64-638Acctgo Off, i~SOLUTION NO. 0e~-o38' '~: ~ A f:~ESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAheIM CERTIFYING THE REPORT COMPLIED FROH i~CORDS OF THE CITY TO BE A TRUE RECORD OF EXPENDtTUkES DUi!ING THE 1963-64 FISCAL trgAii PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 186.1 THROUGH 186.7 OF THE STI~ETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE. WHEREAS, the Collier-Unruh Local Transportation Develop- ment Act ~rovides 'that ~Within 60 days ~ollowing the close of each fiscal year each county, city, or city and county shall file with the Department a report in a form prescribed by the Department and certified by the kocal o-overn';m~ body showing its expenditures of i~unds during 'the preceding fiscal year pursuant to Sections 186.1 through 186o7'~; and k~EAS, the attached report, compiled in the form orescribed by the S~ate of California, Department of Public Works from records maintained by Zhe City of Anaheim and showing expenditures during the 1963-64 fiscal year pursuant to Sections i86.i through i86,7 c,f the Streets and Highways Code, has been e:camined by the Cizy Council. and is determined to be factual; 'r~'~"> .... '~ .... BE iT kESOLVED that 'the City Council of the City of Anaheim hereby certifies the attached report to ~e a true record of expenditures by the City of Anaheim the !963-o~ fi_' ~ "' scar veR~ :i.n conformance ~ith the requirements ,:~if ~i~e Cci.~-: ~-~' '"' ......... ....... ,-~' ._ze~-u~.zu~, 'Local_ z.~:.ansp~,,.uau]_on Development Act; and i)Z i'i' ~b~:,..Inz,.~ ,xESOLVLD '::hat the City Clerk is hereby :.nstzucted ~o tz-an, sm::_c~q~..,, cooies of the report and three certified copies of uhis re '" ' ' so.~_unzon Co the State of California, Departmeni:: of Pu'Oiic ]~4orks, Division of Highways, in care of the z, ni:ine, e~: f.n cLari;e o~: :_-cs ~ocai District office ~m z,a~;~t, Gui~ .~%~o~b.~i:~N is approved and signed by me .~his 25th day of A. ugu, st~ 1964. STA/E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNIY OF ORA~E ) ss CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIANL~, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hemeby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 64R-638 was introduced and adopted at a regular meetin9 provided by law of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 25th daM of August, 1964 by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pebley, Schutte, Krein and Chandler NO£S: COU~CILMHN: None ABSENT: COUNCILN~N: Dutton AND I FURTHER C£RTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 64R-638 on the 25th day of August~ 1964. In witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Amheim this 25th day of August, 1964. CITY CLERK OF THE ciTY OF ANAHEIM