64-603 5~I~n~AS, the City Planning Con, mission of the City of Anst~eim dii ho!'J public hearings to consider an amendment to the Nighway !,:ights-of-Yay Circulation ~!ement of the General Plan for Hancbester Avem~e~ esste~'ly from Harbor Boulevard to the Santa Aha Freeway, as sb, own on ~:xhibit "A" duly approved by the P~,nnlng oomm~ssion, and at said hearings did receive evidence and reports from persons :interested therein; and '~"""""':"H~'{bgo, foiio~:_ng said hearings thereon the PlanninA... t.'otnm}.s o'; on ~"~,i duly a']opt .~ ..... :~ ,tion containing a report oz =in ~' . .... " . z ~nLn:s, ~ su~t[~a:~:y o:~: the evidence oresented at said hear- '~":o ~ ano~ .~ reco[~tmendetion "'c[~au"- said amendment to the Highway ~ ights-of-'ray 6;._zcu!at:;.on .alement of the General Plan, designated Amendment No. l:,,~ ,~e adopted. . by the ,o.~.cy'~-~'- ,~ounc :_l ,' and that the .... : ~ ........ Hzghw y R~ghts-of- _x..~u~na :_ao.~e c>r ~:~:':::e?:Lons' to the Official ' '~ a way Plan a:Jopted by the City Council be amenJed as indicated on ~x;]~o~t ~ on ~':]_~ :~n the P?.anninS ~e~artment~ and i:'HSiL~AL., u~on receiot of said resolution~ summary of evidence~ :.;eporu of 17indinss and recommendation of the City ..... , il did fix the lith day of PLann~_ng Con'~[nission, cbe Cit,, ~o:.nc August, 19~::a as ~he '~i~t~e and the Czty Council Chambers in the ~y ~.i of the~._~ o:. Anaheim as the olace:_ for a puol~c hear- _~_n~-; ~, on sail orooosec~ ~mendment No. 16 to the General Plan, and d~]~ ..... g~ve notice c~oe~e~)z in the manner and as provided~ by law,' and ';~TH~R~,,AS, at the time and place fixed for said public hearing, the City Council Jid duly hold and conduct such public nearing and ~"~oz.o~,e' aj_l persons interested therein an opportunity to be heard and did receive evidence and reports and did there- upon consider the recomn~ent, ation of the City Planning Commission; an! '.~tEL~AS, the City Council does find and determine that Amendment No. 16 to the General Plan, amending the Highway Rights- of-Way Circulation Element of the Arterial Streets and Highways on the General Plan, for Manchester Avenue easterly from Harbor Boulevard Eo the ;Santa Ana Freeway, as shown on Exhibit "A" on file in the City Planning Department, should be approved. NOW, £Hi~;.:.EFORE, BE iT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Amendment No. 16 to the General Plan, amending the Highway ii.tights-of-Way Circulation Element of the Arterial Streets and Highways on said General Plan for Manchester Avenue easterly from Harbor Boulevard to the Santa Ana Freeway, as shown on Exhibit: '~A~' on file in the City Planning Department, be, and the same is hereby approved. BE IT FURT~R RESOLVED that the City Planning Depart- ment be, and it is hereby instructed to amend the General Plan Hap to conform to General Plan Amendment No. 16 herein approved. -i- me t.his THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by llth day of August _ ~ 19_64_o ~AYOR OF THE 'CITY OF i~NA.HEIM ATTEST° o CiTY ~LERK OF ~ CITY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA OF CITY OF ANAHEIM SS~ Is DENE M~ WlLLIAMS~ City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a -- regular meeting of the City Council held on the 1 th ~ay o August , 19 64 , by the follow~ ing vote of'~~,bers thereof~ ~ AIES~ CO~SCtLMEN~ NOES~ CO~iCILMEN~ Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler None ABSENT o° CC>U~C ILMEN ~ None AMD 'I F~RT]~ER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and sigp. ed said resolution on the llth day of ~ August_ , 19 64~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this llth day of ___, CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM SEAL) I, DENE M. ~ILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolu%ion No. 6~R-603 duly ~assed and adop±ed by the Anaheim City Council on Augus% 11, 196~. CITY CLERK -2-