64-725and ,jccifien'~ai studies T'('.'.e i~est:: ~ ~'-i::,.~__ ~>:~ :i..'..e d,,:)i."',:n, we.~'Po,, c[ua.?te'~t, of the ~'~) :::: ,:: i.':. e a ,,:~ i:. ,' ~ u a'u i: e ::: ,:; f-.' J c c t i o n 2 6~ T own s h i p /' ~-~ "~.,~]',s :'- :in the )Lancho San Juan 3ooi j.~:.. ?a,:Le '.~ ~..~J: 7:'Ll. scel!anco~zs ~4aps~ in the o_{~JJ':c~ ~:: ::['c ~J'~u.(!-~ ..: .ac orde:c of sai~ County. - :'~ tbeast cu!.arte~ o-F ...... ~-~: Y:..anse i0 t4est a~ s owrl ~..~::~ ,~.,. b~a? :t:eco.~:c~ed in Book 5i:. page ,-,., ,, .. .-;._, . .. . r: :.~...,,? '",',~oz-theast qua:cLef of the ......... a~':, Townshio 4 , ou.L;.~ .;.~an2~.~ )_:., ~,'Tt:sL :iii 'the ..... an. ho San Juan ,9,,-~ oe~ mao recorded '~"~ ,,-,,~" ';3 [i .t C > ~ I I 'C 8, J~Lll ~. 2 )3es::n:,:'~iat al ti~e f. nLcrsecr-'-i',-,n 'of the center line '~ venue Wi_;l}~ t[~c cch'Eot iJ.t[.o.e of Oransewood Avenue, ..: ~ ..., o ,.,., ~ , Wes ~363.72 - 3-.Lnc:.:, o7' '--i.~t~.c:i:~ sial:c, a;i~ s['~cw~l c,,n. sai.! survey; .': ~ .... u all{[ o'Cher s'; :irt. s?~,? ':: "v}c. r'-:';: :~;a"[ .l i.a;).il ::>f ?':,:. ~ .... t ':.s~_ '~ .......... C opourts.' ~ and c, thcr::~" Cc:~",.~. angle Uo:inZ ti:erein; thence South O° (r o, ' ~':' . _ iong said boundary .... ~ .... .~ East 650 ]6 :feet line, to said center Line of Orangewood ,Avenue; t~enc,? ,:,ou ~.. b~'. :i, 9 .-::. ....... ~:: .,:.,,,+ :feet to the .:::7:c c x', ioW! center line of said State ,.~ 'the~c e ~-ransewoo4 A.venue, ,,,::;. :Ce:ct 'to the East line of ss'...! 2,,'~}l:;Lcat~~, on ~c)ce~as',et' 1,i '~96,,3 ~nl-ices of which saSJ ~' :0 .,. ;' ¢- '- ' 1; ~ax~ and the ~,: ..... ..... ,a :_.~ ..... u,.~e Anaheim Municipal Oode; and ' '~":" ' -~..: ru_,,..:.., ,.::,. ~ =:, ~-,a ':= .z: ~',,~ ~,t,.,.~' 3 s 5_ on, after' lue inspection.. , inves- ......... :_ an::i 5.n its 'behalE and after ::, .... :cr,:.t:;.c)a ol ~'il evidence and uecu.~cs offered at - ..... ~'~-~ i:i.:t ad,:~o'c :;.cs _L~s:?~ ,,ti on :~:,", 'LJ22~ Series ~.9o~-65~ WHEREAS: therea~ter~ within twenty=two (22) days from the date of the adoption of said resolution, a written appeal was filed with the City Council. protesting the action of the City Planning Commission in den¥in~ said Conditional Use Permit and said appeal was s~--f~puBi'{~ hearing on '~ .... ,~ ..... '~ 19 6i~ , at the City Hall, in the City of Anaheim, and notices o~ ~public hearing were duly given as required by law and the provisions of Title 18, Chapter ]8.76 of the A~naheimMunicipal Code~ and WHEREAS, a~ the time and place fixed for said public hearing, the City Council did duly hold and conduct such hearing and did give all persons intez~ested therein an opportunity to be heard and did receive evidence and reports~ and WHEREAS~ the City Council finds, after careful consideration of the recommendations of the City Planning Commission and all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, that ~ The proposed use is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized by the A~nah~.,~ Municipal o %~ne proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and develop~ meat of the. area in which it is proposed to be located~ The size and shape of the site propos~md for the u~e is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety and general welfare° o The traffic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and improved to carry the traffic in the area~ o The granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim° NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the action of the City Planning Commis- ~zon -~y~ ~a~d Conditional U~e Pe~t be, and the ~ame is he~ disaooz'cved , and that Conditional Use Permit No~ 6i6 ~' ~d~~same is hereby, granted pe~itting ~na ~s ............... : :.:..~_ ..~.;. a ox'i. va~:~!y operated amusement pazk anJ · iz:ua ~e and :i'.ndus'Cr-~ al exhibits C.:..z[i~c::.rz'ai shows ~ ' anna exh£'bits, and wholesale hheme merchandising :l.nci.u<~..~:tt on--sa2e of a!conolic bevexa, ges, (d) No~ei ~ (e) Taievision s~udio; ('f) ~:~ix-hundrei-foot (60S') high observation kower ani rotating restaurant; (g) institute of Oriental and Occidental studies with meditation center and dormitory~ the pro0erty bere:i.nbefore desaribed, subject to the following coaditions~ (a) That ail engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along State College Boulevard, including preoaration of improvement plans and installation of all imorovements~ suc~ as curbs and gutters~ S id ~ ewa.~.xs ~ scree~r '~'~" ... drainage - a~ading and oaring, fac-:!51.ties, or other appurtenant work shall be complied v -~ _ x.~_th as required Oy the City Engineer and in accordance with. standard plans and specifications on ::~!e in the Office of the City Lngineer; and (b) ~:han a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of .Anaheim shall be ocsteS, with_ the., Ci~'--,~f to guarantee the instal" = .... _~,~i.on of sai-I e'na~"ineering requirements_ . ~. _~,,:~c sidawaz_ks shall be installed along Katella Avenue~ as '~'equireJ by the City Engineer and in accormm~e, with standard o~ans and specifications ~:'~ ~ prior on .~...~e in ~:he '~ vx~ce of the City Engineer, to final~,u~..c'~ding insoec'~-~on. . Thac the o~.mers of su. ooect proper~y shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum'of $2.00 per front '~:oot along ,state uol!ege Boulevard and Kateila Ave'aue,. fc,r street !is!~ting purposes. 4. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢ per front foot alo-ag State College Boulevard and Kate!la Avenue, ::~for tree ?,ian*--'umn~"- .pur°°ses. . 5 That trao~, storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on fi. le in the O-~-~,...~..~e or the Director of Public ~qorks and ~' = .... orior to final building buperintendent o~ su,.eets, ~. . in s p ec 't'i That ~:': .... ~ .~.~re !:?.yo. ran~zs shall be installed as required ~:.etermined to 'be necessary by the Chief of the Fire De.oartment, said fire hydrants to be installed ori. or 'to :l:Lnal 'bo~ ].:fi~ ' .~.n~ inspection. 7. That the ,ovrners o~{ subject property shall deed to u~.n.e u.~_~y of Anaheim a lO-foot public utility ease- men~ paraA to an~t aooroximateiy 060 {eet ,..~.~e ~.~o.t..Lese Boulevard ifinal olans of !evelopmen~ shall be submitted and aooroved. ~x, ~ - the City Council prior to the .Lao,.~.cnce a Ou::_l.lrnS permit. ?hail. be ,aompiied with within a period from de.~e he~-eof~ o~- such further 4: "-~' t~.~ ,Cou'o, ci],. hercby reserves the right to revoke suc[~ Con,;~:Ltionai_ [3;~;c, Permit for :].a. oo~J cause or failure of said ~jwner;s:, :L'<ei::: bc!.~:~,., auccesso?:~ ow ~.ssigns to comply with the Anaheim Munich: ~)a% ~'~:~c: ~...,~.~a '.:eo~u ~a~J..ons and tb.e cond~ t~ !i:i~:~ ~.;.~,.~,~.:<.,i~- ~'.,,.~,,~.,U.~.:.o~-~ approved and s~gned by ~itO ~fiM 0F Ti~-CZ~F i, ~._~=., ~,.i. v~l~l~-,c~Io, o]~ty Clezh of the City of Anaheim, 2o hezeb-f certiiy chat the~o~e=,o~ =''~o' 'n~'~ zesolution was passed and adopted at a ~:eg:ulaz' meeting of the '"'City Council held on the .~th ~av ,J~: Oc :ober, ic~'' ~ o,'.-~- by the following vo~e of the members 'znereo f' COU~qCIL~i<i' Pebiey, Schutte, Krein and Dutton AND t Fi%::..Ti4~i'~. Ci',LTiFY that the Mayor Pro Tern of the City of Anaheim agp::ovedan.] ~i~ned sai;] resolution on the 6th .lay of jc. tooew~ i9o~-, iZ '~JI'PN::,,tS,3 ':'~":?'~'~?'"'"'~'P ! have '~' _ _ .~.~.,~.~,:.,~: n~:etinto set my hand and : ' o:. ~.~na~-:~e:_m this 6th day of \