sr.:: ;Y:;;'l-: CouncilI!l~n ThOl;', offered 1'.csolution :To. 76:~-517 for adoption.
nefcr to "'.csolution ;'ooL.
~'~~;~ LCTIOJ: ::'). 76R-517: }. rJ.:SOLUTICC ~1r T:TI': CITY COU::CIL OF Tl~;= CITY OF ,,\!¡M~LI~1
!.CC:.:rTI:ìC CERTAI:; -:,ì:r:::DS AiD OI'...Df.RII:C T;U~IR f..r.CC'RDATIŒT. (Texaco l.nahein 1lills,
Inc.; I~~nl:. of Ar~¡eric<l :~.T D ~.A.; J.'lMeS L. TIarisic, et 31.; /\aron :. ~,.;rain, ct
~::.; The Sout:1lancl r;orp.; Te::aco f.nahciT:1 l:ills, Inc.; Fest port nome :Juilders,
Inc.; ,,\rtbur ::. T"nizcn, ct ux.; TZobert Crosse, et ux.; Don 1.:1 Pierre, et ale j
~l~Œcell;¡ 'I:'. ~andoval; I.lice ß. Jilger, ct al.)
::ity ::[111. Anahei:11, Californii! - cnU:JCIL ~n:1UTES - Au~ust 24.1976" l:JO P.lt.
"011 Call Vote:
, " ' (' 0
. ,.l., , 0
:rr¡::;. :
crU2I CIL Hr':~mI= RS :
r.ounCII.. ¡T,;mr:E~:
COlf.JCIL ~m:mERS:
~~[1ywood, Seyr'our J Kott J TIoth and Thorn
;; on e
The :byor declared ~esolution ¡~o. 761'-517 duly passed and adopted.
()~_!H~'i\~JC~~: Council'voman T:cYHood offered ')rdinance ~10s. 3532 and 3583 for
adoption. ~efcr to ()rdinance nook.
ry::;I' :/'c.:!c: ;;n. 3582: AN ORDInR!CE OF TIlE CITY OF ANAIr2IH AM!:NDINC TITLF. 12 nF T!!L
A7.~JTi:I:~ ~rr:TIClr¡\L CODE nLLATI:~r, :0 ZONInG. (66-67-61 (71). C-R)
C'RDI:¡l\~:CT: ¡jO. 35(13: i\i'1 nF'J)I;;A:ICI: OF TTIr: CITY OF NJI^JIEIM tJreNDI!IG TITLE J.3 nF THE
A':;f~.::::rl 1np~ICIPAL CODE R!"'.LATI~JG TO 70NIlJC. (61-62-69 (77). ~1L)
.~ ~~ r .
n .L'n .
Roll Call Vote:
'~IÎT'.r- 0
" ..) 0
A~~ .::'T :
r.OIT7 C IL HE~.ml: RS :
Ka)1'<1ood, Seyrilour. Kott. P.oth and Thorn
~; one
COffi¡CIL ~:E~mI:p.s:
counCIL ~Œ!!BERS:
The Hayer declared')rdinance ~10s. 3582 and 3583 duly passed and adopted.
ORJ)I::1\:jCl~ !70. 3584: Councilman l:ott offered Ordinance :~o. 3584 for adoption.
~efer to Ordinance Eook.
A~:fJT=: I~f ~flP:IC IP At CODE RET..i\Tr:~TG TO ZONING. (63-64-62 (15). RN-1200)
l\ y;: ~~ :
T"-oll Call Vote:
'Y)r~ :
An;.'~ Ar :;:D :
.".BS ':::i :
Com¡ C 11 : Œt~B}3 RS :
Seynour. Yott. 'l\oth and Then
P1e ~1ayor declared "Jrd inance no. 3584 duly passed and adopted.
OPJ)L:i\';;CE HO. 3585: Council\\1I:Jman Kaywood offered f)rdinance no. 3585 for
aòoption. Refer to Ordinance Book.
ÄTAI~r~ HtnnCIPAL COD!: P£LATINC TO 7.0:1I~1G. (69-70-39(4). rn:.)
f,V"C' 0
.,.... . ,) 0
Roll Call Vote:
':1'"1;' S :
.1\ ,.. C' r . '..,.. 0
. v."... - 0
counCIL ~m~mE-r,S:
r.OŒTCIL ~m~mr.RS:
1:aY~'7ood. Seymour. I\.ott. Roth and Thom
The ~1ayor declared Ordinance No. 3585 duly passed and adopted.
t')!ZDL~I':TCE NO. 3586: Councilt:1an Seymour offered Ordinance !10. 3586 for adoption.
~efer to Ordinance Book.
Ajl'.Ilr:I~l 1!UriICIPAL CODE PXLATEJC TO 7o:nHG. (66-67-61 (72). C-R)
A,[:~ ':- :
Roll Call Vote:
:l,,)~~ :
ll..JuL_i 1. .
COlnr.IL ~~:mr:RS:
r:2ywood, Seymour, l:ott" Roth and Thom
The ":1yor declared Drdinance :10. 3536 duly passed and adopted.
o;mI.:l~~:CE i:O. 3588:
Councilman Thorn offered Ordinance ~Jo. 3588 for first
~T.~~--.-",...--n'f"I>1"""-"';,"-",---, .~~,-.
, ¡\nahe iF: p",C(-i.li r orn J é1 - COlnr:IL !~rnJTE ~
1.'1(\ j) -"
.,}') . ....
~::":)T::i\.:iCJ: ~;(J. 3588: ¡~~; ()R~)r:!.'rr:r: OF T~:~: (',ITY (ìF /';JAI:r:n: AlfCmr!C ""IT.L~ l~ r,f ""':r::
/,-L\.I:'~I'l ~fTi!:ICIP^L COIn: ~.r:L^TT:'C TO í'(ur::C. (71-72-1[', J;~:-5,()O~)
C!.~~)LL'\:TCE ~;o. 3599:
CouncilwOT'l<'1n ]~aY\Jood offered 'lrdinance :ro. 35[;9 for first
J~DL:/~JCl: :10. 3589: AI: ORT)~~lrp::rCr: CF Tnr: CITY ('\F ,\:TA1a:I?~ MIT:::DI:rG r'.p;)I:r!,;:cr ':('1.
3569, ~w;rc PRO TU:JC, P.ELATlì;C ':'C) ;~O:H:rc. ((;5-66-25 (2.), ~1L)
APPcrTTrm¡;T: Or,. motion by Council,.;oman ~:aY'vood, seconded by Counciluan Thor'1,
:1rs. Violet Uhee-Ier, lId7 !~(!Verly Drive, ~-.ras appointed to the Patrons of the
Arts, Fullerton College. nOTIOn CARRIED.
Council:'1;m r:ott left the Council ChaMber. (5:55 F.:r.)
::3'L\TUS R;-:ror-T - ROUTE 57 FRI:rX!AY: Councilwoman Kaywood gave a brief stat4s
report on. the noise barriers for the !'-ollte 57 FreeV7ay, noting that the ?.2 ~iles
fror~ naIl Road to Freeway ~l has been included in the 1977-78 Caltrans Planning
Pro~;raI:1 ~t :1n estinated cost of ~1,380,OaO. ~he noted ho~,'ever that inclusion in
t:1e pL:mninß program does not insure that the project 'tJOuld be funded. Further:
hearings are to be held and action on the approval or disapproval of the Budget
covering the 1977-73 Planning '!1rogram is expected to be tnken on September 23 D.nd
24, 1976.
Council tooL no action on this iter: :>ut dctert~1ined that they ~.¡ould continue to
pu rsue the :;,.a t ter.
P~:I:lII~1SIn!J TO LEAVT: TE:: ST^T~: - COŒ'TCILHAtT Sr:l~1OUR: On mot ion by Councilnan
Thorl, seconded by Councilwoman :'~aywood, perInission '¥7élS ¡:ranted to Councilm;ln
~eynour to leave t:H~ State for a period of 90 days. Councilman r:ott absent.
Councilman Kott returned to Council Char1bers. (6:00 P.:!.)
CnI.fPLAI:ns - RAZZHAT ¡\ZZ ¡rOT!:,L f:m P.SSTAUP..A:TT: i!rs. l~ar ilyn Domino, 735 £.
Eoulevard, ~.¡ho had previously submitted a letter to the City Council dated
14, 1976, was introduced by Councilman l:ot t. She related the problens she
experienced wi. th the adj acent property m..-rner, owner and operator of the
r.'.azzmatazz. a Restaurant and Hotel. She explained that she has been forced to
call the Police because of ac~ts of vandalism to her prop~rty generating froM
patrons of the restaurant and motel an<.l on one occasion the Police Department
refused to send an Officer to investigate because the vandals vlere not present at
t~lC scene. On another occas:Lon trees located on an easeraent bet~'Jeen the t'..70
. -
properties were chopped back to the Hall on her property. tcpeated contacts ~\Tith
:hc Q\..rner of the motel have brought no satisfaction. ~;~rs. Domino stnted that she
feels the adj acent property m.¡ner should incur the costs for the danages to her
:)iscussion Has held during,.rhich various other probler,s '(lith this p,-q,rticular
~lotel an(l restaurant operation ~ære brought forth, includinr the Jack of
~3u..rficient parktng and possil)le violations of the T',lectric::Ü Code.
,'~t tL(,; conclusion of discussion it lIT:1S c1eterr'1.ined that: (1) The City ¡\ttorney's
"~J[rice ~Joulcl revic,;.;r the conditions upon í7hich the Conditional Use Permit for the
.. otel ancl restauré1nt Has grante~~; (2) A (';tty !jtdlding Inspector -:rQuld inspect the
~Ti ::in;-" 0 ~ tb;.; adj LtC en t res t (luran t and not el building; and (J) A reques t 'hTOttlcl ~)C
;-1.1'-'(; that cars be p:1rked on the enst side of Deacb ~',ol1lcvé1rd duri1.1f:, the eveninz.
:10 ~.; r s .
~~:C:~::~ - L::;~CU'rIVJ: 3::S~IO:~: Councilr.lan ;,eYD.our r.~ovcJ to recess into T".xecutivc
?:essio!1. r()uncih~Tol-:J.:1.n ~:;lY';7ooc1 ~~econ(leù the y""'otj.on. ~~()TI()~~ Cl\n~Ir.D. (6:10 1'.=:.)
:,f-::'~ .:: :CC~;::-:: ;~~yor Thon called the: :'1eetin~ to order, nIl ~ounci.l ~lembers being
present. (C:!¡Q P.;f.)
,-- "
City Hall. Anaheim. California - COUNCIL HINUTES - August 24. 1976, l;JO P.l1.
ADJOU&~MENT: Councilman Kot t nloved to adj ourn.
Councilman Se~ùour seconded the
6:40 P.M.
, ). ,
~...À/ A. ,/ ',- ",
. '\v(" '. ,"':"--
"~---n"'~ T~.__~__W'Ú,,"_..