64-581NO. 64i%- 64R-581 .2 RZSOLUTiON OF THE CiTY CONqCiL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEII{ ORDERING T~P%T P~' '~ ORTIONS OF ALLEYS AI~ · ~o.~l.~hTb FOR v ,~LLzY U~POS~S UPON, OVER, ACROSS AVD ALONG THE HEREIN,AFTER DESCRIBED REAL PROP- JRTY NOT BE ABAndONED. ~{'~{EREAS, the City Council of tNe City of Anaheim, a hunicipal ~ ~--~ ...... oorpora~-~on ox ~ne State ox California, did on the 21st day of July, 1964, pass its Resolution No. 64R-512 entitled ~A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO~qCIL OF TIlE CITY OF ~zC~-~I~:'~G ITS INTENTION TO VaCaTf~ AND ABANDON PORTIONS OF ALLEYS AND EASEP~NTS FOR ALLEY P~OSES UPON, OVER, ACROSS AND ALONG THE ~:";'~:~' ': '" ';"~ ,I~.~I1.L~TE~.~ DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY; R~SERVING ~,~= OTHER ~IGHTS AND PUBLIC UTILITY v o~ ~,- AND EASE~NTS zAo~B~NTS, ~,~?~z~,o ~-,, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF -"~ :'"'~ i~GR~oS AND ~' .;,oo OVER, ALONG, ACROSS AND THROUGH SAiD PROPERTY; FIXING A TII'~ AI>~ PLs, C~ FOR A HEARING THEREON; DIRECTING THE l OoiIl~G NOTICES THEREOF ~,~,, OF THIS }IESOLUTION,'~ wnereoy it declared its in- tention to vacate and abandon and close to public use portions of alleys and easements for alley purposes upon, over, across and alonS the hereinafter described property under the pro- visions of u::~.e Street o o-' .~ ~cc of 19cz; and m~:~-:~-~;...~ t':.'= Ciuy Council did. further declare its intention to reserve all other rights and public utility ease- raents, and easements for sevmr lines, storm drains and catch basins, together ~.~ith the right of ingress and egress on, over, a!onf{, across and throu~.i-, said property; and :,.,r,.~,u~.-~s, t~.a Ciuy Council in said resolution referred to a map on ~z!e in 6ne o::_zzce of the City Clerk for further particulars as to the proposed vacation, abandonment and closing uo public use of said. portions of alleys and easements for alley purposes, and said reserwvtion of rights and easements; and '[~Pi~REAS, said City Council did by said resolution fix ui,.e lzun day os August, 1966, at 1:30 o'clock p. H., in the Council Cha~oer in tNe City Hall of the City of Anaheim as the time and place for a public hearing on the matter of such vaca- tion, abandonment and_closinS to public use of said portions of alleys and easements xor alley-purposes, for all persons inter- ested in or objectin&; ~o such proposed vacation, abandonment and cioslnF to ~' ~* -' : puoizc use to appear and show cause, if any they '~- whi" such portions of alleys and easements for alley pur- noses should not be vacated, abandoned and closed to public ~se; and 'iiHEii~AS, said resolution was published on the 30th day of july-, 1964, in the :mai~ezm Bulled_n, a newspaper of ,.~ _n.~ al circulation, , I:,r-~-n~e~ puotzshea and circulated in the ,~ _ Anal-~aim, Cou~t~. or Orange, State of California; and UHEREAS, by said resolution said City Council directed that notices of t'h2 passage of said resolution and of the time ant: place of ul.:.e h~.arinS on the matter of the vacation, abandon- mant and closinS to public use of said portions of alleys and -1- easements for alley purposes be posted conspicuously along the lines of said portions of alley's and easements, not more than 300 feet apart, an least ten (10) days before said hearing, and that non less t~an three (3) such notices should be posted along · the line of each port, ion of alley; and '~EREAS, Herman Stoffel did on the 30th day of July, 1904, post conspicuously not less than three (3) such notices along ti'~e line of each portion of alley and easement, which notices were posted less than 300 feet apart, and were posted at least ten (i0) days before said hearing; and ~ZREAS, said City Council did on the llth day of August, 1964, at 1:30 o'clock P.M., at said City Hall, conduct a public h~aring on ti~e matter of whether said portions of alleys and easements for alley purposes, hereinafter described, should be vacated, abandoned and closed to public use, and at said hearing: ~'~ ~z.u i~ar evidence thereon; and 7~HEi~,iAS, the City Council finds from all of the evi- dence submiuted that said portions of alleys and easements for alley purposes described in the Resolution of Intention and ~ereinafter described, are necessary for present or prospec- tive alley' purposes and that an order vacating and abandoning such portions of alleys and easements for alley purposes should not be made by the Cicy Council· NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim: That it finds from all the evidence submitted that said portions o~ alleys and easements for alley purposes described in said resolution are neces- sary for present or prospective public purposes; That it does hereby order that said portions of alleys an~ easements for alley purposes not be vacated, abandoned and closed to public use; That said portions of alleys and easements for alley purposes are those certain portions of alleys and easements described in said Resolution No. 64R-512, are situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, and are more particularly des- cribed as follows: That certain portion of an existing 20 foot alley and that certain portion of an existing 15 foot alley described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 42 as shown on a i¥iap of the Hart Subdivision, recorded in Book 7, page 20 of l~iiscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California; thence Westerly along the Westerly prolongation of the North line of said Lot 42 to an intersection with n.',.e East line of Lot 8 of said Hart Subdivision; thence Southerly along a portion of the East line of said Lot $ to the Southeast corner of said Lot 6; thence i~orthwesterly along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 8 to the Southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence Southerly along the Southerly prolongation of nh~ West line of said Lot $ to the Northwest corner of Lot 7 of said Hart Subdivision; thence Southeasterly -2- rna 't hi s .ATTEST: along the ~Nort~j~- line of Lots 7, o,~ 5 and a portion of the North line of Lot 4, all of said Hart Subdivision, to an intersection with the Southerly prolongation of the West line of tha aforementioned Lot 42; thence Northerly along said prolongation and Westerly line of said Lot 42 to the point of beginning. That it finds that all other rights and public utiliuy easements, and easements for sewer lines, storm drains and catch basins, together with the righn of ingress and egress on, over, along, across and through said property, should also be reserved and not abandoned. That it does hereby order that all other rights and public utility easements, and easements for sewer lines, storm drains and catch basins, together with the right of ingress and egress on, over, along, across and through the hereinbefore described prop- erty, also be reserved and not vacated nor abandoned· THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by llth day of August , 1964. CITY OF ANAHEIM PRO CI?Y CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNCY OF ORANGE ) ss CI/Y OF ANAH~I~ ) I, DENE ~. WILLIANk~, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 64R-581 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the llth day of August, 1964, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIIN~N: Pebley, Krein and $chutte NO£S: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCIL~N: Dutton and Chandler AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the ~ayor Pro Tem of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 64R-581 on the llth day of August, 1964. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this llth day of August, 1964. (SEAL) CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~