21 (5)Public Comment
From: James Kelly <
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2021 3:33 PM
Dear City of Anaheim City Council: July 14, 2021
I, Claudia Kelly, am opposed to the planned Holden Project ("HOLDEN PROJECT") at 5275 East Nohl Ranch
Road in Anaheim, California.
Here are just a few of my reasons.
The additional noise and traffic such a facility will have on our sleepy residential neighborhood is a given. And
to what benefit for us actually? None of us could afford a room at this luxury place. So, what is the benefit to
the neighborhood? A church is a HUGE BENEFIT to a neighborhood. And if this developer would go away,
the property could go back to being a church. The Orange Hills Assembly Church is ready to purchase the
property and wants to just occupy the beautiful campus. They need the parking that facility contains. No razing
of the campus or 2 years of construction. A church provides lots of benefits to the community. They typically
have food closets that help the homeless or low-income people with basic food. They have after school child
care. They may have an actual school on campus as well. This is definitely a BEST USE for this property as it
has been since 1977.
Check your city records. Nowhere else in the city is a "Senior Living Facility (Large)" existing in an RH-3
zoned area. They are all in commercially zoned areas. And that is because that is where they belong! Put it
nearby other medical and hospital -like facilities. That is where it belongs for the health and safety of its
Please listen to your voting residents that say this is the wrong location for this facility. I urge you to vote NO
on this project!
Claudia Kelly
Anaheim, CA 92807