General (3)What is your connection to this attorney? Explain briefly. TRO 'WIf lvi�P" 4' V"A AKA I - 19 gro WAj ZNC+ t -0- V 4e r_-A,t L4A-v_ cl Crt, of L W -f AWS ViA 1-01 k.,*- + 1 c u v e oevy L-Arw F A 9-F A%n4 ewtA-t- 410 1 k Uf C V& kA5 C o reo t We-, Ofe e eAel V" r�a.51ev-kee 'eh - .M 1-1 IZ5T AIVWIL-04 � / .4 AM 4"e� 66 c'. 13,201-J ^I A -C r LA -VV Xe 4zw 57�9,6 3 Attorney's'linformation Statement of Complaint Include with your submission, a statement of what the attorney did or did not do that is the basis of your complaint. Please state the facts as you understand them. Do not include opinions or arguments. if you hired the attorney(s), state what you hired the attorney(s) to do. Additional information may be requested. C6t4 Y-L4*c-r 6 F- xN+eve-r -v- o mo vo ee-HAY i C 'Xjj a fty &"r I Uvvn i+t;e'r -rec t,&v-.--A 1' Y the- co-sqsfi 464— 41,.A LAw5. 19 (A us C S; A�vrj �L5 6f- JA%� .5 6-- 1 11-tO,- e 14"1 0- +ovvA PA-aT16ffA-KA1,C io--, a-,,- �-A ENjc"Yl� scvvi C -Cf . .* Lr --c r y'Vl syru'" I ON' C -F Fl-rr4- Ft+f-(, oo-1-1 F-6"v4,AEivi-1+ eAVK -C, L-2�� 11+ 5 a /-Vie 4-4 C- Le. gp-ec-h t—of fhc cAL('FcYftN1'.) ............... -h' .,-rtAv poixhc�ii, MvhA I ;'s & U \JV Nj tA �V6— oL vL &4- C 4� it ,"ud�mnitled at Anaheiiin City Council nieelJ�,6"'V SLAWf Ait"L� 0� 00 m 7jev � Memt - - 07 14 Y ry) o45,174S 30`5 sLl Vj�l 717" ' | ' _ Vj�l 717" ' | ' CITY ,OF WEST rOVINA ci OF WEST COVINA Claim for Damages City Clerk's Office (To Persons Or Personal Property) P.O. Box 1440 1444 W. Garvey Avenue WEST COVINA, CA 91790 MIT; C a i M FQST m_ INSTRUCTIMS M 2021 MAR 2 2 PM 2.- 1 IL Received by Distribution X -n ?krs.6n A, 111MMMfordea Anlu erson or to perEmal not later than six months after the occurrence. (Gov. Code Sec911 1) Z Claims for dama es to real orooertv must be delivered P J�WAZW after the date of the occurrence. (bov. Code See. 911.2). 3. Read enfire claim form before riling. ACT S 4, See page 2 for diagram upon which to locate place of accident RAKe, 4 5. This claim form must be signed on page 2 at bottom. e,- jee-e kve AC -T- 6. Attach separate sheets, if necessary, to give full details. Home Address of Claimant (City, State and Zip Code) AAew"J4 H-�Paq Business Address 677Ma mant ity, late and Zip Code) DooAe-XcA 02D T45 Date: Time: If claim is for Eq"�qo�idem . nity, give date claimant was served with the complaint. Date:o�. )a in detail each I OTIMA-L No M Uw, Home Telephone Number Driver's License No. i,4aine or any i-;ity emptoyee's involved: 1 -PA-yew 2 MknSELM-emb ax -433 5 M Y 10 KI/ /M T/ =1, JRY DAMA(3E' & -file- 0�5'ljLL-jEN I ffil K1111=' COMMI11TI IM ON SCIENCE, SPACE AMD'I'ECHMOLOGY St MD IIIAMI I TEI. ON SPACF Am) Ar rt( Nwyi i(::; COMM - FI: ON SIVIALL BUSI St Inco MMI I I EE oro h,movA I IcjM17, ENFREPRFINEiii AND Woiiuorw.F� Dr vrr opmmr "UMA)WIMI I I F. F om Et.(1mwim.: Gimw I I I, I AX ANr) Carl W A(:cu;,,I GOVI011il I* IFEE ON FORIElIGH AFFAMS Si Iicommi r,rr. I, c IiV ASIA, 1111. "M JI W, Ci. ,rumi AIIIA AND NCINI'Mfl-H LRA I IIN Surie,ommin iEE cm Ai:Pl(.A, Gi UBAr I IFAIL [ H AND Gi.orw HIPMAN FrIlOW; "T'll1'']b -D� LIKIF , 11 fn� -Tot p ]b -6-- 4 y--- a)"U z 4;T1 ti, � gg'ti j1. � t 191745-3605 Dear Mr, Arrnando I lerrinan, June 4, 2021 WASI HMGTOM OFFICE� 1.306 L(,r,iGwnn n I HouSE OFFICE BUILDING VV/u;F111q,; ruIN, DC 20515 [202} 225 41'l1 PLACEM IT 1A DlSTMCT OFFICE 701 W. Kimm III Y Av-. Si,i [ F 245 PI A, FN IIA, CA 920.70 (71,11 934 2440 VVVV%(J.y(j I INI;K HVI. FICIIJSE.i.A)v ,, Rr i,Y, R IN I IK IM "l hank. yoi.i for contacting me to express your support for a cornmission to, study the origins of' COVID 1. 9. 1 appreciate the o.pportunity to respond. HR. 834- the Pandernies Rerli,fire Evaluating, Phanniiii and Responding -1.�1ffectively (PREPARE) A(A, m�as introduced by Representative Bill Posey (R. -H.).1", his bill establishes the National Com.ii,nission on the C,'OV0 1.9 painderric i.n. the legislative branell'i and reqUires the comimission to fi:ivesfigate and. report on the nation's paindleiiinic preparedness. You t'nay be interested. to know that I reeently joined Representative Sleve Inc linin (R LA) in sending an. letter to Speaker of the House Mancy Pelosi asking her to hold hearings ori t1lle origins ofCOVID-19 YOUI may also it-tterested to krllm-v t1tat the Bi engin Administration recently asked the intelligence cornmurfity to produce a report OT1 the origins of the (:;(x "11^ 1.9 virus, and to produc,e the report withi n 90 days. Rst assured ilwt 11 will continue nioniforing the prodixtion this report,. Should 1I.1... 834 carne bef(,.)re the Flouse for consideration, rest assured [lial I will keelp youir thoughts in mind.. Thank you again for contacting me. Please feell, welcome to call ixiy office at (202) 2211_4.1.1 1 or, wrift,. tne an. nnote. at arl.y firne. J .'o stay up to (late on rny work for ymi in Conf..Yress, I encourage you to visit imy website and sign up foir my e-newsh.:,tter at you.n'igk�ir'n"i..hOLIS(.'.,g(,�)V, and t'6 tow i.ne on Faceboolk., ]Nvitteir and. 1nst.a,j,.,p-a,.rn at, @),RqffqiangK.i.Tr1. Sincerely, Rep. Young Kim Meraber ofCongress 11 Cornpliete itoirris 11, 2, ,nid: 3 Also comli itern 4, fa 11:3esfticted I)eUvery Ps demoor ed. M Fldirllt your nali'm r.nid rAdiress on the reverLe so til,iiat we can rii 1ri'llt" card to you. 11Attach this card l'o th(i back of the lyurAllpiece, or, on the III If spl.-ice peivrnilis,. . e �—tvA -A,F46 Mildle Af3dressed tc, N oe r- Gi I in= B. Recewaffig M lei W, iia of 1'.)eRv Q, Dat 11'.). Ila dellveiryaddrPss diffeirent fDrin ftwn 1? II ^^,n Yes 11 ff YES, enter deRvery raddiress below- �D No 3,Sery1ceType ;X'bertilfied MR00 C3 IPr&uali Malll Expi L-3 Reglistered 0 Return Recelpt fair, Mercllair I h-isuied Mallil 0 D)flect on DaHvery 4, fiestdcted J)ellvery? (BrUa Feer) ..... . ........ 2,, AatkAo Number rinr r"w J, 11 W F- D. a a -1 l 11 yes D1-2 NA, P T Nq E N 71 0)[F PHFEAU ET H 8X H_ UN « N SERIMC S HILDA L. II SUPERVISOR, FIRST DISTRICT COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 856 KENNETH HAHN HALL OF ADMINISTRATION 500 W. TEMPLE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 Harry S. Sidhu, P.E. Mayor Stephen Faessel Mayor Pro Tem District 5 Jose Diaz Council Member District 1 Jordan Brandman Council Member District 2 Dr. Jose F. Moreno Council Member District 3 Avelino Valencia Council Member District 4 Trevor O'Neil Council Member District 6 Off COMA 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Tel: (714) 765-5166 Fax (714) 765-4105 www.anaheim.net Request to Address the City Council SNYDER u. PHELPS Opinion of the Court, Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder was lolled in Iraq in the line of duty. Lance Corporal Snyder's father selected the Catholic church in the Snyders' hometown of Westminster, Maryland, as the site for his son's funeral. Local newspapers provided notice of the time and location of the service. Phelps became aware of Matthew Snyder's funeral and decided to travel to Maryland with six other Westboro ����.������ ��� BY Baptist parishioners (two of his daughters and four of his grandchildren) to picket. On the -day of the memorial TELECONFERENCE: service, the Westboro congregation members picketed on public land adjacent to public streets near the Maryland COUNCIL MEMBERS State House, the United States Naval Academy, and Matthew Snyder's funeral. The Westboro picketers car- ried signs that were largely the same at all three locations. Los Angeles office They stated, for instance: "God Hates the USA/Thank God 845 S. Figueroa Street for 9/11," "America is Doomed," "Don't Pray for the LISA," Los Angeles, CA 90017 "'Thank God for IEDs," "Thank God for Dead Soldiers," "Pope in Hell," "Priests Rape Boys," "God Hates Fags," a t "You're Going to Hell," and "God Hates You." —� "L__.:a ,; ; The church had notified the authorities in advance of its intent to picket at the time of the funeral, and the picket- ' ers complied with police instructions in staging their =,, demonstration. The picketing took place within a 10- by 25-foot plot of _public land adjacent to a public street, �., behind a temporary fence. App. to Brief for Appellants in No. 08-1026 CA4 2282-2286 hereinafter A ( ), PP• ( App.). That plot was approximately 1,000 feet from the church 1, where the funeral was held. Several buildings separated the picket site from the church. Id., at 3758. The West- boro picketers displayed their signs for about 30 minutes before the funeral began and sang hymns and recited Bible verses. None of the picketers entered church prop- erty or went to the cemetery. They did not yell or use profanity, and there was no violence associated with the picketing. Id., at 2168, 2371, 2286, 2293. D1-2 NA, P T Nq E N 71 0)[F PHFEAU ET H 8X H_ UN « N SERIMC S HILDA L. II SUPERVISOR, FIRST DISTRICT COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 856 KENNETH HAHN HALL OF ADMINISTRATION 500 W. TEMPLE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 Harry S. Sidhu, P.E. Mayor Stephen Faessel Mayor Pro Tem District 5 Jose Diaz Council Member District 1 Jordan Brandman Council Member District 2 Dr. Jose F. Moreno Council Member District 3 Avelino Valencia Council Member District 4 Trevor O'Neil Council Member District 6 Off COMA What is your connection to this attorney? Explain briefly. TR O &c�, LAA -v- +D Ike& i f$ �•s CI i •�+� �- G i rt, ',Df L Ot .V'.5 eA-e-d C -j vLck C, COLo i..., G�. I Vh ✓S v4:� ullae,.- oker �-1 -4S Sc C to VII! Y I'1'! L C'cS�n.S i"1`-F-�,..'F1 ..►-. LLA LaOt-W $ . 41 3 1kUfC 2y2 1Sr kA5 ;2cl5'/0res-3I «-h 43 . ,rf ZAv M ce��� �- n C( '11� o� t`l 125' MVWA0iftew " C6 C' �,, �-� a�-, f /3120%4 A -c 7- LA -VV 1'e <-- OV OV e w N AC -T— .54`.44•v -- S-'�9'6 3 Attorney's ' Information Statement of Complaint Include with your submission, a statement of what the attorney did or did not*do that is the basis of your complaint. Please state the facts as you understand them. Do not include opinions or arguments. If you hired the attorney(s), state what you hired the attorney(s) to do. Additional information may be requested. ��-✓a,�r -j 0014 FL+'c7- 6 F XW+e - T O per► PO lee-WA15S L/2 (JSc U9 110 DeipviVa+z`v%,. &-F aPLr y, 19(1 V1 4 o- a w%vUL-wL i -h e r S'ec L*v.---J Ly the C�vv,sfi��r r,-,� Iwai LAw-5 (ASC 2-114 2 9< 1 liS C t 2 qr i4 4Pe,"S PA-RTIG i FAT A'4 rVI 0' ENj rY '' t V1y b eti+ 't 't'I s C v ✓ d Le Y t v t �-�- �i vo �Yci,w� - f�t,G t �� �. v i okeet EL �,vh, i H 1 S J eI�' (�s • S. D�nl t � � � � � i � t -I 1"s v�-1��-�•e�-�-� -(, c�•r.�v� i Ary .-. c. Le - 13 S eG Ce L (FOfzA11 Ql /JS TI;L'Iti %t a G?% -e h ......a Or- vN CoA►e�-r--Kn.a N APV L ES o F O ec ou.vN.+ of4r,&n vLzS -Vt, L4- 15 ! wl, O;C Id 0 I m�yof ,�,ssy Nei 200 S. Aiitahehrr Blvd, Amheum, CA 92805 TeL: (714) 765-5166 6:°�ax (a 14h 765-4105 www.ainallielim.net Requesi to Address theCu!ey C'ounefl SNY DER vIPHE LPS FIARTICIPATING BY TE.ELECONFERENCE. COUNCH MEN"IEFRS Los Mgehn Off ke 845 S. FlgUm ari, !;trP(.q Los Arigelles, CA 510017 Marine Iance (,'orporal Mattliew d.`.)Inyder was killed. in Iraq in the fine ofduty. Lance Corporal Snyder`8 fathf^r selected the Catholic church in the Snydershometown of We�.Aminster, IMaamylQaund, as the fiAe for, his son's funeral. Local riewspapera provided notice offlae firne and location oftlie- service. Pheltm twearne aware of Matthew SnYder'U., funeral. and decided to travel to Maryland wvith six other We�.Aboro BEIJ)U.St J)clrislfionea s (two oif his daughters and four of his 'grandchildrein) to picket, On the (lay ani` the rnei.11.orial sez,vice, the Westboro congreg atiorl niernbeui picketed onn public land adjacent to public stireets near the Maryland State House, the United States Naval Academy, arid. Matthew Snyder's funeral. The Westboro picketers car- ried signs that were largely the same at, all three, locationa. 77hey qtatedl fbr instance: "God Hates the USA/Thank. God for 9/11,' "Anierica is Doomed," "Don't Pray for the]J�S)A, niank God fbr 1EDs," "Thank God for Dead Soldiers," "Pope in, Hell," "'P'riests Mape Boys," "(3od Hates Fags, "I'Ou're (Toing to Hell," and "God Hates You." The church had notified the authorities in. advance of its intent to picket at the time of tllia°; funeral, and. the picket.. ers cornplied wit h police instructions in staging their deraoristration. The picketing took place within a 10- lby 25 -foot plot of.public land adjacent to as public street, behind as teirmporary fence, App, to l3rief 'hear Appellant's Curt No. 0,$-102f) (CA4), pp. 2282---2285 (hereinafter App.). That plot was approximately 1,000 fe(A fkoim the church where the. funeiral was he,,Id, Several buddings f...wparated the picket site from the church. 1(1, at 3758. The West- boro picketers displayed. thedy, signs f6r about 30 rrianuters before the funeral lbegain and sang hymins and recited Bible verses. None of the picketers entered church. pn op. erty or, werit to the celmetery'. They did not, yell or use profanity, and ti-kere was no violence as'sociated with the picketing. Id., at 2168, 2371, 2286, 2291 A HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES . ................... - . .... ..... 1111LIDA I S011,JS SUPERVISOR FIRST DIS T'R�C T (".",OUINTY OF LOS AINGELES 856 KENNETH 6-IAHN 1-1ALL OF ADIMIINII,":;p 11 RAP101114 500 W, IFIEMPI.E S IFIREIE'r LOS ANGELEE�, CAIJF01RINIA 90012 Hairry 1-3. PAE�'�',� Mayor Stephen II aess&l Mayor, Pro Tern [.')K,td& 5 C mn-ic.fl Meirnbeir [Xstilict 1 Jordan Brandynan CotmicH Member Ustrict. 2 Dr. Jose IF, Moremo CouncH lMeirnbeir Ustdct 3 Avefirm VMencla COUncH IA.,,rnber Ustrict 4 Trevoir O'Nefl gees n(,,H Member, District 6 Downey Regular City Council ci F- 0.4 b�pl m C4 �d a -a -- 0 a+ N Q W4 40 15 F, 9 .4 � 0. 1 5 m CD v 'D a Rso 5 tj ZI t5 I � s�' �2 N�SSa �a] N 5a 1�1 ` S s a �k h FIA Y, yyl 1 �.____._� .._ ......__... � .. vis ,.,._.�� d.��._ ��� . .���� a _ _ _ pie d A tAve 2 viol, lvlyl, CITY OF WEST cOVINA Claim for Damages 2021 MAR, 2 2 PM 2: 11. Received by Distribution Zr� not later than six rnonths after the occurrence. (Gov. Code Sec. 9 11.2). after the date of the occurrence. (Gov. Code Sec. 9 112). 3. Read entire claim form before fifing. 'RAKe- ACT- -5 1- 4, See page 2 for diagram upon which to locate place of accident 5. This claim form must be signed on page 2 at bottom. 8Attach sep -state sheets, if necessary, to give full details. p,,Acle- Vo-eki-e Ac-T- �y - PLEASE SIGN EACH SHEET Avqx eyy-n at,/ Home Address of Claimant (City, State a�-d-fo N A H a rr p Code) Business Address of Claimant (City, State and Zip Code) Dow A . --- Give �ddress �andtele ph --ore —number to which you desire notices or communications to iv be sent regarding claim. Include City, State and Zip Code. ", Date—of Birth Occupation E Home Telephone Number 04 Business Telephone Number Social Security No, vvnen wo �jAmAuff-w avijumy occuri Name of any City employee's involved., Date: -&S Time: 1 If claim is for E ity, give date claimant was served with the complaint. 2 C emn 2- 3 WT -433 5 Y Date: 31 r U m til LA6 K- Or Pa 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Tel: (714) 765-5166 Fax(714)765-4105 www.anaheim.net Request t® AddreSS the City CoUneil SNl'DER u. PHELPS COUNCIL MEMBERS Los Angeles Office 845 S. Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90017 Opinion of the Court. Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder was ]tilled in Iraq in the line of duty. Lance Corporal Snyder's father selected the Catholic church in the Snyders' hometown of Westminster, Maryland, as the site for his son's funeral. Local newspapers provided notice of the time and location of the service. Phelps became aware of Matthew Snyder's funeral and decided to travel to Maryland with six other Westboro Baptist parishioners (two of his daughters and four of his grandchildren) to picket. On the -day of the memorial service, the Westboro congregation members picketed on public land adjacent to public streets near the Maryland State House, the United States Naval Academy, and Matthew Snyder's funeral. The Westboro picketers car- ried signs that were largely the same at all three locations. They stated, for instance: "God Hates the USA/Thank God for 9/11," "America is Doomed," "Don't Pray for the USA," "Thank God for IEDs," "Thank God for Dead Soldiers," "Pope in Hell," "Priests Rape Boys," "God Hates Fags," "You're Going to Hell," and "God Hates You." The church had notified the authorities in advance of its intent to picket at the time of the funeral, and the picket- ers complied with police instructions in staging their demonstration. The picketing tools place within a 10- by 25 -foot plot of public land adjacent to a public street, behind a temporary fence. App. to Brief for Appellants in No. 08-1026 (CA4), pp. 2282-2285 (hereinafter App.). That plot was approximately 1,000 feet from the church where the funeral was held. Several buildings separated the picket site from the church. Id..., at 3758. The West- boro picketers displayed their signs for about 30 minutes before the funeral began and sang hymns and recited Bible verses. None of the picketers entered church prop- erty or went to the cemetery. They did not yell or use profanity, and there was no violence associated wil;h the picketing. Id., at 2168, 2371, 2286, 2293. DEG'A,P u M EEKIT OF HEA H 81UDI n N SEPI !° CES HILIDA L. II SUPERVISOR, FIRST DISTRICT COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 856 KENNETH HAHN HALL OF ADMINISTRATION 500 W. TEMPLE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 Harry S. Sidhu, RE Mayor Stephen Faessel Mayor Pro Tem District 5 Jose Diaz Council Member District 1 Jordan Brandman Council Member District 2 Dr. Jose F. Moreno Council Member District 3 Avelino Valencia Council Member District 4 Trevor O'Neil Council Member District 6 1we, WEST C41 - l, II '' Harry S. Sidhu, RE Mayor Stephen Faessel Mayor Pro Tem District 5 Jose Diaz Council Member District 1 Jordan Brandman Council Member District 2 Dr. Jose F. Moreno Council Member District 3 Avelino Valencia Council Member District 4 Trevor O'Neil Council Member District 6 1we, WEST C41 - COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, SPACE AND I'ECFWOLOGV S I I FWDIWO I I FEE ON SPACT ANIl.AFRONAUI IUS COMMIT iFEE ON SMALL BUSINESS SUBCOMPAII ILL. ON INNOVAIRM, ENIIHIPHFINFURSHIP AND WOM(FORCE Di--vEI-0PIIAFNI Surtciimmii iEF oN Ecohjuiwr Gnumm, TAX ANDCAMW A.:cFss COh(WHI-IFEE ON FWMGN AFFAMS SIBCOIAMIITFF. ON AsIA, im- I'Acn:w, CENrRAI A<M AND NOWrioui i nA I tM SUBI:UIONIH IEE m AFRICA, (3,10HAI F11 Al IH AND G.00AI +IMAM R";i i r!i Cy 21 r. V'51 of" RI UVESMIM Dear Mr. Armando I fer-man, 39-kil NioRria, Tali forkli June 4, 2021 WASHINGTON OFFICE: '1:305 L ( M GWO R F I I H II LIS F 0 FFK' . r B 1. j i i, OuN WASI IWIFUN, DC 70515 (202) 225 x!'1'11 PLAGENTM DIIS ffm`r OFFPCE: MI W. Kwm In Y AVI . Smyr. 245 PLACE N FIA, CA 92870 (71 4 { 98,1 21140 WOW Y k) L INII ( SKU V1. H CK I S E U V wN,;Kim Thank. you for contac.ting rn.e to express your si.,upport fibir a commission to study the, origins of C','O V I D M 1 qpy)reciate tl-ie olpportuinity to respond.. FIR. 834 the Pandemics Require Evaluatirig, Planning,, and ResI.-miding Effectively (PREPAREI) Act, was ittroducf,,,,,d by Represe-zitative Bill Posey (R -TL), This iffll establish.es t1he National Coinrnission on. the COVID . 1. 9 pandernic in. the legislative Ibrua.nch and requires the c,ommission. to investigate and. re"poit on the nation's pan.demic preparedness, You rnay be interested to know that I recently joined Representative Steve Scalise (R I.,A) in sending a. letter to SpeEfl<.er of the House Nancy Pelosi asking her to hold ltearingys on the origins of COVID-1 9, You may also interested to 11knowthat the Biden Administration recently asked tf-ie intelligence comi.xivarity to produce a rer)ort on the origins of the COVID 1.9 virus, and to produce the report within 90 days,, Rest assured that I will contirme monitoring the production. this report. Should 1...1.1. 834 carne bef.-bre t1he House for consideration., rest assured. that I will keel.) your thoughts in. mirid, TharJc you againfor contacting nie. Please feel welcr.mie to call n.iy office at (202) 225....41 p. p.. or write me a. note at any firne. T'o sfAy up to date on my orris Vicar you in Congress, I encourage you. to visit my website and sign, up for iny e newsletter at your-igki rn. house. gov, all.d fiollow me on Facebook, Twitter and Insta.puri at (Y'D.Rep"YoungKroan. Sincerely, OA' Rep. Young KIII.M Member of Congress * Cornjr.Aete fteirns 1, 2, and 3. Allso cornpiete [tern 4 if F-Iestdcted [DeHvery �s deshred. * IMInt your narne and address on the �vveme so that we cain retunithe car 'to you, * Attach Ws caird to the back offlie mafl�:Aece, or on tlhe froint U space perrnits'. I Artidle Addressed tm W. I B. Recelve%%A,.JOWe,� C. Date of Deb D. 6dea weir yaddirossdWa�,entfroryE Nterrr,N? 0'(es 01 of YES, erater deRvery addiress Wow: 13 No 3. Seryiii e'rype N CertMed WHO L3 Prbft MaH Express, f 67 IC 12C.1 Reg�stere- d U Retur'n NedIpt for Meirchanc 0 Insured Man E3 Caflect on DeRvery - 4� Reshicted Deflvery? (r=Kba Few) Cl Yes 2. Arflole Number 'nnnrh q -imn mr-imn ii 4.1 ve: f -k, Of -7tn, A.-Tff, L L t -A v IV' 1. NA ot cl"',--) lv� .. � `� y° F'46 ci t/11 tlkl� VII ;lAwIptly, 6 1 (--)(/ . s I , " 4, 1 V, .: Z. fe c 1 4 4-t I 6L H K�S VU c) I ci I, A -F (OV) 200 S, Aeaheiii-n BW, Anaheivn, CA 92805 TeL (714) 765-5166 Fax (714) 765 4105 vvww,ariahe4n.net Request lo Address Me eff SKYffli Ru, PHELP COUNC; MEMBERS Los Arig6es Office 845 & Fif..„ueroa!;treet. Los Airigdes, CA 90017 Op�nlon of the Court Marine ].,once Corporal Matthew Snyder was killed in lnaq in. the line of duty. Lance Corporal Snyder's fad -ler selected ti-iie Catholic church in the Snyders' hoinctown of West mi n.ster, Maryland, as the site Ra- his son's fianeral, Local newspapers provided notice of the thne and location of the service, Phelps became aware of Matthew Snyder's fi-ineraland decided to tnavel tun Maryland with six: other Wea.Aboro 13ap6st parishionea,s (two of his daup;ht@rs and EOUr of hiEgrandchildren) to PivkeL On the -day of the inernorial service, the Westboro congregation inembers picketed on pu blic. land a(Jacent to publicstreets near, the Maryland State House, the, U)nited States Naval Acadenq, and Matthew Snyder's funeral. The VVestboro picketers car- ried signs that were lai-gely the sarne at all three locations, 17hey M-IaLed, for instance� "(1od Hates the USA/Thanlc God for 9/11 " "Arnerica is Doomed," "Don't Piray for the UQA "I'llank G'od f6r IE'Ds," "Tbank God fin- Dead Soldiers," "PI.)Pe in Ifell," "Priests Rape Boys," "God. Hates Fags," "You're (3oing to Hell," and `VKA. Hates YOU." The church had notified the authorities in advance ofit,s, inte,nit to picket at the thrie of the funeral, and the i'licket ers complied iviffi police instructions in staging their demonstration, The picketing took place within as 10- by 25 -foot plot of,public land a(ijacent to a public street, behind an tem.porairy fbniceApp. to Ilirrief for, Appellants in No, 08 1,026 (CAA), pp. 2282-2285 (hereinafter App). That plot was approxiiinately 1,000 feet froin the church where the funer'all was held, Severall buildings aeparated the picket site fi-orn the chur�(.Ji. Id,, at 3758. The, We,,,.,,t.. boro piclietaa's displayed their sigm,-.; fin, about 30 1-ninutes befbre the ftinewal beq.;an and gang hy'mns and recilled Bible verses, None of the picketers entered church l)rop.- erty or wern, to the cometeiry. They did not yell or use profanity, and there was no violence associated wd,h ffia; picketingn Id., at, 2168, 2371, 2286, 22913, C -1 [ E A L TH H- B &I U MA, W1 3 R, V/ 9 C RE 3 ... - ----- - ------- - -------- --- - ----- 856 KIENNE-1 M IHAHIM HALL 01F AIDMKIS I RAI 101N 500 K 'T EMIPII..E ST'IREIE F LOS ANGELES, CALUFORIMA 90012 I lariy S. Sidhiu, IP. E Mayor Stej.)hen IFaesseI Mayor I:Iro'rerrii Ustrict 5 Jose [Xaz CouncH IMeIrinabea. Dsthct I Jordan Brancknan Couricfll Member. Dstdcf, 2 lX Jose F. IMuarerio COUincH Meirrffier DIistrict 3 Avefino Vaiencia CouncH Mernber District 4 Tii"evor 01'0eH Couridl Mernbeii. District 6 Downey Rii,,gular (.0'Ry Coulliricil Co6VImirTEE ON SCIENCE, SPACF ANR7 TECHNd LOGY SUFN OMMWEE ON SPACE AND Ar RONAU"Flt::; COfU Will "i Er ON SMALL I3I1SME x S SURCOMMI'II EE CMJ INNOVA NON, ENTRE PRE NEURS1[I P AND Yt ORKFORCe DEVELOPME Nr SUP(;lJIV11M1 I IE' OMI ON ECNOC DIC'mIII, TAX ANFI CAP I IAi ActjI ,,;s; COItlIIl/II)TEE ON f-C'eR OON AFFAIPS SU t'DCOMNirr I L E ON ASIA, rEle PAl:H C, C1 NrRAL ASIA ANN) NONPrIt uFe mnoN SOBCOMMI i T IF ON Arricn, CA MAI (ZEAL 11t AND GLIA.FAI (+ )MAN RIUFi[ : 't� �S`Livad � �roa'G t 91745-3605 Dear Mr. Armando Herman, Voting-'eKint 3-q ll -mialri . Ttlliforliftl June 4, 2021 WASHINGTON OFFICE: 1306 LLnvc;w mi m NULISE OFFICE r)UIL.DINC WAPI IINGFUP#, DC 20515 (202) 225-E41'11 PLACENTIA DISTRICT OFFICE: 701 W. I4IMFICRI.Y AvE. St FRE 245 PLACHUTA, CA 92370 (714I 984-2440 VVW W. Y( AIM ;ICINI.EIt't lJSLf ;UV RFPYtn INIIKIM Thank you for contacting me to express your support for a commission to study the origins of COVID-19. 1 appreciate the opportunity to respond. H.R. 834- the Pandemics Require Evaluating, Planning, and Responding Effectively (PREPARE) Act, was introduced by Representative Bill Posey (R -FL). This bill establishes the National Commission on the COVID-19 pandemic in the legislative branch and requires the commission to investigate and report on the nation's pandemic preparedness. You may be interested to know that I recently joined Representative Steve Scalise (R -LA) in sending a letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi asking her to hold hearings on the origins of COVID-19. You may also interested to know that the Biden Administration recently asked the intelligence community to produce a report on the origins of the COVID-19 virus, and to produce the report within 90 days. Rest assured that I will continue monitoring the production this report. Should H.R. 834 come before the House for consideration, rest assured that I will keep your thoughts in mind. Tharlc you again for contacting me. Please feel welcome to call my office at (202) 225-4111 or write me a note at any time. To stay up to date on my work for you in Congress, I encourage you to visit my website and sign up for my e -newsletter at youngkim.house.gov, and follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @1epYoungKim. Sincerely, 0,.;,,11, Rep. Young Kim Member of Congress N Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. D Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. C Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. , , t f 1. Article Addressed to: J MI I(I A. X ❑ Agent ❑ Addree B. ReceiveW8JeolftW0 � C. Date of Deliv D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? ❑ Yes e If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No . . ...... �r 3. Service Type............ L6 w' % r Certified Mall® E3 Priority Mail Express" J ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchant f _ ❑ Insured Mail ❑wCollecton Delivery .�4._..Restri ...._ _ Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ YBs 2. Article Number — -+n-in n non nnnn F,r r nI1-3u iif�lda.�_ A V C3 C3 C3 C3 wl"I'Mm fccle--v,) L Bvvc c) t, t o tj ve c- +-i te 0.�> A11A 4- kP: HATT-6 0111Q, G 1, LL N161 N14� NO 4eX' �11(_-lv kojoy Of 3,V0" evvl� V ( I o YA, kill k e foy TIC iw� 2�q 2 COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, SPACE ANDTECHNOLOGY SoF.wniviviii rEE ON SVACF AN I IAi RONAL I'I'I I; COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS SUBCOMM I I I EE. ON INNOVATION, ENTREPIRENEunn-iw AND W0RI(F0FW� DEvE1.01"MIEW SLJFU:I3AMI I IEE ON ECONOMIC GRUW111, TAX AND CAPI I Ai Acclt,;S COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS Sifunwivirri-cc CIN AsIA, I H! PACIFIC, CbN mm. As AND NCINV1101 11 1 RA'II ON SuEtwivimi i TEF. UN AFFIICA, GUIBAL HEALM ANr3 GL(31AI HUMAN Ri,;i p; A - 'Hatt h -p?) _%�� " a" Its ]1-5 Ov, iffrT -Represtran Ruez 91. 4.5 3605 .Dear Mr. Arrnando Herman, 1bung 49,um 39HI UK irdrid. Taftfornin June 4, 2021 WASHINGTON OFFICE: 1306 UINGWIM,Fit House OFFicE BUILDING WAST fill'; ION, DC 20515 (202}225-4'111 PLACENTIA DISTRICT OFFICE: 701 W. Kimm Ili %, AvF. S I ul rE 246 PLAUEN*I IA, CA 92870 (714) 93,1-2,140 VVVVW. YE II I N(;K I IVIL H0 11 SF.0,(W - Rl PYIWNffl<1KA 'Fharik you -for contactirIg me to express your sujppoitf'or as comm I ission to stwiy the origins of' COWD-19. I appreciate the oppottunity to respond. H.R... 8°:14..,,,, the Pandeiinics 11 .e Evah.ji.ating, Plannirig, and Responding Effef.Aivelly (PR F71PA-RE) Act, was introduced. ley .'Represeintative Bill Posey (R. -FL.). This bill]. establishes t1ii.e 'National Commission on the COVID-1 9 pandernic in. the legislative branch and requires the corria.n.ission to investigate arid report, on. the nation's paridenfic pirepareAness. You may be interested to know that I recently.joined Representative Steve S(.-.-.alise (R IA.) in. sending a letter to Speaker of the I louse Nancy Pelosi asking her to holdlie arings on the origins i,'A'COVID 19. You may also interested to know that the Biden Adiinit'listration recently asked the intelligence community to produce a, report on the origins ofthe COVID 19 virus, and ito produce the report. within 90 days. Rest assured that I will continue rnonitoring the production this report" Should HA. 834 coii�ne befbre the House or consideration, rest asstiired that I will. lkeep your thoiaghts in. mind. 711,ank you againf6r contacting me. Please feel. welcome to call rn.y office at (202) 225-41 1 1 4,,)r write rne as note atany time. T(,:�) Stay up to date on irrywork. f6ii, you in Congress, I encourage you to, vii slat army website and sign u]p f.br my e newsletter at y(,),iu,ngl�..iiri.hou[segov, and. follow me on Facebook, Twitter am.d tnstarain at angKim. Sincerely, 0100 11 Rep. Youing Kim Menaber ooh' Congress * Coirnplete fterns 1, 2, and 3. Aso cornjol[Wte Itern 4 If Restidioted E)eflvery is desiired. * Print your II arne and addiress on the reverse so that we Can return the card to you, * Attaoh ffils card to trm back, of the rnaHpWce, or on tlhe froirlit if sipace penmits. tp. ArtWe Addressed to- �,e YCO) tni (2. 01 15 lor�900 A, ftnat 13 Agent X E.] Addres: B. ReceIvcWJ3uRr&Ve9,dbnP1 G. W&H, D. Ps deflveiry addrins dffemnt frorn Kern 1? U Yes X. HYES, erltordeHmy address bebm 0 No 3, Swyic: e`rype Xcertified MW 13 Flldoft MaH Exprose M Fleglistomid 1_1 Return FieoePjjat. for Meirr,'Alanc 0 Msuired MaH IM Coflect on Deflvery 4, Restilated DeRvery? (Exfmi F6s) 2. Afflde Nii.imber " 1171-11 n n " M M n M 1111 M o, r r r n iii ®7 n 1_3 Yes �Y1_­`G_. a A„x"wr. all�ffi 0.•. I., ulib e�„W Ism u w pro, „A,01 Dip, i w0 m fl. wPo. `` y n•u wpnw Qg�° amw '•II '.. �p �w1W..w a�,k iu'� r W nI� o• a uw ��„ �uw"yun "� A S upon Id— %a 11 W1, pn I. ts;a a� w � ” �& �'�° ,• ro a do fOT �q p « ro"Ia I RE -11 It top) i ro V 7i8 R� 4 W� 0.1 ziroEll p -all � 0 w u °• ro a ° w IIIIIIWI 40 SAW „ro ° w, a wx spatj P F" dBW 1 llwro b tj ud ri n m lilt, it � ry Wer"B old a A„x"wr. all�ffi 0.•. I., ulib e�„W Ism u w pro, „A,01 Dip, i w0 m fl. wPo. `` y n•u wpnw Qg�° amw '•II '.. �p �w1W..w a�,k iu'� r W nI� o• a uw ��„ �uw"yun "� A S upon Id— %a 11 W1, pn I. ts;a a� w � ” �& �'�° ,• ro a do fOT �q p « ro"Ia I RE -11 It top) i ro V 7i8 R� 4 W� 0.1 ziroEll p -all � 0 w u °• ro a ° w IIIIIIWI 40 SAW „ro ° w, a wx spatj P F" dBW 1 llwro b tj ud ri n m lilt, it i L cft) '12- 114L Nr "AI Oil c 4- cj vez v , �� �c.�+ . ®.gid n"r (i lr ��� ec Li dc ut v. J-9 I Nk "I EPARTI�V�f FEH T COF C HILDA L. SOLIS SUPERVISOR, FIRST DISTRICT COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 856 KENNETH HAHN HALL OF ADMINISTRATION 500 W. TEMPLE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 I �( 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 ,t, Tel: (714) 765-5166 Fax (714) 765-4105 www.anaheim.net Request to Address the City Couneil SMYDER u. PHELPS Opinion of the Court Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder was killed in i) Iraq in the line of duty. Lance Corporal Snyder's father selected the Catholic church in the Snyders' hometown of Westminster, Maryland, as the site for his son's funeral. Local newspapers provided notice of the time and location of the service. Phelps betaine aware of Matthew Snyder's funeral and decided to travel to Maryland with six other Westboro ����.������,�� G BY Baptist parishioners (two of his daughters and four of TELECONFERENCE: his grandchildren) to picket. On the•day of the meniorial service, the Westboro congregation members picketed on public land adjacent to public streets near the Maryland COUNCIL MEMBERS State House, the United States Naval Academy, and Matthew Snyder's funeral. The Westboro picketers car- ried signs that were largely the same at all three locations. Los Angeles Office They stated, for instance: "God Hates the USA/Thank God 845 S. Figueroa Street for 9/11," "America is Doomed," "Don't Pray for the USA," Los Angeles, CA 90017 "'Thank God for IEDs," "Thank God for Dead Soldiers," "Pope in Hell," "Priests Rape Boys," "God Hates Fags," "You're Going to Hell," and "God Hates You." y ( - ._J ;;ri"i If The church had notified the authorities in advance of its l intent to picket at the time of the funeral, and the picket- ers complied with police instructions in staging their demonstration. The picketing took lace within a 10- b P g P Y %�- 25 -foot plot of . public land adjacent to a public street, behind a temporary fence. App. to Brief for Appellants in No. 08-1026 (CA4), pp. 2282-2285 (hereinafter App.). That plot was approximately 1,000 feet from the church 2"°:, where the funeral was held. Several buildings separated the picket site from the church. Id., at 3758. The West - born picketers displayed their signs for about 30 minutes before the funeral began and sang hymns and recited Bible verses. None of the picketers entered church prop- erty or went to the cemetery. They did not yell or use profanity, and there was no violence associated with the picketing. Id,., at 2168, 2371, 2286, 2293. EPARTI�V�f FEH T COF C HILDA L. SOLIS SUPERVISOR, FIRST DISTRICT COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 856 KENNETH HAHN HALL OF ADMINISTRATION 500 W. TEMPLE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 I �( 0 ,t, i) Harry S. Sidhu, RE Mayor Stephen Faessel Mayor Pro Tem District 5 Jose Diaz Council Member District 1 Jordan Brandman Council Member District 2 Dr. Jose F. Moreno Council Member District 3 Avelino Valencia Council Member District 4 Trevor O'Neil Council Member District 6 COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, SPACE= ANDTECHNOLOGY NOLOOY SURECIMMI T TEE ON SPACE ANr1 Ar RONAU'FIC,`; COMMITTEE= ON ,SMALL BUSINESS SunMMMI I I EE ON INNOVATION, E N U!F. PRENE.URSHIP AND WORKFORCE D[VBLOr'MENI SURCUMMII IEE ON LCON4.-IMIC G110VV111, TAX ANn CAPI IM ACC:EII3 COMMITTEE ON FOI:I=,O641 AFFAIRS SUECAIIVIMITra CIN ASIA, TH, PACIFIC, CENTRAL A`M AND NUNPRC1I.IF ERA I' It IN SUBCONIM I I -I EE UN AFRICA, GI.omt. HEA1 II -I AND rrGLOIDAI HUMAN Rt;iilti; 7 f� `iJ;J' 1�I :.JJf'�Ief�6r '35houst of ��—Itl(l? l�r�aJ??��L���AL�l7!`°�i 91745-3605 Dear Mr. Armando Herman, p I�rT11I44 � n g !�pKimu. June 4, 2021 WASHINGTOM OFFICE_ 1306 LoNt-mon m HOUSE OFFICE Buhr}INc WAGHINIMIN, DC 2051.5 (202)225-4'I '11 701 W. KIIVIRrRLY AvE. SurrE 245 N ACFINTIA, CA 92870 (714) 9811-2440 W W W.Yt A IIVt'i I<I MI.FItJLIgF .t ;CIV( °�'RPPYUIfNc.ICIM Thank you for contacting me to express your support for a commission to study the origins of COVID-19. I appreciate the opportunity to respond. H.R. 834- the Pandemics Require Evaluating, Planning, and Responding Effectively (PREPARE) Act, was introduced by Representative Bill Posey (R -FL). This bill establishes the National Commission on the COVID-19 pandemic in the legislative branch and requires the commission to investigate and report on the nation's pandemic preparedness. You may be interested to know that I recently joined Representative Steve Scalise (R -LA) in sending a letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi asking her to hold hearings on the origins of COVID-19. You may also interested to know that the Biden Administration recently asked the intelligence community to produce a report on the origins of the COVID-19 virus, and to produce the report within 90 days. Rest assured that I will continue monitoring the production this report. Should H.R. 834 come before the House for consideration, rest assured that I will keep your thoughts in mind. Thank you again for contacting me. Please feel welcome to call my office at (202) 225-4111 or write me a note at any time. To stay up to date on my work for you in Congress, I encourage you to visit my website and sign up for my e -newsletter at youngkim.house.gov, and follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instapm atk(� pYoungKim. Sincerely, 01 0 00 Rep. Young Kim Member of Congress D Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. a Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. liar Attach this card to the back of the maiiplece, or on the front 6f space permits. , 1. Article Addressed to: �Q. °�c� NV w► 17- ISE . 6 N let C ✓ / �00 A. X ❑ Agent ❑ Addre B. RecelveMdntesliY Vann I C. Date of Deliv D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? ❑ Yes ,, If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type XCertffied Mall® ❑ Priority Mail Express' ❑,Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchant ❑ Insured Mail ❑ Collect on Delivery 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 2. Article Number nn—in ,'n®n nnnn t,,r rr_ nii9ii ❑ Yes