21 (64)Jennifer L. Hall Subject: FW: HOLDEN DEVELOPMENT Begin forwarded message: From: rfarar Date: July 18, 2021 at 1:40:18 PM PDT To: Stephen Faessel <SFaesselCrkanaheim.net> Subject: HOLDEN DEVELOPMENT Anaheim, CA 92807 July 18, 2021 City of Anaheim City Council 200 South Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA. 92805 Dear City Council Member, Subject: HOLDEN PROJECT 5275 East Nohl Ranch Road Anaheim, CA. 92807 Anaheim Hills "A Planned Community" - As was clearly stated when Anaheim Hills was designed and created, this area of Anaheim was FULLY organized and laid out to prevent future builders and developers from coming to Anaheim Hills and placing buildings, shopping centers and businesses randomly where -ever they could find a blank space. At the time the goals were very clear. "We don't want liquor stores and gas stations on every corner" As a result there is very little "open space" and un -developed areas for builders to buy up property and turn the community into a vision of high density and random buildings. People bought in this area and paid a premium for the security of having Property that couldn't be over -run with development. Other areas of Anaheim were not given this distinction and buyers were not promised this same protection. As an elected representative of the citizens of Anaheim it is incumbent upon you to keep this promise and represent the need of the residents of ALL areas of the city. The future and value of our city is critical and it is your position to preserve the promise given to its residents. I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed Holden project Development. As a resident of Anaheim Hills this particular large scale development would be detrimental to the safety of our local community. I urge you to disapprove this project that will burden our community with High Density housing functioning as a commercial business within the current RH-3 zoning. The proposed location is inappropriate and not fitted for an operation of this sort. Countless residents share my deep concerns regarding the safety hazards that would arise should this project be approved. Traffic- Nohl Ranch Road has become a busy freeway alternate in which vehicles exceeding the speed limit has become the norm. The intersection of Royal Oak and Nohl Ranch Road (The Proposed Project location) has a "no right turn on red' as its blind spot corner has proven to be hazardous with a history of accidents. The large scale of the Holden Project Building would further exacerbate this problem and make this corner far more dangerous. This project will significantly increase traffic with its frequency of emergency, transportation, delivery, staff, and visitation vehicles thus adding to the existing challenges. FIRE- Nohl Ranch Road is a FIRE EVACUATION ROUTE. Our community knows all too well the dangers of not being able to evacuate quickly and safely. Many of us were stuck in gridlock on Nohl Ranch Road, some in excess of two hours traveling only a short two miles. I shudder to think how we as a community could execute a safe and successful evacuation of our vulnerable elderly population residing within the High Density facility that Holden is proposing. LACK OF PARKING- Holden's proposed parking spaces are grossly under allocated. The lack of parking for staff, third party providers and visitors will put a strain on the surrounding neighborhoods. There is no parking on Nohl Ranch Road nor Royal Oak so over -flow visitors will be forced into the residential streets. This lack of parking redirected to surrounding homes poses safety risks to neighborhood children and families. The developer has used The Meridian and Brookdale Assisted Living facility as an examples for the Zoning Variance but both facilities are overrun with parking problems and are good examples of what NOT to do because of other failures to provide adequate parking. Thank you for your continued service to our wonderful city and for your consideration in supporting the residents by keeping our communities safe. Please oppose the Proposed Holden Project. Best Regards, Richard and Phyllis Farano Residents of Anaheim for over 45 years