64-608?roj,~ng. · ~movLUIION NO. 64Jr- 608 A f{ESOLiITION OF Tm CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANA}2]iM O}[DEt~iNG TI~ VACATION AND ABANDON- P~NT OF 'AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY AND SEWER LINE PURPOSES UPON, ALONG, OVER AND THROUGH T~ ~REINAFTER DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim~ a Municipal Corporation of the State of California, did on the 2&th day of July, 1964, pass its Resolution No. 64R-537 entitled '~A i,~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF Tf~ CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLAR- ING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE AND ABANDON AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY AND SEWER LINE PURPOSES UPON, ALONG, OVER AND THROUGH THE HEreINAFTER DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY; FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOK A ~At~iNG THE~ON; DIRECTING THE POSTING OF NOTICES THEREOF ~gD THE PUBLICATION OF THIS RESOLUTION,'~ whereby it declared its intention to vacate, abandon and close to public use an easement for public utility and sewer line purposes upon, along, over and zhrough the hereinafter described property~ under the provisions of the Public Service Easement Vacation Law, Title 5, Division 1~ Article 5 of the Government Code; and WHEP~AS~ the City Council in said resolution referred ~oa map on file in zhe Office of the City Clerk for further particulars as to the proposed vacation, abandonment and closing ~o public use of said easement; and ~HEf~AS, said City Council did by said resolution fix the igth day of August, 1964, at 1:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chamber in the City Hall of 'the City of Anaheim as the time and place for a public hearing on the matter of such vacation, aban- donment and closing to public use of said easement for public utility and sewer line p~rposes, for mll persons interested in or objecting to such proposed vacation, abandonment and closing to public use to appear and show cause, if any they had, why such easement for public utility and sewer line purposes should not be vacated: abandoned and closed to public use; and t.~H~L,kS~ sa×d resoiutzon was published on the 6th day :,~: ~u~us~ 1964., in ~:~e Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of general c:rculation, pz'inted oublished and circulated in the City of ilnaheim, Orange Couni:y~ California; and i~REAS: oy said resolution said City Council directed that notices of the passage of said resolution and of the time and place of the hearing on the matter of the vacation, abandon- ment and closing to public use of said easement for public utility and sewer line purposes be posted conspicuously along the line of said easement~ not mo~e than 300 feet apart~ at least ten (10) days before said hearing, and not less chan three (3) such notices should oe posted; and ].'~k~kS~ }{erman Stoffel did on the 6th day of August, 1~6~: oosz conspicuously not less than three (3) such notices along zhe line of sazd easement: which notices were posted not more than 300 feet apart: and were posted at least ten (10) days oefore said hearing; and -1- W-HEk~AS~ said City Council did on the !8th day of August~ 1964, at 1:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chamber in the City Hall of the City of Anaheim, conduct a public hearing on the matter of whether said easement for public utility and sewer linc pur~oses~ hereinafter described, should be vacated, abandoned and closed ~o public use~ and at said hearing, did hear evidence thereon; and ~AEAS~ the Cigy Council finds from all of the evidence submitted that said easement for public utility and sewer line purposes described in the Resolution of Intention and hereinafter described~ is unnecessary for present or prospective public utility and sewer line purposes, and that an order vacating and abandoning such easement for public utility and sewer line purposes as described in the Kesolution of Intention should be made~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ~CMSOLVED 'by the City Council of the City of Anahe~.m: 1. That it finds the recitals hereinabove set forth in this resolunion to be true; 2. That it finds from all the evidence submitted that said easement for public utility and sewer line purposes described in said resolution is unnecessary for present or prospective public purposes; 3. That it does hereby order that said easement for public utility and sewer line purposes be, and it is hereby~ vacated, abandoned and closed to public use; 4. That sazd easement herein ordered vacated, aban- doned and closed to public use is that certain easement described in said kesolution No. 64R-537, is situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, and is more particularly described as follows: That certain right of way reserved for the purpose of building~ constructing, operating and maintaining one or more pole lines for the conduct of electric wires or electric energy thereon and one or more pipe lines for the conduct of water, gas or sewage therein~ described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot One (1) of Adelheid Subdivision, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 6, page 39 of Miscellaneous Maps~ records of Orange County, California; thence North 74° 31~'~ East along the Southerly line of Lots !~ 3, 5, 79 9 and 11 a distance of 332 58 feet to the W~sterly lzne of Helen Street; thence South 15 22-3/4~' East along said Westerly line 50 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot i2; thence South 74° 31%'~ West along the Northerly lines of Lots 12, 10, 8, 6~ 4 and 2~ a distance of 332.58 feet to the Easterly line of Palm Street; thence North 15° 2i~" West along said Easterly line 50 feet to tbe place of beginning° -2- Also described as follows: That certain 50 foot right of way for poles and pipe lines being a portion of Lot One of Tract No. 829, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 31, page 49 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California. AND BE IT FURTHER KESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and she is hereby, authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this resolution and order, attested by her under the seal of the City of Anaheim, to be recorded in the Office of the County i~ecorder of Orange County, California. ATTEST: THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 18th day of August, 1964. MAYOR ~P!~HE CITY CITY CLERK OF ZH~ ~Y~'0[' ~A~EIM STATE OF CALIFOi(NiA ) COUNTY OF OP~RqGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) SS I, DENE M. WILLIAMj, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 18th day of August, 1964, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL~[EN: Pebley, Dut%on, $chutte, Krein and Chandler NOES: COUNCILF~N: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND i FURTHER CERTIFY that the ~yor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 18th day of August, 1964. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of 'the City of Anaheim this 18th day of August, 1964. c'IT~. C~j~RK 'OF~ ~HE CITY OF ANAHEI~ -3-