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.~?-.:., ,,.- ........ ~-"::: ITY :~ ~:,.~,~dLu±ION OF ~.~m C COUNCIL OF THE .o,~,,ING CONDITIONAL USE ,: ~, NO. 19. 'ii'HERk;AS, tit:~ Ciuy ?-'*n 4 ~x ±=~.n,mt~= Commission of the City .:~na'heim did receive a '--,-,' '-, e ~ .... uus~ for a Conditional Use Permit :{{rom ])il. JOSEPi{ TSEU~ 3326 ;'~EST LINCOLN AVENUE, ANAHEIM, ~;-.~L~O~i~,.i~ eSt=p/~_o~,, a single-story, multiple-family :0l~nned residential development, with carports in lieu of :zarages, and ~ermittin:i a waiver o~ une minimum rear yard u:e~uirement on t'he foilowin[:; described property situated in · - '~ , '~. ura,.~e State of California, City o~: ..~,na].~.eim, ~.,ounc'? of r, ,~,.:, i +'d ' PARCEL i'. Deginnfng., . at a point in the mast"" line of the ... az ter of tire Southwest quarter of Section 12, low~s~.9 4ooC ...... u~';-~ ~"~.,anoe'.~.~ 1i_ 77estg San Bernardino ~,ase anc~ Meridian, ~¢~,,uant North 0 I1' 30" West 165 feet from ti'~e Southeast co=net of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest ~::ua=t:er. of said section, said point 'bain?¢ tlm Nor'theasc co%uo~ of ~ite land desc=ibed in the deee to tke ?acific ~ao~itarian Association, a corpora- tion, z'ecorc~ed ~"-~ ~¢,¢ruar~,,- 13, 1894, in book 69, page 24, Dee~s, records of said Orange County; thence North0° 11' 30'~ ~:'est along said ,:;asr line 151.27 feet to a point; · thence bou'tl~ 89© 4.0' 30" ::(¢esc parallel to the South line of the iqor ~ast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said section:, 396.50 feet to a point; 'thence South 0° i1 ' 30~'~ ~.,~:~sn parallei to sazc~. ~.~,=st line, 316.27 feet co a point on u~.a 3out~. ]ine of the Northeast ouarter of uke Souti:~,.zest ~xuart:er., of said section; thence North 89© 40' 30: East along said. ~outh line, 132.50 feet to a poinn~ said point 'being the Southwest corner of said land desc~"i'bed, in ti:~e ...... u~e racific Sabbitarian issociatiou., a corpor~.~t:ion; Uhence North 0© 11' 30" [Test along tl~e-~':esn ~j.ne of said land ae: scrzi~" ed in the o. aec~ to .~.~ ?acific oaoi:,i'carian '~ iation, ~s soc a corpora- tion, i05 feet to t~xe Northwest corner thereof; thence ,- ;~ast along 'the North line of said land. conveye uo ~--¢.cifie gabbitarian Association, S, corporaBJ, ol-l~ ~. _ e'C Co -che 'ooint of beginning; PAKCLL 2: Tit, at ?portion of the Nort'heast quarter of ~e est Section 12, u[Lto._ uer o~_ ~ ...... in Township 4 South, i{an~ze !1 ~'~est, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, des- cribeq as fo]_lo~.~s. Beginni.a[i an a point in t~'ze ~=s~ line of said Northeast ~uarte:,: of the $ou'thwest cuarter distant thereon North zeet ..Lr,~m ~o ~.?~east corner of sale Northeast quarter of tl?_e ,uoa~.~.,z~est ,'[uarter and running thence North along said ~ast line 20 feet; thence West, parallel with ~gke Southerly line of said Northeast~'.~.narter" - of the South- west cuarter 25Z:. '~.=et~ thence South parallel with said '~'as-E:., /l~'le, 20 i:ee~, ~,.~.:.m ~:.ot 2oq- fee~ to the point of beginnin&:; /:~ND :~t~','~,o'x,.,,e,.~.~m,,mn~, the City g-ianning~. Commission did hold ~:t ~ubl. ic hear~? ~ . ~n~. at 'the City Hall in the City of Anaheim upon said. request on .gug~ust 31, !~64~ , notices of whic'h said public -i- i~aaring were duly siren as recruited by law and the provisions oz Title ±8, o~apter ±8.}'6 oz the Anahezm Munzczpal Code; and ~i-YHEiIEAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and studies made ~- itself and in its behalf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said haaring, az.~. a~aopt i'Ps Resolution No. 1315--Series dem~.- Conditional Use Permit No 619; and 1964-65, .... ~ .... ~ . t~._z carter ~ ~¥~.~:-~o, ~'~zn twenty-two days from t.[:e date of the ad. oDtion of said resolution, the City Council iid elect, upon its own motion~ to review the action of the ,~-ti~ P!anning ~ ~ oo~ssion in denying said Conditional Use ermit anq did thereupon fix the 6th day of October, 1964, a~ the time and tLe Council r~'~ ~ - ~am~er in the City Hall of the ~Sity of Anaheim as tl~e place for a public hearing upon said ~ .... ?~- ~'~ F and notices of such oubiic hearing o~=~tionai use ermic, were duly' siven as recuired by law and the p{'ovisions of ?'~-'~p ~ 76 o ....... Anaheim Municipal Code; and i?'HEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public ::.aarins, the City Council did duly hold and conduct such hear- inS ano. did ~:~-:,~e al~ a;~-~ - persons interested therein an opportunity to be keard and cli~l receive evidence and reports; and ,.~.':--~-~.:~, =~: C~ui Council moes z~nd, after careful consideration of the reconmmndations of the City ~:~' ' · ~ lannzng Con~ission and all evidence and reports offered at said hear- . in::, ti~at ~o..~azLiona~ Use l:ermit No. 619 ~ ~ ~ ~ snoula be denied. '?~?~P-::?PORE. ~ .... ~ iT ~:<~SOLV~iD by the City Council ~t~-~~ of .:::~naJ:'~e:lm. 't:~.at tk~ ~.ction of the "- - '- ~ Ozuy Planning .... ~.. , ......... ~"~onal L:se P'ermit No. 619 be, and the same '{ s ....... uj s ........ : :"~ ~ a~o. ~, - - ,:.~s=~.~?.~c~., ~,.at the reuuest of DR. JOSEPH TSEU for a Conditional Use iermit to esta61ish a single-story, multipie- family planued re ~ ~'': -- - ' .. sz,~ent~al development, with carports ..... :.=-~ '=~, .... ~, z~:~.~=~.: a waiver of the minimum rear 2-arc~ recu:.,:L:eme~-~';- n? :~ r~roDer~v ~ereinbefore described '~ ~ ..... = ~,,.,',,, .ei?~i.e~ . .~.zu_, .~:~;'.~-:~.~v.L,.,~:,.~ ~:,.-:,oOLu±.~?~ zs approved and signed by me 't;:~is 6t:A :!ay of '~'~- "9~56. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 64R-732 was introdUced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law~ of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 6th day of October, 1964, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte-, Krein and Chandler NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT.. COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 64R-732 on the 6th day of October, 1964. ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto .set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim, this 6t~ day of October, 1964. ( SEAL ) CITY CLKRK THE CITY OF ANAHEIM