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Pro jo Enoz. A ~..~oOL'0~£iOiq ~' TEL CiTY CObl~CIL OF T~ CITY OF ANAHEi.N ORDE21NG T~ VACATION AND ABANDON- i~NT OF PO~.TiONS OF AN ALLEY AND EASEMENT FOR ALLEY PURPOSES UPON, OVER, ACROSS AND ALONG THE ~I~2:,INAFTEii DESCRIBED i~iEAL PROPERTY; AND RESERVING A PU~3Li~ UTILITY OVERHANG EASEMENT FOix mLECTi~.IC POWER LINES, CROSS-ARMS, ELECTRICAL AND TELEPHONE FACILITIES, oVER. ALONG, ACROSS AND TH2o.~UGH A POETiON OF SAID PROPERTY. ~.YHEi.'.~AS:, zhe City Council of 'the City of Anaheim, a Nu'aicipai ~orporazion of the State of California, did on the ~5th_ day of Sep'cembe~:, 1964~ ~ass its 2esolution No. 64R-668~ entitled :~A i~SOLUTION OF TI-~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DEtailING iTS IN'FmNTiON T:D VACATE AND A~NDON PORTIONS OF AN ALLEY AI~ mASEF~NT FOR ALLEY PURPOSES UPON, O~R, ACROSS AND ALONG T~ ~f~iNAFTEi~_ DESCRIBED ~:{EAL PROPERTY; RESERVING A PUBLIC O'TiLITY OVER~NG ZASZF~NT FOR ELECTRIC PO~/ER LINES, CROSS-APeS, EL'J~{iCAL AND T~LEPHONE FACILITIES O~R., ALONG, ACROSS AND THROUGH A PORTION OF SAID PROPERTY; FIXING A TI~ ~ND P~CE FOR A ~AiiiNG ~HEi~ON; DIRECTING T~ POSTING OF NOTICES T~I~OF AND l'H~ PUBLICATION OF THIS RESOLUTION:" whereby it declared its intention to vacate and abandon and close to public use portions o.~ an alley an~ easemen~ ~oz' alley purposes upon, o'ver, across and aio~s the reinafte~ described property under the provisions of the St~eet Vacation Act of !9~1; and ~rm~z.aa, the Cizy Council did further declare its :intention ~o ::eserve a public utility overhang easement for electric !?ox~.~er lines., c~'oss-arms, electrical and telephone facilities oven alc~ng across and through a portion of said p~oper:y; and ~,~q4ZkEAS: the City Council in said resolution referred to a map on file in the Office of the City Clerk for further particulars as to the proposed vacation~ abandonment and closing ~o public use of said portions of an alley and easement for alley ~ourposes: and said reservation of easement for public utility purposes~ and i~hikmAS, said Ci.-~y Council did 'toy said resolution fix the 6th day of October~ i964~ an 1:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council ChamOer in the City Hall.. of the City of Anaheim as the ~ime and place for_' a public hear~.ng on 'the matter of such vacation? abandonment and closing to public use of said portions of an alley and easement for alley purposes~ for all persons interested in or objecting to such proposed vacation, abandon- ment and closing to oublic use co appear and show cause, if any ~hey had~ why such pi{rtions of an alley and easement for alley purposes should not 0e vacated, abandoned and closed to public use; and I~;~EAS, sa~_d resoiu~ion was published on the 24th day o~ September, ~.964,~ in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of ~eneral circu!anion~ orinted~ ~oublished and circulated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California; and W~REAS, by said resolution said City Council directed that notices of the passage of said resolution and of the time and place of the hearing on the matter of the vacation, abandon- ment and closing to public use of said portions of alley and easement for alley purposes be posted conspicuously along the lines of said portions of alley and easement, not more than 300 feet apart, at least ten Il0) days before said hearing, and that not less than three~3) such notices should be posted along the line of each portion of alley and easement; and WIiE}~AS~ Donald O'Donnell did on the 24th day of S i964, post conspicuously not less than three (3) such notices along the line of each of said portions of said alley and ease- ment, which notices were posted less than 300 feet apart, and were posted at least ten (10) days before said hearing; and WHE~AS, said City Council did on the 6th day of October, 19642 an 1:30 o'clock P.M.~ at said City Hall, conduct a public hearing on the matter of whether said portions of alley and easement for alley purposes, hereinafter described~ should be vacated, abandoned and closed to public use, and at said hearing did hear evidence thereon; and I~RiEREAS, the City Council finds from all of the evidence submitted that said portions of an alley and easement for alley purposes described in the Resolution of Intention and hereinafter described, are unnecessary for present or prospective alley pur- poses and than an order vacating and abandoning such portions of said alley and easement should be made. NOW, THE~FOPJ~, BE IT Pd~.~SOLVED by the City Council of nhe City of Anaheim: 1. That it finds the recitals hereinabove set forth in this resolution to be true; 2. That it finds from all evidence submitted that said portions of an alley and easement for alley purposes described in said resolution are unnecessary for present or prospective oublic purposes; That it does hereby order that said portions of said alley and easement for alley purposes be, and they are hereby, vacated, abandoned and closed to public use; That said portions of an alley and easement herein ordered vacated~ abandoned and closed to public use are those certain portions of an alley and and easement described in said Resolution No. 64R-668, are situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange~ State of Gaiifornia, and are more particularly described as follows- -2- Those portions of that certain alley lying within Tra¢'~ No. 1565, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 49, pages 19 through 24, of Miscellaneous Maps, ~ecords of Orange County, California, located in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Galifornia~ and more particularly described as follows: Parcel No. 1: Commencing at the most Northwesterly corner of Lot 120 of Tract No. 1565, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 49, pages 19 through 24, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California; thence South 89° 49' 05v~ East along the Northerly line of said Lot 120, a distance of 90.00 feet to the true point of beginning of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence South 89© 49' 05': East 10.00 feet; thence North 45° 10~ 55~ East 14.14 feet; thence South 14© 01~ 23'~ East 40.75 feet; thence North 72° 13~ 54~ West 31.47 feet; thence North 0° 10' 55~ East 20.00 feet to the true point of beginning ~ Parcel No. 2: Commencing at the Northwesterly corner of Lot 102 of the above mentioned Tract No. 1565; thence South 0° i0' 55:~ West along the West line of said Lot 102, a disnance of 54.16 feet to the true point of 'Oeginning of the parcel of land herein- afte'~~ described; thence South 44° 49' 05'~ East a distance of 14.14 feet; thence South 89° 49' 05'': East a distance of !0.00 feet; thence South 0° 10' 55'~ West 21.92 feet; thence South 74° 31' 15'~ West 11.15 feet; thence North 14° 55' 41~ West 35.53 feet to the true point of ~eginning. 5. That it finds that a public utility overhang easement for electric power lines, cross-arms, electrical and telephone facilities, over, along, across and through the easterly !0.00 feet of Parcel No. i above described should be reserved, the westerly line of said 10-foot reservation to be parallel with and i0.00 feet westerly (as measul~ed at right angles) from the east line of said Parcel No. i. 6. That it does hereby order that a public utility overhang easement for electric power lines, cross- arms~ electrical and telephone facilities, over~ along~ across and through the easterly 10.00 feet of Parcel. No. I above described be reserved, the westerly line of said 10-foot reservation being parallel with and !0 feet westerly (as measured at ~cight angles) f~om the east line of said Parcel No. 1. AND BE IT FURTHER ~*'~ ~,~SOLVED that the City Clerk be, and she is hereby~ authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this ~esolution and oz'dez~ attested by her under the seal of the City of Anaheim,. to 0e recorded in the Office of the County i~ecorder of Orange~oun'~y ~' ~ ~ California. -3- THE ,OREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me m ~ this ~6"Ch day of October 19 64 o ATTEST~ STATE OF CALI. F@RNIA CObqNTY OF ORANGE .) C I I'Y OF ANAHEIM i~ DENE M, WILLIA14S City Clerk of the C:ity of Anahe~~-~h~e~~~~egoing resolution was introduced and adcpt_e,d at a -- provided by law cf the City Ceun~~~~-~yregular meeting ~ o f Anaheim ~ he ld on the 6~ch day ;:~}f October 19 ~64 ~ by the fol. lowihg v,~te .... ~ ~ ~ AYES© ,~OUNCILMEN; Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler. NOES:: COL~C'ILMEN~ None ABSENT" COUNCILMEN*' None AND I'F¢qt_.HER' T' ' CERTIFY thaC the Mayer of the City of Anaheim approved and ~igned sa:id resolution on the ~jl____day of October >~ 1964 o IN W I~N~.~S WHER.EOF~ I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ~he official seal of the City of Anaheim this __~day of _~0ctober ~. 1.9 64 o (SEAL> I