64-637Acctg. Off. iLESOLU'TION NO. 641~- 637 z-i ~xESOLU~i0N OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANA~iM DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR, AND DI~tECTING TM ACQUISITION BY EMINENT DOi~LAIN OF CERTAIN WATER AND WATER ~iIGHTS FOil TItE BENEFIT OF T~tE RESIDENTS OF THE CI~I~' OF ANAHEIM. ~;~HE~iEAS, the public interest, convenience and necessity require the acquisition of all water and water rights of the Anaheim Union Water Company as set forth herein to obtain such water and water z].~h~_s for the beneficial use of the City of Anaheim and the residents thereof; and I.~HEi~AS~ the City Council does find and determine that public interest and necessity require the acquisition by the City of Anaheim of all such water and water rights for the public purposes herein set forth. NOW, THEiiEFOKE, BE IT }~ESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim ~hat oubtic interest and necessity require the acquisition of: Ail wate~u and water rights, whether riparian, prescriptive, overlying or appropriative, of the Anaheim Union Water Company of whatever l~ind, nature or source, to take, use or control water of the Santa Aha River~ its springs~ sources and tributaries flowing through the Santa Ana Canyon, and down the channel and bed of the Santa Ana River, and all other rights of the Anaheim Union Water Company of whatever i~ind, nature or source, to take, use or control water of the Santa Aha iliver, its springs~ sources and tributaries flowing through the Santa Ana Canyon and down the channel and bed of the 5anna Ana }{iver. BE iT FUiiTHEK RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby find and determine that public interest and necessity require the acquisition of said water and water rights by the City of Anaheim fo~ the 'beneficial use of the City and the residents thereof, and that the taking of said property herein- above described is necessary therefor and that the use to which it is to be applied is a use authorized by law and the taking of said property is necessary ~o such use. BE IT FUiiIT~[ ~.'.ESOLVED that the acquisition of said property and oro~oeo~ty ~-ights by the City of Anaheim be and it zs hereby authorized and the City Attorney of 'the City of Anaheim be and he is he~:e0y authorized and directed to commence an action in e~inen~a domain for the acquisition of title to said water and water righ~s~ and .~o per-form and carry out all of the necessary p~:oceedin~s and steps incident to the acquisition of the title to sa:id property. -i- this ATTEST:~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me 25~ Ch day c~ f Au~iust ~ 19 64 I '" ' '~ ~ '~'' ~ ' ' ~" ""~ MAYOR OF-T~E~ITY O~-ANAHEIM THE ;tTY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM ,I~ ~~_~j~LLIA14S City Clerk of the City of Anafie~~eby~ t~egoing resolution was introduced and adcpted at a -- regular meeting provided by taw ~f the ,City C~,un~~~ of Anaheim~ held on the 2hah day ~f August ~ 1964_ ~ ~ by the fo]lowing vote AYES~ OUIqCI~N Pebley, Schutte, Krein and Chandler NOES :: COI~C ILMEN i None ABSENT ~ COUNCILMEN,: Dutton AND I F~' HER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim apprc~ved and signed said resolution on the _~sj2k___day of u~'ust .......... ~ ~964 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i~ have hereuntc, set my hand and affixed the~,ff~a]?~ seal of the City of Anaheim this _j~~day CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ~AHEIM (SEAL)