11 (2)Public Comment From: Theresa Bass Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 12:45 PM To: Public Comment Subject: FW: Letter of Support - Anaheim Hills Assisted Living Attachments: Anaheim HoldenAssistedLiving- LetterofSupport081021.pdf From: Heaton, Brian@HCD <Brian.Heaton@hcd.ca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 202112:43 PM To: Harry Sidhu (Mayor) <HSidhu@anaheim.net>; Stephen Faessel <SFaessel@anaheim.net>; Jose Diaz <JoDiaz@anaheim.net>; Jose Moreno <JMoreno@anaheim.net>; Avelino Valencia <AValencia@anaheim.net>; Trevor O'Neil <TONeil@anaheim.net> Cc: Ted White <TedWhite@anaheim.net>; Niki J. Wetzel <NWetzel@anaheim.net>; West, Shannan@HCD <Shannan.West@hcd.ca.gov>; MPHiggins@shjlobby.com; Curt@curtpringle.com; Zeshaan Younus <Zeshaan@curtpringle.com>; Theresa Bass <TBass@anaheim.net> Subject: Letter of Support - Anaheim Hills Assisted Living Dear Mayor Sidhu and City Council Members, Attached please find a letter of support for the Anaheim Hills Assisted Living Facility to be considered at tonight's City Council Meeting. Brian Heaton, AICP Senior Housing Policy Specialist, Housing Policy Division Housing and Community Development 2020 W. EI Camino Avenue, Suite 500 1 Sacramento, CA 95833 Phone: 916.776.7504 DEPARTMENT r COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTDIVISION OF HOUSING POLICY DEVELOPMENT coN�onrrpa 9 �4 Camino2020 W. El Avenue, - 500 1 b Sacramento, CA 95833 • CRLIFOR August 10, 2021 Harry S. Sidhu, Mayor Anaheim City Councilmembers City of Anaheim 200 S. Anaheim Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92805 RE: City of Anaheim, Holden Anaheim Hills — Letter of Support Dear Mayor Harry Sidhu and City Councilmembers: The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is aware that the City Council for the City of Anaheim (City) will be further considering an appeal of the Holden Anaheim Hills Project (Project) at its August 10, 2021 public hearing. The purpose of this letter is to provide HCD's support for the Project and urge the City to deny the appeal. HCD understands the Planning Commission approved a conditional use permit (CUP 2019-05144) for the Project at its May 24, 2021 public hearing. An appeal of the Planning Commission's approval was filed. The City Council held an appeal hearing on July 20, 2021 during which the City Council expressed intention to grant the appeal and deny the Project. To give staff time to prepare findings of denial, the item was continued to the August 10, 2021 City Council meeting. The Project would provide 118 units of housing for seniors who require the care of an assisted living or memory care facility. The Project is proposed on a site in the "RH-3" zone where a now -vacant church building and associated parking lot are already constructed. The "Senior Living Facility — Large" is a permitted use — with a CUP in the "RH-3" zone. The outright denial of a CUP application should be considered an act of last resort, generally applicable when all attempts to condition the project have failed. The proposed Project would provide necessary housing to a substantial number of seniors and to persons with disabilities. The State of California is in a housing crisis, and the provision of housing is a priority of the highest order. HCD encourages the City Council to uphold the Planning Commission's approval by denying the appeal and approving the Project. Harry S. Sidhu, Mayor Page 2 Housing Supply for Special Needs Currently there is an inadequate supply and production of homes for persons in protected classes, including housing for seniors. State Housing Element Law contains multiple requirements related to the development of housing for seniors including: • An analysis of special needs populations, including those of the elderly population (Gov. Code, § 65583, subd. (a)(7)); • An analysis and provision of zoning that accommodates a variety of housing types (Gov. Code, § 65583.2, subd. (c)); • An analysis of any potential governmental constraints to the development of housing (Gov. Code § 65583, subd. (a)(5)); and • Inclusion of program actions that: o Encourage a variety of housing types (Gov. Code, § 65583, subd. (c)(1)); o Assist in the development of housing (Gov. Code, § 65583, subd. (c)(2))- • Remove governmental constraints (Gov. Code, § 65583, subd. (c)(3)); and o Affirmatively further fair housing (AFFH) (Gov. Code, § 65583, subd. (a)(10)). Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Assembly Bill (AB) 686 (Chapter 958, Statutes of 2018) amended Government Code section 8899.50 to strengthen California's commitment to fair housing and access to opportunity by mandating that all public agencies must AFFH through their housing and community development programs. Government Code section 8899.50, subdivision (a)(1), defines "AFFH" as taking meaningful actions, in addition to combating discrimination, that overcome patterns of segregation and foster inclusive communities free from barriers that restrict access to opportunity based on protected characteristics. The duty to AFFH extends to all of a public agency's activities and programs relating to housing and community development. Public agencies are required to take meaningful actions to AFFH. The development of senior housing is an important strategy for creating an inclusive community and AFFH. City of Anaheim 5t" Cycle (2014-2021) Housing Element The City's housing element states that 18.3% of Anaheim residents are seniors (persons older than 65) and that 34.8% of these seniors have a disability. The housing element includes the following Policy Considerations and Guiding Principle that support the development of housing for seniors and persons with disabilities, particularly when such projects represent an opportunity for infill and redevelopment: (emphasis added) o Policy Consideration 7.0: Housing Availability and Affordability: The demand for housing in Anaheim remains high due to employment opportunities, its strategic location and local amenities. Housing costs in Anaheim and the surrounding region continue to remain higher than what is affordable for many households, especially the lower-income segments of the population. Harry S. Sidhu, Mayor Page 3 Additionally, the need for housing suitable for special needs groups is not always fulfilled by the housing options currently available. Providing policies and programs to increase available housing for all segments of the population will help ensure that current residents and those who work in Anaheim have the opportunity to remain in the City. o Policy Consideration 8.0: Infill and Redevelopment: There are very few areas of undeveloped land remaining in the City and it must rely on infill and redevelopment sites, some of which are environmentally challenged, to accommodate growth. Policies should allow and encourage creative solutions such as land assemblage and environmental cleanup of "brownfield" sites to maximize the potential in redeveloping areas of Anaheim. o Guiding Principle C: Persons with special housing needs should have access to a variety of housing choices that are integrated within the community. In summary, the Project proposes housing for seniors and persons with disabilities — both of which are protected classes — and the approval of this Project would increase housing supply for these special needs. Approval of the Project would also be consistent with the City's obligation to AFFH, and approval would be consistent with stated policy considerations and a guiding principle in the City's housing element. HCD urges the City to deny the appeal and uphold the Planning Commission's decision to approve the Project. If you have any questions or need technical assistance, contact Brian Heaton, of our staff, at brian.heatonp_hcd.ca.gov. Sincerely, 147 llclk Shannan West Land Use and Planning Unit Chief Enclosure CC' Stephen Faessel, Mayor Pro Tempore District 5 Jose Diaz, Councilmember District 1 Jordan Brandman, Councilmember District 2 Jose F. Moreno, Councilmember District 3 Avelino Valencia, Councilmember District 4 Trevor O'Neil, Councilmember District 6